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Robotic System Giving Soldiers Superhuman Strength

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posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 11:53 AM
Imagine stepping inside a robotic system that fits around your body like an exoskeleton. It allows soldiers to become almost superhuman in strength and stamina.

this is pretty cool guys you can check out the full story here:

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 01:12 PM
come on you guys this is ground breakin stuff!!! no one has anything to say about it

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 01:26 PM
This is some interest and cool stuff!

This could be one of the most incredible devices ever created, IMO.

I mean, giving someone superhuman steength and stamina, and probably even more goodies, they should think about moving from human suits, and thinking to the likes of vehicles, but changing some parts so it doesnt gain super strength, but more like speed, but im probably taking this to far so ill stop

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 01:54 PM
another device to help humans kill some more humans.

i don't see how these would be any good for war purposes. who wants to spend some $$ putting these on the battle field to get blown up? plus, where would they recharge it.

but on the other side. instead of for killing purposes, they could be used for helping disabled people get around or something like that.

Just MO.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by jaden_x
another device to help humans kill some more humans.

i don't see how these would be any good for war purposes. who wants to spend some $$ putting these on the battle field to get blown up? plus, where would they recharge it.

but on the other side. instead of for killing purposes, they could be used for helping disabled people get around or something like that.

Just MO.

ya thats how i felt, just another way to kill each other. why not put it to good use like helping the disabled

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 11:55 PM

One step closer (no pun intended) to the powered battle-suits that were featured in Robert Heinlein's novel, "Starship Troopers."

I'm still scratching my head as to why they didn't use the concept in the movie versions.

In the novel they could jump over buildings in these things!

Actually a lot of the tech devised due to warfare is re-purposed for civilian use.

Look at the hi-tech prosthetic arms and legs that have been devised for our soldiers blown to pieces in Iraq....hmm...wait-a-minute....bad example...sort-of...

Well, how about the HumVee and it's gas-guzzling civilian counterpart, the overpriced, elitist Hummer....hmm, on second thought.....nevermind...

Anyway, thanks for the great find, manbearpig!

[edit on 20-11-2007 by goosdawg]

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by goosdawg

ya no problem

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 02:22 PM
From a tech. standpoint this is simply amazing(then again I was impressed in 92 with my buddies $4.45 a minute bag phone. remember those?). What bothers me, is that having a company of rangers in these suits thinking there invincible, and getting themselves killed. Or worse, knowing the power they have and not using it with good intentions. Or maybe I have just seen to many movies.

With that said I feel these "suits" will have endless upside (when used properly). Imagine being able to move something like a couch (or your entire home) with no back-ache, in short time, with no help. Amazing. Simply amazing. I must have one. Probably only run me 4 or 5 million.

Good find OP

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by eyes up

ya i hope us consumers will someday beable to get our hands on this!!!

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by eyes up

they wouldnt think there invincible there not just going to give them a new piece of equipment in the field with no training on its limits

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:57 PM
i would have to say this is extremely intriguing, but facing facts, is it practical, if this technology does indeed exist ( which i think it does), we should be focusing on taking the human element out of it. Robotics is indeed the right idea, and should be further invested in with a great deal of interest. No one can doubt a humans foresight is far beyond robotics, humans instincts is a key element to any mission. It will be fascinating to find out where this technology takes the production of weaponry, but must be taking with extreme caution.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:42 PM

I have been playing halo and now just got Crysis, seems like the military takes its q's from games and sci-fi writers. Has always been this way I think.

I dont know about military applications, but I think it would be amazing for everyone to have one(more advanced of course) to replace our cars.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 05:08 AM
Note that the linked article is a year old.

Manufacturer is Sarcos.

Here's a CNN video report. The video shows the suit in action. Note the discussion of covering the suit with a compete layer of external armor. Note also the claims that eventualy the soldier will be able to "step out" of the suit, with the suit becoming an autonomous robot able to continue fighting on its own.

Here are several videos of the robot suit acting autonomously.

Dear human race...terminator was a good movie, but let's not implement it in real life, ok?

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