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Why us!?

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posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 12:53 PM
Someone explain something to me. Why is it always us? Why are we the only ones besides Britan who have to go into other countries and save them from God knows what? Whether it be depression, communism, terrorism or corruption, we have to act like heros or saviors if you will. Why? Oh, because we are one of the richest most powerful nation on Earth. Hell, we even like to go against the U.N. policy. And do we care? Of course not.

Take vietnam for example. We went into a war that we weren't supposed be in. Heck, we even lost and didn't help the communism situation over there. And why? Becasue we like to think we're everyone's saviors. And have we learned our lesson? I think not. We just went against about going to war with Iraq and now look at the situation we're in. We're still not apologizing for going to war. We have to be the hero's.

That's don't understand. Why do we have to be the hero's almost everytime another country is in trouble? Maybe it's more complicated than that but I just don't the real reason behind it all.

[Edited on 5-2-2004 by mrmulder]

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 12:54 PM
Why, short answer: all the rest of the world are a buncha weiny wimps.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 01:01 PM
You're probably right NEO but I still don't see why we have to go to war when it serves no purpose (vietnam, Iraq) and innocent soldiers are getting killed for no good cause.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 01:42 PM
I would imagine it all started back in the league of nations, and just built from there. The original "objective" being democracy for all, the US feels this need to propagate democracy throughout the world
Don't know just a guess.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 01:45 PM
I'm expecting some kind of "american empire", and like other great empires before us such as Rome, we will fall

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by TekNo88
I'm expecting some kind of "american empire", and like other great empires before us such as Rome, we will fall

Couldn't have said it better myself.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 02:01 PM
If that was the case we would have blown the (C) out of that dirt hole and just started over.

We would have destroyed every seat of govermental power and infrastructure.

We would have indiscrimenatly killed every living being that was of no use to us in the future.

We would have destroyed every trace of their history and culture.

That is what Empire Building Nations do to other countries.

We could do that if we wanted to, but instead we risk our lives to protect those that have no freedoms, no hope and no future to offer to their children.

The added benefit of successfully uprooting an evil, vicous dictatorship is just an added bonus to our merit badges.

While securing a vital natural resource that the US goverment will eventual blackmail the controlling body into giving us more than fair access to.

Think of the US and its forgien policy as a big open market or barder system. We give them freedom and a chance for prosperity in their own lives and they repay us by giving the US goverment concessions, use rights, open trade channels, denial of cooperation with aggressors to the United States, etc. And in return we tell them we will give them financial support,military support, technology, infrastructure, humanitarian aid, jobs etc. So that the next time the US wants to take action against an "aggressor" they will support our stand and agree with us even if it goes against the UN or any other governing body.

We scratch their back and they scratch ours. Thats the way the world works. You dont get something for nothing and I would think a chance at freedom from oppression the most basic of human rights is worth more than its weight in oil (in this case)


posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix
US not Empire Building

We have Military Bases all over the world and we are not Empire Building? If not why not close all those bases and bring the people home to their families where they belong.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 02:07 PM
I'm from a little place called the UK, you know it, we used to run the world before you.

Although we managed to strike absolute terror into the hearts of our enemies at the mention of british intervention, you have yet to learn that.

[Edited on 5-2-2004 by Nerdling]

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Nerdling
I'm from a little place called the UK, you know it, we used to run the world before you.

Although we managed to strike absolute terror into the hearts of our enemies at the mention of british intervention, you have yet to learn that.

LMAO!! SO true. Just looking at our jackass of a leader I think most nations just laugh.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 02:18 PM
Indeed, Bush is a laughing stock and so is the rest of the higher echelons of american democracy.

Now if you want to rule a country with fear and wonderfully pleasant civility then read back into British History, most notably India and the surrounding territory.

500,000,000 people kept at bay by a couple thousand british soldiers.

The point is, you have to sell the idea of a better life provided by YOU, the liberators. We sold the civility, the class and the general goodness of life through tea drinking and cricket playing, but you're giving them conditions they hate in a squalid ill-equipped hole of a country and letting big american firms do the business.

1. Get the public involved by giving them the work, overseen by a foreman who is the epitome of terror.
2. Set up a class system with the middle classes doing all the real work in important positions, they've had money and want more. After all, we ran the empire with an army of middle aged middle class bureaucrats.
3. You are in charge, let the public know it, preferably with a heavy handed response to protests, try to avoid a massacre, a light bloodbath should do.

The key is...

Under the smile resides a resolve made of steel.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 02:20 PM
If not us, who? As we have seen, we do not need proof to go to war...

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Nerdling
Indeed, Bush is a laughing stock and so is the rest of the higher echelons of american democracy.

Now if you want to rule a country with fear and wonderfully pleasant civility then read back into British History, most notably India and the surrounding territory.

500,000,000 people kept at bay by a couple thousand british soldiers.

The point is, you have to sell the idea of a better life provided by YOU, the liberators. We sold the civility, the class and the general goodness of life through tea drinking and cricket playing, but you're giving them conditions they hate in a squalid ill-equipped hole of a country and letting big american firms do the business.

1. Get the public involved by giving them the work, overseen by a foreman who is the epitome of terror.
2. Set up a class system with the middle classes doing all the real work in important positions, they've had money and want more. After all, we ran the empire with an army of middle aged middle class bureaucrats.
3. You are in charge, let the public know it, preferably with a heavy handed response to protests, try to avoid a massacre, a light bloodbath should do.

The key is...

Under the smile resides a resolve made of steel.

Damm Nerd!! You would make an awesome dictator.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 08:27 PM
The over-extended Empire is strategically securing the oil reserves.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Oswald
If not us, who? As we have seen, we do not need proof to go to war...

Well if we do go to war we shouldn't go against the U.N. The U.N. was created so the major countries of the world could come together and make a decision together. Was it not?

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