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A question about the "reptilian thread" phenomenon

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posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by criticalunity

Exactly right. SO far NOT ONE UFO,ALIEN,9-11 THREAD has PROOF...

Yet those that take the piss about reptilians are the ones saying UFOs and such are REAL!

That my friends is by the very definition: hypocritical.


posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by DisgustedOne
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Fourth dimension? Nahhh, I think that is a lot like the guy who hears little voices. Possible, maybe. Probable? Greatly diminished odds, I think.

Anyway, good hunting!

ERmmm . Dude? Have you not eemn the recent physics that state the universe could not exist if it were not for the existence of parallel universes? Oh, & the fact that we only perceive a fraction of what is really existing? What about the shamans, who can in a group ayauwaska session actually all of them can percieve thought messages I guess, or whatever, .... they are refererred to as the red darts, & the people in the circle can send a dart to & from each other. - This is not seen by people who are not at a heightened '___' (which occurs naturally in the brain) level, (sober peole eatching the experience, but it is seen & felt by the group, who have drank the 'drug'. (made from a combination of 2 plants). Just ceckout the Reptilisan research archoives in the downloads section of my site. (sorry 4 typods)

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Excuse me sir, but what in the world are you talking about? I highly suggest you research the definition of hypocritical, for I have no idea what you are talking about.... - You obviously lack the knowledge of the word, & I would also suggest you refer to the motto of the domain name you are on right now.... My friend, the very first thing we human being do as a species is the assume that our thoughts are THE reality, & that that is the way things are.... Well, it would be an understatement to say that that's irrefutable... You don't know what you're talking about, & unless you check the irrefutable evidence that states that UFOs not only exist, they are not UFOs anymore,; They are IDENTIFIED flying objects, & we know that they have being in them... - I dare you, oh so blinddly scheptical one, to take an hour out of your daily routine to look at this , & then tell me if you still think UFOs & aliens font exist, & that for the freakin strangest reason in the universe, we happen to be the only ones , amongst the vastness of space. - The argument will then follow that ' oh, but space is so vast, how woulds any being be able to gewt here? - Well the answer is that since there is evidence that we obviously are being visited, that indicates a flaw in our understanding of the universe, & our uinnderstanding of Science, & that it is VERY flawed. - Have a good evening ... Oh ... LOL< almost forgot: - click download high quality, & enjoy the proof. (I'm assuming you have not watched the entire thing yet, because if you have , I wouldn't be seeing such comments on my screen.
Good weekend.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

You had to get me started ,but then I far*ed, & this will be my last (oh)poohy message 2 you:

- NINE EEE LEVEN: (911) -

1) No building have even fallen like that dude to fire alone.
2) It is documented that the gov had prior knowledge of the attacks, & that NATA stood down during the attack, & ... just look it up yourself, I have no more time to waste... - The 911 truth movement has not started because of some theories... -Look it up yourself, but as you don't care about being skeptical about where you really should b be directing you scepticism ; the government, it will be too late, & the NWO will make you a slave , because you don't want to have to think for yourself, do you? No, just look at things that are different, continue to laugh, & hopefully that majority will have the ability to come out of the stagnant pond of business as usual, in the best interests of the people of the world, but we shall see the result of this battle between open mindedness & love - Against the dark , sludge of ignorance & irrational ridicule for the 'crime' of being different.

[edit on 25-1-2008 by criticalunity]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 10:13 PM
Furthermore, this entire thread started off because there were too many garbage threads about ; checkout so & so 'shape shifting' - When that is not the proof, but if there is a significant visual anomaly captured on film , in the future, it definately should br coincidersed as proof, if there are multiple witnesses, but the research into real history will reveal the truth... you just have to hold you nose long enough, to find the irreffutable evidence, amonsts all the crap out there, but it is out theer ,& you can find it, if you have an open mind... -

MOD EDIT: Removed Advertisement

[edit on 3/20/08/20 by junglejake]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by criticalunity

You misunderstand my post....
I am saying if they want proof of reptilians (by that they mean they want one to knock on their front door and say hello. Yet they believe in the other things (which I do too btw) without the same proof they seek off us reptilian believers.

Also I'm interested in the 4th dimension, you got any info on that, would be great. Thanks


posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by criticalunity

Also just watched Michael Tsarion -2012 Where History Ends (2006) absolutely brilliant doco, put a lot of my questions to rest, such as the history of reptilians and how they became to be here in the 1st place, have you seen it and what do you think about it if you have?


posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
reply to post by criticalunity

Also just watched Michael Tsarion -2012 Where History Ends (2006) absolutely brilliant doco, put a lot of my questions to rest, such as the history of reptilians and how they became to be here in the 1st place, have you seen it and what do you think about it if you have?


