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A question about the "reptilian thread" phenomenon

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posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by wu kung


Uh, yeah...
So, you're a reptile huh?
How's that working out for you?

Starred for saying what we're all (well most of us) are thinking.

Oh and to the 'digustedone' reptililan above (or any others lurking!),
post some pictures/videos
of how you 'shapeshift' and convince us all for once and for all.

I guess that's a polite way of saying 'put up or shut up!'

[edit on 9-1-2008 by pmexplorer]

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by pmexplorer

ive given up on replying and posting to these type of threads but i guess stating that in this type of thread is hypocritical

day of disclosure if there is one, then ill believe, atleast for the draco race

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 07:35 PM
My thread was so much conducive to the discussion.
Some of these people around here...

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 09:00 PM
My appologies for the tiny bit of creative writting, guys. I couldn't help myself. I am sane and unpossessed again.

But I do feel I have raised a valid point: If a reptilian race truly existed, hybrids would, IMHO, be genetically unfeasible, contrary to what some have claimed. If this were possible, then a man could mate an ape (close cousins, guys!) and we would have what? Mapes? And even if we could somehow envision offspring, they would be mules, don't you think? Same with any Reptillian/Mamallian coupling.

Now to the hard part: Shape shifting. I can't even grasp this. Camoflauge, yes, shapeshifting, no.

The other things: I think we will just have to wait and see... I am cautiously open minded.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by wu kung

wu king,
my sides are hurting over that nonchalant comment. I can't wait to hear the reply.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by DisgustedOne

Dude, a reply like that damages what little legitimacy the reptile-watch community has to begin with.
I'm not one of them, and I am neither in support of or against their cause, so to me it makes little difference what you say.
However, I've been up here on ATS for a while now and I constantly see these threads and it always goes the same way.
I honestly believe that at this point, we (as in we the people; we the general public) are never going to see viable proof; also I'm pretty sure that in my lifetime, we're not going to be welcomed into the "galactic community".

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by wu kung

Sir, again I apologize for the lapse in etiquette. I am new here, and obviously have much to learn. Call it a weak attempt to inject some "constructive humor" into the discussion. I never meant to belittle anyone else's opinions or beliefs. Honestly, I thought everyone would see my post for the ruse it was intended to be. My mistake, but then, I have been told before that I have a warped sense of humor....

Back on topic: I agree with your final analysis - We will likely never get the "proof". If these mythical creatures actually exist and have remained hidden for this long, then they will have gotten very good at it, as I so poorly pointed out in my original comment. If they truly exist, we will not know the truth of it until "They" decide to have their "coming out" party.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 11:58 PM
If the universe is infinate, with infinate possibilities, how is it not reasonable to see all forms of life we know expressed differently somewhere else in this infinite universe? For example a rose in our world might actually be a living entity in another, or a brick in this world be a emotional being that can communicate with the rose form the other world, and so on?


posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
nice resolution in this one:


[edit on 2-1-2008 by watchZEITGEISTnow]

[edit on 2-1-2008 by watchZEITGEISTnow]

I am sorry but I have to disagree. It is the angle of the camera that makes his right eye look like it is slit. If you notice his left eye doesn't change at all during the video. I'm not being disrespectful but I believe that is what it is.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Absurd

Google Video Link

I am sorry but I couldn't help but to giggle over this one. I really don't mean any disrespect to anyone AT ALL but IMO that is just really bad acting. Who ever made that video didn't really think they were going to fool anyone did they? I mean seriously.

[edit on 11-1-2008 by johannamoria]

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by DisgustedOne

No worries friend.
Better to hear it from me than a "true believer" who is...uh...more sensitive to the situation.
(not that I'm picking on believers)
There's a certain decorum that we try to achieve up here on ATS, it's what separates us from other conspiracy sites, so in the future, just try to exercise better judgment.
I'm all for humor, even at the expense of other people, but just try to pick and choose your battles a little wiser next time.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 04:52 AM
And for the rest of any of you that have alleged reptiles on film (especially toward those of you who think that you've seen them on newscasts and television shows) :
Uh Uh

Seriously, do you think you're the only ones who have seen the alleged footage?
Do you honestly think that it would have been broadcast if there was the slightest tinge of reptilian-uh-...ism to be found anywhere in the footage?
Stop and think for a second...
All of the newscasts and television shows (and so on) are all screened before they go on the air.
Television shows are recorded and newscasts are broadcast on a delay to prevent stupid little mistakes (like accidental cursing for example) from ever disrupting the flow of the show.
A "reptile eye slip" on a newscast?
Are you for real?!?
It would sound that people are getting so desperate that their willing to believe anything, no matter how ridiculous the claims may be.
Show me proof otherwise and I'll shut my mouth on the subject, but until then, it's foolish acts and claims such as those that further damage the cause (like I've stated previously, I'm not a searcher but I respect any legitimate research, just not wild, unsubstantiated claims).

