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Bush Was AWOL: How Will It Affect Election '04?

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posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 08:51 AM
pResident George Dubya Bush was AWOL from his National Guard duty from May 1972 to May 1973. That's sumthin else. During a time of war, no less. If that had been you or me, the first time we got pulled over for a speeding ticket we would've been arrested on the spot. This rich, eastern-establishment turkey got away scott-free. That should piss everyone off. Especially considering he lied to the U.S. and to the world and started an illegal war of aggression.. only to enrich himself and his crony sycophants. Over 500 troops have been killed and thousands have been wounded and or maimed for life because of this.

Instead of being a man and honoring his commitment to service, he skipped out and did his own thing. While our troops were dying in the killing fields of Vietnam.

I can't help but wonder how that will affect the outcome of the 2004 election. Will the democratic nominee press him on that? They damn well should. Will Kerry (the other establishment candidate)? He should and certainly could. That could be very damaging. Will pretty boy Edwards? Likely, no. He didn't serve, so he really can't go there. Dean? Maybe. He could make it an issue, but he didn't serve either. Clark? Probably definitely. He could for sure. How will Bush answer that straight on? My guess is that if Kerry really does press him on it, Bush will stutter, flail about, get red-faced and fall on his face.

I'm tempted to say that if Kerry is the nominee and he does slam Bush on being AWOL, I might just vote for Kerry.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 08:55 AM
It shouldn't affect it at all !!!!

So what, Bush was Awol, Clinton didn't inhale - yeah right...

I hate this crap that comes up every election, we all have made mistakes and done things that we regret...

Let's move on to the lives that these people have lead after college, after the military... let's see what they've done since being in politics ! I know I'm going to get blasted for that one, politicians doing the right thing ? I'm not talking about Bush in general, just let's quit focusing on these little tid bits that the oppents ( all opponents ) dig up and let's move on ... .

okay, I feel better now... not sure that sounds the way I wanted it to, hopefully you all will understand what I'm trying to say.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 08:58 AM
oh yeah... and the last that I heard on the news, was that there was no proof of this yet.

Just remaining skeptical until some proof is brought forward.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 08:59 AM
I don't know elevatedone, I kinda of look of it the other way, if you want to be a politician, you should have a nice squeeky clean life. I do care what my elected officials did I don't care what they do in their personal lives like marriage and affairs...but the other stuff like drugs and military records should matter.

btw, i don't think this will affect Bush's chances, he is already president.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 09:05 AM
maybe george was a secret agent undercover in some dangerous corner of the world at the time.
maybe he took a bullet in the head which explains his "slowness" these days...
its all about connecting the dots.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone
It shouldn't affect it at all !!!!

So what, Bush was Awol, Clinton didn't inhale - yeah right...

Why bring Clinton into this? I don't give a rat's azz about Clinton. He was sleezy, treasonous perv. Who also bailed on our nation when it called. He and Bush are both cowards.

I hate this crap that comes up every election, we all have made mistakes and done things that we regret...

This is the military during a time war. You don't go AWOL. If you do, you get arrested. Unless you're the son of George H.W. Bush. At least that's how it worked when I was in. During a war. I earned the right to call Bush and Clinton what they are.

Let's move on to the lives that these people have lead after college, after the military... let's see what they've done since being in politics ! I know I'm going to get blasted for that one, politicians doing the right thing ? I'm not talking about Bush in general, just let's quit focusing on these little tid bits that the oppents ( all opponents ) dig up and let's move on ... .

