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Islam, Religion of Peace and a stack of Dead Bodies

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posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

Muslims do speak out, but it's never covered on the news.

Hundreds of millions in favor of bombing and killing? Not likely. Provide a source and I may believe it, until then, it's BS.

Another religion that causes as much damage as Islam today? Well, since the current Christian population of the US is around 80%, and if we can assume that same percentage translates to the US military's Christian population, then I can probably say that Christians do a lot of screwed up stuff even today.

And you'd be surprised (although I wouldn't) how many Muslims think just like Bodrul here.

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

all those points have been discussed which you have just brought up
Honor killings

why most muslims arent seen voicing their opinion and views
it has been said on ATS by others and my selves so many times that i have to the point i dont want to answer them anymore as its just deja-vu for me as i would just be repeating my self over and over.

my first reply covers most things but for others you will have to look at older topics and replies as its all there

i apoligise if it sounds rude but repeating my self over and over on ATS is really becoming a pain.

but i will give you a reply that i gave in another topic
what gets more TV ratings muslims shouting KILL KILL or muslims condeming death.

Isreal Kill far more cuvilians then any Hamas or hazbullah member
remember the Leboenese war Israel used cluster bombs in civilian areas and deemed it legal and killed over 3000 cuvilians with a fraction being actual combatent, while hazbullah killed mostly Israeli sloiders with less then a dozen being cuvilian.

honor killing (nothing in the Quran about it) its culture
and its something i will not codone

anyhow as i said the other topics covers the rest.
thats the only 3 that i am willing to repeat myself

edit: just to add the US soliders that murderd and raped most havent even been charged as they were apprently in the right. even so they mascured intire family which shows the US courts condone such actions, it was on the bbc news a few days ago

and the serb thing almost all had support from high ranking officals

[edit on 2-1-2008 by bodrul]

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
Muslims do speak out, but it's never covered on the news.

I agree this could be true, but do they speak out in their own countries against the level of violence that is going on over there?

Hundreds of millions in favor of bombing and killing? Not likely. Provide a source and I may believe it, until then, it's BS.

I'm saying a large percentage see violence as part of their culture. I’m not trying to put some kind of number on it for I’ll let you decide, but the number is large enough to see violence as a common occurrence, and the violence is more extreme. I would not fear for my life walking around anywhere with a sign that said Christianity is Dumb, but if I swapped the word Christianity for Muslim I would fear for my life in about 20 countries. Do you not remember the riots and deaths over a stupid cartoon to too long ago?

Another religion that causes as much damage as Islam today? Well, since the current Christian population of the US is around 80%, and if we can assume that same percentage translates to the US military's Christian population, then I can probably say that Christians do a lot of screwed up stuff even today.

So this is all done in the name of Christianity? Also the Muslim on Muslim violence is 10 tens greater or more than anything the US military is doing over there. You can argue the point but that doesn't reduce the fact that it is a violent place.

And you'd be surprised (although I wouldn't) how many Muslims think just like Bodrul here.

I agree, and I did say 100s of millions live in peace.

[edit on 2-1-2008 by Xtrozero]

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

may i ask whos words would you believe when it comes to violance in the middle east?

A news report showing a one sided story or
the words of someone that has been there and expirenced before and aftre effects of whats going on?

posted on Jan, 2 2008 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
may i ask whos words would you believe when it comes to violance in the middle east?

A news report showing a one sided story or
the words of someone that has been there and expirenced before and aftre effects of whats going on?

Well both yours and mine since we both been there.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 03:10 PM
Fascinating posting in so much that it gives insight into the poster's mentality and intent. Here we are at this wonderful web site debating the mysteries of the world, conspiracies of the powers that be and the wonders of natural phenomenon yet 1shotwonder saunters up like shyster and whispers to us that 1.8 billion inhabitants of this planet are singularly intent on altering and inconveniencing some hard working schlobs in the interior of the United States. The fact is that rightwinger nutters, rampaging zionists and fascists are trying to convince all of us that there is an Islamic Al Qaida operative under all our beds.

