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A World Without Islam - Opinions?

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posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 12:52 PM
Simply put, Hell yes. (it would be more peaceful)

I know one liners are bad, but what else can I really do except cite a bunch of stuff most of us know about, all the crazy laws, the aim of the religion (global caliphate, world domination through sharia = convert or die), how terrible they are with women (the U.S. Feminist advocates should consider a life under Islam the scariest thing they can imagine)

I mean these guys really put us western, American men to shame. Look at how they control and dominate every single aspect of their wife, their kids, daughters, the household, everything. And it is so brutally yet efficiently enforced.. the entire society turns a blind eye to violent crimes if they are in the name of popular Islam. They shout things like kill all jews, destroy america, death to america, death to israel, etc at their rallies. Its like an entire culture of death and violence driven supremacy.

[edit on 12/2/2007 by runetang]

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
As long as people continue to force their religion and try to "convert" others there will be issues in this world. If there was no Islam, I'm sure the Christians would be calling the Hindus their enemies. And if there were no Hindus, it would be the pagans and atheists that were the enemy.

I believe even if there were NO religions, Humans would still find something to war about.

But there is no single country or organization on the PLANET that is Christian and could actually attack and inflict damage and death upon these hypothetical enemies, as you say, Hindus or Pagans.

Christianity is a religion of peace. Catholicism is not. Dont get it twisted with all that Crusades crap .. I am not of that flock.

In Christianity, from the book, a person suffers more on their own accord for the sake of the Lord throughout their life than they would if they turned a blind eye. Because then, ignorance becomes bliss. And yet the early apostles gave their lives in martyrdom for attempting to preach the Gospel.

The Pagans drew first blood. And yet, Pagans are not violently persecuted in todays world by any Christian organization. Pagans are not strung up and hung, or burnt at stakes anymore. And any example of Christianity showing aggression and persecution to any particular group or type of person can be replied to with an even worse persecution that afflicted the Christians first. This does not make it right, and truly the Christian denominations that were involved in the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Reconquista, and burning of Witches have blood on their hands. But doesn't everyone, at some point in history, is the question. Islam however is based on violence, it is integral. They are commanded by their highest prophet to slaughter unbelievers, to behead jews, and their highest prophet personally participated in such acts. They boast about this.

Our highest prophet never hurt a fly, allowed himself to be turned over, so that he could be tortured and killed. Our prophet never advocated violence once. So any old testament stuff about violence back when the jews were killing the canaanites doesn't have anything to do with us. And anything commanded by men since in the name of Jesus or Christianity doesn't matter either.

[edit on 12/2/2007 by runetang]

[edit on 12/2/2007 by runetang]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 12:11 AM
I agree that another 'enemy' would be found. I dont think its Islam that is the problem, but Zealots of any faith. No one has a right to tell anyone else their belief is wrong. Just because I believe what I do does not mean I would tell anyone else they should believe it. I believe faith is something you need to discover for yourself. Whether I'm right or wrong (or Muslims are right/wrong, or Christians, or WHOEVER) will either never be proved (so who cares) or settled in the 'second coming' most faiths seem to defer to. And if such an event occurs, Whichever deity is the real one will sort out the non believers how they see fit, so no point worrying about it.

"Every religion is another faiths unbeliever"

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:15 AM
You stated "Radical Islam" as part of your theory. Real Islam has a little different way of doing business than corrupt Imams and rich evil men using Islam as their crutch to commit more evil deeds. Your posting should read "A world without evil men and women hijacking religion to torture, rape and kill.". This would be a better fit. But eventually this thread is going to turn into a Christian v.s. Islam bashing session.

So, I will check back in from time to time to see the progress of my faith is better than yours sitcom.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:19 AM
The real problem would be what kind of problems would getting rid of Islam create? A "cut" like that would create some real, deep, and ugly scars that would not fade soon. Controversial comment: I say we let the Muslim middle east destroy Israel, although the civilians could be evacuated, get it out of their system, and then the rest of the world kind of adopts a "containment" strategy, very Cold War-esque. More specifically, military bases on the fringes of the muslim world, but not actually in it, and no trade sanctions. I say Islam will considerably soften after that due to a lack of external enemies and may even fade away altogether.

I think the best end goal is one syncretic world religion, like what I think they may have had back in Atlantis.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by indierockalien
Seriously, I agree with Lennon. Take your religion, throw it out the window, and realize we're all one planet Earth. How about a world without ANY religion!!! Any dogmas!

A world without Islam wouldn't be any different. Patriotism and faith in other religions would just take it's place.

Possibly Raelians would take it's place. They all seem just as crazy...meaning religion in general.

If I make somebody mad that I've upset their religious beliefs, GOOD. You religious people meed to be shaken severely because it's CRAZY!!!!

Alright, I'm calm, I'm calm. Serenity now.

No... religion will upset me until it's gone from this world.


Patriotism is just another form of religion, flag wavers. Sorry to disappoint.
As long as people blindly follow these cults, we will be a war torn hell hole, and our planet will die.

