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War On Terror is a Fraud

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posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:11 PM
Hamburg court acquits September 11 suspect
By Hugh Williamson in Hamburg
Published: February 5 2004 14:01 | Last Updated: February 5 2004 18:06

A Moroccan student accused of assisting in the September 11 2001 attacks was acquitted by a Hamburg court on Thursday in a ruling set to increase pressure on the US to allow detained al-Qaeda suspects to give evidence in terrorist trials. /ContentServer?

It appears Moroccan student and 9-11 defendent Abdelghani Mzoudi is innocent of all 3,000 charges levelled against him. What'ya know? No nearly enuff evidence. But that's par for the course in the fictional Bush war on terror. As a matter of fact, to this day I don't recall the US government ever giving anyone an ounce of proof concerning who actually hit the Pentagon and brought the twin towers down. It's all scare tactics and intimidation with NO proof of anything. When are people gonna wake up and DEMAND the TRUTH?!

Probly not in my lifetime.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:15 PM
You ignore fact and prefer to believe baseless theory. Wake up, you say? Where's your proof? The war against us has been going on for decades and many have died, only we never fought back...until now. Your head in the sand does not require our waking up.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:30 PM
Hahahaha, that was funny... head in the sand.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:44 PM

You ignore fact and prefer to believe baseless theory. Wake up, you say? Where's your proof?

what fact is he ignorning? i'd love to see some facts about 9/11...and usually, the people making the claims (US government) are the ones that are supposed to provide the facts you know.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:45 PM
EastCoastKid: To the best of my knowledge the only evidence the Bush admin has that ties OBL to sept 11 is that low quality video tape of him that was found in a house in afgahnastan.

I'm not going to get in the debate about weather its really him or not on the tape. Though we all know that we, the gerneral public, aren't getting the full story.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:50 PM
Was that the tape of him using his hand as an airplane, while making a gesture of this "airplane" crashing into his arm?

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:53 PM
There is no proof. OBL belongs to BushCo.

Thomas Crowne and your little shadow, believe in all those lies you were brainwashed into believing. I can't help but laugh, though, because these monsters you so strenuously and pitifully defend are laughing at you. You are known to the elites as useful idiots.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 12:56 PM
What I want to know is: How many people have been tried and convicted as being part of the terrorist organization known as "Al Qaeda"?

If nobody is responsible, then who did it?

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:01 PM
In addressing the article,
One has to remember that the US wanted this "Moroccan student" extradicted to the US so that 'he' could face charges based on crimes committed against the US. The German's refused. The US, in turn, when asked to supply evidences (ie: sensitive intellignece information, I presume), basically refused for the reasoning of the German's to not extradite the "Moroccan student" to the US. Boiled down to lack of cooperation for lack of cooperation. Then again, the fact should be mentioned that Germany voted against the US, thus, this was also in the background reasoning.

In such, chances are that this "student" will be returned to Morocco, unless of coarse, the German's refuse the Moroccan request(s). Morocco will then send/extradite him to the US.


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:04 PM
What, did you just learn a new title, "useful idiots"? Here's a couple others I've learned after studying since the 70's to what you say I'm a slave; cattle, sheep, sheeple, Goya (pardon if the spelling is incorrect...there are more, but you'll find them as you read.

To say that I am a useful idiot to the Agenda because you draw an entire picture from one guy being released by the German court and I ask for some decent evidence, come now.
Use cotton balls to keep the sand out of your ears!

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:06 PM
I"ve only heard of about 3 people - I think being tried so far. Two have been acquitted and Moussaui remains in limbo. Because they cannot get a conviction. If they allowed him to talk to Binalshibh as Moussaoui should be entitled to, the government's case would fall apart. They're probly gonna throw him into GITMO to rot. They have no proof of Al Qaeda and Osama being behind the 9-11 attack. NONE. All they have is the complicit media telling the people over and over and over again their BS story. I'm tellin ya, Osama is CIA.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by heelstone
What I want to know is: How many people have been tried and convicted as being part of the terrorist organization known as "Al Qaeda"?

If nobody is responsible, then who did it?

Q: You mean who forced the planes to fly into the WTC's and the Pentagon?

A: Al-Quada

Q: Or who angered Al-Quada and forced them to cause a horrific act?

