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Very Bad News for the democrats: No Recession/Depression

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posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by RANT
Why can't someone just tell us the TRUTH?

Stop watching that left wing propaganda machine CNN and ya' might be able to find it.
(just teasing ya'). Nice to see ya' RANT.

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by BennyHill
The other 95% of the people are being crushed by this economy.

Yeah .. that's why business was booming over the Christmas holidays.... because everyone is being 'crushed'.

I stand by my post. The economy is fine .. for now.

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 04:17 PM
I've mentioned before that there has been immense growth in corporate and government-facilitated markets. This should generate demands for other markets as well with given time. Expanding our corporate endeavors outside of the U.S. is only natural. You can't ignore the rest of the world and expect economic growth.

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by BennyHill
The other 95% of the people are being crushed by this economy.

Yeah .. that's why business was booming over the Christmas holidays.... because everyone is being 'crushed'.

I stand by my post. The economy is fine .. for now.

Is this why Target, Wal Mart, K Mart, and every other department store was panicking because no one bought stuff? Is this why Sears is close to bankruptcy?

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

I stand by my post. The economy is fine .. for now.

I agree that it's ok for NOW. There are three things happening at the same time which have never happened simultaneously before:

The bottom is falling out of the sub-prime market
The price of oil is going up
The dollar is being devalued

Add to that a war that is being financed primarily with debt, and it can add up to serious trouble in the near future.

Whoever is elected, Democrat or Republican, they will inherit these problems and will probably be blamed for them.

[edit on 6-1-2008 by Sestias]

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 11:41 PM
Yep. we had that tax break..LOL
Already eaten up by higher energy costs. MORE THAN GONE!

We had that War on terrorism thing to protect our interests, like Oil, and the dollar.
And now, Oil is THREE times HIGHER in Price, than it was just previous to this never ending open ended war.
What happened? OH, thats right, record profits for Oil Companies.
It was about Oil..But not to line your tank with cheap gas.

WE..are suckers..

Meanwhile, the dollar is tanking. WE borrow from the Chinese to finance the war. It's crazy.

It might feel good now.
But folks, the US is running on "Credit Cards".

And Just like the "Joneses" down the street, with a BIG SCREEN TV, and the 2 news cars, and the boat. It's a show. The bills are coming due.
This Money Bubble already has a leak. I'm afraid it's about to burst.

Feels good now though, doesn't it?

[edit on 7-1-2008 by spacedoubt]

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 12:57 AM
If the economy is so healthy and strong why are pocket book issues the main concern of the man in the street?

I personally am doing pretty good, but most of my clients are scared about their future in retail. Not good!

[edit on 7-1-2008 by whaaa]

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 02:16 AM
Well much of this seems to be a lot of hype generated by the media and political opponents, it has been exaggerated imo. Most of what I have read are articles depicting concerns and worries about the economy, not hard facts showing that we are in some crisis. There’s no denying that the dollar is in a declining phase, but again, this could be viewed as an opportunity for markets in the U.S. to expand their business overseas.

Also, if people are over-charging their credit cards knowing well in advance that they can't pay them off, it's no one’s fault, but their own. What needs to happen is for loaners to take some responsibility as well because these people obviously don’t care if they go into debt, and it's costing taxpayers.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by spacedoubt

The American public is tapped out.
Where have i heard this before?
Oh yeah. Every year for the last 8 years.
Change your tune.
The United States is an economic superpower.
We are working our way through all the economic problems.
Buy stock in AAPL and cheer up.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Read it again.
Thats not what I am saying.
I'm comparing The Us economy which runs on credit.
to the "Joneses"..An imaginary family that also runs on credit.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
President Fred Thompson is the only straight shooter.

Wait, what? No, really... What? You've done puzzled me, pardner.

The war in Iraq was announced to be 99% over back in 2003. Remember? "The insurgency is in its last throes"? How many corners have we turned - not that it matters, since we have no stable destination. Why is it that when it's election time, the Republicans tell us how close we are to winning, yet every other time, they scoff at the notion and tell us what a long and hard road we need to face so buck up and be a man?

When you register Republican, you you have to undergo a CAT scan to see if you actually have enough #@%& for brains to qualify?

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012

The USA is an economic superpower.
We are also a military superpower.
The $9 trillion national debt is manageable.

An economic and military superpower with a manageable $9 trillion debt.

Our understanding of the economy has never been better.

Sure, why not.

By harnessing the power of the underground economy,
we will be able to pay down the national debt FAST.
We will also be able to fund Medicare/Social Security easily.
All we have to do is get rid of ALL paper money and
tax every point of sale 2 cents.

Knowledge is power.

Since you definitely have the knowledge and the assurance that the US is going to be okay, I will be able to sleep very soundly tonight knowing that the US is in very good hands. And maybe this year, I will have the chance to visit the US, buy a house there, and going into retirement.

Why not? America is a beautiful place. I'm going to live in California. Which city do you think has the best food?

Eurisko, from now on, you and your friends are my "best friends". Since you're really making my job so much easier. I never get any help from anyone trying to keep the US afloat. Now I know, there are still people out there, who really give a damn about the US.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Dropping by Apple? How about dropping by Merrill Lynch or Goldman Sachs?

