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Lack: The Birth of Darkness

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posted on May, 31 2008 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by TheGreySwordsman

Interresting posts. You know, you actually answered some of the things I’ve had in my mind for a while. But I must make a few comments here. For one:
“Lack serves to separate us at every possible turn. It divides us by race, religion, political party, family, nation, hobbies, genres, etc. This division isolates us from others, when we are isolated, or feel so, we are not contributing to the group, and therfore, only worry about ourselves. In doing so, we are acting in a manner that will direct us towards Darkness.”

That’s the thing. Don’t people separate and categorize themselves? On their own? Even without external influence, they seek what is familiar, and what they are comfortable with, and shun all else. Yes, with or without influence, it does separate “us” from “the others”, but why is it all about the others? There is nothing wrong about viewing yourself as an individual, especially when seeking individual “enlightenment”, as it is commonly called.

But that is something else I notice about your post. I agree that you do seem knowledgeable, indeed. It sounds like the real realizations of someone who has spent some real time really discovering their path. But for someone so knowledgeable, I must ask, why are you constantly describing the lackingness as “darkness”? Is dark automatically bad, and light automatically good? Is night time hell and day heaven?
From the beginning of time people have associated the dark with the unknown and the unknown with the negative. This is not the first ideology that has followed the pattern, and I really must ask why. All through history, solar deities were good and lunar deities were automatically demonic!! (gasp!) – Why is lack dark? Why is evil always in the black cloak? It really does not make any sense to me. So do tell me why.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all if things like shadows were entirely motivated by something like “lack”- but then, they’re not all horrible, awful black demons. Some are horrible awful white demons, some manifest gray, others red. Evil comes, and it’s not always dark. And I am not just talking about coloration, but I do have limited examples. Mainly, I am challenging your idea that light=good and dark=bad. Because I have been let in on a little secret- that this is not really automatically true.
By the way, I do give merit to your desrcription of icy shackles (though I would describe the same as a pair of claws tat latch onto the bones and doesn’t let go.)- the idea is a good idea on its own, and there is also something to the fact that there is always a battle going on. But you can’t mean that humans are “naturally” perfect, being HUMAN BEINGS!! (gasp!)- politicians may operate corruptly, and even operate on a path following this “lack” you speak of. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be corrupt all on their own, and often times people are.
You also really have something with the examples of people- killers become such because they lack whatever it is, individually. But someone who lacks thrill or control could seek to isolate the problem, and take the time to fix that in their own life. I believe that what causes the problem in this case is not entirely the lack, but in these individual cases, often it is the drive for instant satisfaction. A person is sick of “things”, how you mentioned, and does something like killing. Instant satisfaction. People have reduced reason and little patience, and that is not automatically the work of “darkness”, but how humans just are. As much as I hate when people excuse atrocities with “human nature”, this is what seems “natural”, if anything, imperfection, even before any “darkness” arrives on the scene. People are commonly selfish, and evil has little to do with it.
But then you must consider, what of the people who are just sick, and not because of THE lack, but because they lack, maybe sanity? They are just sick. There was a man (in Austria, I believe?-) who kept his daughter in a basement for ten years, treating her horribly. This isn’t lack of anything more than decency. HE was a monster of his own accord. IT was his own choice to put her there and keep her there, and not instant satisfaction either.
There is something to the idea that the negatives out there will keep “us” from the right path, but then there are those who go at the “wrong” one entirely out of their own volition, and the “nature” of “human beings” has nothing at all to do with it.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by Levita

I'll describe all of this is much greater, more accurate depth later today in a thread called "Darkness Revisited."

However, about the phrase "Darkness". It's a term easily recognized by all as something bad. Upon being introduced to the word, no one needs further instruction as to what I'm talking about. Dark=bad.

Does that mean that night time, or the physical manifestation of the opposite of Light are bad? Not at all. It's just a metaphor. I've been wearing all(mostly) black for about 11 years now. It many cultures, it actually means rebirth, transformation, and protection. I just use the word "Darkness" for ease of expression.

That being said, I will craete a much more accurate post "Darkness Revisited" later today. In my initial talks of Lack, I was simply expermenting to see how this tecahing approach worked to get a desired point across. Not well enough, so I vastly reshaped the way I describe it. It will be less abstract and more recognizable in our lives from this point of view.

Thank you for taking interest in this thread though. If my new thread does not answer your questions to your satisfaction, let me know.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by TheGreySwordsman

Darkness Revisited

Here's the thread that I promised. I hope it answers some of your questions about my interpretation of this force's nature.

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