Doesn't this kind of fear mongering and scapegoating have the stink of the security services and the zionist media all over it? Further still, the front page of the website, through the link kindly furnished to us by the poster, show some men wearing balacavas grabbing some kids. You might be interested to know that those men are Israeli military intelligence doing their snatching missions to keep their underground prisons fully stocked with Palestinian youth. Why don't you google Israeli prisons or Palestinian prisoners instead of taking my word for it.

If you still have doubts about the true enemy of the US, why don't you google who has standing armies of fully paid for Kastas acting as agents of influence on the sovereign territory of the US of A? You might like to know why should US foreign policy be dictated to by the Israeli lobby, how come the majority of Bush's administration have dual Israeli nationality.

In this time of crisis in the US economy with the prospect of the US falling through the floor, Israel requested that its annual stipend of $4 billion be paid in Euros. Jeez Louis! Friends indeed. Now why should the Arabs and the Iranians accept US dollars for their resources when America's 'best friend' drop the dollar like # on a stick.

The fact is that most Muslims I know admire the US to no end and recognise the human religiosity of God fearing Christians, (don't forget that many Arabs and especially Palestinians are Christians). They also are switched on to the active subversion of US culture and faith by agents of foreign influence often fronting the entertainment industry, ACLU, media and policy making institutions because they have already had these organs of destruction aimed at them since the 1970s.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 04:57 PM
My 2000 word response to Oneshot1 has been erased. My comment implicates zionists and their tools in the US of being instruments of death, not of Muslims, but the free of the West.

The CNN photo in the photo shows an Israeli intelligence snatch squad in action. I argue that it is in this way that agents of the zionist state kidnaps Palestinian kids to keep their under ground prisons full. I also comment that the zionist state requested the the annual stipend of $4 billion paid to it by the US tax payer must be paid in Euros in a time when an ally of the US should show confidence in the dollar. Condolezza Rice curtsied to the Israeli instruction a long with a request that permission should be given to sell US arms donated to the zionist state.

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 11:42 PM
Let me be clear about this, there were no massacares in WWII because of Islam, Muslims, Jihad, Al Qaeda etc.

Throughout history, mankind had always had a dark, and evil side. This is the reason why religion came to be, and was followed by the creation laws to maintain order.

It seems groups, tribes, nations etc. cannot co-exist peacefully, as we have seen in history by so many examples.

To blame Islam exclusively for anything and everything that happens in the world not only is folly, but also displays sheer, and utter ignorance.

There have been massacres, violence, feudalism, riots, war, clashes, assasinations etc. even before Islam existed. How could those be explained?

Terror is one thing, religion is another, and ideological and political motives yet another.

Let those without sin cast the first stone, and lets also check the state of arrairs of our own houses of glass as well, before hurling the rocks.

[edit on 3/1/08 by aSEEKER]

posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by masonwatcher
My comment implicates zionists and their tools in the US of being instruments of death, not of Muslims, but the free of the West.

Are you not doing the same thing as the OP in suggesting this above?

Everyone thinks there needs to be a straight up good and bad guy when both are interchangeable since everyone’s view is based on who they support. It is that simple. The Taliban to some are freedom fighters and to other extreme radicals as example.

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 03:22 AM
Regardless of whether this topic is has Christianity in the title it is an element of the topic. This site is obviously created by Christians in favor of the war and promotes racist behavior by picturing Islamic people as killers. The ones that do kill have a reason i.e. their countries been invaded, I'd defend my land and I'm sure plenty of others would. They have conflicts over disputed ideals, what was the American Civil War about???

What is the purpose of this website? It is propaganda it tells of a women who killed ten in a bombing, does it tell of her husband and children that were gunned down by Americans?

[edit on 4-1-2008 by Matt Kilby]

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