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

I agree with you in principle. The universe, I believe is infinite, but I am not sure about infinite possibilities. I may be narrow minded in this respect, but I see the infinite universe shepared by a finite set of physical laws that dictate the possibilities. Most of the laws are well documented and observed to leave no room for doubt. The topic is reptilians. And the focus of this and other threads like it seems to be the issue of shapeshifting. I personnaly don't buy that concept. Let's examine this for a minute. The concept of shapeshifting involves the idea that a creature (man, beast, reptilian or something else) changes shape from one creature form to another (man to beast to reptilian or to something else). In so doing we must keep in mind that the original creature will require the mechanism to reconstruct the underlying structures to assume a different shape. I would have to believe 2 things:

A.) It would require a lot of energy and mechanical manipulation. No way this can be accomplished in an instant of time.

B.) I believe it would be painful and therefore not very commonly done, if at all.

Of course, both A and B are speculation on my part, but then I see I am in good company on that count.

So, since we are speculating about this, let me propose a different approach to the reptilian incognito problem. My contention is that IF they do exist, then they must be masters of camoflauge, much like the chameleon we are familiar with, making them truly reptilian in nature. If we can envision this, it is not too difficult to understand why these creatures cannot be captured on film. They simply blend into the background. The mechanism for this is already demonstrated in the animal kingdom that we are familiar with. It is very energy efficient for the chameleon and the ones I have seen do it do not appear to be in any pain.

Thoughts anyone?

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by DisgustedOne

I am just pleased that you are questioning it, and trying to find answers to the reptilians. Again, I am not here to make you believe, I do like this forum so that other reptilian believers come forth and are not afraid to give their thoughts or experiences with this topic. People that dismiss instanltly I totally understand. IT IS UNBELIEVABLE. 100% UNBELIEVABLE in................ OUR REALITY.

Keep studying the topic, you will either give up and think it is complete BS, or on the other hand you will be drawn to it, and dig deeper... down the rabbit hole. It is hard to accept. But I have, others have, and I wish to learn from them, as they do from me I guess.

Example right now I have been focused to the MKULTRA and how it ties into the reptilian agenda... Cathy O'Brian is an amazing brave woman, she has a book you can read online, which drew me to other MKULTRA victims, right now as I type I am watching Arizona Wilder :
Really god awful stuff.

Now, the lastest I am starting to understand is these reptilians operate in the 4th dimension, and are in control of the illumanati, who are the hybrid human-reptoid that us believers show on youtube (celebs, and sports starts and politicians (which is a BLOODY SCARY been watching the news (real news that is) on the developments on Iran?)) .. listen to the republican/democrat US debates, some of the most shocking things these puppets of war are spewing forth is frightening.

I now believe the greatest enemy of these "people" is the internet and the informartion it freely brings. I have my own theories on most of the youtube reptilain videos, most I believe are true, again, you don't have to believe this, I do. I can go about my day, blending into society, but I have an insight that I don't even believe most of other ordinary good folk would even want to know, afterall, they have families to raise, mortages to pay, bills to pay, things to get, holidays to have, and so on. CONTROL. I sure will look forward to ANY new information on this topic of reptiles/reptoids/illumanatai/and so on. The posters that openly ridicule, I don't even bother to read what they say. Thats not to say you should have a sense of humour. Actually humour might actually be the one thing that could get humanity through these ..... testing times.


posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 10:43 PM
Sorry I posted so late - but that video...oh man....on so many levels.

Sums it up for me.

Lizards and bizzare control issue humor is hilariously funny, and for the inclusion of our beloved little buddies running about on the wall behind the actors was PRICELESS.

It's pure genius.