Yes,...I will watch Michael's video...

The reptilian issue is what I consider "the cart before the horse"...

We can't even get people to understand the ufo concept on a most basic level!

Even discussing this issue distracts the few who are paying attention to the subject of ET's...

It is like talking about "abductees" BEFORE we get the general population to even accept the concept that our existence was not only created by ET's,... but they are ,as we speak, controlling our very lives!...

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Oh cool ,yeah,,, - I was about to say that I want to make it clear that I dont want to be an enemy, its just that all this denial of strange stuff is getting me mad these days, looking at the way the world is... - Sorry mate; Anya...- to answer your question; - (there are numerous parts to this, & If you want to evoke a demon in your back yard, you simply have to combine symbols on the ground, such as a hexagram pentagram, a triangle,& I ' DONT know exactly, so you have to find it out for yourself, as I said there are many parts to this interview, please post the part number & time position of the details of the configuration. - I'm too busy working on my site, but ... - I have a router now, (so I can put all my computers to work) so I will checkout the various parts myself over the weekend. Have a good weekend, mate!

And checkout (main page is obviously: - bear with me with the top graphic; I am aware it looks like.. ass, but I'm working on it this weekend. (it's the content that counts,) but before I make it public, I gotta fix it up, obviously. - PS : Zeitgeist is a link in my links section ;-)

[edit on 25-1-2008 by criticalunity]

[edit on 25-1-2008 by criticalunity]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Havn't seen it yet... - I've just seen various documentaries & have done other research outside of the icke-sphere, the David Icke , & the interview with Credo ; The Reptilian Agenda, (6 hours log, BTW, ) is incredible, (however I sincerely doubt the part about how we all used to be BOTH male & female , but the rest is valid...) - It could be symbolic of a genetic engineering program... Anyways, no, I have not seen it, ( Michael Tsarion) but I will be downloading it shortly.

[edit on 25-1-2008 by criticalunity]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by coastlinekid

ERmm... Sir? Or .. Mam? Whatever? ... Umm... You sir have :


[edit on 25-1-2008 by criticalunity]

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by criticalunity

Sir, I do reserve the right to be skeptical, so I stand by my comments. Unfortunately, I can't speak to the rest of your reply to my post, the typos kind of got in the way. I am not criticizing you, just stating that some of it was hard to interpret. However, I think I got the part about the drugs down cold.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

Reminds me of The Book of Enoch, which supposedly, was omitted from the Bible. There are very many stories of rebellion in the heavens or Heaven where the beings came down and mated with the daughters of men. In fact, according to Enoch, this is the whole reason the Flood occurred in the first place.

Genesis 6:

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 08:07 PM
I totally agree there should be more talk on the reptilian agenda.

Good to see you back believer81, I thought for a minute there...nah

Anyway this is something YOU should watch my friend, it will answer a lot of your questions, as it did mine. Especially about the origins of the reptilian, reptiod, and illuminati. It goes for about 7 hours, but I seriously believe your thirst for knowledge on the subject , enjoy. And let me know what you think of it ok.


posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 12:13 PM
I ve been interested since my young age in unexplain phenomena. i saw with alot of witnesses really weird things happening, from normal to para normal, but i always keep in mind that life has a balance.

i have been looking these "shapeshifting" on youtube and i also agree, there are NO high quality videos... its all blury and yet people believe in it, in fact i ve been taught that people influence people by what they comment while they are showing something, so the shapeshifting as its called is really unclear, somehow, lets say that reptilian do exist, then, we have to keep balance:

- every topic about reptilian equal evil, why? i dont believe that they are all bad since we, human being are not all good, then why they hide themselves into human shapes? just because we, human being, apparently used to chase them, kill them, in ancient history, influence as they were evil.. based on unproof theory so of course, to survive, they got to hide themselves.

- i believe that if they were really bad, there were no more human being left cause we are talking about an advance being here apparently, so i believe that we are all wrong judging them, we, human being again, kill another, for nothing such as ressources, money, etc... we are not even better, i guess for them, we are the evil ones... then you can bring video, theories that they are evils, i will still think that you generalise it, as long as you can not prove that we, human being are all good and perfect, you can not and never say they are all evil.

i ve heard so much that they try to have them world back, i guess they would agree to share the world with us once we are ready to at least share it to another.

if such being were real, we will be talking about maybe 1/4 the global world population, so your neighboor, coworker, teacher if you are still student, would be one, i dont believe they eat human beings or little children as i have heard.. dont be scared of the unknown and you will have a greater view of the world and knowledge

ps: i am not an english native so sorry if you guys find some mistakes, i just tried to make myself understood on what seem to be unfair

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