Let's see.. what have these two paramours of the Dem. and Repub. parties done after college? Lied, cheated, failed businesses, cost taxpayers shytloads of money for investigations... started illegal wars of aggression.. the list of failures and betrayal is endless.

okay, I feel better now... not sure that sounds the way I wanted it to, hopefully you all will understand what I'm trying to say.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 09:23 AM
It didn't affect it last election and it wont this one. It is kept out of the media. Just think about how many people that you know (which aren't at this forum) who are aware of this information. I wasn't before I came here.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 09:31 AM
Back then too few people knew about the Neo Cons and their agenda for world dominance. We voted for Bush, not neo con policy and perpetual war. The mask came off after 9-11. We weren't thinking about war in Iraq back then, either. That's a huge difference. Many thousands of families across America have been affected by deaths and casualties of their loved-ones. That will not be forgotten.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 10:10 AM
Here is a web site that has links and articles on Bush's service. Obviously, the web site views Bush as being awol. However, it does have some of Bush's military documents. You have to scroll down to see them.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 10:14 AM
Just another to add to the list of crimes Geaorge. W. Bush has committed in his life before being president. Maybe it will just show people that this guy is a spoilt rich kid who has been caught drink driving, using coc aine, and has been AWOL from the army during vietnam, maybe he is not the kind of person who should be leading a country. He certainly couldn't stop all the comapnys he's owned from failing.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 10:17 AM
Of course he's got documents! Anyone who ever went through reception and Boot camp and AIT has at least one small forest worth of paper in their file. He was unaccounted for from '72 to '73. The commander of the unit he was supposed to be in says he never heard of or saw G. Dubya once. Us mere mortals get arrested for shirking duty in a time of war. And yet, this well-connected bozo runs for president. He should've done time in jaiil. That's the only way to honor the troops who died and were wounded in Vietnam.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 10:31 AM
First of all, you guys are taking this liberal propaganda as fact.

I'm not saying that it didn't happen this way, but there are some serious flaws in the arguement.

His commander, for one, does not even recall himself being on the base much over 30 years ago. The chance that he would encounter bush is not likely if memorable.

Was he AWOL cause you said so?

Many people in the Reserves do not "make it to drills". They are expected to be at drills or make them up because people have jobs etc. So him not "making it to drills" is a pretty regular occurance.

As for paperwork, it is sketchy at best. 30 year old paperwork in the military, which is not known for it's record keeping as it is, is not a reason that he "deserted"

I'm not a fan of Bush, but come on. If people hate him, they are going to believe anything. don't get caught up in that.

The empty barrel makes the most noise as they say

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
First of all, you guys are taking this liberal propaganda as fact.

Liberal propaganda? Sorry, pal, it's a fact.

I'm not saying that it didn't happen this way, but there are some serious flaws in the arguement.

His commander, for one, does not even recall himself being on the base much over 30 years ago. The chance that he would encounter bush is not likely if memorable.

We're not talking about your average G.I. Joe. We're talking about George H.W. Bush's son. That would be noticeable. Especially after the favors that were pulled to get G. Dubya in there. Bush fans are gonna have to believe it, like it or not. Your "hero" is a coward. His lack of service and disregard of it is an insult to those who have served.

Was he AWOL cause you said so?

Go read the Los Angeles Times. It's in there for anyone interested in the truth. There are plenty of other places to find it, too.

Many people in the Reserves do not "make it to drills". They are expected to be at drills or make them up because people have jobs etc. So him not "making it to drills" is a pretty regular occurance.

That's not true. My brother, for example, serves in the National Guard and he is most definitely expected to drill his once a month. This is a time of war. Or hey - maybe in this BS twilight it's not - afterall, congress abdicated their constitutional-given authority and did not declare war. Back in the day, if you did not show up for duty, a minute after formation, you would be considered not only AWOL, but as a deserter. George W. Bush is a DESERTER.

As for paperwork, it is sketchy at best. 30 year old paperwork in the military, which is not known for it's record keeping as it is, is not a reason that he "deserted"

Nice try.

I'm not a fan of Bush, but come on. If people hate him, they are going to believe anything. don't get caught up in that.

I voted for Bush. I have every right to hold him accountable for his lies and subterfuge.

The empty barrel makes the most noise as they say


posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 12:13 PM
Please God do not base what you say on the LA Times. That is a misleading newspaper at best.

If it's a fact, then why are you just sitting around. Show them too me. You started this threat, now back it up.