A: We did. Why? Oil.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
What, did you just learn a new title, "useful idiots"? Here's a couple others I've learned after studying since the 70's to what you say I'm a slave; cattle, sheep, sheeple, Goya (pardon if the spelling is incorrect...there are more, but you'll find them as you read.

To say that I am a useful idiot to the Agenda because you draw an entire picture from one guy being released by the German court and I ask for some decent evidence, come now.
Use cotton balls to keep the sand out of your ears!

Nice try at intellectual smackdown.
But anyway, I'm glad you're aware of that terminology. Might help you out someday if you get trapped in an elevator with some college students or something.

Why don't you provide us with some proof to prove your contention. You won't because you can't. Why? Because you've never seen any proof either. But hey- you can give it a shot.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:33 PM
Proof, of what? Of the war against us that has been going on for years, now? No need in it. Why do you think TWA was called "Travelling With Arabs"?
I suppose you've never heard of Abu Nidal, Abu Abbas, or Ramzi Yousef? Where were you when time and time again, declarations of war against the U.S. was shouted? What, were you one of those smug and condescending TV watchers that thought, "How quaint, the camel jocks declare war against us."? The first WTC attack wasn't good enough, nor was the Cole. The hijackings, kidnappings and bus bombings targeting westerners was a wake-up call. We finally get an alarm clock loud and bloody enough to wake us up and you, with what evidence, claim that there is a conspiracy, and demand evidence of that which has been documented now for decades.

Evidence? You. sir, are the one most lacking in evidence. Go find some. Bring it back. I'd love it as I'm now a jaded former conspiracy nut. Part of what burned me out is the people who screamed "CONSPIRACY!" at the moon, but couldn't defend their position without declaring those requesting proof, clarification and explanation "cattle" and "sheep".

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Proof, of what? Of the war against us that has been going on for years, now? No need in it. Why do you think TWA was called "Travelling With Arabs"?
I suppose you've never heard of Abu Nidal, Abu Abbas, or Ramzi Yousef? Where were you when time and time again, declarations of war against the U.S. was shouted? What, were you one of those smug and condescending TV watchers that thought, "How quaint, the camel jocks declare war against us."? The first WTC attack wasn't good enough, nor was the Cole. The hijackings, kidnappings and bus bombings targeting westerners was a wake-up call. We finally get an alarm clock loud and bloody enough to wake us up and you, with what evidence, claim that there is a conspiracy, and demand evidence of that which has been documented now for decades.

Evidence? You. sir, are the one most lacking in evidence. Go find some. Bring it back. I'd love it as I'm now a jaded former conspiracy nut. Part of what burned me out is the people who screamed "CONSPIRACY!" at the moon, but couldn't defend their position without declaring those requesting proof, clarification and explanation "cattle" and "sheep".

Sorry TC, but you could use major deprogramming. I told you you could'nt show me a shred of evidence. Nice try, tho.

By the way, Clinton could've had Osama. But no, instead he instructed the Sudan to send him to Afghanistan. Clinton's in it up to his eyeballs right along with BushCo.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:52 PM
Aw, for cryin' out farkin' loud, listen to yourself. Your response is that I need to provide evidence, but you do not, and that I need deprogramming.
You have all the symptoms of "I read theories on the 'puter too much and am in dire need of a walk in the sunshine!" syndrome. There is help. Skeptic Overlord and I can set up one of those tough love meetings to deprogram you if you'd like.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:53 PM
Why don't you both shut up and go find something to support your arguements.

Problem solved.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:55 PM
Hey, kid, you see him? He's so not gellin'.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:05 PM
There is no "proof" for either side. But that doesn't stop the government from commiting mass murder and toppling regimes, now does it...

Doesn't stop the CIA from having hundreds of thousands of secret missions to SUPPORT regimes such as Saddam's and crush the opposition.

So it's not about who can provide proof for either side, it's more of a "If no one has any proof of anything, why do anything?".

Until there's proof, who pulled the government by their sore nipples into pre-emptive strikes and to declare war?

Eastcoastkid may not have "proof", but he sure isn't the one doing anything to anyone until he finds it. It's when you act on a whim, an assumption, or an outright lie, that you get yourself knee-deep in bullsh1t.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Hey, kid, you see him? He's so not gellin'.


You go Thomas! Did you get the new union contract ratified or something, because that's some funny stuff! Glad to see a sense of humor has not abandoned you!

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