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Daniel Ortega, Another Neocomunist pawn of the Chavez Chess game

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posted on Dec, 13 2007 @ 11:09 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
In this ocasion I will refer to the new strategy that Lt.Col.Hugo Chavez, President of the Bolivarian Regime of Venezuela is doing to try to press over Columbia the country that is defying since 10 years ago his confederation of NeoComunists countries of LatinAmerica.
It is so important that you realize that Columbia, besides the fact that is the eldest Democracy in Latin America, is a very important piece in the chess game for power & control on the economical resources of South America that Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez are playing.
Columbia is a so strategic country since for various reasons:
- Its maritme zone covers on three cardinal points the martime zones on the Caribbean and pacific Ocean of Panama, a former Columbian department until 1903. This means that there is practically no way to use the Panama Channel witout crossing the Columbian sea.
All the shortest air ways that communicate USA with Southamerica cross over Columbia.
By other side the principal natural water Highways of the Southamerican continent also cross through Columbia:
- There is no way to pass from the Orinoco to the Amazon river without touching Columbian waters or land, this cause dependency in comunications to Venezuela and Brasil.
- There is no way to pass from the High Amazon basin, in Equator and Peru, to the low Amazon Valley in Brasil without crossing the Columbian territory.
- The trade of petroleum through the caribean sea needs to pass also Columbian waters since that is the shortest pathway to the USA but also since Columbia has coast on the west side of the Venezuela gulf.
For all these reasons Chavez needs urgently to weaken the Columbian territorial integrity and now is requesting to Ortega to promote this stupid claim that Nicaragua has to try to move the imaginary line of the 82 parallel that is the current limit in the Caribean with Columbia.
The Sandinist NeoComunist Rule of Nicaragua is trying to take from Columbia the St Andrew and Old providence Islands that are the oldest Columbian territory.
It is important to recall that Columbia, that takes its name from Christopher Columbus, has in these islands the only part of its territory, besides Panama that was lost a century ago, that was really visited by the Great italian Almirant that discovered the new world. This means that Columbia is forced anyway to defend that sea & Islands at any cost because that is the essence of its National identity.
America must support strongly the Columbian position, that is probably the only reliable ally that we have in that corner of SouthAmerica, remember that Equator became recently unfortunately other satellite of the Chavez Neocomunist empire, otherwise we are going to have a so critical problem with respect to the trade on Panama if the Nicaraguan Sandinists can expand its waters to the Caribbean.
The central American country never had control over that islands in its History, in fact all its Atlantic coast and the one of Costarica was obtained thanks to the generosity of Columbia that cede it after the lost of Panama isthmus.
There are written agreements signed since the XVI by the King of Spain that shows clearly that Columbia is the only Country that have administrated those islands and waters in the past.
Ortega is doing exactly the thing that Chavez needs to open another international front to Columbia to distract the atention of President Uribe on the pact existing between the Narcoterrorist group Farc & the Bolivarian regime of the neigbor country that is giving it weapons and logistic support from long time ago.
The Hypocrit declarations of Ortega about how worry he is about the conditions or the life of the kidnapped people by Farc in Columbia is part of this strategic to show to the world an appearant peaceful face but only to discredit the democratic rule of President Uribe.
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 12/13/2007 by The angel of light]

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 03:18 PM
The Peace of god to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
There are emails arriving to my inbox asking me what is the sense of this thread from the prophetic point of view. Well for this interesting question I have this answer:
There is in the international aspect a tendency that periodically occur in the United States & have produced many of the worst problems that this nation have had along all its history: the recurrent abandon of allies that in some moment were the only option acceptable to prevent the rising of a new powerful enemy.
Let’s check with more detail this fact:
- In 1917 President W. Wilson decided to support the so called Republic of the Russian Far east that tried to avoid the expansion of the Bolshevik revolution to Siberia and all the russian empire but unfortunately that plan was cut on 1919 after the end of WWI, with cathastrophic consequences for the free world: The victory of the communists in the Russian civil war , boosted with all the support received during the war from Germany, and then the biggest country of the world became our most difficult enemy of all the times.
- In 1936 Not only USA but also the western European potencies abandoned Czechoslovakia, under the expansionist plan of Hitler to take the Sudetes, Consequence: The first important step toward the creation of the third Reich was done with the US indifference.
- In 1961 there was a change in the external policy with respect to the Middle East, from the neutral position that President Eisenhower had on the Israelian-palestinian conflict & the so nice relationship with Egypt during the Suez war. This drastic turn from the respect given to the Arab nations as our former allies in the WWI and WWII against Germany, to the one that we have had during 46 years of inconditional support to only the Jew state, consequence: all the animosity of the Arab world against the USA & the new menace of the fundamentalist Islamic terrorism.
- In 1979 The J. Carter administration decided to abandon Shah Mohamed Reza Pahlavi, for long time the most reliable ally of USA in the middle east, in the decisive moment of the Iranian revolution & the consequences are still bothering us with the so called Islamic rule of the Ayatollahs in that country.
- The error was done twice at that epoch by refusing to accelerate democratic changes in Nicaragua without abandon our former allies & giving the control of the situation to the communist Sandinist regime, one of the most important goals of the penetration of Soviet Union in the West Hemisphere.
I claim that if USA Abandon Columbia in his fight against Narco-terrorism or in its conflicts with the Neocommunist regimes of Nicaragua and Venezuela we are going to pay a terrible negative price in the future without that valuable ally in the balance of forces in the Latin American continent and in the so important strategic zone of the Panama Channel.
The American public opinion and the candidates that are running in the Presidential campaign must understand that it is crucial for the National security the support & stability of allies like Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Columbia, Panama, Peru & Chile. If any of those friend countries fall under the influence of the Neocommunist Axis that Chavez and Castro has been developed America is going to be weaken in a so dangerous way.
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 12/15/2007 by The angel of light]

