posted on Dec, 22 2002 @ 08:55 AM
A quote from the website about the codes:
"Rips explained that each code is a case of adding every fourth or twelfth or fiftieth letter to form a word. Skip X spaces, and another X spaces,
and another X spaces, and the hidden message is spelled out.
This is best explained by reading the paragraph below, starting at the first letter, and skipping every three letters.
"Rips ExplAineD thaT eacH codE is a Case Of adDing Every fourth or twelfth or fiftieth letter to form a word." The hidden message is READ THE CODE.
But it is more than a simple skip code. Criss-crossing the entire known text of the Bible, hidden under the original Hebrew of the Old Testament, is a
complex network of words and phrases, a new revelation. There is a Bible beneath the Bible."
Now, from what they are saying on how they came to find all these secret codes, is pretty far fetched. "Every 4, 5, 6, etc letter times X amount of
spaces, then a different amount of spaces" geeze, you could come up with anything from that. I wish I would have thought of that...then I could have
published a book and made $$$ off of the ignorant.
And this shows how dumb they are...they made the codes in Hebrew and then translated it to English. They could have saved themselves a lot of time and
got the book out sooner if they would have just translated it to English. I mean if you buy the book, your already stupid, so why would anyone even
question how did they translate it in English when English didn't exist back then!