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Highly Electrical Environment Affecting OOBE/Lucid Dreams?

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posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 11:16 AM
This is something that has been happening for almost two years now, so it is not a one time occurance. I have done no research on this topic specifically and figured here would be a great place to start. Lets begin.

So I lucid dream. A lot. When in these lucid dreams, I realise the state im in and roll, so to speak, out of my body onto the floor. When I stand up, I am perfectly lucid, yet can walk through walls - fly - and generally feel like im in a swimming pool. Id say on average this happens atleast two times a week, sometimes happening several times in the same few hour time period. This is what brings me to my question.

It seems while I am at work, I can much easier enter into such a state where I am aware yet asleep. My first tip that I am where I want to be is the ability to see through my eyelids. Im sure many of you have had this feeling before while laying in bed at night, and it is my precursor to lucid dreams. I also experience a very loud sound, almost as if a train is running through the room while in the early stages of disconnection. Occasionally I will use a falling method to exit as well, it all depends on what I feel most comfortable with. If the falling sensation is sudden, I will be startled and wake up. If it is gradual, then I go with it until I know I am far enough away from my body that no part of me is still connected. Today I used both the rising method and roll out though, because thats what they started as and what I felt most comfortable with - so it does change a lot.

Anyway, back to my work environment. I work in a computer room. Lots of servers, monitors, cameras, and electrical equipment in general. I tend to have many sucessive experiences while at work, on a much greater frequency then while at home. I actually enjoy work mostly for this reason. But, the question remains, could all of the EMF fields of the equipment be a catalyst to such experiences? I dont know, but it seems that way.

I love lucid dreaming, and the ability to exit my body at will. I feel even though my life may not be the best at times, it is most definitley one of the best methods of escape you could ever imagine. To actually look forward to going to sleep, so you can experience such freedom is almost intoxicating. Although, I have many problems trying to go places that I have wanted to visit forever, such as the moon, other planets, or galaxies, its still worth every second of it.

Do you think EMF could effect frequencies of such events?

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 12:07 PM
Many things keeps you from going in to a deep sleep will improve you chances of an OOBE. Sleeping on the floor or sleeping in the daylight will have the same effect for me. It's probably not the electricity, but you could try some experiments.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 12:21 PM
Actually, thats a very good point. I think the fact that its harder to get into a DEEP sleep may contribute to the staggering frequency of these events. If anyone has any ideas on some experiements I could try at home that would be amazing.

Another thing, while at work I am sleeping while sitting up in a chair. This may also help you control the hypnogogic state as well - just I really dont want to try sleeping over night in a chair

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 12:50 PM
An interesting post indeed. I have a book on astral projection and it talks about all sorts of things affecting it. It interested me because the book wasn't written by monks or anyone who claim to have any kind of spirituality, it was just a few regular american guys. They did a test on one guy who could leave his body on command, they made him go into another room, and look inside a box and wake up and tell them what was in it.

Anyways, in the book it gave some warnings and guidelines..

They say..stay away from powerlines! One individual got suck to the power line, and they had to travel along it all the way to the pole, or the end, and kinda crawl down off of it.

Thunderstorms could cause problems as well.

The temperature also. Something like if its near or below freezing point it can be more dangerous.

I can see why it would be dangerous, I do believe your energy is immortal but what happens if you get stuck to something like the sun? Do you gotta wait until it goes supernova to leave?

They also gave a few techniques to leave your body, either through muscle relaxation, meditation, or unconcious willing. They say it has a big effect if you throughout your day say to yourself "I am going to astral travel", and when you go to bed, say in your mind "I have will, I have power."

They also recommend you either be lieing on your back, or on your right side, ...or left side? i don't remember which side, but it has an affect. When you leave your body, you never reall leave.. they say to actually imagine being tethered to your head, or your stomach, and some people actually report seeing this. This is how when you simply think of waking up, it is instantaneous, because you never left. If you left, I'd think your body would be up for grabs, or essentially.. be dead.

Ah make of it whatever you want.