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 01:15 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
Today only half an hour ago it was published (please check: a so important information related with the DNA tests in Columbia that were practiced to show that the Narco-terrorist organization named FARC was lying together with President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez when they claimed that the boy Emmanuel, son of the Presidential candidate Clara Rojas, kidnapped by them, was still in their power & supposedly it was going to be released in an "humanitarian" gesture.
This fact confirm without any doubt that it was truly my claim that the Marxist leaders Hugo Chavez & Daniel Ortega, together with their protege, the famous Bandit & genocide "Tirofijo", boss of the Farc, were pretending all the time to be Good will people since they only wanted to show to the world their very funny masks of so mercy leaders to continue deceiving the Public opinion about their actual intentions on the Peace process in Columbia.
With this fact it was also proven that President Uribe was telling the Truth all the time when he exposed Chavez and Tirofijo as liars and trappers. I hope that this incident help a lot to the decent people in America and other countries, specially the European ones that are sometimes so indecisive to condemn Farc, to realize what is the right side in this confrontation and what is the wrong.
America and the Free world must give all the necessary political support to President Alvaro Uribe as the most reliable ally that democracy has in that strategic corner of the western hemisphere. It is also important that the communist governments of Nicaragua & Venezuela be isolated in all the international forums as supporters of the criminal violence of Narcoterrorism.
I can see that this year will be decisive to stop the advance of the Farc in Columbia and to assure that the South American country remains as the eldest legitimate republic of Latin America.
Also 2008 will be an important period to weak the power of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and for freedom fighters in Bolivia and Equator against the Communist attempt to push those nations also to the dark side of the international politics.

Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 1/4/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 11:19 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
Yesterday it was shown in the News on the TV in America the reaction of the different Presidents of Central America that were in a so important meeting to the questions of the journalists about the delicate health condition of Cuban Leader Fidel Castro and the Incoming succession process in the Island.

As I stated with this thread on 2007, Daniel Ortega clearly and openly showed his truly Marxist convictions with his comments, plenty of all his admiration and deep respect to Fidel Castro giving to him the most highest adjectives than can be given to any politician, defining him as the Great leader of the continent and the Model for the History of Latin America.

He couldn't hide at this moment all the sympathy and the so close relationship that he has with the Cuban Dictator. Ortega visited la Havana on June 16th 2007 and Fidel Castro personally thanked to him the denounced given in the Iberoamerican meeting of Santiago against Luis Posada Carriles, one of the most brave opposition cuban leaders that was exposed by Ortega of Terrorist that must be prosecuted by the International Community.

In that same meeting of Santiago was the famous arguing between President Rodriguez-Zapatero of Spain and the Dictator Hugo Chavez Frias of Venezuela in which, when this last one didn't allow the Spanish president to continue his brief closing discourse, with several interruptions, the King must try to change his attitude with the strong phrase: "Why don't you shut up?"

It is important to recall that on that occasion Ortega was also supporting all the time the rough attitude of the Venezuelan leader and attacking also the Spanish government but also the Spanish private companies, telling that they were both conspiring against the Sandinist Party in the Last Election in Nicaragua.

Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 2/21/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 12:31 AM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,
Well, well, what do I have to commnent new today about this thread?
Of course it would so rare if President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua don't take part in this carnival of Clowns that is arranged by Hugo Chavez creating all this Drama, or perhaps is better to classified it as a Political Comedy, around the reactions of the incident the last saturday in the Amazon forest in the Columbian-Equatorian border.

Daniel Ortega once again is showing that he is completly lack of brain and he must follow as an automat the orders that he receive from Caracas, that is the only place in which it looks somebody has mind, to say today that he is breaking diplomatic relationships with Columbia since that is a terrorist state!

What a deep Intelligence of a Stateman!

He deserve a boo for all that originality that he is exhibiting!

Ha, Ha, Ha, ....What an Absurdity he is showing to the world!

What a Show the one that Rafael Correa and his partisans are performing with his dramatic reaction about the incursion of the Columbian Army in his territory hunting the FARC guerrillas!

I think even William Shakespeare, if he resurrect, must recognize that between Correa & Chavez is so difficult to say which one is better Actor or better Comedian or Drama author, they can convince even the most skeptic that they are really the good guys in this novel, when in fact they are the most smart and hypocrit politicians that are at present leading any nation.

Of course all this comedy or Show is perfectly consistent with my Prediction that Daniel Ortega is nothing more or less than other sad pawn of the Neocomunist Empire of Hugo Chavez.

Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 3/7/2008 by The angel of light]

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