[edit on 1-12-2007 by indierockalien]

I would have to agree with you friend. Unfortunately, so many are trapped in an infinite circle of confusion. Some are willing to kill for the sake of saying my GOD is better than yours. It was written that if man kills a bee or any other living being, man is killing himself. In order to know who the Creator is, one must know himself. The laws are simple, but when the Puppet Masters are constantly pulling the strings of the puppets, how much freedom does the puppet actually have?

The Creator has many names and sent many messengers, all had a message of importance. All came from the Holy Breath.


posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:43 AM
A world without Islam won't make a difference because there's always radical and ignorant people in the middle east trying to control the masses with brainwash religion.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 04:41 AM
Islam is beautiful. Much magnificent and alluring history has come from this religion, and our world would be alien without it. Although, with everything beautiful comes the repulsive. We've let polarization get the best of us from all parts of the world and all walks of life. We've succumb to the natural options of "good or bad" or "right or wrong," when every truth in this world lie somewhere in between. As with any religion, you have to take the good with bad, in between, and all of it's history! If we didn't have all these majestic social creations, our world would be strikingly different. For better, or for worse, who's to say but the ignorant?

A bit of a sidestep, I know, but I thought I'd go for grey instead of black and white.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by runetang

The man your religious text is based off of killed a boy his age when he was younger for bumping into him in an afternoon market. He smite the boy with his power and killed him instantly. There is also a story of Jesus pushing a young boy out of a window, subsequently killing him. There are many books that were not included in the holy text of 367 AD, because some of the texts written were very critical of Jesus or at least were an attempt to show how human your savior was.

All religion is flawed and should be looked at with an open mind and without religious bias. You can't pick and choose which parts of your religion you follow, or what books are right or wrong. You have very limited knowledge of your religion and are not calling a spade a spade, but making harsh judgements without assessing the other elements that play into regions like the Middle East. Religion has failed humanity as a whole and it's apparent that not one single sect is without fault. To answer this question from an opposing religious perspective would be a mistake. Criticisizing any religion in the same fashion is a mistake and will ultimately achieve nothing.

[edit on 3-12-2007 by DeadFlagBlues]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by runetang

but with just islam out of the way... they'd cling to another religion.

probably christianity...
so it wouldn't be more peaceful... it might possibly be less peaceful. imagine a region transformed into one where pat robertson and jerry falwell have control...

the region's problem isn't a specific religion, it's choosing religion over secularism and a lack of education.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 06:01 AM
I'm all for a world without religion period- ESPECIALLY Islam and Xtianity.

At least then we could get back to the basics- racial conflict.
It's always one of the 'Big Three' that starts wars and conflict-


At least then there would be one out of the way.

[edit on 3-12-2007 by Dero]

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 06:05 AM
A world without multiple belief-systems and without ocassional conflicts and without diversity is a dull world. Whoever wants a world in which everyone believes and does the same thing, a world of "peace", go move to north korea.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 08:21 AM
hmmm... first i'd like to tell you i'm muslim

i agree with hmmm...( forgot the name), that this topic should be
"A World Without Radical Islam"

but if world without islam, maybe it'll worse than this time, when the black(sorry, for everyone) must be slave now!!

have you read the book (the 100...) that Prophet Muhammad is the no 1, that writeen in the book, he "delete" slavery, before abraham lincoln did

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 08:31 AM
Islam is the only major world religion that feels the need to make death threats against those who hold different views. It'd suit me just fine for it to vanish. That would cut down on a lot of violence in the world.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by BlueRaja

excuse me.. christianity makes those same death threats as well...
hell, pat robertson suggested an assassination of hugo chavez on national television.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher

Very true, worldwatcher...

We are so quick to forget the fact that the three Abrahamic religions have a history unparalleled by any other when violence is concerned..

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by 123143
Frankly, it's a violent religion from what I've seen of it, which should tell peaceful Moslems something about their fellows.

I agree with an earlier poster that man would find something else to make war over even if religion was eliminated. I don't want to admit that. It would be nice to be able to say "if we eliminate such-and-such, there will be no more killing", but one must be realistic.

It doesn't seem like there's any hope for our species.

A violent religion?
Islam in no way advocates hatred.
Islam is twisted and distorted by the media into an enemy when it is really a friend.
How about taking a visit to your local mosque and having a chat with the people who go there?

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:51 PM
Islam exists, just like the sun and the tides. If it didn't, there would be something else in its place, maybe "better," maybe "worse."

I don't know of anybody still worshipping Isis and Osiris the way the old Egyptians did. Is the world a better or worse place now that the old Egyptian religion is gone?

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by PeaceUk

Originally posted by 123143
Frankly, it's a violent religion from what I've seen of it, which should tell peaceful Moslems something about their fellows.

I agree with an earlier poster that man would find something else to make war over even if religion was eliminated. I don't want to admit that. It would be nice to be able to say "if we eliminate such-and-such, there will be no more killing", but one must be realistic.

It doesn't seem like there's any hope for our species.

A violent religion?
Islam in no way advocates hatred.
Islam is twisted and distorted by the media into an enemy when it is really a friend.
How about taking a visit to your local mosque and having a chat with the people who go there?

Peace, consider the source of this statement and read his reply to my question.

Sadly, many people judge others by what they see on TV.

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Excuse me, but no it doesn't. Give me just one verse from the New Testament that says yey verily kill thy neighbor who thinks differently than thou.

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