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Ancient Astronauts Evidence

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posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

depending on which language you speak there can be up to 3 different heavens that i know of------------once upon a time there was one origional language-----------the best that can be ascertained biblicaly due to the overlapping lifespans of the patriarchs back to adam from judah is that the origional language was hebrew.------with out getting into the technicalities of the 3 biblical heavens-------simply put the first heaven is the earths atmosphere the second heaven is outer space the third heaven is the area of G-Ds home in the northern sky.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 07:58 PM
you understand that Ushers chronology went out with the Ark don't you ?

and that the bible is a book concerning matters of faith and not history ?

I have always asked myself why it is that people of faith attempt to justify it by attempting to prove every bit of the bible correct
and the answer I keep coming up with is because they don't have any

follow this list
language family:
West Semitic
Central Semitic
Northwest Semitic

all the languages above Hebrew predate it

The Canaanite languages are a group within Northwest Semitic, emerging in the 2nd millennium BCE in the Levant, gradually separating from Aramaic and Ugaritic.

2nd millenium = 1000bce - 2000bce

Adam is a sumerian word dating from 2500bce (500 years before Hebrew could have possibly existed)
Eden is a sumerian word dating from 3000bce (1000 years before Hebrew could have possibly existed)

[edit on 26-11-2007 by kerkinana walsky]

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by kerkinana walsky

I have always asked myself why it is that people of faith attempt to justify it by attempting to prove every bit of the bible correct and the answer I keep coming up with is because they don't have any

I agree 100%

Every time i tell someone that there are stone tablets that basically tell the same stories as well known biblical stories, yet predate the bible by hundreds if not thoughsanes of years, they either get upset or call you a liar or say your sources are false. I find it amazing that organized religion has kept people believing all these years. But its funny, everyone i know who goes to church kind of remind me of pro wrestling fans, they know its BS but they just can't get enough of it.

posted on Nov, 26 2007 @ 10:55 PM
Howdy Metaldemon2000

wrestling fans - funny analogy, I use to like wrestling when I was a kid, but even then I knew it was fake.

One interesting response I've seen to the revelation that many biblical story are based on earlier civilization's stories is that, "some people were already seeing the light"

The ability of religions to adapt to reality is endless

For KW

Hey question when does the first concept of outer space come into existence/literature (as a place outside the atmosphere of earth and which the earth moves thru)?

Answering my own question it seems Anaximander was the guy, although the Chaldeans may have have done some theoritical ground work.

KW do you have any more on the C guys?

[edit on 27/11/07 by Hanslune]

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 02:14 AM
KW and HL: Not once have I seen you consider alternatives. Instead you never tire of policing these threads, accusing me and others of deliberate lie, and those who believe in extraterrestrials of being moronic and childish. No serious discussion here.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:24 AM
Cargo Cults and Ancient Astronaut Theory

"Cargo Cult" is a term to describe peoples reactions when confronted with a higher level of technology than their own. Tribal societies were observed to have reacted to the impact of western civilizations by creating religious movements, cults and Gods in reaction to witnessing "Cargo" imported by the newly arrived westerners.

It is from this that the ancient-astronaut-theorist sees that people unfamiliar with more advanced technology and mechanics often ascribe religious and mythological terms to them.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:29 AM
Howdy Skyfloating

And what alternatives would I consider?

Advanced human civilizations? Sorry no evidence of that, lots of evidence for smaller regional cultures-which we are finding. We MIGHT find something tomorrow or the next day but as it is now, nada.

Aliens or AAT, an interesting idea, one I rather like, but again no evidence.

So why exactly should I consider these when compared to the abilities and creativity of the civililzations we actually know about?

Please note Skyfloating that KW and I have very different styles in dealing with fringe materials and believers and although we share many common views on the same data we are not a "group', if you have complaints address us separately.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Cargo Cults and Ancient Astronaut Theory

"Cargo Cult" is a term to describe peoples reactions when confronted with a higher level of technology than their own. Tribal societies were observed to have reacted to the impact of western civilizations by creating religious movements, cults and Gods in reaction to witnessing "Cargo" imported by the newly arrived westerners.

It is from this that the ancient-astronaut-theorist sees that people unfamiliar with more advanced technology and mechanics often ascribe religious and mythological terms to them.

This is an interesting concept, I think - especially as it is possible to see a connection with modern day religious dealings with the technologically advanced. But isn't it interesting that modern religious thought is generally (and with a few noteable exceptions) against scientific development - sometimes on moral grounds but often, it seems to me, because it fears it.

Far from deifing advanced technology, religion would often seek to repress it - whether it be the catholic church's dealings with contraception, or extreme Islamic reaction against more or less anything new, or Anglican objections to stem cell research, or whatever.

I wonder if you feel that this supports or argues against your point, Skyfloating? On the one hand the point has been raised earlier in the thread that there is very scarce evidence of advanced technology having been witnessed by the ancients - eg, not many examples of strange or apparently modern-looking hieroglyphs - but might that be explained by a fear of the modern as being a threat to the existence of the present - in other words, might the existence of technology in ancient civilisation have been supressed by the ancients themselves?

On the other hand we would be arguing the case for the existence of modern technology in ancient civilizations on the basis of a lack of evidence of it - which seems a bit self-contradictory!


posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by LoneWeasel

The reason I take this as support of my theory is because it does hint at how the ancients might have dealt with advanced technology...putting it into religious, mythological and cultish terms. I may be mistaken in making that connection, but the logic of it should be fairly clear.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by LoneWeasel
in other words, might the existence of technology in ancient civilisation have been supressed by the ancients themselves?

Yes, might have.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by LoneWeasel

The reason I take this as support of my theory is because it does hint at how the ancients might have dealt with advanced technology...putting it into religious, mythological and cultish terms. I may be mistaken in making that connection, but the logic of it should be fairly clear.

