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NASA agents and a worst case scenario

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posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 11:08 AM
I�m sure many of you have heard of the case of Woodrow Derenberger, a contactee that had many adventures with his �alien� pal Indrid Cold. The following is an account of one experience he had.

�Woody� was entertaining more interesting visitors at Mineral Wells. A man identifying himself as Captain Bruce Parsons of the NASA security police at Cocoa Beach, Florida called on him and invited him to Cape Kennedy, home of the USA�s space programme. Shortly after Christmas �woody�, his wife, and children flew to Cape Kennedy to spend a week with Captain Parsons. By day they toured the great rocket-launching installation. But each evening Woody was taken to a room somewhere on the Cape where he was questioned for hours, covering every detail of his visits with Indrid Cold. One of his questioners was a man Identified as the head of NASA and called simple �Charlie� (the head of NASA at the time was Dr Thomas O. Paine.).
According to Woody at the end of the week his interrogators showed him a star map and pointed to a speck on it, telling him �That�s where they�re from�. They said they had interviewed several other contactees, all with storied similar to his own. When he asked why they didn�t release any of their UFO information to the public they replied �Women would commit suicide, throw babies out the window, the panic would sweep the world�

If this story is indeed true you can see the worrying scenarios that spin off from it. Why would women commit suicide? And throwing babies out of the window? What could this be all about?

A somewhat disturbing answer is that aliens have posed as human males, formed relationships with females and spawned half-alien half-human children. Since the panic would �sweep� the world, one can only assume that this has happened everywhere and that you yourself could be the product of an inhuman relationship.

However one other perhaps more worrying answer surfaces. Maybe these creatures aren�t the benevolent ones we are led to believe they are. Maybe these aliens have control of the world�s governments using them as pawns in their twisted game of chess, how are they doing this? By keeping the human race hostage. Maybe they have the technology to force the entire female genus into killing themselves. Why females I do not know, maybe they have a different mind set to males that makes them compatible to alien technology.

Well they are my views, please people cast an opinion.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 11:20 AM
Thats quite an interesting story another one to add to my long memory of stories. I think that goverments have a knowledge of Alien species and are in contact the thing is though I think some people are not ready for the truth about Aliens and UFO's and if they knew the truth they would be shouting "there here to invade" "they want to abduct us" all that crap. People who refuse to accept Aliens exist you could bring them all the evidence in the world and they would still turn around and deny it and call you an idiot. This is because of the way the media treats people who claim to be abducted or seen a UFO they treat them like idiots without even looking at the evidence.

[Edited on 4-2-2004 by Mikomi]

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 11:27 AM
The media does have a tendencey to ridicule all that see or say they are in contact with UFO, unless, they want to cover a story showing UFOs in a good light.

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 12:08 PM

Since you brought up the subject of Woodrow Derenberger and Indrid Cold, why don't you tell us about how their story answers many of the questions you raise?

As I remember it, Indrid Cold was a very good (alien) man who took Derenberger as a guest to his home planet and showed him many wondrous things.

I don't know if Derenberger's story is true (but I have more evidence to contribute about it later), but I'm baffled by the turn you make from introducing the subject of Indrid Cold to wondering about a possible sinister alien agenda. To me, that's a very odd progression of thought. It also makes me remember how the character of Indrid Cold is reintroduced in the movie "The Mothman Prophecies" based upon the book by John Keel. I've often wondered how this later incarnation of Indrid is related to Derenberger's account, because the two characters are opposite and antithesis versions of a character whose only common trait is a name. I wonder if the name was plagiarized from Derenberger's story?

Bruce, do you know anything about how Indrid Cold became a "star" in this movie?

[Edited on 4-2-2004 by Condorcet]

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 12:32 PM
In Keel's book the chapter entitled "The Creep Who Came in From the Cold" might help you answer that. Since the movie was adapted from the book, it only stands to reason that the writers and producers read it also, does it not?

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 04:00 PM
Condorcet, sorry for my abrupt change in tone.

