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US Church Plans to Picket Ledger Memorial

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posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 05:55 PM
This kind of thinking doesn't simply hurt Christianity, it hurts humanity as a whole. I'd like to believe that God would be more appreciative if the church would simply take the money they intend to use to protest the death of a loving and caring human being and feed some starving children instead. The main message of Christianity is to love one another, but it gets lost so easily in this day and age.

[edit on 24-1-2008 by Vibor Blue]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Vibor Blue
This kind of thinking doesn't simply hurt Christianity, it hurts humanity as a whole. I'd like to believe that God would be more appreciative if the church would simply take the money they intend to use to protest the death of a loving and caring human being and feed some starving children instead. The main message of Christianity is to love one another, but it gets lost so easily in this day and age.

[edit on 24-1-2008 by Vibor Blue]

too bad that message has been lost since the beginning of time.

I sponsor 4 children in Africa
I have taken in a a 16yrs old who was sent to the streets by his parents
I cannot drive past a motorist in distress... Pulled 2 people out of a ditch this week alone.
I support and feed 9 people every month in which only 4 I'm directly related to

Yet i'm going to burn in hell according to these douche bags

These people need to feel that they are better than than rest of us because they have some sort of "divine knoweldge" and have the secret to path to heaven. This is the only way they can any sort of self worth. It's basically a self esteem issue they have.

Maybe Daddy didn't tell them he loved them as much as he should have.
Maybe there was a childhood memory of a bad uncle that they are trying to suppress.

They lack confidence and independant thought and use this as a crutch to get through their miserable and meaningless life because their big toe couldn't reach the trigger.

[edit on 24-1-2008 by wrathchild]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Beelzebubba
"Well he played a gay man in a movie... That's near enough for us... Get him!"

LOL ... this is just silly
well let's kill every major actor in Hollywood
cuz at some point in their career they killed
somebody in a movie and that's murder. LOL

that's just stupid to me. He's an actor, he wasn't even
a homosexual. He needed a job in acting and took the
role to pay his bills. Lord knows we even got the Terminator
as a governor. Are they gonna picket his memorial too ??
get real

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 07:36 PM
How do these ppl qualify as a church? Im trying to find if they are state recognized as a church and if they are tax free because of it. Man when we say freedom of religion we mean it.

This "church" is a danger to themselves and everyone around them
Next step for them is hopefully something in a funny tasting kool aid vein but these lunatics are just so extreme they are gonna start blowing themselves and others up!

How they made it through screaming profanities well within earshot at the funerals of veterans without getting hauled off immedietly is beyond me.

Freedom of speech of course, no matter how much I dont like it feel free to say it directly to me. After Ive told them to please stop and they continue thats harassment. I turn and walk away and they follow and harass even louder hopefully to the point that they spit on me thats assault no matter how simple.
Then they can meet my tazer. Every less than lethal volt it can muster. Then they can be placed under arrest for assault.
How what they do WHERE they do it-funerals-isnt assault then...

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 07:58 PM
I've heard of this group before, and I hate to say this, but they're going to picket outside of some serviceman's funeral and someone will get shot by a grieving parent. Brings a very sour taste to my mouth just thinking of them.

As far as Heath Ledgers unfortunate death, I had to take a moment to let it sink in as it shocked me a bit. Always did enjoy his acting, and thought better of him for not just taking any role handed to him. I sincerely hope this was all just an accident as opposed to a suicide.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by bodrul

I liked those presenters! Good find... anyway people like this are stupid morons who are probably homosexuals themselves! I thought God preaches Love and treating your fellow man like you want to be treated? Jeez!

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 08:17 PM
I have personally witnessed these (and I do mean this in the best of ways) lunatics at a military funeral...I am sorry but the fact of the matter is that this church is nothing more than a complete and total sham!!!!! Almost every member of their congregation is family, and the majority of them have law degrees on top of that. I truly don't believe that they believe what they preach...I fear it is all for shock value.

They pickett a funeral and get people all riled up....They get up in peoples faces and antagonize people into a physical confrontation....Once the antagonized throws a punch, it is happily met with a lawsuit!!!!! They only want people to get mad enough to start a fight so that they can sue them!!!!!! The really sad partabout this whole sham is the children that are forced into this. Yes they bring their children to these protests. These children are being instilled with a hatred that would rival even Hitler.

