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Project Awakening (Member Participation Requested)

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posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 06:43 PM
Project Awakening is a project of my creation and will driven by this thread, the ATS member participation and the power to Awake people to the truth. Project Awakening will be the exact opposite of a black op, this will be a bright op.

Plane and simple Project Awakening is going to be using the word of mouth concept. With everyones participation we will be able to awake one person at a time to the truth.

Let me make this perfectly clear, I will not be advocating forcing my view and opinions on anyone. We will simply bring an important matter to their attention, put the evidence in front of them and it will be solely be up to them to make that first step and look at it. One thing I do guaranty is that if they do look at the evidence placed in front of them it will change their view of the world forever and the awakening can begin. The biggest challenge here will be getting them to look at the evidence.

The beginning stages of this project will be a little slow, and a lot of learning will be involved. If successful and after some time, some hard work and after enough successful awakenings, we will have created a snowball effect and it will eventually explode into a big ball of people awakening to the truth and we here at ATS will have a much, much louder voice that will help change the world as we know it. This should be the end result.

I do understand that failure is to be expected but it is important to know that failure is just a big part of the learning process. The important thing to remember here is to not give up, we must keep on going and help each other out.

To start off it will just be me with your help. Then you can take my failures and or successes and learn from them and then go try it yourself and other members will learn from your experience and then go out and try it for them selfs, and so on and so forth.

This is how it is going to work.

I will pick someone that I personally know well and create and send a well thought out email to bring an important matter to their attention. I will then write out a short but well thought out summery of what I believe to be the truth, and then put the evidence in front of them and it will be solely be up to them to make that first step and look at it. After sending them this email I will follow up with a phone call to bring the email to their attention. I will post this email in the thread and get their permission to post their response whether they have looked at the evidence or dismissed it all together.

This will give us a good idea of what we should say and what we should not say to give us the best possible way to introduce the average uninformed Joe to the truth.

The person that is picked should be someone that you know well enough to have respect for you as a person. This would include, Friends, Family Members, Co Workers and good acquaintances. Of course you cannot just go and bring this up to every single one of these people. You should be able to do it with most of them but there is going to be a couple of these people dear to you that are just too far gone into the control of the powers that be to bring them back. Like for instance, I don't think that this could be done with my parents, so use your best judgment.

I have to go and do a couple of things but I will be back to post more detail Project Awakening.

[edit on 11/3/07 by housegroove23]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 06:49 PM
You have my total respect for creating this thread and for your intentions! I truly hope that you are successful and be use to know that you have my full support and services if required. I have sent you a u2u and im more than happy to oblige.

Peace to each and everyone, let it be so =]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 06:53 PM
To what purpose?

Are you just going to awaken people and then bugger off somewhere on your own or do you intend to take the lead on the events that could conceivably unfold?

Also; I didn't realise this kind of thing could be considered an 'Op' As in, operation.

The fact that you refer to it as such worries me greatly.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 07:38 PM
I comend you for taking on such a noble cause. I hope it works out well for you.

I have one problem that is bothering me. Please do not be offended when I tell you. I have a hard time joining your effort due to so many spelling mistakes.

This is a very big project you are taking on. Please use a spell check program for your posts. Many people will not take you seriously if you continue to make so many obvious mistakes. It takes away from the meaning of your post.

I don't mean to be a prude or disrespectful but if you want to get the respect you deserve you need to spell correctly.

Spelling may seem unimportant to you but I assure you it can make or break you in being a respected writter.


posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 08:14 PM
Thank You rapturas I really appreciate your respect and your support, It really means a lot.

Throbber - I will make a post that will answer your questions. As for the whole op thing, I kinda feel like this is an operation for the good of humanity, just my opinion.

dizziedame - I am not offended at all, and I thank you for pointing it out. I am not the best speller or writer in the world and I would like to present myself as professional as possible. That is all a part of our learning experience that I would like to promote, to be as professional as possible so that we are taken more seriously.

