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Seeing UFOs

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posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 02:25 AM
How many of you have actually seen UFOs? I saw at least a 100 over a four year period. I don't see them anymore. I have no idea why I saw them in the first place. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:04 AM
Well, I will lay claim to believing I have seen something that I cannot identify in the air as a child. Although I guess I could doubt myself, simply because of my age, but there are a few other events that happened that could support my claim. Haven't seen anything since that time...wish I had...

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 02:36 PM
I've had two good UFO sightings and three not-so-good sightings.

The two good ones I can safely say were not planes. The other three sightings were of very shiney silver cylinders which I could tell had no visible wings. However, since planes are cylindrical, I cannot rule out that perhaps I had visually mistaken planes for UFOs.

The first good sighting was of a giant triangle just outside my house in 1980 when I was four years old. It was very bright with lights all over it. The triangle hovered at treetop level about 75-100 feet away from my house for a few minutes and then quietly flew off.

The other good sighting happened this previous New Years Day on 1/1/04 with my parents. We were going into a house to celebrate New Years when we saw in the sky three lights in a triangular formation going towards each other very slowly. The lights then changed direction and went away from each other exactly the way they went towards themselves. Like they performed a 180 degree turn without having to fly back around (it was an instantaneous angle switch) and then they flew off. The odd thing was, instead of flying out towards the horizon, two of the objects went UP at an angle and for all intents and purposes to people on the ground must have went up into space. One of the lights sat there and slowly faded away. None of the lights performed like planes would and my parents were witnesses to this.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:15 PM
Now, I don't understand how you have seen over 100 within 4years?

I have seen two. One was at night and it glowed red, blue, and white I think; it wasn't a plan, and yes it was a UFO saucer type craft. I think it hovered in mid air for maybe 5 minutes. The other one was during the day; I just happen to look up into the sky and saw this silver metallic looking disc way high up towards the clouds. It looked as if it was going fairly fast, and slowed down to almost a stop and completely went the other way without turning out of its area! No human engineered plane that I know of can do that.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:42 PM
I have seen something like the second sighting that you described heelstone. It was about 19 years ago I think . It was on a night that there was a report in the news that there would be a really good display of shooting stars in the sky due to a meteor shower passing the earth or something, (It was a long time ago so I can't remember the details properly)
my parents, brother, sister and I all watched as loads of shooting stars crossed the sky, and as we watched we noticed three lights in the sky, they looked like stars but they were moving from one point in the sky to another and stopping dead in their tracks, and then after a pause of half a minute they would move off in a totally different direction. We watched them for quite some time and then I suppose we must have lost track of them amongst the stars. I have no idea what they were, it would be great if someone could offer an explaination because I have always wondered what I saw.

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by dollmonster
How many of you have actually seen UFOs? I saw at least a 100 over a four year period. I don't see them anymore. I have no idea why I saw them in the first place. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Well, actually, it's very possible to see 100's, maybe 1000's of UFO's. How? Well, what IS a UFO? An Unidentified Flying Object! So, perhaps, dollmonster mistook every plane in the sky as a ship from another world. Technically, he DID see 100 UFOs.

Personally, I believe that I have seen one, possibly abducted by it that same night. It was an unexplainable shaft of light in my yard that made some very bizarre maneuevers. That was in 1997, same year as the Phoenix Lights, and I live in Phoenix.

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 06:45 PM
A couple years back I saw a UFO. It was a white object going slowly across the sky and then it just disappeared. Yes, I know you may be thinking "oh, its just a plane" but I know it wasnt. It was very high up in the air, so it just looked like a spec moving across the sky. I also had a friend there with me. It was pretty cool.

[Edited on 2/23/2004 by TekNo88]

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 06:59 PM
as far as real ufo's with aliens inside them?
since 1988 more than twenty is my estimation.
government ufo's at least several

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
as far as real ufo's with aliens inside them?
since 1988 more than twenty is my estimation.
government ufo's at least several

i say most were gov..

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 07:01 PM
ive seen a couple of strange things!
1: i saw a strange light that was moving around the sky at rapid speeds and stopping changing direction and moving again i cant say that i believe this or not because i had a few pints of beer inside me at the time.

2: i saw a strange aircraft at first i thought it was concorde or something but noticing the contrails i knew it wasnt. heres the link to my old post

but other than my my 1 sighting that aint that believable to others (but i wasnt that drunk to be seein things) ive got nothing else. the second 1 i believe to be a secret aircraft poss aurora or somthin along the lines of that as for ufos,aliens wot i saw made me believe

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 07:11 PM
I have seen one possibly on 1/31/04. But it could have been something other then a ufo, it was at night and moved like a very big, slow aircraft. Low altitude with 5 or 4 really bright white lights on the front. Swept back "wings" and some sort of tail structure. It just appeared out of nowhere. (it was not cloudy) and did this slow roll to the right at about 2 thousand or less feet up. The thing was huge maybe C-17 or C-141 in wingspan, no noise, no wing tip lights no vert stab lights just a single small white light near the "tail" and 4 or 5 massive white lights on the front.

I am a plane "nut" and this thing struck me as very odd and out of place for the surroundings

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 07:30 PM
While out to watch a meteor shower when I was much younger I saw a bright white light at a very great altitude and traveling at what seemed like a tremendous speed. It was no meteor for sure; I has seen lots of those before. That had me convinced there were alien spacecraft for years -until I discovered it was either a satellite or piece of space junk reflecting sunlight from orbit. Now as a grown up skywatcher, I observe things like that, the Hubble, and IIS a few times a week.

If you didn't know what you were seeing and caught a satellite "flare" there is a good chance it might freak you out. I've never seen anything like them. Since my childhood experience I have, unfortunately, not seen anything unexplainable.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 08:13 AM
I have seen one, and it was a well as witnessed by about 50-100 others... However, we were all military brats, and told not to speak of we didn't....most of us until years later....

Can't remember the exact year, as I was in either 3rd or 4th grade, but there was no mistake of what I and others saw... Numerous saucers, one of large size, the others smaller, rings of light, the whole something off of Close Encounters... and all around Mt. Barometer, in Kodiak Alaska...near the Coast Guard compound... Must have been around '80 or '81

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 07:05 PM
Roughly 2 years ago my mother and i observered a bright orange sphere on a cloudy day in the mid-afternoon.It was travelling fairly slowly,approximately 100-200 mph at an altitude of around 200 feet.
We watched it for around 10 seconds before it disappeared from view behind the clouds.

I didn't realise at the time that there was a lot of reports locally of similar observations that had seen individual or multiple sightings for a period of a couple of weeks when we saw it

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