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Elekonvolo - The easiest language of the world

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posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 02:39 AM
The Alphabet Pronunciation/names:

a [ah] [aba]
b [ba]
c [sh] [ca]
d [d] [da]
e [eh] [eba]
f [f] [fa]
g [Gum] [ga]
h [h] [ha]
i [ee] [iba]
j [meaSure] [ja]
k [k] [ka]
l [l] [la]
m [m] [ma]
n [n] [na]
o [bOld] [oba]
p [p] [pa]
r [r] [ra]
s [s] [sa]
t [t] [ta]
tc [ch] [tca]
u [fOOd] [uba]
v [v] [va]
w [w] [wa]
y [y] [ya]
z [z] [za]

The Dictionary so far:

Acquire: akiro

Add: kon

(In) Addition (To): kon

Again: kon

Ago: ante

Agree: si

Agreement: si

Alike: kon

All: todo

Along: kon

Already: kon

Also: kon

Am: es

And: kon

Angry: irato

Annoy (Ed): irato

Are: es

At: en

Bad: mal

Be: es

Because: por

Because of that: tal

Before: ante

Bizarre: trelo

Both: todo

Breed: por

Build: kreo

But: kon

By: por

By Now: kon

Bye: salud


Carry: havo

Celebrity: stelo

Check: si

Cherish: amo

Choice: volo

Choose: selekto

Concern(ing): de

Confirm: si

Congruent: kon

Construct: kreo

Correct: bon

Crazy: trelo

Cruise: va


Decision: volo

Desire: volo

Dis-: no

Disease: mal

Divide: en

Division: en

Do: ma

Dome: domo

Donate: dona


Each: todo

Eerie: trelo

Either: kon

Else: kon

Envy: odio

Equal: es

Equality: es

Equip (Ed): havas

Equipment: havas

Every: todo

Evil: mal


Fast: rapid

Fetch (acquire): akiro

Find: akiro

Fine: bon

(Be) Fond (Of): amo

For: por

For that reason: por

Former(ly): ante

From: de


Get: akiro

Give: dona

Go: va

Good: bon

Good Afternoon: salud

Good Bye: salud

Good Morning: salud

Good Night: salud

Great: bon

Greet: salud

Greeting: salud


Happy: bon

Harm (Ful): mal

Hate: odio

Have: havas

Have (To): deben

He: elo, ele

Hello: salud

Her (Self): ela

Him (Self): elo, ele

His: elo, ele

Home: domo

Hope: volo

House: domo

How: ma

However: kon

Hurry: rapid


I: me

If: kon

Ill: mal

In: en

Indignant: irato

Insane: mal

Inside: en

Into: en

Investigate: studi

Involve: havas

Irratate: irato

Is Equal: es

Is The Same As: es

It: ele


Joy: bon

Journey: va

Just: kon

Jealous: odio



(To) Like: amo

Luck (Y): bon

Look: vido

(To) Love: amo

Low: balde


Mad (Angry): irato

Mad (Crazy): trelo

Me: me

More: kon

Multiple: por

Multiply: por

Multiplication: por

Must (have to): deben

My (Self): me


Name: nome

Naughty: mal

Negative (Prefix): no

Neither: kon

No: no

Nor: no

Not: no

Now: ja

Nuts (Crazy): trelo


Odd: trelo

Of: de

Offended: irato

Offense: irato

Offensive: irato

On: en

Once: ante

One (a person): ele

One's (Self): ele

Only: kon

Our (Selves): nos


Parallel: kon

Pick: selekto

Pleasant: bon

Plus: kon

Possess: havas

Positive: si

Power: volo

Previously: ante

Psycho: trelo

Quick: rapid


Ramble: va

Recent(ly): balde

Regard: salud

Reproduce: por

Reputation: nome

Research: studi

Right (Correct): bon

Roam: va

Rotten: mal

Run: van

Sad: irato
Same As: es
Salute: salud
Satellite: stelo
Search (for): vido por
See: vido
Seek: vido por
Select(ion): selekto
She: ela, ele
Short(ly): balde
Should: deben
Sick: mal
Similar: kon
So: tal
Soon: balde
Speed: rapid
Spoil (Ed): mal
Star: stelo
Still: kon
Student: studento
Studio: studio
Study: studi
Subtract(ion): dona
Sum: todo