[edit on 11/3/07 by housegroove23]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 08:15 PM
I love your enthusiasm for your project, but this is what everyone I know already does on a daily basis. We share information and attempt to bring consciousness and light or truth to those we care about in the form of news snippets of concern or interest, websites that are helpful in making points, cards letters phone calls personal vists. How is your project going to do more than that? I look forward to how you plan to unfold your idea.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 08:40 PM
Goals of Project Awakening

  1. To awake uninformed people of the truth.
  2. To bring them to ATS and answer their questions and concerns and to slowly introduce them to more of the big picture.
  3. To learn from our failures and our successes.
  4. To get more ATS members to do the same and to create a snowball effect of awakening.
  5. To create a bigger voice for ATS and our community so that we have more of a chance in changing the direction of where humanity is heading.

[edit on 11/3/07 by housegroove23]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 09:12 PM
The topic that will be presented to the people I choose will be 9/11. I choose 9/11 because it has had the biggest impact of our time and in my opinion it will be a topic that people will be more likely to want some answers to.

The evidence that I will present will be the 9/11 video that was recently presented to us by the Three Amigos.

911 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions

I picked this video to present to the people that I choose because it is the most professionally well done video that I have seen that is filled with lots of hardcore evidence and facts. According to some of our members it may not be the most accurate video, but I feel that it is the best one that I can present to people to awake them and make them ask questions.

More details to come, please reply I would like to here what more of you think so far.

[edit on 11/3/07 by housegroove23]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 09:19 PM
i dont know my friends already think im pretty crazy as it is. Although i have never seen a ufo i know of 4 that have they may be interested in checking this site out. well see, the vast majority of people i know arent willing to talk about ideas expressed here but you never know. i guess its worth the try...

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 09:28 PM
housegroove23 it seems an interesting concept and if it brings folks to ATS all the merrier ...

But you might be wise to run this one past the powers that be ... to see if they could give you any advice.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by housegroove23

I think your efforts are noble. And useless. No offense. The problem is not with your idea, which is great. But with the mindset of many people. Perhaps choosing 9/11 as your topic is not the good idea you think it is. There are too many different theories surrounding that one day in history to effectively "awaken" the world. Reason being that for every person you convert to one particular theory, there are three being converted to a different one. Causing confusion


posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 10:17 PM
Thank You antar for your post but while you may be one of the lucky ones to have that ability to talk to someone about these things and have them asking for more, most of us have a really, really hard time. Now keep in mind that I am not talking about awaking people that are already here on ATS, I am talking about awaking our loved ones that are still sheeple and under the manipulation and control of the powers that be.

DaleGribble - It would defiantly be worth a try. Its time to turn things around and make a change. You might want to wait until I start off with a few to get an idea of how you want to present it.

Niall197 - LOL you make a good point there.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 10:24 PM
Conspiracy Theorist - you make a very good point there and it is something to think about. But on the other hand we have to start some where and 9/11 seems to be a good start. I think I may start with 9/11 anyway and see where it goes.

I am getting kind of tired and I think that I will call it a night and come back tomorrow with a clear mind to get this kicked into gear.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 08:57 AM
Good luck with that there, housegroove.

I really think that your idea is doomed to failure, though. Look around here at ATS. A forum populated by folks who have (generally speaking) an open mind about conspiracy theories, and I have yet to see anyone present enough "proof" to convince/awaken anyone about anything. So how do you expect to convince/awaken someone who isn't already open to these ideas?

For every argument you can present, there is an argument to counter yours, and that's here, where most folks are pre-disposed to believing the unbelievable. Unless you can come up with 100% unshakable proof of whatever issue you're trying to "awaken" the masses to, you're not going to change a lot of peoples views.

And where is this unshakable proof? From what I've read here for the last year of so, it doesn't exist. Whether you're discussing 9/11, new world order, aliens, bigfeet, or even politics, there is no displayable iron-clad evidence to back up you're claims. The best I've seen regarding any theory is always just a personal interpretation of events, and that, in my opinion, (and, judging from what I read, the opinion of many others) is not proof, just conjecture, and that's not enough to convince the masses of anything.

Your best bet would be to hire some slick advertising agency, and have them sell your ideas to the people on TV.

That seems to be the only thing the people will believe.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 02:27 PM
Good point subject x

The major abjection that we will have by anybody that we try to awake will be where is the proof. Just like all of the big time skeptics here on ATS that scream, where is the proof, where is the proof!