It is clear, yes - I wasn't arguing against it, just curious as to what you thought.

It's interesting that it is human nature both to deify things they don't understand, but attack religious faith despite not knowing enough to disprove it. A thread in its own right, perhaps - but there is no question that the fundamental reaction to anything unknown is to suggest that the unknown in question is not of this earth.


posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 05:06 AM
More on ancient indian aircraft

The sanskrit Rigveda we find some of the first references to flying aircraft and the people operating those aircraft. They are here not referred to as "Vimana" but as "Ratha". The aircraft are described as triangular in shape and that two people were needed to operate it. With it you could "fly above the clouds" and even "into the heavens". Silver, iron and gold are the materials they were made of. The craft were described to be noisy. Their landing would have many people gathering to watch. Here we also find the revealing piece of information that most of the ancient indian craft was piloted by the human ruling class BASED on technology given by "the Gods".

Vimana and Ratha show up together and apparently interchangably in the Ramanyana.

The Hindu texts are not the only ones that make reference to Vimana aircraft. The buddhist texts Sulavamsa and Mahavamsa refer to "Vimana" as "flying palaces made of jewels and gold". Some have translated "Vimana" as "flying apartments", indicating how people inhabit the aircraft.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by LoneWeasel
It's interesting that it is human nature both to deify things they don't understand, but attack religious faith despite not knowing enough to disprove it. A thread in its own right, perhaps - but there is no question that the fundamental reaction to anything unknown is to suggest that the unknown in question is not of this earth.

Well indeed. Anything unknown is labelled as "magic" and "of the gods". Which is why these "orthodox scientists" that I keep attacking, are actually desperately needed.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Well indeed. Anything unknown is labelled as "magic" and "of the gods". Which is why these "orthodox scientists" that I keep attacking, are actually desperately needed.

Hah! It's almost as if what we actually need is the right balance, isn't it?

Can we get to the nitty gritty of the Hindu texts you mention? Who is translating them? Is this the commonly accepted interpretation of them - and are there any alternatives? How detailed is the information given about these aircraft?


posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by LoneWeasel

Well, as usual the question is not about the texts but about the interpretation of these texts as "mythology" or description of real events. No doubt most scholars would say that its mythology "because we all know that the ancients didnt have technology". Its best one goes to and chooses some ancient script to interpret it oneself. If I start naming names such as Professor Dileep Kumar Kanjilal (who interprets the texts as describing flight technology), someone is going to try to dig up private junk to destroy the guys reputation.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 08:07 AM
ok so dont name names
just link to the appropriate ancient texts at sacred texts that talk about flying machines

could you do that ?

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 09:39 AM
Comments on cargo cults and millenarians

In pre-educated societies the arrival of newcomers was almost always seen as a spiritual event, expecially if the newcomers looked or acted differently.

However, this period of "enrapture" was very short as the newcomers were quickly determined to be quite human (or mortal aliens?). Although in some cases cultures have reacted to a new contact with a cargo cult response. The greater percentage of responses has been to adopt and obtain the technology of the newcomers.

This can be seen as tribal groups quickly find out what the newcomers prize then provide it in exchange for steel tools, weapons, gunpowder and other items.

It's hard to imagine why aliens would provide large amounts of 'cargo' to humans but then who knows what aliens might do! (LOL)

Humans have the amazing ability to create explanations for virtually anything and in most cases in pre-scientific societies blaming most actions/events on spirits and gods. It should be noted that in all societies that developed cults interested in 'cargo' they had existing religions and beliefs and in no cases were these replaced by the new cults in the majority of the populace.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by kerkinana walsky
ok so dont name names
just link to the appropriate ancient texts at sacred texts that talk about flying machines
could you do that ?

Not all things can be solved by links and google. Sometimes you just have to be interested in the texts (which were named) or actually travel to some of the places mentioned.

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 03:00 PM
ok so heres what you just did

1. state that there are texts available at that prove your point and that you know what they are
2. get asked for links to them
3. back away slowly trying to cover your ass because you just got busted for lying again

thats what twice now in the same thread ?

do you have any evidence that isn't speculatory or hearsay or lies at all ?

posted on Nov, 27 2007 @ 04:33 PM
Yes in regards to religion there have been countless attempts to destroy, hide or debunk anything that did not fit what their version of reality. It is no secret that the vatican has it's own archeologists ( which in my opinion is wrong because they would be totally biased) and they have also funded numerous other acheological digs int he early 1900's after many things of the things being dicovered at that time were the cause of much controversy and questioned much of their credibility. Probably the most famous attempt of a religion to cover something up is the persecution of Galileo.
I watched a documentary about Galileo once on the history channal that was pretty interesting. Most of the origional copies of his works are still in the vactican library and many still under the anomolous category. The reporter in the show was even shown a few works that were never published before they were confiscated and still sit on a shelf in the vatican to this day.
The only reason why this is public today is that mainstream science eventually proved his theories and they became widely accepted. I can only imagine the kind of things the vatican deemed "anomolous" and chose to store indefinately.

Also as for the ancients understanding of space i think this image pretty much paints a clear picture. Also, although not as ancient, is the Mayan culture and their vast knowledge of astronomy and even the ever controversial calander ending at 2012. What strikes me as odd however, is how the Mayans knew as much as they did while still living quite primitively and the europeans did not discover much about space until they were much more sophisticated. It is also estimated that we have only discovered a small fraction of ancient cities and ruins in South America, much of which have baffled many scientists and have caused them to rethink much of what they knew about ancient man. For example some South american cities have dated back as much as 20000 years and show incredible engineering feats many of which we could not copy today.

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