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My philosophy on Women

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posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 02:46 AM
My philosophy on Women:

I have met women that have used me, and women that won't even give me the time of day to even let me talk to them. But I realize now, that I do not want to be with someone stuck up like that. That shows you what kind of person they really are and that you don't need to be with them. You have to let it go whether you like it or not that they just ignored you because they are stupid.

I have met women that are the most down to earth type of girls, had a great personality, and the sweetest to ever meet and talk to but would not go out with me. I do not care now, because I realize they do not want someone that knows how to love them and take care of them. You have to have money now, a really nice car. In this day and age we are raised in a material world. You see all of these ugly "models" on magazines, that are way to damn skinny, and it has been programmed in everyone's minds that they have to have something that looks like that. When people that look like that, are snobby, controlling, and some even abusive. Why go for the men like that? Why? Why not pick the ones that will make love to you, and treat you like # right after or the next day?

I have met women, that would talk with you and get to know you, say they are your best friend, and care about you, but will not have a real relationship with you. Wake up guys! That means they never cared about you! They are just being to nice.

Women try to be to nice to not make you upset that they don't like you, and just lead you on. Don't you hate those type of women? They need to disappear. Just tell them what you think, for god's sake! In order to help someone you have to hurt their feelings a little bit. If you lead them on, it only makes things worse for you and the other person.

Women that use you for sex. Don't you hate those type of women? I don't want to make what I thought was great passionate love with someone, and for them to just up and run, and nobody to cuddle with, to be left alone feeling used. Why give your body out like that? I don't understand it. Giving yourself to another person is supposed to be because you love them and care about them. Don't you know the more you do that, the more you risk getting an STD?

Why don't women just go for the good guys, and not the macho type dumb asses? There are real men out there, better and more than the "macho" type of guy.

When I look at a woman, they may think I'm just staring them down and think of them as just wanting their body, I'm not. When I look at a woman, I see how cute it is to see her hair moving in the air as she is walking down the street, or see how cute her glasses are sitting on her face, or hear how sweet she is by listening to her talking to someone else, or by the way she walks, or by the way you laugh/giggle. I'm not one of the same 'ol guys trying to get into your pants like you thought I was.

Some women take one bad relationship as the next guy will just do you the same way, and they may not you just have to try and give it a chance.

Not all women are bad, its just to damn hard to find the good ones that are right for you, and that will give you the time of day.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 10:11 PM
Oh please, get over yourself your dating problems revolve around the fact you are "soft". Don't believe me look at what you just wrote. You don't need all the material garbage to get a decent woman but if you dont come across as being a strong man you will get nowhere. If you walk around thinking you have little or nothng to offer then no one else will believe you do.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 04:12 AM
My philosophy on women:

Less talk about one, make and spend more time with one.... or two. He, he, he.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by jca2005
My philosophy on Women:

When I look at a woman, they may think I'm just staring them down and think of them as just wanting their body, I'm not. When I look at a woman, I see how cute it is to see her hair moving in the air as she is walking down the street, or see how cute her glasses are sitting on her face, or hear how sweet she is by listening to her talking to someone else, or by the way she walks, or by the way you laugh/giggle. I'm not one of the same 'ol guys trying to get into your pants like you thought I was.

Staring is rude. So most of these women you are staring at are probably thinking your a fruit cake.

Make eye contact - 2 secs - look away, if you look back and she looks back try a smile...

Don't whatever you do just stare at a woman, most of the time they will freak!!

And as for that last line of the quote...

"Well once I caught a fish and it was TTTTTHHHHHIIIIISSSSS BBBBBIIIIIGGGGG"

Happy Hunting


posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by jca2005

From the sounds of this you may be a young man still trying to find your place.

You need to realize a few things...One were are animals and in the animal kingdom the most attractive males attract the females. Dont hate the people that are in shape and more exiting than you are. I doesn't mean that they are not intelligent either

Why do women go after the bad boys when they are younger...because it is more exciting that's why. Adrenaline is the best aphrodisiac in the world. There is plenty of time to settle down later.

What is wrong w/ a woman just using you for sex?...I dont want to sound rude or offensive but you sound like a girl here man...what the hell? I was a shy little boy until I joined the Army....basic training...jump shool...then later off to Ranger School...I became a HELLRAISER...I gained the confidence that I never had. I became cocky and confident and yes was in great shape and the women loved it...That is how I met the woman I am with now. 17yrs later. Dont fault the people that know what they want and go and get it. Look long and hard in the mirror and realize that a lot of your problems are actually self induced. It is survival of the fittest and if aren't bringing something to the table you will be forced to settle for the scraps of those that made a contribution. Get off of you lazy behind and do something about it. Make changes if need be...get medication for your complexion, workout, get into the game...thats the biggest key. It is a game and you are playing by some outdated and antiquated rules. It is like anything aren't getting anywhere unless you risk hanging it out there....