I could see going to the moon difficult because space is supposed to be cold right? and the book warns about that. Perhaps you need to create some sort of shell of protection, or vibrate faster to create more heat.

I think it was john lear who was saying some remote viewers followed a person's soul who just died to the moon, and the moon basically told them to leave, and wouldn't let them enter.

While I think theres more to the moon then we know, I think this could easily be a possibility as to why you couldn't go there. But its up to your interpretation, it's your experience.

I know a couple people who have however gone to other planets they say, walked around, felt the surface, saw alien writing.

Well I hope that helps a little.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by deadline527

It may have something to do with frequencies, magnetics etc. I sleep with a fan on for white noise I guess, but it may be something else. Just out of curiousity, you might try these or an ionizer also.

I rarely have lucid dreams though, but it does seem that I recycle some of these over several years like a premonition. Look into remote viewing which sounds similar but is more focused or controlled. I don't know if remote viewers have lucid dreams, but I don't see why not. I personally feel that remote viewing robs people of roaming like in an OOBE.

You might want to make sure that you don't have sleep apnea also. I recall having some lucid dreams several years ago and woke up to my wife having called the paramedics over it because she couldn't wake me up.
It was as if I was in ancient Egypt with some girl who was called Pandora, which was supposedly the Daughter of the Queen of Sheba, except I was in some other guys body instead of my own.

When I woke up the next morning, I told my wife about it and she was going to church. I stayed home and went back to sleep, back to the so-called lucid dream, and of course, Pandora. I eventually woke up later with her necklace and a lock of hair in the palm of my hand.

So, try bringing something back with you sometime.

[edit on 13-1-2008 by aleon1018]

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 02:12 PM
An interesting side note: I'm reading (1) "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman" by (2). Richard Feynman the famous physicist. He's got a section about his own experiments with lucid dreaming/astral projection, but he doesn't have a word for it. By observing himself falling asleep he was able to take control of his dreams and also zoom into small details of objects in his dreams. The chapter is titled "Always trying to escape". There's a illegal copy on line and also an amazon preview.

There is also an interesting part about his being successfully hypnotized twice in his life.

Some quotes:

"The next time I had a dream, there was a girl lying in tall grass, and
she had red hair. I tried to see if I could see each hair. You know how
there's a little area of color just where the sun is reflecting -- the
diffraction effect, I could see that! I could see each hair as sharp as you
want: perfect vision!"

"During the time of making observations in my dreams, the process of
waking up was a rather fearful one. As you're beginning to wake up there's a
moment when you feel rigid and tied down, or underneath many layers of
cotton batting. It's hard to explain, but there's a moment when you get the
feeling you can't get out; you're not sure you can wake up. So I would have
to tell myself -- after I was awake -- that that's ridiculous. There's no
disease I know of where a person falls asleep naturally and can't wake up.
You can always wake up. And after talking to myself many times like that, I
became less and less afraid, and in fact I found the process of waking up
rather thrilling -- something like a roller coaster: After a while you're
not so scared, and you begin to enjoy it a little bit."

1. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman(wikipedia)

2. Richard_Feynman(wikipedia)

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 02:32 PM
Awesome posts guys!

I sleep with a fan on as well btw, for some reason I have to have some constant noise in the background. Too quiet is just freaky.

I have never had any problem getting back into my body, usually it just ends - i've never had to actually crawl back into myself. Next time I go to sleep I am going to have a journal next to me, and hopefully I can start keeping track of some of these experiences. Even though, some of them are so profound that they have stuck with me as if they were just another day - even after years, I remember it like it was yesterday.

That bit about the moon and not letting people go there is pretty interesting. I usually just stand outfront of my house and try to "jump" so to speak to the moon. Never works... I usually just end up flying around the neighborhood and just enjoying the freedom. I would absolutely love to visit foreign planets though, its the whole reason I started getting into astral travel techniques about eight years ago.

