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CDC to do 1 year study of Morgellons

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posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 09:50 AM

CDC to do 1 year study of Morgellons

The CDC's year-long study will try to figure out what's causing Morgellons and if there's any way to treat it.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 09:50 AM
Finally, the CDC is taking this skin-disease seriously.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 09:54 AM
The article said the participants in the trial will be given psych exams. That's how this wil get dismissed. Plenty of people who know about this mystery illness think it's nano arrays dispersed by air from the the government, myself included. Once the researchers start hearing this, it's out the window. Just as planned?

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 09:56 AM
Yeah, it made my local news last night too.

I read the article from the CDC. Kaiser is doing the study and they are only using people from Southern California who are already patients of Kaiser and who were patients for the previous year. They also said there are currently no labs available to do the proper testing of the fibers, etc.

I think it is awesome that they are spending 400,000 dollars to do the study but I wish it was more open. By the criteria they have set it seems they are already manipulating the data to a degree.

They also stated it will take 12 months to do the study.

I suppose they have to start somewhere.

edit to add source:

[edit on 18-1-2008 by interestedalways]

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 10:04 AM
This is yet another one of those "mystery" illnesses that seem to have popped up over the past couple of years (like bird flu). And to listen to officials dismiss it as being "mental" is beyond disgusting. I agree with the above poster about this being another air-bourne disease being sprayed out of our gov's chem-trail bio-experimentation jets. I can't believe that people are not looking up to the skies and getting infuriated and demanding answers for this. Its beyond alarming, it's downright frightening.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 10:11 AM
Do you really think that the Government, who is causing this to happen, will allow any real investigation? No way. The ' studies ' will say that the people are crazy..and the fibers are all from someones carpet, and they will shove it so far under a rug that it will never see the light of day again: Until so many people are infected with it that it will be too late. It is a controlling mechanism and weapon meant originally to cause terrible things to happen to enemies of the state:

WE are the guinea pigs and experimenters on whom they practiced their heinous new weapon. Morgellons is a man( or alien ) made nanomachine system meant to take over and incapacitate the person infected and make them liable for the input of the people who program these horrid things to begin with.

This is not only a big deal, it is a major horror and is just starting to make itself felt. Just like with the ANTHRAX investigations, this will go no where fast. The people who are running the Morgellons distribution system in this nation are at the top of the shadow and black ops types, and are untouchable. This nation is finished.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Choronzon

It's odd that this hasn't yet spread into the thousands since it was first noticed. It almost seems to be parasitic and feed off of the nerve bundles. Maybe this is related to MS and other types of infections. It would be interesting to see the research being done. You would think by now that they would have found evidence of a genetic structure and chemical make up.

Who's to say that this wasn't locked away somewhere within the frozen glaciers now melting and has now returned once more.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 10:36 AM
Honestly, I think it is more likely that it is caused by an artificial subtance or compound made by corporate america, which is making it into the drinking water somehow.

There are alot of substances and compounds which have been approved and yet never been evaluated by the EPA/FDA, etc. Compounds which I think could lead to side-effects like morgellons if ingested because our bodies have not evolved naturally with them.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 10:44 AM
wow i never even heard of Morgellons can some one inform me further all i have realy found was the wiki item on it and the mrf (Morgellons Research Foundation) homepage. so what are the current thoughts and theorys on this ?

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 10:49 AM
Well, I won't hazard to guess what it's caused by. It could be many things. My first guess would be that it's food bourne. Most importantly though, I could easily name 10 labs off the top of my head that are more than capable of doing this research. I used to be in research and there are plenty. So yes, it is already being set up to manipulate the data. A shame, but nothing new unfortunately.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 11:04 AM
This is a pretty good site for information.

Scroll down a bit to get to some very interesting ideas.

The relationship to sea sponges really grabbed my attention.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by eyewitness86
Do you really think that the Government, who is causing this to happen, will allow any real investigation? No way. The ' studies ' will say that the people are crazy..and the fibers are all from someones carpet, and they will shove it so far under a rug that it will never see the light of day again

Keep in mind that when they explain something away by saying that you are "crazy", that it is usually because it is in the "You're not supposed to know" category, like anomalies and things like that. If these folks have already been told that they are "crazy", but really have a disease, then obviously it will be dismissed whether they do a study or not. Keep in mind that it's all made up, and alot of this stuff is just poorly choreographed.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 11:10 AM
It may be caused by nematodes or a fungal source.

