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Spanking to be banned!!!

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posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 09:35 AM
All hail the nanny state! This ought to rile you up a bit. Lawmakers consider spanking ban.

This is waaaaaaaaaay over the top. The government has no business telling me how to or how not to discipline my kids. They've interfered enough - to the point that they have now invaded the sanctity of my home and given out edicts on how I may or may not punish my children!?!?

I was spanked as a child and I am much better for it. I was never beaten, I was never bruised or harmed - but I was spanked and I do not hold one single note of regret toward my parents for it. In fact, when spanked, it was warranted and for my own good. I learned very quickly that consequences were involved in misbehavior and I quickly recognized the seriousness of my behavior. Hell, I was paddled at school - and it was also well deserved.

I would appreciate these liberal PUKE politicians to STAY THE # OUT OF MY LIFE AND PERSONAL AFFAIRS!!!
What say you?

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[edit on 27-11-2007 by sanctum]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by kozmo

I completely disagree with you. There is absolutely no reason to EVER put put your hands on children by way of spanking. It's physical abuse. People who think it's ok to discipline thier children in this way should never have children. People that do have children and choose to "teach thier kids a lesson," in this fashion, should be locked up in jail with the keys thrown away. It's people with attitudes like yours that justify this type of law.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan

According to that definition, the police should be locked up as well for the use of tasers. It too is physical abuse, no? Or is that some form of self defense? I have seen plenty of visual evidence that police use a form of physical discipline to get their subject to obey the rules at hand in that moment.

But..........spanking has been used since anyone can remember. Plenty of folks have had spanking as discipline and turned out to be more respectful because of it. I have also seen many kids that will not listen to verbal discipline, nor "time-outs", nor restrictions. Their parents are desperately trying to make that work, but rebellion is gaining its momentum. They refuse physical spanking because they believe it is wrong. When their kids get out into the world, they will truly be worse off than had they been strictly spanked a time or two. I know it doesn't seem right at the time for a child, but speaking from experience it has certainly made me understand consequences much better than hearing the consequences. You have to learn firsthand. Non-spanking is the long disastrous route.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by ben91069

I agree with rogue cops being locked up that are taser happy. Different issue. I still hold to my thoughts on spanking. A parent who has to resort to that type of punishment has no coping skills. They resort to spanking because they can't hold out long enough to time outs, etc....because the child starts whining. Stick 'em in a room with no toys and television long enough, and they will learn from it. I have 4 kids that were never spanked and they all turned out to be wonderful adults. I refused to spank them after being spanked as a child, myself. I broke the cycle. People who spank thier children often create children who spank when they are adults too. Spanking is a loss of control for small minded people that want an easy way to control a situation!

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 01:00 PM
Oh, you mean with children!

I got whacked when i was a kid and i whacked my kids very lightly and they are prosperous human beings and hold me in the highest regard.
They love me and not a day goes by that i dont get a "mom, i love you" call.

Figure that one out.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
reply to post by ben91069

A parent who has to resort to that type of punishment has no coping skills.

Actually, there is no reason to cope with an undisciplined child. The idea is to correct them quickly in the most efficient and impressionable manner possible, which in the most needed cases is spanking. There are other circumstances which non-spanking are better.

They resort to spanking because they can't hold out long enough to time outs, etc....because the child starts whining.

So you would recommend that a child throwing a tantrum in a store should just be told that it is "time-out" when they get home? They will continue the tantrum and cause a disruption for everyone, not to mention embarrassment for the parents. A quick pulling them into the restroom and a whopping will make them wail for a few minutes longer and then they will know to respect their parents and their little tears will stop. Heck, they might even get an ice cream later in the day when the "understand" they were acting inappropriately.

I have 4 kids that were never spanked and they all turned out to be wonderful adults. I refused to spank them after being spanked as a child, myself. I broke the cycle.

All children do not turn out to be well behaved kids. I would venture a guess that a minority turn out that they hardly ever have to be disciplined, but if you feel they turned out okay without spanking then so be it. That does not mean the world should follow your path. There are many other factors to consider here, such as social status, peer influences, your own tact, etc. If your kids grew up in let's say a crime ridden government projects, they may turn out to be criminals without spanking.

People who spank thier children often create children who spank when they are adults too. Spanking is a loss of control for small minded people that want an easy way to control a situation!

I have to ask why you "broke the cycle" and refused to learn anything from being spanked? Were you extra rebellious?

Spanking is not a loss of control in many instances. If done appropriately it should not be a knee-jerk reaction. I was spanked many times hours after I was told I had done something wrong and that I was going to be punished later.