When I was younger, before I knew what astral travel was, I used to be able to sit very still and actually "move" my hands without moving them, so to speak. It was a very odd feeling and I have never been able to do it ever since I got older. I used to always do it while I was in the car with my parents and even used to try to get them to see if they could do it. I would just keep my hands very still on my legs and then all of a sudden it felt like they were going in circles opposite of eachother, very fluid like, almost a tai-chi type movement.

Another thing that happened before any interest in this at all is when I would lay in bed, I would actually focus myself on a point in the room until I lost all feeling in my body. I was basically just a thought. I used to try to teach my brother how to do it but I dont think he ever took me seriously. It was such a profound feeling I will never forget it.

Anyway, the input has been great so far and this is by far one of my favorite topics to discuss. One day I hope to be very adept with using such techniques that I will be able to do it pretty much on command. I wish

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 03:23 PM
Sleeping with a fan on is pretty soothing, but you should minimize noise, and focus on individual sounds instead, after focusing for like 5 minutes you'll start to hear stuff you didn't know was there. Do this and you can increase your psychic awareness. I'll explain how:

I think we all at one point were at a level of very minimal awareness, well you have some people who are born with natural abilities and I think theres a simple explanation. In past lives they could have been something of a forest ranger..someone who's always using their senses to the max to warn of danger. I see physical evolution as our conciousness telling our body that it needs to adapt. Like say your in a forest, and your focusing your nose, eyes, and ears and you still can't notice if there's any danger around.. I think thats where we develope that extra sense. Our perception widens and opens doors to a greater reality.

Also I think you can develope the senses individualy. Like they even got names for it like extraauditory senses or something for hearing. It'slike how you can do simple eye exercises to see auras. Other people just "feel" auras. I like to think of it as light exposure/ aperature, like a camera. You use your peripheral vision which is superior to your focused vision and focus your attention on a subject and go as long as you can without blinking, or taking your eyes off the subject. I practise this in the bathroom mirror.

The hearing technique I mentioned I did not make up, it's one I've read about numerous times. By focusing on sounds, isolating them, feeling the pattern of them, you widen your perception.

I was also told it's best to do this in alpha meditation state, the first level. So what I do when I go to bed.. whatever position i'm in, usually on my back, I breathe in heavity through my nose, count to 4, breathe out as I'm counting to 4, and breathe back in. Its usally more like breathing out takes 2 seconds, and I hold for 2 more..

Anyways, that should get your mind and body relaxed and get you in a rhythm. After doing that like 10 times, you're ready. I usually do this next part twice as it's usually all it takes. In meditation you have to clear your mind of disrupting thoughts and focus on the task at hand. I use this technique: While your'e doing the 4 count breathing..(its ok if you get messed up, just focus on the next part), count from 10 to 0.. see the number in your mind.. when you get to 7, picture it being a red 7. then orange 6, yellow 5, green 4, blue-purple 3, purple/pink 2, and 1 as white. I don't think it matters how you look at the colours, sometimes I end up at 1, sometimes zero, its actually harder then you would think to visualise coloured numbers in an order.

Anyways, after doing that a couple times you'll notice your mind has cleared and you have more attention... Thats when you start listening.. you'll hear 3 sounds at first, all jumbled together, then maybe even 10, then you can isolate individual sounds and focus on them. I do that, and I also focus on the textural feel of everything my body is touching at the moment.

I usually don't get too far into this before I just fall asleep.

Thats another thing, you wanna know how to fall asleep anywhere, any time? I learned by screwing up enough meditations.

Do the 4 count breathing, and picture breathing out your thoughts, even the colour thing would help as it clears your mind. You'll notice that you'll start breathing in less and less and less. Simultaneously your heart begins to slow and before you know it your out like a light. I can't stress enough though that you need to clear your mind. Thinking is the #1 that keeps me awake, I even wake up after only 2 hours with a million things going through my mind. Our body only sleeps if our mind wants to go elsewhere, not if its too atached to this world.

Well I hope that helps some you.