Terrible: mal
Testament: volo
That: ele
The Same As: es
Them: ele
Then: ja
Therefore: tal
They: ele
This: ele
Thus: tal
Title: nome
To: en
Total: todo
Toward: en
Together: kon
Too: kon
Tour: va
Travel: va
(A) Trip: va

Un-: no
Unto: en
Upon: en
Us: nos

View: vido

Walk: va
Wander: va
Want: volo
Watch: vido
We: nos
Well (interjection): ja
Well (Fine): bon
What: ma
When: ma
Where: ma
Which: ma
Who: ma
Whole: todo
Why: ma
Wicked: mal
Weird: trelo
Will (Power): volo
Wish: volo
With: kon
Within: en
Wonder: kon
Wrong: mal

Yeah: si
Yes: si
Yet: kon
You: tu
Your (Self): tu


* No capital letters
* Nouns can be used as adjectives
* No plural indicator
* No verb tenses
* Uses no symbols in speech only the alphabet

What do you think of it so far?

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 05:57 AM
People have enough trouble with the ones they speak now. New ones are not going to help the issue.

If you want to learn a useful language learn mandarin (which is a dialect not a language really)

Ta Jien


posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 04:46 PM
Mandarin can not be used as a world language because it is too hard for westerns.

My language uses particles like Asian languages and it uses Alphabet like Western language. My language is trying to build a link between ALL languages of the world.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by arpgme
My language uses particles like Asian languages and it uses Alphabet like Western language. My language is trying to build a link between ALL languages of the world.

A world wide language was tried once before. It was called Esperanto.

It was a miserable failure.

A very easy language that is still very expressive is Hawaiian.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 10:37 PM

Esperanto failed because they weren't in the Internet Age.

They didn't have any way to research ALL languages of the world like me. I have many advantages than those people in the 18 hundreds

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by arpgme
Mandarin can not be used as a world language because it is too hard for westerns.

Oh really!!

I know loads of "westerns" that speak Mandarin. Funny thing is a lot of them took classes in the States or the UK.

You will be assimalated, the Chinese machine is on the move!!

Just out of interest how do you define a particle?


posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 10:54 PM

I never said Westerners couldn't learn Mandarin, what I said is that it's too hard for a international language!

wa = sub. prt

ka = quest. prt.

ni = indrect. prt.

wo = object prt.

yo = politeness prt.


Which should I continue with for a international language?

1) The Chinese reform


2) The Elekonvolo project?

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by arpgme

Several schools in Southern California now have Chinese (mandarin) as an elective.....Students interviewed (age 12-16 approx) believed that chinese would be an importatnt language to know in their future....

I agree

Source: Local news a few weeks back

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 11:18 PM
Mandarin words are hard for me to pronounce. I can pronounce Cantonese words just fine.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Beachcoma

Personally I find Madarin a lot easier to speak, but I don't get enough practice. cantonese is much more difficult to learn because of all the slang in it. In Hong Kong Madarin is slowly taking over, people are already realizing it's more important for the future.

I could go on to the whole 7 tones over 4 tones, but you know all that! Don't you?


posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 11:49 PM
It's mainly because I've trouble pronouncing "R", which Mandarin seems to be packed with. And the 7 tones.... oh my, Cantonese was confusing enough with 4 tones. You're right about the slang, though. Lo soi (Old Water) means police? Huh?

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by arpgme

Add: kon

(In) Addition (To): kon

Again: kon

Alike: kon

Along: kon

Already: kon

Also: kon

And: kon

But: kon

By Now: kon

Congruent: kon

Either: kon

Else: kon

However: kon

If: kon

More: kon

Neither: kon

Only: kon

Plus: kon

Similar: kon

Still: kon

Together: kon
Too: kon

With: kon

Wonder: kon

Yet: kon


* No capital letters
* Nouns can be used as adjectives
* No plural indicator
* No verb tenses
* Uses no symbols in speech only the alphabet

What do you think of it so far?

Sounds like it's very 1984ish IMO. Double plus good.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
Sounds like it's very 1984ish IMO. Double plus good.

Yeah, that was my first thought when I saw the list. Ungood. Double plus ungood.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 09:21 PM
Please answer:

Which should I continue with for a international language?

