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The Coming Revolution

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+38 more 
posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:01 PM
The time has come to reveal the events that will shape the near future so that all concerned are prepared for what is to come and so that the populations on planet Earth are sufficiently warned about changes that will affect their reality.

Back in the 1940s the governing forces on this planet were warned by certain parties not from this planet, to change the course of the direction they were headed in, so that the peoples of Earth could unanimously have a better and positive future. Not only did the governing forces of this planet ignore the issues that they were warned about, they irrationally reacted by interpreting this warning as a declaration of war. They then diverted all their attention to developing interstellar weapons and systems to prepare for an interstellar war. They also systematically developed highly advanced technology that would control the populations of the world in every area of life. The governing forces were helped by certain extra-terrestrial intelligences that supplied them with the specifics of technology that this civilization was in no way prepared for.

This technology was used with the specific intent of controlling the minds of every individual on the planet. As of now exotic technologies govern and monitor the civilizations on the planet. For example nanotechnology hundreds of years in advance of what is commonly recognized by scientists, is used to monitor every area of life in these civilizations. A massive electromagnetic net covers the entire globe which has many purposes but is used mainly to manipulate the consciousness en-mass of humans on the planet, specifically to prevent them from evolving psychically and spiritually to the degree that their DNA naturally would allow. Most of the electronic devices in every day use serve this purpose to some degree, and their basic origin is extra-terrestrial. You may have heard that the NSA monitors all emails and communications on the planet and flags certain phrases. What you may not know is that there are supercomputers that monitor every sub vocalized thought made by every human in your civilization, flags phrases and words and relays subliminal suggestions in response. Highly sophisticated holographic projectors and computer simulations hundreds of years in advance of what is used publicly, are used to project false images of the solar system and surrounding activity around the planet.

The governing forces created a group that has explored every planet in this solar system finding either living civilizations or the remnants of ancient ones. They have long since created fleets of star ships capable of travelling interstellar distances almost instantaneously and have visited and mapped many star systems using information and technology supplied to them by extra-terrestrials to which they allied themselves for a time. Many space stations and thousands of space craft equipped with exotic weapons are currently in orbit around the planet as a so called "Planetary defence shield". This infantile system has no other purpose except to inflate the egos of the "privileged" few who set it up. Those they wish to "defend" the planet from, simply go through it as if it wasn't there, and their own teleportation technology makes it utterly obsolete.(cont...)

[edit on 2-11-2007 by flashstorminc]

+1 more 
posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:02 PM
The populations on the planet have been lied to and manipulated to an obscene degree with the intention of hijacking the spiritual evolution of the planet and it's joining to a great family of star faring civilizations that value peace, harmony and oneness. Those in control of the planet fantasize about a great final battle with these civilizations they think of as their nemesis in an Armageddon like war for Earth. They believe there will be no opposition from the populations of Earth to their plans since their control over the minds of individuals is (as far as they are concerned) complete. Their plans for the future are for continued domination and all out war. Their desire is to either destroy those they imagine are the enemy or destroy the planet so that their nemesis can't have the "prize".

It was foreseen that this state of affairs would occur in this time, and although those that warned the governing forces of this planet gave them ample time to change they suspected that they would never give in to reason and peace. Therefore a plan was made and set into motion that had as it's root a great spiritual revolution that would occur on the planet in order that the peoples of Earth could overthrow the controllers of their world who are spiritually bankrupt(One of their fantasies is to digitize the souls of every human on earth. Sounds crazy? it's not as impossible as it sounds). No physical revolution would be sufficient since these rulers' malice is so great that either they will destroy their enemies or destroy the world. The domination and manipulation using technology is so beyond anything that most people can imagine that they are not able to even believe the power and extent of these technologies or the degree to which they have infiltrated their lives.

For this reason many highly evolved beings from other planets and star systems incarnated on Earth and took on the guise of human beings in order to assist in the spiritual revolution that will shake this planet. There was a specific time period in which the controllers of this world were allowed the time to make their intents perfectly clear and to change direction. That time has just about come to a close. All over the world many are awakening to their mission in this time and are remembering their connections to their families across the cosmos, and close to Earth. Venus is a beautiful planet whose population is entranced by the power of love and she loves Gaia deeply and sent many beings here to assist her sister planet. Venus is the jewel of this solar system, one day the beauty of Gaia's people will match those on Venus.

Make no mistake. These beings will not fail in their mission. They have in many guises already crossed an abyss of horror, despair, nightmare, suffering and war and have overcome the malice of intelligences in this universe that make the controllers of this planet look like what they are: petulant little children who refuse to grow up. They draw on experiences and abilities gained in multiple dimensions in many missions in which the power and the authority of the divine was their only reason for their actions in which every thought and act they make, every step they take, is part of a divine pageantry.

