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A small theory...

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posted on Dec, 6 2002 @ 10:23 PM
Maybe the aliens are afraid for us to reduce earth in a big radioactive crater if they invade because of nuclear weapons! So they manipulate the US to encourage everyone to disarm their nuclear weapons!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 6 2002 @ 11:16 PM
I think they would be perfectly capable of the disarmament themselves before an invasion. Would be fantastic to believe though that it would be that easy to scare them off.

posted on Dec, 7 2002 @ 10:39 AM
I have to disagree with you there wasntme. I think necro has a point -

America;s government is supposed to be in contact with the aliens, and im sure the aliens would be able to convice the US to tell everyone to get rid of their nukes.

Though doesnt America still have a huge stockpile of nukes hidden away somewhere?

posted on Dec, 7 2002 @ 10:52 AM
You'll not convince the Russians, the Iranians, the Chicoms, the Indians, The Israelians,The North-Koreans , the French & the English to remove their nukes.

But you did a good point.

posted on Dec, 7 2002 @ 02:16 PM
Necro ....have you ever thought...maybe the aliens are not planning to invade us at all, maybe they want us to get rid of our nuclear weapons so we don't destroy ourselves. I believe they are coming to help our planets spiritual evolution, and to help facilitate peace.



posted on Dec, 7 2002 @ 10:23 PM
Thank you, Sage!!!

posted on Dec, 9 2002 @ 01:37 PM
I'm not religious, but very spiritual, and I feel that the other world beings who show up here are here to do as Sage stated: to make sure us cavemen don't make the planet go !BLAMO! before we hit our stride.

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
I'm not religious, but very spiritual, and I feel that the other world beings who show up here are here to do as Sage stated: to make sure us cavemen don't make the planet go !BLAMO! before we hit our stride.

If the aliens want to help us, why don�t they abduct our scientists and help them achieving nuclear fusion, creating clean cars.. Why don�t they give us vaccines for AIDS, cancer..? Instead we have NOTHING!

Why don�t they abduct terrorists to increase their consciousness before they crash aircraft into buildings? Why don�t they abduct the leaders of the world to force them to act for peace and environment protection- Hussein and Bush included? Why don�t they abduct people to brainwash them not to pollute, not to cut rainforests..?

There are many things they could do to help us, even while remaining stealthy. They don�t do ANYTHING WHATSOEVER!

The Earth is going through its 6th wave of mass extinction in the last 550 million years. This is what the majority of scientists think, according to a 1998 poll. It takes usually 5-10 million years for the Earth to recover from such events, the time for 500 trillions humans to live. This is 20 000 times the total number of human who ever lived. Are they helping us to stop that? NO!!! Did they help us solving the ozone layer problem that may have killed us all if we had not acted fast enough?? NO!!!

Instead of putting a very small amount of energy to help us, they spend considerable ressources to abduct people to take ova and sperm to create a new species of hybrids. They must have millions of them by now.

When they abduct someone, they don�t spend hours teaching them how to protect the Earth. Abductees most of the time don�t even remember what happened to them.

And do the aliens ask them about their lives, our civilization, our culture, our problems, what we need to solve them..? NO! They simply don�t seem to care.

Abductees don�t seem to be more aware about the environment than the average. When the aliens give them visions about catastrophies on Earth, it is often followed by visions of hybrids living peacefully on Earth.

The aliens sometimes show little respect for humans. They don�t seem to care that much about the pain inflicted, both physically and psychologicaly. There are even cases of torture of humans. In a case studied by Hopkins and medical doctors, an abductee was tortured for 2 hours, because, according to the aliens, he always �gives them trouble�.

If the goal of the abduction program is to raise people consciousness about the environment and save the planet, it is a complete failure so far. On another hand, if it is to create a new race of hybrids, it is extremely effective.

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 02:47 PM
What good would nuclear weapons be against the aliens and their armament. Nukes versus agile, tough, fast crafts with possible invisibility capability piloted by highly intelligent beings. It would be like throwing rocks at a armed jeep: you would miss most of the time and by the time you were noticed, you would be dead.

If these aliens wanted to invade, we would already be mindless zombies (maybe we already are...).

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 04:43 PM
You're obviously right they could invade us at their will. Nevertheless the abduction research does not show that the aliens are benevolent. There might be other reasons why they have not invaded us already, reasons that are hard to grasp because we don't have all the informations about their projects.

Nevertheless, they might have kept us alive because it would have jeopardized their hybridation plan. They might also need a large human population for its genetic diversity. If they want their hybrids to live for a very long time on Earth, they need the widest genetic pool they can get.