1) The Chinese reform


2) The Elekonvolo project?


I redid the words since I thought that the words might get confusing.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 09:27 PM


Abide: atenda
About: orbit
Acquire: akiro
Add: kon
(In) Addition (To): kon
Adventure: va
Again: kon
Age: tempo
Ago: ante
Agree: si
Agreement: si
Alike: simila
All: todo
Alone: solo
Along: kon
Already: kon
Also: simila
Am: es
Among: en
And: kon
Angry: irato
Another: diverso
Annoy (Ed): irato
Anticipate: atenda
Any: duso
Appear: vido
Apprehend: selekto
Approximate(ly): orbit
Are: es
Area: loku
Around: orbit
As: simila
Ask: yo
Associated With: kwino
Assume: pensa
At: en
At Once: ja
At That Time: kon


Bad: mal

Be: es

Because: por

Because of that: tal

Before: ante

Between: kon

Billion: zi

Bizarre: trelo

Border: kon

Both: todo

Boundary: kon

Breed: por

Brink: kon

Build: kreo

Buscuit: kuko

But: solo

By: por

By Now: kon

Bye: salud


Cake: kuko

Carry: havo

Cease: stop

Celebrity: astro

Chance: tempo

Check: si

Cherish: amo

Choice: volo

Choose: selekto

Circle: orbit

Compare : simila

Concern(ing): de

Confirm: si

Congruent: kon

Construct: kreo

Consume: koma

Cookie: kuko

Correct: bon

Crazy: trelo

Cruise: va

Cycle: orbit


Day (of the week): dia

Decimal Point: punto

Decide: pensa

Decision: pensa

Different: diverso

Demand: yo

Deposite: loku

Desire: volo

Dis-: no

Disease: mal

Distinct: diverso

Diverse: diverso

Divide: en

Division: en

(To) Do: kreo

Dot: punto

Dome: domo

Donate: dona

Double: duso

Drink: koma

During: todo


Each: todo

Eat: koma

Edge: kon

Eerie: trelo

Either: kon

Eight: oko

Else: kon

Entire: todo

Entise: koma

Envy: odio

Epoch: tempo

Equal: es

Equality: es

Equip (Ed): selekto

Equipment: selekto

Era: tempo

Estimate: pensa

Even (too): simila

Every: todo

Evil: mal

Except: solo

Exist: es

Expect: atenda

Expedition: va


Father: papa

Fast: rapid

(a) Favor: yo

Fetch (acquire): akiro

Few: duso

Find: akiro

Fine: bon

Five: kwino

Fly: va

(Be) Fond (Of): amo

Food: nutro

Fool(ish): baka

For: por

For that reason: por

Former(ly): ante

Four: kwaro

Friday: sesdia

Fringe: kon

From: de


Get: akiro

Give: dona

Go: va

Good: bon

Good Afternoon: salud

Good Bye: salud

Good Morning: salud

Good Night: salud

Great: bon

Greet: salud

Greeting: salud

Guess: pensa


Happy: bon

Harm (Ful): mal

Hate: odio

Have: selekto

Have (To): deben

He: elo, ele

Hello: salud

Her (Self): ela

(over) Here: koko

Him (Self): elo, ele

His: elo, ele

Home: domo

Hope: volo

Hour: tempo

House: domo

How: ma

However: solo

(A) Hundred: cento

Hundred Billion: centozi

Hundred Million: centomillion

Hundred Thousand: centomil

Hurry: rapid


I: me

Idiot: baka

If: se

Ill: mal

Imagine: pensa

In: en

In Case: se

Indignant: irato

Indirect Object Particle: ni

Individual: diverso

Inner: en

Insane: mal

Inside: en

In Order To: por

Interior: en

Internal: en

Interval: kon

Into: en

Investigate: studi

Involve: selekto

Irratate: irato

Is Equal: es

Is The Same As: es

It: ele


Joy: bon

Journey: va

Judge: pensa

Just: kon

Jealous: odio


Keep: selekto


(To) Like: amo

like (same as): simila

Liquid: likwida

Local: loku

Location: loku

Locus: loku

Look: vido

(To) Love: amo

Low: balde

Luck (Y): bon


Mad (Angry): irato

Mad (Crazy): trelo

Make: kreo

Many: multi

Margin: kon

Mark: punto

Me: me

