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I hate talking to ROBOTS!!!

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posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 04:03 PM
Everything is all about talking to robots now.


Ive been trying to get thru to IKEA for over 2 hours now!


Its like the make you listen to idiotic music, and lame messages that chime in to say nothing particualy important.

And when i did get thru, my phone dropped connection.


I dont know weather i am going to cry, or spartan kick someone in the face

This has got to be the result of some massive conspiricy to drive people compltly insane.

At least i didnt have to press 1 for english... this is california, spanish gets the number 1

YEa i got thru, talked to some lady for 15 secs, and she transfered me back onto hold


My phone droped again.

I think im going to go outside, away from things that are fragile.

Everytime i have to talk to a frigin-machine, i always end up screwing around on the phone for a few hours. I am freaking pissed.

No studying tonight after this, just :w::w::w::w::w::w::w:

Ill be back

posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 04:49 PM


posted on Dec, 10 2007 @ 04:59 PM
I feel the same way as you.. everytime i make a call to a 1888 or 1800 number.. the first thing i think of is 'put a f*****G hUMAN on the PHONE!!!!' , i dont have time for robots, im a very busy person!

posted on Dec, 12 2007 @ 10:10 AM
geez i know what you mean. we get this one that has like the microsoft sam voice and it can't even pronounce my last name right.... >_< its pretty sad that one day we will have no communication between humans, since it will soon be just automated voices and such delivering messages. thats pathetic

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 02:13 PM
So you are the angry people that call me? Understandable that IVR's are EXTREMELY frustrating...but next time, do the HUMAN on the otherside a favor and try not to yell at them, as they are not the ones who put you on the IVR. They are just there collecting a measly paycheck to put some food in their bellies.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 02:38 PM
It’s not all that bad! The technology we make is designed simply to assist us… however if it’s really truly important and we have to get some answers now, well that’s a whole another story!
Maybe you should pay them a visit… unless their HQ is on the other side of the continent, well that’s just to bad

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 02:47 PM
I can tell you that the IVR systems are designed by the dudes in the Corporate offices of these companies. Out in the call centers, the people you talk to have absolutely NOTHING to do with it. It is useless and pointless to take the frustration out on them. When you call THEM and get the IVR, all the CSR sees is your call hit their phone after you go throught the robot, then they take your call.

If it's that much of a concern, visit that companies website and use their "Contact Us" feature to complain directly to the company...not its "Representatives".

Cause 9.87 times out of 10..the CSR could care less why you are mad. And has no motivation whatsoever to forward a complaint for you. Even if they say they me they are not. Each person they talk to is just another of the 75 or so DIFFERENT people they talk to every single day. They really dont give a rats *** what the problem is lol. They just want their check to pay their bills.

[edit on 1-1-2008 by deadangel23]

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 02:57 PM
coffee cup
sweat socks..

Those IVM's are usually looking for a short list of pertinent trigger words.
I give them words that have nothing to do with the subject at hand.

After a few attempts of trying to figure out what you want, it gives up and sends you off to a person. That works often for me.
Fun to see the looks on my coworkers faces too, as they try to figure out who the heck I am talking to.

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 09:49 PM
now days its like the only two people that offer assistance on buisness calls are robots or indian men named steve, bill and todd

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 11:43 PM
I feel your pain.

But for future reference IKEA is Swedish for CRAP.

Step away from the yellow and blue sign, do not enter as you will for surely buy random amounts of crap that you have no need for and never will. The bags of tea candles will stay in the draw under the TV for all eternity!


posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
coffee cup
sweat socks..

Those IVM's are usually looking for a short list of pertinent trigger words.
I give them words that have nothing to do with the subject at hand.

After a few attempts of trying to figure out what you want, it gives up and sends you off to a person. That works often for me.
Fun to see the looks on my coworkers faces too, as they try to figure out who the heck I am talking to.


and here I was thinking I was the only one who did that .... LMAO

And I agree with ya, it works for me as well. Just start something
in gibberish also works or just start cussing ... LOL
However, that doesn't work on systems where you have to
punch in numbers. Use to be you could keep punching in
numbers not on the list and it would transfer to a human
but anymore they are getting smarter, they just keep you
tied up in that menu til you press at least 1 number in the list.

However, I have found a way around that one as well.

When they ask you to press a number from a menu
don't press anything at all even if it repeats the choices
again. The system will think you are on an old rotary
telephone and transfer you to a person. Smart lil trick
I learned a couple years ago and it works

But I will have to agree with the majority here.
Getting stuck in a maze of menu listings is a nightmare
when the choices they list doesn't coincide with what you are
calling about. That is one of my pet peaves which I despise.

Another pet peave is trying to speak with an Indian tech support
person when I can't understand their dialect. I ran into this problem
with Compaq computer tech support many years ago when I had
Windoze 95. I eventually had to tell the Indian that I did not understand
what he was saying and asked to be transferred to another person.
he got angry and told me that he spoke better english than I did.
And then I told him, maybe so but I spoke better redneck than
he did and got transferred. This happening about 6 times in a year
turned me against Compaq which I have never bought another one
since. Sorry Compaq, but you lost a customer over your tech support
Indian dialect. However since then i think Compaq has remedied
that problem with their call centre call origin reading. If your call
comes in from the US, the computer reads that info and directs your
support call to a different department. But it was a lil too late for
my taste.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by TKainZero

I'm not certain this can please everyone. I have used this list many times with great success.


posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 01:01 PM
I took a look at the above link and suggest the rest of the members try using those methods when battling with an automated customer service line.

HP has to be one of the worst to get to where a customer needs to help.
If you don't believe me trying calling em for an experiment in frustration.
Their automated speech recognition sucks

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