If you feel the stars calling you, if you remember the beauty of Venus, If you are awake to the wonder and love that is in this Universe and you remember or have dreams of the great civilizations scattered across this cosmos...I am talking to you. It is time to fulfil your mission. There are many roles to play and much work to be done, you incarnated for your particular abilities and powers to be put to use. The guardians of this planet have lifted the restrictions on you and you are now able to play your part. You must lay aside this false ego created for you by this society and take on the mantle of your greater destiny in order to serve and help this planet, which is what you incarnated for.

What will happen? Essentially all the technologies of the governing forces will be disabled by those whose job it is to do so. The energetic systems of the planet that have been attacked and suppressed will be healed. The damage done to the minds and spirits of the peoples of this planet will be repaired...and prepared to handle the story of the great betrayal by those fellow humans who ruled over them without their knowledge but by their implicit consent. The internal aspects of the civilization (top secret, black ops) will be exposed and dismantled. The governing forces and corporations will find themselves suddenly and without warning deposed of power. The external aspects of this civilization will be gently guided to peace, cooperation and spiritual growth. Positive technologies that are in harmony with the human spirit and the universe will be introduced to assist the lives of the people. The nations of Earth will be freed of the World governing force and will be unified and transformed to prepare for the realization and integration with the other civilizations in this solar system and greater galaxy.

There is no limitation to consciousness. The world as it appears reflects the state of the consciousness of human beings at this time. That consciousness is being transformed and renewed to go beyond the limitations placed on it by the negative aspects of this age of the world. If you understand this then you have your role to play to this end. May you find the courage and strength to fulfil your mission.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:50 PM
I'm not going to comment on this yet.

I would just like to ask a question:

What is your source for this information and what are your means of receiving it?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:56 PM
That was a good read. There are many people hoping for change, and the sooner the better.

When will these changes start happening?

[edit on 2-11-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:16 PM
Comatose: the source of my information was encoded in my spirit when I incarnated here, my telepathic connection to certain alien beings and friends who incarnated around the same time as I did. The real information about the state of this world is being telepathically broadcast to the entire population however most minds are under the control of the frequency net and you have to break through it to receive it.

Copernicus: The changes have already started happening behind the scenes, where a lot of preparation is being made. We are in pre-production so to speak

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by flashstorminc
The real information about the state of this world is being telepathically broadcast to the entire population however most minds are under the control of the frequency net and you have to break through it to receive it.

I scanned the OP and it's VERY well written. Thank you for being articulate.

How do we break through the frequency net?


posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:27 PM
This is a very interesting read.

How do we break through the frequency net?

I was just wondering the same thing.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:30 PM
I really believe it
revolution is indeed near..............brace yourselves

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:31 PM
I agree it was a good read, but as weird as it is, i am still skeptical about this. I dont think that is all false, most of it i think is true, how some elites are controlling every aspect of our lives.

I would like to break that forced bond onto my physical and spiritual beings and break free of the constraints.

As Cuhail and KoRupT asked, how do we break it?

And how can we talk to these beings who are trying to help us?

How are they different? In frequencys? Are we able, if we are spirtually strong enough, "locate" them in the crowds in our towns and cities from their aura alone?

Supply us with more info. please, this is really good info. you gave us and i dont want to be left hanging!

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:40 PM
dont fret, ive got it all covered.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:45 PM
There is a whole spiritual science involved in gaining the ability to break through the frequency net, some will know it intuitively and do it without thinking. Most will have to learn. Essentially those who are manipulating the minds of humans know the esoteric wisdom found in many of the shamanic and magical traditions of the world and are using it against human beings. So therefore it requires a good deal of that kind of knowledge in order to access higher frequencies. There is a lot of information readily about on the internet as to how to raise the vibration of your consciousness but I will make a brief summary here.

The frequency net causes wildly disharmonic electromagnetic fields to play havoc with the etheric, astral and mental bodies of human beings and causes the consciousness of the human to be trapped low frequencies. To raise the consciousness beyond this frequency net, you need to balance firstly the elements of your etheric body using your mind, then your astral body and mental body. A good deal of power is necessary to firstly shield yourself from the electromagnetic influences and then raise the vibration of your consciousness (intuitively do this). It helps to understand that the nature of your spirit is really akashic that is, it is everywhere and everywhen at the same time, once you are able to understand this then you realise your consciousness in your body is just a projection of your spirit which exists in many dimensions, planes, realities and universes at once. You see the nature of the frequency net is to trap your consciousness inside a limited ego structure.

The bottom line (and short answer) is that you have to be intuitively aware of the frequency net. You then use your mind to shield yourself from it's effects and then raise your frequency. To some this will be easy to others hard.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by flashstorminc]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:45 PM
Im ready, lets roll!!!

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by robwerden
Im ready, lets roll!!!