I have not seen the movie "the mothman prophecies" so I cannot comment on the film, I have however read the book.

Keel explains that although some aliens (like cold) may appear good, nice and friendly they may have alterior motives behind them.

Keel tell of a story (shortend here) where a man looses his shoes watch and socks to some mysterious muggers, after the man shows woody the site where he was robbed cold (hmmm) shows up explaing it was a bad group of aliens that did it, cold then apparently gets the items back for the man, and even washes.

My point im trying to make here is that these aliens only seem true and nice once they can do something we want them to do, when we submit ourselfs to their actions.

In this case a man looses some items he relys on the aliens to save his items from other (perhapse the same?) aliens. So how much would we have to rely on aliens if mankind looses it ability to reproduce lets say.

well thats all I got for now

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by BruceAkolD
Condorcet, sorry for my abrupt change in tone.

I have not seen the movie "the mothman prophecies" so I cannot comment on the film, I have however read the book.

Keel explains that although some aliens (like cold) may appear good, nice and friendly they may have alterior motives behind them.

Keel tell of a story (shortend here) where a man looses his shoes watch and socks to some mysterious muggers, after the man shows woody the site where he was robbed cold (hmmm) shows up explaing it was a bad group of aliens that did it, cold then apparently gets the items back for the man, and even washes.

My point im trying to make here is that these aliens only seem true and nice once they can do something we want them to do, when we submit ourselfs to their actions.

In this case a man looses some items he relys on the aliens to save his items from other (perhapse the same?) aliens. So how much would we have to rely on aliens if mankind looses it ability to reproduce lets say.

well thats all I got for now

You've also got to wonder why interstellar travelle
rs have been reduced to shoe thieves...

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 04:19 PM
Maybe they have a leather shortage....

Hey, have I just explained cattle mutilations

posted on Feb, 4 2004 @ 04:25 PM
I wanted to develop my previous post here a bit more before posting it but I had interruptions. Alas, I'm still busy but want to continue with this subject when I can.

I invite anyone out there who knows anything about Indrid Cold & Woody to contribute what they know to this thread.

For those of you unfamiliar with this story, let me give a very quick summary of it, to the best of my memory.

Woodrow W. Derenberger was truck driver from West Virginia (?) who claimed have met an extraterrestrial while driving one night in 1966. On a lone stretch of highway Woody saw lights approaching his truck in the rear-view mirror, and having no reason to assume it was anything but an automobile, had a start when he noticed the object "driving" by him in the passing lane was a lenticular-shaped saucer hovering low over the road. The saucer pulled in front of his truck and began to slow down, forcing Woody to eventually stop. At that point a door opened on the saucer, a man exited and walked directly to the driver's side of the truck. Woody described him as a normal human-looking man, except for the shiny metallic-looking clothing he wore. He also spoke perfect English. As I remember the conversation that ensued, the alien said something like, "Hello, my name is Indrid Cold. I'm a visitor from another planet. I would like to come and visit you at your home. Not now, but later. If that's okay, I'll see you then." Indrid then returned to his saucer and flew away.

continued later

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 01:06 AM
For the first time on the internet - the true story of Indrid Cold!

I got off to bad starts on my previous two posts on this thread. Here�s how I should have done it.

I know someone who met Woodrow Derenberger and interviewed him twice about his experiences. Most of you reading this probably know of Indrid Cold from John Keel�s book or the �Mothman� movie. The Indrid Cold character in Keel�s book and movie is in no way similar to the Indrid Cold that Derenberger knew. By describing Indrid Cold as Derenberger knew him I hope show why the author John Keel is not a reliable source. That�s my main motive for contributing to this thread. In my opinion John Keel is a writer of fiction in the sci-fi / horror genre and was never a good UFO researcher.

My contact who knew Derenberger believed he had experienced something real but had embellished his story substantially. In 1971 his story was published in a book titled �Visitors from Lanulos� As Related by Woodrow W. Derenberger To The Author Harold W. Hubbard - Vantage Press. John Keel wrote an introduction to this book describing the similarity of Woody�s experience to that of other contactees.