These techniques were actually the pre-cursor to my OOBE I believe. It's a little off topic, but I just wanted to address you guys who like to sleep with a nice soothing sound drowning you out. Hell, leave the sound there and maybe it would be more effective to force your hearing around it. I used to have a clock in my room that ticked and I eventually had to relocate it because as my attention focused I had trouble meditating.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 04:41 PM
W@W Deadline you sound like one of the strongest OOBE folks on this site!

In your 1st post starting this thread I am reading it thinking, "does he KNOW he is going OOBE for real??? He is calling it ~Lucid Dreaming~ but he is in fact getting fully out of body".................then as I read further on I see that you do understand what is taking place.
Twice a week is really good ya know........the OOBE folks talking on my big OOBE thread would LOVE to get out that often. Some folks have only had it fully happen once or twice in their life, so your doing really awesome.
I can NOT get to the moon either, I just go whizzing by it and NEVER get very close or get any good looks at it. I can fly around in space and see allot of 'stuff' but never close to any planets. I have a few places on Earth I would LOVE to see and can never seem to go to my truly desired destinations. I find it VERY STRANGE that the harder I desire to go to a certain place the MORE UNLIKELY it is that it will ever happen..........lessons in the Law of Attraction would help allot in this sense I am thinking.....

Do you talk about this ability to family and friends?..........

When this was first starting for me, I talked to my friends about it and that in turn started them all talking behind my back about how I was loosing my mind.........they started to not include me when doing things, as they really did not want to hang out with a person with such obvious mental problems....
..............and now I don't even talk to them anymore unless I accidentally run into them and then its just an "oh hi there"......................Most of my family members are extremely religious in the LDS faith and I know better than to attempt to converse about this with seems my only real haven to talk about this, is here on ATS.
I want to ask you what your experiences are in talking to others about this, is like.........

[edit on 13-1-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 05:02 PM

Thanks so much for the support and information. I would like to get to the point where I can OOBE every night, but I think thats asking a bit much, lol. How do you go about getting to space? Just flying up and out? or actually "teleport" in a way? It always seems like something is holding me down to earth, almost gravity-like in a way. And I know exactly how you feel not being able to get to your exact desired location. I have much better luck exploring areas already familiar to me, but I am assuming that with time I will become more adept in my astral body and with that progress to more distant places. I feel that when I was younger, I was much more attuned with my astral body, being that I could consiously move my astral hands without even entering a borderline sleep state, as well as getting myself into a state of total body dematerialization (if that makes sense to you) - that ended sometime in elementary school and I diddnt start attempting anything related to the astral until about eigth grade.

The only downside of projecting so much is the amount of sleep paralysis episodes I encounter. Almost every time I come back from the astral I end up in a paralyzed state for about twenty seconds, then slowly wake up. If im still tired though its very easy to slip back into the astral without much effort - which is why I have learned that the best time to try is not when going to bed at night, but after waking up in the middle of the night or in the morning. Today at work I was able to re-enter a total of three times before finally giving myself a break, with one small episode of sleep paralysis. If I try too hard sometimes it leaves me really drained it seems.

And to answer your question - Not really. I have mentioned it but the mother thinks I have no idea what im talking about, and my father while being heavily into paranormal is still skeptical. Its hard to "show" someone unless they ever could actually experience the feeling. Most of my friends I have not told about it, to me its more of a personal thing - it dosent matter if anyone I know believes me or not, I know what I do and thats enough for me to keep trying to get better at it. Unless someone has a interest in such topics, I tend to keep it to myself - but if they do show a sincere interest... heaven help them, because I talk their head off, lol. Two of my best friends who are the only people I have talked to about it asked me to teach them how, right now I think they are still a bit skeptical. I showed them the monroe technique and taught them about reality checks which are some of the more effective methods for gaining conciousness in a dream. For me though, it seems more natural - I dont go do bed with the intention of entering the astral conciously, it just so happens I realize that im dreaming and figure why not? So I roll out, fall out, or raise out into it because I enjoy it immensely.