Guess, what? It does work when done properly and not just some out of the blue beating you might expect from a thug jumping you.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

Ya know, I was wondering about this being for children also! I just can't figure in this day an age how anyone could justify putting thier hands on their children other than to give them hugs!

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by ben91069

I am still sticking to my thoughts! Not only when spanking a child in public, even if it is in a restroom, are you hitting the child, you are humiliating them also if anyone else is around. Sorry, but being a parent means you walk out of the store or wherever you are, and deal with the situation. You should not be subjecting other people to your childs bad behavior, and telling the child to wait until later. So, you are saying that hitting a child is proper rather than you being inconvenienced by leaving where ever you are? That, is part of being a parent. Expect to be inconvenienced unless it is all just about you.

I am not saying everyone has to take the path I did in parenting thier children. However, physical abuse is a crime and spanking is physical abuse. I really hope a law like this passes. I hope children turn thier parents in for spanking them.

Children live what they learn, and if spanking is the best some parents can do, well, then they have to learn to be responsible for parenting skills that are criminal.

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
reply to post by kozmo

I completely disagree with you. There is absolutely no reason to EVER put put your hands on children by way of spanking. It's physical abuse. People who think it's ok to discipline thier children in this way should never have children. People that do have children and choose to "teach thier kids a lesson," in this fashion, should be locked up in jail with the keys thrown away. It's people with attitudes like yours that justify this type of law.

Don't misunderstand physical abuse and spanking your child. I don't think toddlers up from 1 year to 4 shouldn't be spanked at all.

When a child misbehaves you don't have to beat them to death. A few lashes from a hickory will cure them. As a child I was never humliated by spankings but I did try to get away from my dad- It hurt but I deserved it.

Spare the rod spoil the child.

Look around- see how our country is today? You won't be able to punish your children because the drug companies say they have ADsomething something, ADHA, Bi Polar disease. Who in the world came up with this? Which I think is non existant because the FDA invented them. They didn't have them until perhaps 5 years ago- give or take a few years. I didn't have it when I was growing up and see how many people this affects today.

Can't disipline your kids but its ok to let the FDA drug your kids.:shk:

Children should respect and obey their parents. EF if you spanked your child and he or she turned you in I know you won't like that too much would you?

When children start talking back and disrespting their parents then what do you say to that? Put them in time out? Just see how worse it will get out there when this law passes. You will have a bunch of unruly kids running around doing what they want- when they want.

[edit on 11/29/2007 by Leyla]

posted on Nov, 29 2007 @ 04:58 PM
Consequences vs. Positive Reinforcement

Spanking is a form of consequence. It is a punishment. Like our justice system, it is based on this false pretense that solidifying some mythological physical dominance over the individual will somehow convince them to behave. As a child, I was hit only once. While it certainly stopped my unwanted behaviour, it also taught me a few things.

  • When something is occurring that I don't want, I can resort to physical violence to obtain a desired outcome. That's not a good thing. Do we really want to teach a child that hitting someone is the way to go about it? How hypocritical is it to spank a child for an unwanted behaviour, and then tell them not to hit their peers. Beating another boy or girl in the school yard is wrong, but it's ok for Mommy and Daddy to physically strike you.

    Rather than having your children behave in a manner out of fear, have them behave in a manner which strives for a positive. Both are manipulation, and both have positive and negative aspects.

    Personally, I buy a little into William Glasser's Choice Theory. Rather than trying to manipulate any of the child's behaviour, you work on developing a quality world for each individual, and allow them to live the life they want to. You can offer your opinion on the matter, and say what you would like. But you never tell them what they should do. It's next to impossible to adapt as a parent, if it's not something you've known all along. But I certainly see many positives in it.

    Spanking a child does one thing. It is self-serving to the parent. It's like yelling and screaming at a child. It doesn't help the situation, it just helps the person doing the screaming to feel better. It is a coping mechanism to the frustration that is building up inside. Yet we spend most of our time convincing ourselves that it is necessary and these tactics are constructive.

    It's not. They are purely self-serving in nature, and only teach the child many negatives.

    However, I don't think the government is in a position to pass legislation on how a parent can consequence their child. How would you govern this? Big Brother'ish? It has many positives, as it would help children that are being abused by their parents. But it opens too many doors and puts us on a slippery slope that I'm not prepared to travel.

    Spanking is wrong, but it's an issue that I am incapable of seeing a realistic approach to governing. I am all ears though.

    [edit on 29-11-2007 by chissler]

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