The feared recession in the US economy has already arrived, according to a report from Merrill Lynch.

Merrill Lynch

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Goldman Sachs on Wednesday said it expects the U.S. economy to drop into recession this year, prompting the Federal Reserve to slash benchmark lending rates to 2.5 percent by the third quarter.

Goldman Sachs
Also, regarding Iraq:

Some 70,000 former insurgents are now being paid $10 a day by the U.S. military. It costs about a quarter billion dollars a year.


Basically, we're paying $700,000 a day for the insurgents to not get violent.
Now what do you think will happen if we stop paying them? Not only will they act up again, but they'll also be able to afford much better weapons. Violence may be down in Iraq right now, but we certainly won't be leaving anytime soon.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by AlienS

Shhhhh! Don't threaten his anecdotal evidence! It'll make him cry!

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 08:20 PM
Fred Thompson is a registered lobbyist for the tobacco industry. In some ways that does make him the only straight shooter in this contest. But in a really, really bad way where he tells us all to go to hell with cancer.

SCHIP. Heard of it? 10 million kids did. Tell them to go to hell like Freddy Krueger Thompson.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 01:01 AM
I think this is a very misleading thread.

We are in a Recession !!!!

2007 was my worst year ever in my life financially and
I don't trade stocks or buy them or whatever they do on
Wall Street. I spend more money on fuel for my vehicle in a
week's time than my parents spent on fuel for an entire month
at the same age I am now. Everything I use in my life, the prices
have increased. It's no wonder I have to borrow money to pay
my bills.

It's just a shame that our congress and president can't come to
any agreement on raising wages due to some jerk-off adding some
small print in a bill to congress which has nothing to do with the
actual raising wages. The add-ons to these bills have made the
US a dysfunctional gubment. Nobody wants to just write in
"raise wages"
they all got to have some sort of spin on something totally
off-topic to the bill which makes congress not approve of it
due to the fine print. Can't our congress just pass one bill
at a time instead of trying to incorporate 5-6 bills into one??

You know we just might get something done and more of a
consensus if we did these bills just one topic at a time.

Let me do the math:

Current Foreign Policy + Dysfunctional Gubment = Recession

at least that's my opinion

ya know folks use to work hard in our gubment
now they hardly work

has anybody seen the attendance records for congress
in the past 2 years ?? They are out, more than they are in.

I remember my parents use to tan my hide if they caught me
skipping school. And my boss would fire me if I didn't show up
for work. WHY should our congress get any different treatment ??
There was accountability !!! There is no accountability in a
dysfunctional family

WHERE is the ethics any more ???
seems there isn't any in our gubment

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by BennyHill
The other 95% of the people are being crushed by this economy.

Yeah .. that's why business was booming over the Christmas holidays.... because everyone is being 'crushed'.

I stand by my post. The economy is fine .. for now.;_ylt=AmYQFsWEagwXAwyCpN3n0gayBhIF;_ylt=AhEQMMvHZ9o.wp8zgGIRIPiyBhIF

I'm assuming that these are the indicators of a strong economy and a record holiday season? The recession is here and has been for quite some time.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 07:56 PM
What's that?

Gold is up?
The dollar is down?

Maybe they should be tied together in some way..

Now now, Simonsays..Stop complaining about Gas prices.
You got that tax break..that should more than cover it right?

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
What's that?

Gold is up?
The dollar is down?

Maybe they should be tied together in some way..

Oh, heavens no! That would be way too sensible...

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
Now now, Simonsays..Stop complaining about Gas prices.
You got that tax break..that should more than cover it right?

I surely would like to know what tax break that is ......
as us bottom feeders who work for minimum wages and both of
us work and neither can pay for all the elevated prices. I get
a measly earned income credit which don't do much. I can't even
afford a babysitter for my kids cuz it's too expensive so we leave
them at cousins house til we can pick them up. My kids use the same
book bag they used last year, you know the one with the hole in it
from wear and tear and the books fall out on the ground in the mud
when it rains cuz they tried to run into the house to keep from gettin
wet and also don't forget having to eat peanut butter and crackers
2-3 times a week cuz we can't afford to buy enough food after paying on
the bills. we're at poverty level and it's not our fault, it's the freakin
economy. 2 restaurants, the barber shop, the nail salon, the local video
store, 3 construction companies, the local workout gym and the local vet's
office have ALL closed down in the last 6 months which is about 400
people unemployed of about an estimated 2,700 population. The local town
is drying up so fast it's beginning to look like a ghost town. Now there
is 2 whole pages of ads in the newspaper of houses for sale at well
below their value and only 23 jobs posted in 2 columns in the entire
newspaper. And then somebody comes on here and says there's
nothing wrong with our economy, what world is he living in? cuz it's
surely not anywhere around here. So for the person who said they
didn't know anybody in that situation ......

course the admins and mods won't let me say what I want to say
on here so I'll just say this.

I know from first hand experience, we are in a recession
and the economy is really bad. It's time to really look around dude.
I mean outside of your rich egg-shell.

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