Bush is no hero of mine, but objectively, I can say that there is not enough strong proof that would convict him. Guilty until proven innocent I guess.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 12:25 PM
Why don't the desparate Liberals make it an issue then?

They have to have something because they are getting desparate. Frankly, if it was an issue then he would not have been elected in the first place.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 12:29 PM
Here's some good stuff. There are many links on this page also.

Military Career of our Commander in Chief
Bush's DWI revelation at the end of the 2000 Presidential campaign may have been leaked to cover a much bigger scandal

On November 2, 2000, four days before the most disputed election in American history, military veterans in the US Senate lashed out at candidate George W Bush for his failure to explain a six-month lapse in his National Guard service. "At the least, I would have been court-martialed. At the least, I would have been placed in prison," Senator Daniel Inouye said.

Bush would offer no explanation for his absence and, as he had throughout the campaign, refused to discuss his military service during the Vietnam War. Why would a man who was running for the office of Commander and Chief of the US Armed Forces refuse to discuss his service in the military? Why didn't the public and press take notice? Their attention that day was focused on something else.

That same day, while senators were asking for an explanation of Bush's National Guard absence, the media and the public were watching another breaking Bush scandal: the revelation of a 1976 drunk driving conviction that Bush had failed to mention during the campaign. As Bush spent the final days before the election explaining to America that he hid the arrest to protect his daughters, the National Guard absence was swept under the rug, not made into a campaign issue by Democrats.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 12:37 PM
I recently found this interesting article:

"Bush 'Desertion' Charge Debunked"
Link: (First done by the New York Times)

Also interesting to note is the man behind this AWOL charge on Bush is none other than: William Turnipseed, a Edwards supporter and also a member of the DNC's executive committee. He is also a lawyer, activist due to his being a "reformed racists", and advid writer.

Try a 'search' engine and type in Tunipseed and AWOL or Turnipseed and Kerry or other varieties.


[Edited on 5-2-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 12:38 PM
So Edwards is a competent politician! AHA! I knew it!

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Please God do not base what you say on the LA Times. That is a misleading newspaper at best.

If it's a fact, then why are you just sitting around. Show them too me. You started this threat, now back it up.

Bush is no hero of mine, but objectively, I can say that there is not enough strong proof that would convict him. Guilty until proven innocent I guess.

It's funny, you put up a link to Rense. It's slammed as propaganda. You put up a link to an article in the most mainstream of sources. And that's no good.

Sorry, but I'm not gonna do your homework for you. If you wanna know the truth about it, run a google search and seek out the information. It's out there. For anyone willing to make an ounce of effort. If you wanna believe he's a heeero, be my guest.

posted on Feb, 5 2004 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by earthtone
Here's some good stuff. There are many links on this page also.

Military Career of our Commander in Chief
Bush's DWI revelation at the end of the 2000 Presidential campaign may have been leaked to cover a much bigger scandal

On November 2, 2000, four days before the most disputed election in American history, military veterans in the US Senate lashed out at candidate George W Bush for his failure to explain a six-month lapse in his National Guard service. "At the least, I would have been court-martialed. At the least, I would have been placed in prison," Senator Daniel Inouye said.

Bush would offer no explanation for his absence and, as he had throughout the campaign, refused to discuss his military service during the Vietnam War. Why would a man who was running for the office of Commander and Chief of the US Armed Forces refuse to discuss his service in the military? Why didn't the public and press take notice? Their attention that day was focused on something else.

That same day, while senators were asking for an explanation of Bush's National Guard absence, the media and the public were watching another breaking Bush scandal: the revelation of a 1976 drunk driving conviction that Bush had failed to mention during the campaign. As Bush spent the final days before the election explaining to America that he hid the arrest to protect his daughters, the National Guard absence was swept under the rug, not made into a campaign issue by Democrats.

I noticed he said he's been to war and he's raised twins. He said war is easier. What the H is he talkin about? Was he drunk or something?!

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