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Doughnut shop robbery leaves Philly on lockdown?! Cassidy dies!

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posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:11 AM

"PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (AP) -- A police officer shot in the head by a doughnut shop robber died Thursday morning, the police commissioner announced....

He was the third city officer shot in the span of four days....

Police swarmed the North Philadelphia neighborhood on foot, in squad cars and a helicopter looking for the robber, who grabbed the officer's weapon as he fled, according to security camera images released by police. "

This is the first thing i saw on CNN today.

Clearly things are Out of control in philly!

If you want my opinion, i think Al Q is definately behind this, and i dont care who they work for, it doesnt matter - this is pure evil.

They certainly want to start chaos and martial law, and destroy what left we have in this great nation, or should i say, once great.

I dont know who was behind this, but I want them brought to justice immediantly. And i do agree the city is in great peril, no matter how you spin it.

All i ask is that the police/FBI of Philly know we are behind them in bringing these TERRORISTS, to justice! BUT Please! Respect the citizens rights while you search for this terrorist.

You can capture him just as quickly, enlisting the citizenry to your aid , and believe me we WILL help, bring this cold blooded murderer to justice. And the efforts must be mobilized quickly before he produces more dead bodys.

Hes clearly very skilled with a gun, hes a hitman.

Things arent looking good, this psychopath wants Martial Law. He wants death. its Sick.

I know that the police/FBI can work togeather with the Citizens, respecting Everyones COnstitutional RIGHTS --- and bring this man to justice immediantly. I will keep you all in my thoughts, and will follow this the coming days. Please i Hope everyone in philly gets thru this safe and free.

This world is freakin out seriously, look at this Crap!

Im ashamed to even be human anymore.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:16 AM
This thread and most of your 'speculation' is pretty out-there. You think it's terrorists killing cops? You just came up w/ that one out of the blue?

Killadelphia has one of the worst crime rates in the country. It's been like that for years, I'm in Phila today and there's nothing close to "leaves Philly on lockdown" as your headline asks.

The society is decaying in the urban areas and as awful as it is, cops gets killed often. The outskirts of Phila is like a war-zone, you'll hear sirens all day here but, so far, the 'bad' element are on the outskirts in housing projects where there's countless people on welfare. It's a sad story but nothing out of the blue let alone 'terror' related. You're fear-mongering w/ that headline.

[edit on 1-11-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:19 AM
Your saying that killing a cop (OR ANYONE) isnt "Terrorism"?

Thats absurd, regaurdless of their modivations or masters (or even if they acted alone).

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:24 AM
And are you suggesting the city isnt on Lockdown?

It says in the article CLEARLY - the schools were all locked.

And are you trying to tell me the ppl of philly DONT have their doors locked to their houses buisnesses? Do you think they are insane? I live in a totally diff city and keep my doors locked to my house ALL the time.

of Course all the doors in philly are locked - and only the most important of all traveling is taking place. Ppl arent out going for a stroll to smell the breeze theres a cop killer on the run. Maybe the crazy smokers (like me) still went outside, but i garuntee you that vigilance is on a high alert around there.

i cant even believe you took a skeptical angle agianst it, im that surprised.

And you claim im the fear monger? Im not out shooting cops on sprees, for nothing , with INCREDIBLE aim into their skulls.

The fear monger is on the run right now. And i hope the police have him brought to justice immediantly, its incredibly frightening.

All you did was argue about points i could defend, you didnt even bother to argue about Why you think its NOT al q?

Argue about the real reason ur skeptical plz lol

[edit on 1-11-2007 by muzzleflash]

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:24 AM
By your reckoning then muzzleflash, anyone who kills someone is a terrorist.

So, the perp - a terrorist - kills a cop to prevent that terrorist cop from killing him..... all seems fair to me

Seriously, people are killed day in and day out. Cops kill people too so are we to look upon them as terrorists?

Not everything in this world is terrorism related or driven, it's just a screwed up world where human life is cheap to some people.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:30 AM
The government has used agent provocateurs before. You have to ask all questions to get to the truth, the OP could be right. Please, do not rule this out.