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:57 PM
Re frequency net:

On Atlantis, the frequency net almost closed down because there was too much darkness. Then Earth would have been destroyed and the people would have “died.” Gaia did not want to “die” like her brother planet, which is now our asteroid belt. Therefore, she called for us, the Forces of Light, to hold the balance until she and her inhabitants were ready to end the game by ascending. Gaia wants to evolve and ascend so that she can become a star like our sun, Sol. Furthermore, Gaia wants to take her inhabitants with her.

Also interesting (same source):

The Third Dimensional Earth Game is far more difficult during the Ages of Leo and Aquarius because of the mass reaction to the sudden exposure of Truth. Many people become lost in their fear of the unknown when their illusions have suddenly, and perhaps harshly, been revealed to them. On the other hand, if the “players” have learned to consistently face the unknown, they may even welcome it. Then they will NOT be frightened by the sudden illumination of reality and will instead LOVE the change into a more light-filled reality. If 51% of the “players” are afraid, the Forces of Darkness win, and if 51% of them embrace the new Light with love, the Forces of Light win.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by jarheadjock
I agree it was a good read, but as weird as it is, i am still skeptical about this. I dont think that is all false, most of it i think is true, how some elites are controlling every aspect of our lives.

I would like to break that forced bond onto my physical and spiritual beings and break free of the constraints.

As Cuhail and KoRupT asked, how do we break it?

And how can we talk to these beings who are trying to help us?

How are they different? In frequencys? Are we able, if we are spirtually strong enough, "locate" them in the crowds in our towns and cities from their aura alone?

Supply us with more info. please, this is really good info. you gave us and i dont want to be left hanging!

It is important to develop a spiritual practice since as I said this will be a spiritual revolution. Remember that the power of your heart and your mind is much greater than you have been led to believe. Unfortunately the frequency net has been designed to mess with the energy fields of human beings to a great extent. To such an extent that those that have created believe it cannot be defeated. They are wrong. For many people the beings are sending information into their dream awareness and there is a lot of information that is coming through to the subconscious, it is just a matter of releasing it to the conscious mind. If you incarnated with a mission to undertake this will happen naturally.

NOTE: there are some amazing technologies that can be used to access the higher frequencies that these beings operate on. However there are two reasons why these are not available on Earth. Firstly the controllers of this planet would know immediately and eliminate anyone connected with that kind of technology. (there are a few exceptions). Secondly those technologies are really only available to civilizations that are at peace and harmony with the universe. Sounds like a catch-22 but it's for a good reason.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by flashstorminc]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:14 PM
I agree with just about everything you said OP. Spiritual revoulotion is in the air, and you can see the signs all over the place. There are people out there that are aware of this, and there doing everything they can to surpress it. The thing is, you can't stop the inevitable. You can delay it, but you can't stop it.

Many people are begining to become aware of thier inner-selves, and its about time.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:38 PM
That was an interesting read, thank you for your thoughts flashstorminc.

Do you know what species are responsible for this manipulation and what species are trying to help us? Could you name them?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by GeeGee
That was an interesting read, thank you for your thoughts flashstorminc.

Do you know what species are responsible for this manipulation and what species are trying to help us? Could you name them?

I can't really do that since the names that others use such as Sirians, Arcturians, Zeta, Reptillian, Pleiadian etc. have all these connotations attached to them and the names themselves are inaccurate. They don't describe the star faring civilizations at all well or do justice to who they are. These civilizations have their own names and their own unique and powerful identities. I would do an injustice to them by labelling them according to what has become common ideas of these beings. I will make one exception and that is the Venusians who are our neighbors and have a great love for this planet.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:23 PM
So essentially, a spritual revolution is coming towards us, nearing closer and closer.

Is it a choice that we can choose, to ascend, or will there be a sort of "Divine Judgement" by the Great Divinity of some sorts to see who are worthy?

And for the aliens and beings already with us, the possible prophecies of Alien Intervention have already happend i'm guessing and is in the ending stages?

And for the elite humans doing this nefarious deeds, are they who we think they are? Or this is something else entirely?

I have been trying to open myself up spritually and i have to say, it all lies down to practice. I havnt broken anything (like levels or frequencies) but i have to say i am edging closer to become one with myself first of all, and coming closer, but still far, from "merging" with the universe? I am going about this all wrong?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by flashstorminc
I can't really do that since the names that others use such as Sirians, Arcturians, Zeta, Reptillian, Pleiadian etc. have all these connotations attached to them and the names themselves are inaccurate. They don't describe the star faring civilizations at all well or do justice to who they are. These civilizations have their own names and their own unique and powerful identities. I would do an injustice to them by labeling them according to what has become common ideas of these beings. I will make one exception and that is the Venusians who are our neighbors and have a great love for this planet.

Yes, I have heard of these Venusians. But despite the inaccurate names, are the star systems you mentioned(Sirius, Arcturus, Draco, Pleiadies) part of this revolution?

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