Prior to publication of his book, Derenberger was described to me as an open, friendly person, eager to share his story. After publication Derenberger was bitter and complained of harassment, he said that the written account of his experience had been embellished without his approval by the author and publisher to make the book more marketable. The third time my contact sought Derenberger he was nowhere to be found. Friends said he had become tired of all the attention and had moved to a secret location.

Single witness UFO & ET encounters don�t carry much evidential weight for me, they may be true or not, but as data they aren�t of much value, especially when they are as dubious as Derenberger�s story, and his story is about as wacky as they come. In my previous post to this thread I described the night when Woody met the extraterrestrial Indrid Cold along Interstate I-77. I previously said Indrid spoke English, but now I remember that he spoke telepathically, Woody said he heard Indrid as a voice speaking English in his head. After their initial meeting Indrid visited Woody at his home. Indrid found his place of residence without any input on Woody�s part. They became fast friends, eventually Indrid takes him to visit his family and people on the planet Lanulos.

Here now are excerpts from the book describing the character of Indrid�s people.

From page 50

�The people of Lanulos are mostly a happy world of people. Their way of life is completely different from ours, in that they do not have the difficulty of understanding one another as we do, due to their ability to use telepathy; so there is very little quarreling or bickering among them.

�In warm weather they do not wear clothing at all, except for formal gatherings or dancing [!]. I asked how come they go nude, and got the same answer that our nudists give here. God made them as they are, and they are not ashamed of their bodies.

�Their life expectancy ranges from 125 to 175 years of age�All their food is grown organically�They do have coffee, but with the caffeine removed.

�I think the thing that impressed me more than anything else was their monetary system. Although everyone works that is able to work, everyone is paid, not according to his or her skill, but rather according to the size of their family and needs. They are given what they call credits or �scripts,� and when they buy something, they write the article on the credit or script and give it to the clerk in the store, where it is kept for inventory purposes only, so they know what to replace. No one ever has to live in want; one can have all the credits he needs�.I know by actual experience that they are truly a classless race of people. The top man in the Guiding Council is considered no better than the man who digs ditches.

�They have one and the same belief in God, so they all worship together. I attended one of their worship services, where they sang two hymns, then kneeled or sat to thank God for their way of life and His blessing upon them. They asked for guidance and protection from evil�At this meeting my whole concept of love was changed. I realized for the first time, what the commandment, �Love thy neighbor,� really meant. From earliest childhood, their children are taught of God�s love, and that they should obey His will�These people believe [they will] eventually live with Christ. They believe in reincarnation�they say this is how they, and we, will finally reach perfection.�

From page 87

�I have tried to the best of my ability to tell just what has happened to me, where they have taken me, and to describe exactly what I have seen. I have told of all the goodness of these people from space, their joyful way of life and the love they extend to all people everywhere. It is hard to accept my experience, because it is almost too good to be true; yet it is true. We can learn from them, just how to get along together and how to love one another��

You get the general picture, I hope. Even before the book was published Derenberger described Indrid and his people in glowing terms. Given that John Keel wrote the introduction to this book, where the heck did the The Mothman version of Indrid Cold come from? Are you out there John Keel? You've been busted!

[Edited on 8-2-2004 by Condorcet]

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 01:12 AM
A very simple answer to all of this is the following;

an advanced race of aliens with good intentions isn't going to interfere with annother race of entities freewill without being asked.

on the other hand here we have interference with freewill in most of the cases.

posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 07:15 PM
can someone tell me what the moth has to do with anything?? Also, the movie Mothman prophecies made the Mothman out to be an evil supernatural spirit entity or ghost, not alien?? The most evidential part of it being portrayed evil is when Richard Gere's wife mysteriously contracts a brain tumour from driving past the mothman and dies.??? This movie story and the 'real' story mentioned in the posts above seem very very different??