It is a it or not. Get in the game or get lost...dont stand on the side lines though and bitch about the way it's played if you refuse to suit up and get on the field

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by kaferwerks

For the most part you got it down right, other than the idea he is playing by soem outmoded rules. The rules never really changed the ones who are confident win the ones that aren't easily tamed win. This is one of those guys who think the rules should be changed because they are in fact to soft to go out and get what they want. Most of these guys are to stupid to realize that if you are reasonably attractive, and comfortable with yourself you will never want for company. Why do the bad boys always win, because they are the ones willing to risk it. it is that simple. The man who is not afraid to be the man is the one who leaves with the women.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 09:22 PM
The "bad boys" are the ones who runs around on them. I think its my ex that sort of just made me feel this way. She left me for someone who made more money and could offer her a home where I couldn't. We could have rented a place together, I just couldn't afford it by myself.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by jca2005

Sorry my friend those are not the "Bad Boys" those are the little boys who just think that is what bad boys do. Now your Ex took off on you and I am sorry to hear that but in all truth she just wasn't the right one. The right one will take great joy and pride in the time it takes you to build up your little empire dont sweat it, dust yourself off and get back on that horse the odds are you will find one that rides better.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Jovi1

I have to agree here. Bad Boys arent bad because they run around on their women. That is someone dealing with self esteem issues. It is hard working your ass off to give your girl something only to have someone come and take her away. There probally is more to the story than you are telling. I talk to a lot of women and they and I mean every single one, will tell you that when they leave you...they have been thinking about it for some time. It isn't an impulse thing. She didnt leave you on a whim. That is how they can seem so cold when it happens...THEY HAVE ALREADY DONE THEIR CRYING! That is why they seem so unemotional while you are crying your eyes out.

You say you have to have money and a nice car...Wrong again...I had more women when I didn't have a dime to my name or a car! I had a woman give me her corvette so I could drive back and forth from the base to see her. Someone really needs to take your under their wing and give you some tips and pointers...Work on you a little bit.

Another bit of advice...Women go through a lot of changes somewhere between 22-26...they can be psycho!!!! You may luck out and find one that has already done this.

Women do not want some soft girly man. You dont have to be buff and look like Brad Pitt. Like Jovi told you...You have to like yourself first...Be comfortable in your own skin...Once that happens and you know who you are and accept that...the women will come. I am 100% positive.

Keep your head up...From the way it sounds you are too young to be seriously involved anyway. I married the 1st time at 27 and that was way too young...I still had a few things I needed to do. And guess what we were on our way to a divorce less than a year later...Relax bro life is full of ups and downs and it is the low points that give the high one perspective. Believe in yourself and everyone else will too

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 09:39 PM
I am actually serious about her. I should have new though. I was 18-20 and she was 35, and she was bi-polar. I should have knew because of how crazy she was it wouldn't work. She actually left me 2 times before, and came back. But I guess it was just a life lesson to be learned for me.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by jca2005

Do you have the word "Welcome" tattooed on your forehead?

From your last statement you really have to ask who of the two of you is the most crazy.

Man, if it goes, let it go. Don't never take it back. I've done that one as well, as have many I expect, it never lasts and another gem I try to live by is...

No shoplifting the pooty!


posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by jca2005

Ok now we get to the real heart of it, Problem one you are young and this woman was much older, the thing you have to realize with a relationship like this is that for her it was about soemthing entirly different than what it was about for you. The next thing you need to understand is that there is plenty of time for you to be messing with 35 year old women when your like 50.

Chikey is right you really shouldnt look back once you let someone go granted there may one day come someone that is truly exceptional and deserving and in that case you will have to use your best judgment. But overall you have had her break up with you three times. Now that you have endured this again it is time to stop and see that this broad is damaged goods, do you buy a TV in a damaged box? Then why would you invest your emotions in a person you know is in fact broken?

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by jca2005
My philosophy on Women:

I have met women that have used me, and women that won't even give me the time of day to even let me talk to them. But I realize now, that I do not want to be with someone stuck up like that. That shows you what kind of person they really are and that you don't need to be with them. You have to let it go whether you like it or not that they just ignored you because they are stupid.

Wouldn't it be better for you to be friends first rather than go into a relationship? If you really like a woman, don't rush anything. Be friends, and let her grow on you.

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 10:01 PM
So what are your definitions for a soft guy?

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by jca2005
So what are your definitions for a soft guy?

A guy who doesn't have enough confidence in himself or doesn't know that he has one. lol

Guys are born to be leaders. We lead and dominate. We are the bosses of our lives and no one should control and dictate it. We bow to no man, like your signature suggests. You get hurt, just deal with it and move on. You wanna cry, then cry. You wanna kick something, then kick. Just shout it out loud if that makes you feel better.

Think what went wrong, learn from it, adapt and improvise. I think it would be better for you to be friends first with a woman rather than have a serious relationship. Don't look too interested or too eager. Try to get to know her better first, see whether you can get along fine. Make her laugh and have a good time as friends. But, know your boundaries. Play it safe, don't invest your emotions. Let her grow on you. Have patience. Don't just spend your time with one lady, get more. The more friends you have, the better your chances. Out of 10, surely, at least you get 3 positive interested applicants. lol

If you sense that she's getting to like you, leave her hanging. Avoid her a little bit. Don't answer her calls. Tell her you are going out with this lady friend of yours. Drive her crazy. What awhile then, everything will be up to you.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 01:04 PM
You are right. I am confidant in myself, I guess it was my fault also for trying to rush, but she made it seem that way to me. But oh well, sh^t happens. Thanks man.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by amitheone

Wouldn't it be better for you to be friends first rather than go into a relationship? If you really like a woman, don't rush anything. Be friends, and let her grow on you.

That doesn't always work either though, like I had this friend years back, she was amazing and we knew each other for years, she was probably at that point in my life my closest friend.She asked me out, and it just couldn't work for me, it was like I don't know dating my sister, because of the way I felt about her, I cared about her very deeply, but it was just wierd to kiss her,like kissing a relative.

So my advice, if you like someone, sack up and ask them out.They will either say yes or no and either way it isn't the end of the world.Keep your eyes opened so that you don't get screwed over,but don't psychoanalyze every move that she makes and every thing that she does, have fun and enjoy the ride, if things don't work out, then you enjoyed yourself, and maybe learned a thing or two from the other person.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 09:56 AM
Also take things slow if you really care about someone,better too slow than too fast.

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