Million: milion

Monday: dusdia

Month: mes

More: kon

Mother: mama

Much: multi

Multiple: por

Multiply: por

Multiplication: por

Must (have to): deben

My (Self): me


Name: nome

Naughty: mal

Negative (Prefix): no

Neither: kon

Nine: naufo

No: no

None: zero

Nor: no

Not: no

Now: ja

Null: zero

Numerous: multi

Nuts (Crazy): trelo


Object Particle: wo

Occasion: tempo

O'Clock: tempo

Odd: trelo

Of: de

Offended: irato

Offense: irato

Offensive: irato
On: en
One: uno
Once: ante
One (a person): ele
One's (Self): ele
Only: solo
Opportunity: tempo
Orbit: orbit
Our (Selves): nos

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 09:28 PM


Pair: duso

Parallel: simila

Particular: diverso

Pastry: kuko

Pause: stop

Period (time): tempo

Phase: tempo

Pick: selekto

Place: loku

Plea: yo

Pleasant: bon

Please: yo

Plus: kon

Point: punto

Politeness Particle: yo

Possess(ion): selekto

Position: loku

Positive: si

Power: volo

Previously: ante

Psycho: trelo

Put: loku


Quadruple: kwaro

Question: ka [wa/wo]

Question Particle: ka

Quick: rapid


Ramble: va

Recent(ly): balde

Regard: salud

Relation(ship): en

Remain(der): punto

Remnant: punto

Reproduce: por

Reputation: nome

Research: studi

Request: yo

Right (Correct): si

Roam: va

Rotten: mal

Ruins: punto

Run: van


Sad: irato

Same As: es

Salute: salud

Satellite: astro

Saturday: sepdia

Scar: punto

Scene: tempo

Search (for): vido por

Season: tempo

Seat: loku

See: vido

Seek: vido por

Seem: vido

Select(ion): selekto

Sperate: diverso

Seven: sepo

Several: diverso

She: ela, ele

Short(ly): balde

Should: deben

Shut: stop

Sick: mal

Sight: vido

Sign: punto

Silly: baka

Similar: simila

Since: por

Single: uno

Site: loku

Situation: loku

Six: seso

So: tal

Solo: solo

Solution: pensa

Solve: pensa

Some: duso

Soon: balde

Space (a space not 'outer space'): loku

Speed: rapid

Spoil (Ed): mal

Spot: loku

Stage: tempo

Star: astro

Status: loku

Still: solo

Stitch: selekto

Stop: stop

Strange: trelo

Student: studento

Studio: studio

Study: studi

Stupid: baka

Subject Particle: wa

Subtract(ion): dona

Sum: todo

Sunday: undia

Suppose: se

Survive: punto

Suspend: stop

Swallow: koma

Swim: va


Tael: duso

Take: selekto

Taste: koma

Tease: selekto

Ten: deko

Ten Billion: dekozi

Ten Million: dekomillion

Ten Thousand: dekomil

Term: tempo

Terrible: mal

Testament: volo

That: ele

The Same As: es

Them: ele

Then: ja

(Over) There: soko

Therefore: tal

They: ele

Think: pensa

This: ele

Three: trio

Through: por

Thursday: kwindia

Triple: trio

Thousand: milo

Thus: tal

Time: tempo

Title: nome

To: en

Total: todo

Toward: en

Together: kon

Too: simila

Tour: va

Trace: punto

Track: punto

Travel: va

(A) Trip: va

Tuesday: tridia

Two: duso


Un-: no

Unless: solo

Unto: en

Upon: en

Us: nos


Various: diverso

View: vido

Visual: vido

Voyage: va


Wait: atenda

Walk: va

Wander: va

Want: volo

Watch: vido

We: nos

Wednesday: kwardia

Week: orbit

Weather: tempo

Well (interjection): ja

Well (Fine): bon

What: ma

When: ma

Where: ma

Whether: se

Which: ma

While: todo

Who: ma

Whole: todo

Why: ma

Wicked: mal

weird: trelo

Will (Power): volo

Wish: volo

With: kon

Within: en

Wonder: kon

Wrong: mal



Yeah: si

Year: ano

Yes: si

Yet: solo

You: tu

Your (Self): tu


Zero: zero

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