More video news from KTVU in the Bay Area.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Choronzon

i hate wiki but it was a quick read

delusional parasitosis?

wtf? thats crazy, i wonder what there findings will be, that is pretty insane

it kinda reminds me of fibromyalgia, there is no real test to diagnose that one either


posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by MurderCityDevil

i thought there was a way to diog fibro...maybe i am wrong but i thought it involved pressure/pain points on certain spots in the upper back...

probably wrong but i thought i read that somewhere.
if there is no way to diog it then you can fake it and get serious naighbor supposedly had it and always had oxy's on her....never in too much pain to bowl though..would go bowling every weekend but other than that, she was in too much pain to do anything but pop oxy's

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 11:34 AM
Here is another pretty good site.

There is a slide show with 311 pics and much data as well.

Don't forget that many sufferers resorted to suicide in the last decade because no one would believe of validate this illness and they couldn't deal with it anymore.

I think we should take this very seriously.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by interestedalways

This isn't help for us in an elitest view...

This is extermination. This looks more like another race exterminating humanity in a cheap, slow, little known way.

Do you think the Government would be releasing this stuff for their own families to breath?!

It is illogical! These photos over chem-trails and what they contain...the stories about all this stuff.... it is more along the lines of subtle extermination.

This is JUST my opinion garnered from this website only, and just now. It is just an opinion.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 12:05 PM
thanx for all the information this is some seriously heavy stuff, i cant belive i never heard of this before. the first site you posted seems to think its man made, hmmmm is this part of the population control measures cited in the report from iron mountain?

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 10:50 PM
Morgellons has freaked me out since I first read about people coming down with it, the symptoms of it, and some research done on the actual things that grow out of your skin.

They say under a micrscope that it resembles fiber like clothing fiber, and has seemingly nothing to it that is "alive" and "parasitic".

There's also supposedly some tie to lime disease, you have a higher chance to get morgellons if youd had it.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by goosdawg
It may be caused by nematodes or a fungal source.

More video news from KTVU in the Bay Area.

Hello everyone. I am the person shown in the latest video here in the latest KTVU News Health Segment on Morgellons Disease. The video showing my thigh was taken four years ago (as I appeared on one then as well) and I was shocked as I couldn't even remember (loss of memory is also a symptom) how bad it really was!!!!! I am now lesion-free.

I have been personally involved in this issue for four years to get the CDC to investigate this disease. I have suffered with this for four years. I have heard every idea as to what this is as well for the last four years. Being an ex-Veterinary Technician I immediately thought what I was experiencing .... the intense itching, slow healing and very painful lesions, cloudy vision, swollen legs and hands (to the point that I could not feel them), aching joints and muscles, chronic fatigue, and yes seeing black specks, fibers, and golden glitter exiting my skin ... was and had to be from some sort of parasite. Seeing a few doctors and being told that I was "self-mutilating for attention" and that "there was nothing wrong with me" .... became a battle that I soon gave up on with the doctors as none of them would take me seriously.

I joined three different Morgellons Yahoo Groups to share experiences and to also share self-treatment protocals. We also banded together to get the word out to the CDC to help us and take us seriously. I have litterally worked on this almost as a full-time job writing to Senators, Congressmen/women to the CDC, personally had been in contact with the founder of the Morgellons Reaserch Foundation (MRF), written to MANY hospitals, teaching hospitals, and government agencies to gain thier interest as well, in hopes of getting the CDC interested in getting this disease studied.

While waiting through this nightmare, I had tried many different treatment regimes. Through one of the groups I became friends with one particular member in Pennsylvania that was almost on the verg of suicide and then started taking an animal wormer with anti-fungal properties. I took it in a high dose at first which caused the cloudinesss of my eyes to clear, the swelling and numbness in my ankles/feet and hands to also dissapear. Over time at a lower dose the itching and lesions have stopped. I have been on this treatment for over a year and I am almost symptom-free. I Rarely get a lesion and if I do it heals in weeks instead of months. I no longer itch, however I do get some fibers and black specks continuing to appear from my skin but not like I had.

I do not buy into the nano-technology robots created by the government ideology. I do believe that a nematode, agrobacteria (which is also a commonality) and posssibly other bacteria, and fungus are involved. Many of Morgellons patients also are diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease (My test was 'incunclusive' but I have many Lyme symptoms as well)

Commerce (Food) and International Travel (diseases going global) are a very important factor on 'New Emerging Diseases' or the Global transfer of known pathogens!!!! The USA has been in denial of our citizens having any type of parasitic disease and our doctors have not been trained in this field!

I am a friend of 'goosdawg' and he can vouch for the fact that I am not delusional and that I do indeed suffer from a VERY REAL DISEASE!!!!!!! It has hurt and angered so many of us suffering with this when people dismiss us as being diagnosed: Delusions of Parasitosis. Any questions my fellow ATS members?

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