But one thing is pretty sure: they don't help us solving our problems. This may be because they don't trust us, they think we are a failed species, and that helping us is a waste of time. We ourselves wonder if we are not going to destroy our planet. So you can imagine a much more advanced species seeing what we are doing from outside. Even if there is one chance in 10, in their view that we destroy our planet, it may be considered way too much for them. These beings are much more advanced than us, and probably much more careful than we are.

There seems to be a strict hierarchy among the species involved in the abductions. There is no reason to believe that if they integrate our society, we will not ourselves be part of that hierarchy, probably at the lowest level.

Maybe, as they seem to suggest, it is the only solution for homo to survive in the long term. For them, they think that they are helping us. But for us, even if homo survives, it still mean the end of the human civilization as we know it.

posted on Dec, 13 2002 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix
You'll not convince the Russians, the Iranians, the Chicoms, the Indians, The Israelians,The North-Koreans , the French & the English to remove their nukes.

But you did a good point.

Just a little piece of useless information UP, all the UK's nukes are stashed away in Scotland, where no English people are likely to be blasted to hell when the stockpile takes a direct hit. I live within about 30 miles of that stockpile, inside a hollowed out mountain. There are also nukes on submarines, which are based at Faslane, nearby, and they are often transported from the base to the hollow mountain. So, if someone were to nuke the stockpile, Glasgow would be obliterated, and London would be safe. Does this strike you as a little unfair, especially as at the time the base was built and the nuclear arms stockpile built up, Scotland had no devolved parliament?

I know this is off topic but it's something that really annoys me

posted on Dec, 14 2002 @ 03:35 AM
Yes LightSage, they are our friends and they just want to help us, poor crazy cavemen who don't know what we are doing.

xaos, wich agile, tough, fast crafts with possible invisibility capability piloted by highly intelligent beings crafts are you talking about ? Those who crashed everywhere and everytime on Earth ?

I think Fearofthedark did a good point with his first post.

With this so-called ET/EBE/UFO matters, we have to be very carefully. I don't see why these so-called ET have to be friendly or not friendly. We have on Earth good peoples and bad peoples, so it's probably the same with these so-called ET/EBE. Some are good, some are bad, and others are neutrals. So, we need weapons to defend ourselves if they want or try to screw us.

CiderGood_HeadacheBad, I can see that you are annoyed.
I don't know if it will help you,but I'm living near a nuclear weapons stockpile to.

posted on Dec, 14 2002 @ 11:24 AM
If these crafts have crashed everywhere and everytime on earth, where are they? There have been a few possible incidents at roswel or in pensylvania but other than that there are no records of crashes, even in history. If the crashes are real then they are most likely due to error or human interference. If they aliens were intent on subjugating(correct spelling?) they already would be.


posted on Dec, 15 2002 @ 11:28 AM
Sure, I don't remember that a UFO has crashed in Central Park or Madisson Avenue. Do you know what's a " cover up " or not ?

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by necro99
Maybe the aliens are afraid for us to reduce earth in a big radioactive crater if they invade because of nuclear weapons! So they manipulate the US to encourage everyone to disarm their nuclear weapons!!!!!!
This brings some information that I read while on ATS in the alien/UFO section. On one of the links, there was a missile fired at high speed and it was being pictured by a person with a high-speed shutter camera. This person took a picture of the fast missile while it was in the air.

When the negatives were taken in for prints, he was startled to find an UFO hovering around the missile a lot faster than the missile itself. He, the picture taker, theorized that these advanced alien species are "concerned" about what we fire into the air. These pictures, he believed, provided evidence of the alien species' advanced technology. Unfortunately, the pictures were seized never to be seen by the public.

I think that aliens realize what humans are capable of in terms of our technology and nuclear weapons.

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 01:45 AM
My assumption is that if the extraterrestrial presence is real, and I believe it is, this fact should be reflected in various social and cultural developments including the so-called Cold War which was a scam perpetrated on taxpayers to support massive nuclear armament under the theory that mutually assured destruction could be used as leverage against ETs, who only pose a hypothetical threat to us, but are regarded the most serious threat to the establishment - specifically the energy cartels, the old-line industries, and other antiquated social institutions.

[Edited on 12-2-2004 by Condorcet]

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 01:48 AM
Good theory. I personaly think that the secret order of " Taxi drivers " are running the show.

ps.Thier all Indians ( Like me! )


posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by necro99
Maybe the aliens are afraid for us to reduce earth in a big radioactive crater if they invade because of nuclear weapons! So they manipulate the US to encourage everyone to disarm their nuclear weapons!!!!!!

Yes, that seems fair enough. If the aliens want the earth (for whatever reasons), I doubt they would want some radioactive wasteland.

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