I don't know if anyone has posted the link to their website yet but here it is.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by bodrul

Pure awesomeness, especially starting around 2:09

God Bless Australia

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 08:36 PM
I am not gay or bisexual myself, but I do have friends and acquaintances who are. I would much rather hang out and support them than I would these hypocrites who say they are christian and say they believe in God and that Jesus is their savior. Yet they do not follow what the have Jesus recorded as saying in their bible: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!" That is why I call thes people who plan on picketing Ledgers funeral hypocrites. Because they are. I don't think I'm being overly harsh in saying this. If they were like Jesus, they would love their fellow man as much as they are told to love themselves: "Love thy neighbor as thyself!" Not all Christians are as hypocitical as this. Most would at least have a bit of compasion for someone who died much too early at age 28 and still had lots to contribute to society as a whole. And they would also have it for his family who now has to live without his physical presence. So it is plain to me that those who will be picketing his funeral ARE hypocrites.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 09:01 PM
This is just stupid he wasnt gay, so why are they bothering a mans family when he is dead. So that would be like going after anyone that is from a tv show or whatever that ever played a gay person. Its pure stupidity. I am sorry but that church is wrong. They should be praying for a soul to go to heaven not standing there causing problems.


posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:37 PM
i feel sick because these people make me hate them...
and I know thats wrong.

But i would love to smack every one of them... actually, I would like to do more than that to them.

It just shows you how this type of group spreads hate wherever they go. Even if they arent hating others, they make others hate them...

[edit on 24-1-2008 by Odessy]

[edit on 24-1-2008 by Odessy]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Vibor Blue
This kind of thinking doesn't simply hurt Christianity, it hurts humanity as a whole. I'd like to believe that God would be more appreciative if the church would simply take the money they intend to use to protest the death of a loving and caring human being and feed some starving children instead. The main message of Christianity is to love one another, but it gets lost so easily in this day and age.

[edit on 24-1-2008 by Vibor Blue]

I think if we get to the core of MOST major religions thats the message.
apart from cults and such.

If you simply take the teachings if Christ, Buddha, etc., they all just want you to treat others how you want to be treated.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:05 PM
I'm not even reading further. These Westboro people disgust me. They are nowhere near Christianity in their beliefs and actions. I know I shouldn't judge, but I don't think they will be taken up by the supposed Rapture. In fact I wonder where exactly they will end up. Such vile and evil people. I hope I don't run into them after I am soaring throughout the universe after this life for I fear they could try to poison me.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:16 PM
Honestly, it seems like there are some 'churches' and 'christians' out there who are nothing but MANIACS out to bring about hate on their own religion.

Yes, you heard me right, they are OUT to make people HATE them. Why? Because they're lunatics, and they get off on the idea that they are persecuted for their belief, when really, they are hated for being offensive morons.

These people are not Christians... Christ wouldn't have the slightest judgement on Heath for ACTING the role of a gay person.

So outrageously petty. Just furthering the hate people already have for organized religion and these fundie 'christians'. Blah.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:16 PM

Ok just posted this video hope it works,, thought some of you might find this interesting.
I cant believe this group but that guy in the clip got Shirley a good one with her illegitimate child born out of wedlock GOD hates You Shirley you going to hell with the rest of us you creep.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:16 PM
You see this all the time with cults. Everyone else is the enemy, only the members will be saved, only the leader preaches the truth, blahblah blah blah BLAH.

You know what we should do? We should all pitch in and buy them the inevitable kool-aid and rat poison. Maybe we can speed things along a bit.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:19 PM
By the way, I've seen an awesome documentary on this family, I don't know if anyone has posted a link to it yet. I might try to look it up.

It basically shows how the whole family has been brainwashed by their grandpa who considers himself the next best thing to Jesus Christ (He's actually a mean crotchety old coot).

These really are not Christians... they are the sad product of generational brainwashing. Some of the daughters are honestly bright and very pretty and when answering certain questions you could see that they are not allowed to speak for themself... something sad about that.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:21 PM
Ok video not work for me sorry ill try again but it came about in the interview that she had a child born out of wedlock it seemed very hypercritical.

What did i do wrong with embedding this clip can some one advise me please

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by MinMin

Ok just posted this video hope it works,, thought some of you might find this interesting.
I cant believe this group but that guy in the clip got Shirley a good one with her illegitimate child born out of wedlock GOD hates You Shirley you going to hell with the rest of us you creep.

There ya go
just put the 4y6jnsqTuHw between the [yvid] tags. Took me a few posts to figure that out myself.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:30 PM
Ah, ok. I found the documentary.

The Most Hated Family In America

It's really very revealing, and somewhat heartbreaking. You will walk away feeling that the family is abusing their children by brainwashing them.

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