[edit on 1-11-2007 by depth om]

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I thought you were implying in the title there was some martial law or something going on here and it's not the case. Yeah, locked doors, I think I can understand that.

Still, don't see anything about 'terror' in this aside from the root meaning of the word -- which I'd rather call crime and murder since the other term is so loaded in today's society.... I gotta rule it out, the gov't IS the terror, I know, AL-CIA-DA, what else is new? It's still fear-mongering to call shootouts terror when there's been those sort of killings for how many decades?

Once we start using their conspiracies -- *they* win. Like, for example, suppose it comes out on the BIASED news that this was "linked to..." and then you got people changing their lives because they're afraid. Afraid of being shot? Come on, to conspire as a VERB is the point.

Call it anything, CIA, the Base, MK Ultra victims w/ guns on a HAARP killing spree -- but this isn't blowing up buildings where I gotta look at a mushroom cloud and thousands of missing people posters. Chill.

[edit on 1-11-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Britguy
By your reckoning then muzzleflash, anyone who kills someone is a terrorist.

So, the perp - a terrorist - kills a cop to prevent that terrorist cop from killing him..... all seems fair to me

Seriously, people are killed day in and day out. Cops kill people too so are we to look upon them as terrorists?

Not everything in this world is terrorism related or driven, it's just a screwed up world where human life is cheap to some people.

By your logic, since "some cops killed someone" "All cops are terrorist"

Thats totally absurd too, by this LINE of Logic, i can also claim
"Some ppl in the projects killed someone" so " All ppl in projects are terrorists"

See the fault in your arguement? NOT ALL COPS ARE BAD.

Not all PPL in the projects are criminal scum!

Not all of any group is any one thing! this is evident in all things.
Not all chinese ppl eat rice its a FACT. lol prejudice is bad

and the definition of "TERRORIST" is someone who incites terror thru violent acts

you need to use words correctly, your view of the "arabic muslim being the only possible terrorist" is rediculous

All murderers and rapists are terrorists, because they Terrorize ppl. Its a word, it has a definition. Use it correctly.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:38 AM
Not when you *tell* me to use the word. That's fascism.

I'll use words like -- crime and murder.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:44 AM
I live just outside of Philly. I can be in the city in 15 minutes. North Philadelphia is a scary place. Poverty mixed with a high influx of drug dealers make it quite volatile. That's being kind. Kids getting shot on the playground due simply to the fact that several people got mad at one another and decided to pull out their guns and have a shootout are a very common occurance.
Al Quaida? I think not. There is an increasing popularity of lawlessness. It' becoming cool to be a bad guy. Street cred has gone from being a graffiti artist, to harming/killing others. As I stated a few sentences ago. Poverty leads to desperation. Desperate individuals do desperate things. Add an abandonment of respect for the law and you have a very bad sum.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:50 AM
Im just saying this has the smell of another washington dc "sniper" spree, even tho the 2 culprists allegedly used an m4 in the washington sniper incident a few years back.

regaurdless, all im saying is things like have terrorized this nation over the last 30-40years. Definatly

in 1930 most ppl didnt lock their doors, ask all the old folks.

We as a ppl have been terrorized into always locking our doors.

If you dont think this is a rehash of the washington sniper style terrorist incidents, plz explain why. Theres a string of violence here. its not isolated.

If you have a grand explanation how this is all normal, please explain it in full, im all eyes/ears.

Im suggesting its terrorism, very possibly organized by the fingerprint of it (robber takes no $, kills cop with shot to head with incredible precision and speed)

If you think its just some kid off the street with a gun (which is normal and not exactly "terrrorist" by your standards) killing random ppl, please explain why you dont think so. Dont just scoff and ridicule . Explain why you dont think its a premeditated terrorist act. As i was clearly implying with my tone.

I wasnt saying it was exactly, but i was clearly looking at that possibility.

And when did CNN ever report random violence in Philly anyway, somethings up. Something will be made of this.

I have a good reason to be afraid.