We have to show them that the proof is in the pudding. We have to show them that the proof is all of the whistle blowers that are coming out of the wood works and every one of their stories backs up what each other says in some way or another, even if they have never spoken to each other before.

A lot of you here have not yet came to the realization that this is true. So in saying that I would strongly recommend watching all of the video interviews that Project Camelot has to offer. Next to ATS, Project Camelot is the group that is doing the most to educate and bring disclosure. They do what the Disclosure Project failed to do.

Interviews -
Main Page -

The following thread is proof that we can awake people to the truth using my method.

Please read my post on that page and then read (rapturas) response and you will see that this can work if we go about this the right way. I hope you don't mind rapturas if I use you as an example.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 02:58 PM
The person that will be my first subject will be my brother. My brother will be an easy first one because he already has a pretty open mind and I have already discussed these kind of things with him before. He already knows that I am a conspiracy theorist and I even went as far as getting him to watch the Disclosure Project press conference.

That was about a year or two ago and since then I have not brought it up to see if he will go and do some research on his own. I have not heard one peep from him since then, so I am assuming that he just dismissed it and moved on. So this will be my attempt to re-spark his interest and I am fairly certain that I can go as far as bringing him on as an ATS member to discuss things further. I can only give it a good try and see if it works, we must try and not give up.

[edit on 11/4/07 by housegroove23]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 04:04 PM
Just a couple of more things to go over before I continue.

I would just like to state for a second time that I will not be forcing my views or opinions on anyone, I am just simply binging an important matter to their attention via email, writing a short and well thought out statement on what I strongly believe to be the truth and then give them the link to video that will show them all of the good hardcore facts, and give them time to reflect and hope that they will start to awake.

I also want to say that I will NOT be representing the views of ATS as a whole, I will be representing views that I have as an individual.

I feel that I need to make those two things very clear because I can just see it coming back to me later on.

I will add more soon, I would like more people to reply and add your thoughts please.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 04:19 PM
I admire your desire to want people to wake up housegroove23 as I think it is important but I think you may have chosen a subject that may be determental to your cause. 9/11 is the most polarizing event of this century. Most people have an opinion on it, even if it is one that they didn't form themselves. I think for you to have a better chance; you should pick a subject that is easier on the palate, so to speak, of the average citizen. Even have a couple of topics at hand that you could decide upon depending on the individuals tolerance of "conspiracy theories". And be sure that you have your facts straight. If they discover that one part of your story is wrong, they are going to question most of what you say.

Good luck mate, I'll keep reading up on it as you post it.

And remember that a failure is only a step on the path to success.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:07 PM
I really hope this works for you housegroove23.
I recently tried to do the same thing with a good friend of mine. He kept talking about how upset he was with the amount of corruption in our government so I asked him what he thought about 9/11 being an "inside job"... he told me I was crazy.
My point is that there are way too many hard headed people out there, even ones you think you are close to.

Go with Gaotu789's advice about using something other than 9/11 to start.

good luck

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 01:10 AM
I agree with some of the people on this board 9/11 is not the best subject to get people into finding the truth. 9/11 is too polarizing, most people either believe it was an inside job in one way or another or the other half believe the official story with all of it's holes. I would start with the direction America is taking and make as many comparisons to a dictatorship like Nazi Germany that we are close to. Much like Naomi Wolf does even in the mass media.

Also not to talk you down but i tried the same thing on a message board site dedicated to the city I live in. In my city it is a well known site that most people in this city go to. I got some good scores for my posts to begin with but eventually the haters would vote my posts down and then would talk me down saying im one of those tin foil hat wearing psychos. Or one of my favorite I should be in the looney bin where they use to put people like me back in the day I guess. The hard fact about the truth is most people are too caught up in the luxury of modern America to care about how they and their fellow citizens are being wronged everyday.

And I did not even tackle 9/11 in my posts all I talked about was government corruption period along with the North American Union and secret societies. These were all plausible things without much imagination needed and still people reacted to it like skin rejecting a piercing. So I say to you good luck, Awaken as many people as you can and don't get caught up in delusions of grandeur because for every person we all awaken there are 100 or more that are happy being ignorant slaves to the system.

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