Hope this helped

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 05:38 PM
I remember my dog yowled in pain and I woke after it nudged my hand with its nose while I was in a deep sleep and got an almost taser like shock. I got it too, woke me right up. Hand went numb for a few minutes. It was in winter, so static electricity not uncommon, but this was a whopper.
LOL, not that I've ever been such an arse to get tasered, but certainly far more than my poorly grounded z34 chevy ever gave me.

[edit on 13-1-2008 by jpm1602]

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 10:37 PM

I think jpm just responded to a thread that is NOT this one........

I have done that before

I am not to sure exactly HOW I get into space...I get out of body, but I have no vision for a while and I can FEEL myself moving quickly and as my astral site starts to dial up I will see stars whooshing past......its almost like some gravity out in space is tugging me right off the planet.
I would LOVE to try and meet up astrally but I am way to inconsistent to tell you any place or time, for sure as the sun shines if we made plans I wouldn't be able to get out at that time.......or IF I was out I woul NOT be able to get to the desired location. So weird.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 02:58 AM
LOL, Goddess, I read highly electrical and dream state, not sure if I misinterpreted or not, me thinks I did.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

So luckily I had another OOBE last night. One of the more lucid ones to me, although it diddnt last as long as I wanted - as usual.

Some of the things ive noticed in this one that havent happened before :

- The air was literally sparkling with prism like colors, all around permeating through the air, in the trees out front of my house, pretty much everywhere.

- I tried SO hard to get to the moon. Literally stood out front of my house in the street and tried to jump to it. I must have tried twenty times till I finally gave up. Its really frustrating but there has to be a reason, maybe im just trying too hard and need to do it in a more relaxed way.

- Im not sure if this part was actually a lucid dream or oobe but I was walking with a guy and said "man, I wish I could stay here all the time", and was responded with a firm, "no, you really dont want that."

- Lastly I had a really weird experience and im not sure if it was the wording or not, but the guy said something about if I wanted to go visit the "old gods or the new gods"? struck me as really weird.

Sadly, I think my bladder knows exactly when I am having these encounters and they end up getting cut short, lol. I would have loved to meet these "gods" so to speak, and regret not being able to share more about this specific experience.

I also regret not keeping a notepad next to my bed last night, there was probably many more things that are currently slipping my mind. Its really weird that I actually had one after writing this thread last night, but hey - i'll take them when I get them, lol. This was of course natural as usual, noticed myself in a semi-sleep state and proceeded to roll out onto the floor. Trying to get these more under my control although they do happen quite often.

Thanks for reading!!

[edit on 14-1-2008 by deadline527]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by deadline527
reply to post by theRiverGoddess

So luckily I had another OOBE last night. One of the more lucid ones to me, although it diddnt last as long as I wanted - as usual.

Some of the things ive noticed in this one that havent happened before :

- The air was literally sparkling with prism like colors, all around permeating through the air, in the trees out front of my house, pretty much everywhere.

- I tried SO hard to get to the moon. Literally stood out front of my house in the street and tried to jump to it. I must have tried twenty times till I finally gave up. Its really frustrating but there has to be a reason, maybe im just trying too hard and need to do it in a more relaxed way.

- Im not sure if this part was actually a lucid dream or oobe but I was walking with a guy and said "man, I wish I could stay here all the time", and was responded with a firm, "no, you really dont want that."

- Lastly I had a really weird experience and im not sure if it was the wording or not, but the guy said something about if I wanted to go visit the "old gods or the new gods"? struck me as really weird.

Sadly, I think my bladder knows exactly when I am having these encounters and they end up getting cut short, lol. I would have loved to meet these "gods" so to speak, and regret not being able to share more about this specific experience.

I also regret not keeping a notepad next to my bed last night, there was probably many more things that are currently slipping my mind. Its really weird that I actually had one after writing this thread last night, but hey - i'll take them when I get them, lol. This was of course natural as usual, noticed myself in a semi-sleep state and proceeded to roll out onto the floor. Trying to get these more under my control although they do happen quite often.

Thanks for reading!!

[edit on 14-1-2008 by deadline527]

sounds DEFFINATELY like an oobe.