And im not a fascist for askin you to use the word terrorist correctly anhinga, fascists use force to back up their suggestions. I just simply suggested , and never intent to use force. Im definately not a fascist thats just calling me names and stuff cuz ur mad.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:56 AM
Also, you cant tell me you havent seen those commercials on TV that say "BUying weed /pot /drugs= funding terrorists (Al Q)"

If thats true, then i can easily claim any murder/rape as SUPPORTING Terrorist Goals/Agenda - Aiding AL Q in their fight to terrorize and destroy the ppl of america 1 news clip at a time.

Im just using the gov'ts own classification of terrorist here as devils' advocate in a sense, and you keep missing my point lol.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 12:18 PM
Terrorism, or as Merriam-Webster puts it, the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion, could be used to describe many acts, but is not likely a real description in the slaying of these Philadelphia police officers. Where is the coercion? What is the robber's demands against the government?

While it is very tragic that these officers have lost their lives, perhaps it is less an act of terroism, but more one of leadership failure. Billions of tax dollars are being spent each month on the quagmire of Iraq in order to 'secure' our oil interests. problem is, our interests are not those of the Iraqi people

However, "Terrorism" could also be used to describe the acts of numerous groups besides those labelled with "Al Qaida", some of which may not sit well with 'red blodded Americans'.

"Terror", as described by Merriam-Webster, is any violent or destructive act (such as bombing) committed by a group in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands.

So the use of Blackwater in Iraq by the American State Department, could be considered 'Terrorism', unless of course one believes that only Western Civilization gets to create the 'labels'. Any American citizen who pays 'taxes' that then get used to pay Blackwater salaries, would then be giving material support to terrorism. It is all in the perspective one has.

And if your perspective is already one of media manipulated fear of muslims, then of course you will see Al Qaida in every crime that causes you more fear, because nothing is scarier than the Boogeyman, I mean Al Qaida.

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 12:32 PM
there ain't no al gheadah in da hood yo!


everyone is a terrorist.

a vet here in my hometown shot and killed 2 cops after he got in a fight with his wife...


or crazy redneck bastard?

posted on Nov, 1 2007 @ 11:24 PM
Be careful labling people as terrorists.

A terrorist is one of the most vauge terms in the world i would think.

Where are you going to draw the line. Dude ran a red light. HES A TERRORIST!

The common criminal is not a terrorist.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 08:38 AM
The officer walked in on a robbery in progress and for that reason he was shot. Law enforcement is trained to to always be aware when parking outside of a store with a marked patrol car and when entering into a store in a uniform that they may be walking into an in progress situation. It is not possible to be on your "toes" waiting for the worst all of the time, you become complacent. If you didn't become complacent to a degree you would become paranoid. Anyway .... if you just shot a cop or any one else would your first priority be to get as far away as possible as fast as possible or get the money?? As for it being so publicized ... when a cop is killed and the suspect has not been apprehended yes it makes national news... same as when a firefighter dies in a fire. I am your typical out there in a marked car going from call to call cop. I deal with the public i am not behind a desk. The majority of the people that make it into my back seat are people that have made bad decisions and the law dictates they will be held responsible for those bad decisions. They are not terrorists though the law defines them as criminals. Anyone at any time can make a bad decision and be required to answer for it ... if it ever happens to me I i hope the term terrorist is not next to my name. Additoinally if i am ever required to act in a manner that results in someone elses death by my hand whether it is to protect myself or someone else thats my scar to bear and again i would hope the word terrorist would not be loosely used in the same sentence as my name. The reality of the situation is a cop was killed .... very unfortunate but true. Is there some al quaeda / terrorsist conspiracy that could be linked to that? My mind finds it impossible to make that jump.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 08:58 AM

Seriously, I've been up for 34 hours, but am I becoming delusional, or am I really reading this.?!?!!??!?!

Where are the moderators?

[edit on 3-11-2007 by DeadFlagBlues]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 09:38 AM
And what does this have to do with Cassidy?

If you're talking about the rapper, I have no clue what you're talking about. Other than him being DISGUSTING.

And for you old guys.. Disgusting = dated street slang that white kids like me still use.

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