Lizards rock.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by GENERAL EYES

Hello GE.

I think you are referring to my comment here about our little buddies on the wall, etc.... I hope no one is misunderstanding my intentions. I have read many of the threads about our "little buddies" and what I see is this:

A lot of people have been going down the same rabbit hole and have basically come out with the same thing: a whole bunch of nothing. I have reviewed some of the pics and vids and ancient documents and I am not convinced. As someone else has pointed out: there is a large difference between evidence and proof. This stuff is not proof. My intention was to send the hunters down a different rabbit hole and see what they drag out. I just don't buy the whole shapeshifting hybridized human/reptillian scenario, for reasons already stated. However, I think my effort is probably futile because:

A.) Believers will NEVER be non-believers, no matter what.

B.) Non-believers, while skeptical, will accept iron-clad proof and could become believers. This will require Habeas Corpus. I fall into this category.

C.) We are at an impasse, because of A and B.

D.) This has been great fun for me! (Well, OK, D is not related to A, B or C.)

Happy hunting all!

P.S. I read your thread about reptillians denying their "reptillianess". My original comment/post probably should have gone there, but I came to the hunt late.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

One thing I do admire about believers and that is their tenacity. You guys may actually come out of the rabbit hole with something one day. But I think you need to try a different rabbit hole. Fourth dimension? Nahhh, I think that is a lot like the guy who hears little voices. Possible, maybe. Probable? Greatly diminished odds, I think.

Anyway, good hunting!

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by DisgustedOne

I'm personally more concerned about the humans who are driven too insatiably by the primative reptilian cortex of the brain to the extent theat they would resort to human rights offenses myself.

The recent upsurge in police brutality (Draconian in nature) is representive of my testament.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by GENERAL EYES

Do you mean that humans are brutally evil in and of themselves and really don't need an outside agent to prod them in that direction????

Shame on you for suggesting it!

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by MurderCityDevil
reply to post by pmexplorer

ive given up on replying and posting to these type of threads but i guess stating that in this type of thread is hypocritical

day of disclosure if there is one, then ill believe, atleast for the draco race

Fortunately the world is not entirely populated by such ignorance as yours, because if we are to require proof for something every time we are going to do something, we will not survive as a species. - The evidence is called by obvious inference, by analyzing what all the ancient civilizations, & the fact that there has been an interbreeding for thousands of years in order to maintain the specific ration of hybridization.... - I'm not goigng to wast e time here trying to convince a fe w individuals, when the truth is that most people are aware that this is a real phenomena, & that the Reptilian encounters in many abduction cases, as well as the people speaking out about what is happening in underground bases i,. & that the Drako is a substantial branch of UFOlogy mate, look it up for yourself... - Alex Jones is not talking much about the Reptilians, nor UFOs, to maintain a credibility, but I think it's a bad move... Anyways, ....Have fun living in a universe you belive to be existing as you perceive it to be.

Have a nice ... lizardly day... It's gonna be cold & sunny, perect to go& sit on a rock somewhere, & ponder the fact that it would be ridiculously amazing if STRANGER things that the Reps diddnt evolve in the multiplicity of planets out there.

... Oh so, you now buy into the subliminal message that the government is not lklying to you, &because t hey are now talking about UFOs in the mainstream media, but lety me tell you ; it is to comditoin the public to fear al ittle , so whe n the staged invasion comesz, we will og into a mass panick atate, ^ demand that the government do sometthiong about it, & they will bring in the army. - The Reps wouls never be disclosed, unless everyione ius already under martial laew, with a microchip, or ifg they staged it so that the y would be claiming to bring peace, & the Reps could say that they are our creators, or are here to help, or are going to ... I have on idea, but it's importtant to realize what happened on Mars, could happen to us, if we don't wake up... -I dont suppooze I'm going to get a lot of positive feedback from indivciduals who have actually invested a fe whours to checkoput the book or PDF ' tHe Biggest Secret"" .... - FOr it seems many peole have been indocrinated into laughingh at the thought of cosmic reptiloians having infiltrated ourtr worled thousands of years ago. - Because it IS a really ... really strange idea.... - But in my opiniion, the greys are much strangrer , not only in apearance, but in the fact that telepathy & alterations of time seem to occcur during some UFO abduction cases involving the greys.,

[edit on 25-1-2008 by criticalunity]

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