The guy in the "dream" knows what he's talking about.

I've heard planets referred to as gods before. I think he was asking if you wanted to see the newer worlds rather then older, ancient civs.

A planet is a living breathing thing. We get out of it what we put in. In a world of energy, everything is god, and everyone.

I assume he was referring to worlds, as you were trying to "jump" to the moon.

You're also trying to apply physical laws to yourself, these are boundaries, we create that do not exist, from what I've come to understand. I think it would be more effective if you THINK, or wish your way to the moon. Imagine what it looks and probably feels like.

And willpower is the key, you have to want to go there, and you can't think it's unreachable, or that you'll keep failing.

Try that.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by CavemanDD

Wow, I never really thought of it like that. The gods were named after planets, so that is a very good observation.

I just wish I could have stayed in it possibly ten minutes or so longer, would of came out of it with much more information in my opinion. Im going out to buy a composition book today, and will be recording my experiences from now on the second I wake up.

Hopefully I get lucky again tonight, I am going to try the traditional approach and actually force myself out instead of letting it be more of a random roll of the dice.

Thanks for the quick reply!

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 02:48 PM
I would agree with the possibility that sleeping in another place keeps your mind more aware stopping you going into deep sleep too quick, helping you OBE.

I think I've read somewhere that it may be easier to OBE if you try on your sofa or in another room instead of your bed where you mind is programmed to go sleep straight away.

[edit on 14-1-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 02:58 PM
no problem. Good luck, I almost wish I could go with you. Some psychic lady says I have such a hard time going OOBE because I'm too firmly grounded to this world at the moment. I can't help it man, the thought of leaving a world and entering a new one is a lot to handle. My first experience was so bad! haha.

I know those colours you are referring to. Thats why at first I thought I was just dreaming, until I realised it was an OOBE, it had all the signs, and the super fatigue that follows. My freind said she came to my room once and it was all colourful, and my room is just one colour.

Our eyes only see certain frequencies of energy, when we aren't limited to our biological/lower vibrational/dimensional physics, we can see other frequencies that are always there. See the electro-magnetic spectrum:

Technically there is radio waves, and gamma rays and such piercing through you, me, the walls, etc all the time, we just don't see them because our eyes don't allow it. We can make certain cameras though that can see these higher and lower frequencies.

Also, we are in what, the 4th dimension supposadly? Well apparently when you dream you enter the 6th dimension, or frequency. Read this:

Your physical body exists in the 3rd dimension - it is matter-based. The 4th dimension is the astral plane - it is emotion-based. Together these two make up what we call the Lower Creation World. These are the dimensions where the game of separation is carried out. Only in these dimensions can the illusion of good and evil be maintained -and can You feel separated from Spirit and from each other. You've all became quite good at doing that. Its been a very successful game of separation but it is time for it to end. So, this planet is in a state of ascension. It is now vibrating at the very top Of the astral plane, right on the dividing line with the 5th dimension - the Lightbody dimension. As part of the ascension process, these dimensions will be 'rolled up into the higher dimensions and will cease to exist.

OK, so thats what we experience right now, as we are awake, now read this:

6th dimension holds the templates for the DNA patterns of all types of species' creation, including humankind. It is also where the Light languages are stored and is made up mostly of colour and tone.. It is the dimension where consciousness creates through thought and one of the places where you work during sleep. It can be difficult to get a bead on this because 1 you are not in a body unless you choose to create one. Men you are operating 6th-dimensionally, you are more of an alive thought. You create through your. consciousness, but you don't necessarily have a vehicle for that consciousness.

colour and tone eh? that sounds like my experience.

I hope that helps you a bit. Remember, you're limits are only based on the limitation of your imagination. If you think it, it will be.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by CavemanDD

Awesome information! Will read a bit more on that stuff. The colors themselves weren't exactly "colors" so to speak, but more like the sparkles you sometimes see in your vision. Cant wait for tonight, lol.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by deadline527

no problem.

If you got any more questions I'd love to answer them the best I can.

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