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 07:23 AM
I just watched 'Searching for the mothman' the bonus DVD in Mothman prophecies and they're interviewing all the real life witnesses. They talk about Men in black too. I know MIB rumours are around but has anyone found anyone or anything with any PROOF about the Men In Black??? Could they be Hybrids??

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 08:32 PM
Ok, I am Woodrow Derenberger's daughter. I am currently writing a book on my dad who died in 1990 and my experiences with the whole thing. If anyone has anything I should know please email me.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 05:37 AM
Hi tderenbergerq,

You should know more than anyone. I would think.
I quess if you are writing a book you wouldn't want to give away anything.


posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by tderenbergerq
Ok, I am Woodrow Derenberger's daughter. I am currently writing a book on my dad who died in 1990 and my experiences with the whole thing. If anyone has anything I should know please email me.

Please contact me for more information about the Hauser's who were friends of your mother and father. You used to play with the Hauser boys when you were a little girl. They would like to contact you.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 10:19 PM
Hi, I just joined this forum after having learned of Indrid Cold on the TV program Mysteries at the Museum. I haven't made up my mind what to believe (regarding him and the Grinning Man--the Mothman seems to have existed but I don't know the explanation, let alone connection, if any--) but wish to know the following:

--Has anyone here studied Woodrow Derenberger's book or his daughter's book?

--What light does his daughter shed on the Indrid Cold phenomenon? How old were she and her siblings when the alleged incidents took place? Did they ever meet the alleged spacemen? Did her mother seem to continue to believe these events took place, or did she recant after leaving her husband? Were the spacemen photographed, audio recorded, or leave any other physical evidence? Is there any evidence of the Derenberger family's visit to NASA and what were the children's impressions of all this?

As far as is there anything to all this. I am thinking of several incidents where yes, something strange happened to somebody but either those involved or someone else acquainted with the events came along and embroidered on them so greatly as to cast doubt on the whole story. If anything, I suspect that to be the case here but would like to know what those close to it had to say.

posted on Oct, 12 2014 @ 11:29 PM
Indrid Cold could have been a psy-op even a mkultra experiment , or he could have been another ET humanoid like Valiant Thor. Or he could have been a time traveler and the alien explanation is a cover story. The world may never know.

edit on 12-10-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-10-2014 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2014 @ 03:17 AM
As far as Valiant Thor, I don't know if he was an alien but I don't believe for a moment he was from Venus. For one, he looked far too normal, and for another, if he was really from Venus no way could he walk around Earth without a spacesuit. His blood would freeze in an instant! If Valiant Thor was an alien and if there was such an entity as Indrid Cold, they had to hail from Earth in the future or some other dimension, or very Earthlike planets. And at least Valiant Thor was photographed! If Indrid Cold or anyone of the sort came to my house, you'd better believe the first thing I would do is reach for the camera! If I didn't own one, I'd buy one!

Okay, I answered a few of my own questions. I couldn't find that Woodrow Derenberger's daughter, Taunia Derenberger-Bowman, has published her own book although she talked about writing one, but she did revise and publish her father's book this year.

Taunia was three when all this went down and her brothers, Larry and Greg, were older. Woody later reconciled with Larry but never with Greg, who was so violently opposed to the whole thing he is undoubtedly the sibling whose name is changed in the book--he even went so far as to change his name in real life! Neither Larry nor Greg believe any part of their father's claims, which is very telling as one of his claims was that he entertained Indrid Cold and his fellow spacemen in his home. If the children occupied said home at the time, wouldn't they remember something of such events? Supposedly Woody's wife conversed with Cold and even interjected in an interview that Cold said he was a time traveller--so either she believed this, or if there was a hoax she was in on it--it would be interesting to know if her children resented her role in this as they did that of their father. If you look up the newly reissued book on, the first review that shows up reveals that even Taunia did not accept her father's claims hook, line, and sinker--she said his story was greatly exaggerated to sell books. It would be interesting, if she does complete her own book, to see which parts of the story she considers to be true.

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