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yet another 9/11 thread, what got me thinking

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posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:59 PM
Okay, so we can debate the finer details about 9/11 all day... like ya know, facts and figures.... and all that stuff was very interesting, but me not being a scientist makes all the "scientific data" very hard to digest, and even harder to prove unless I went to school for a few more years. Facts and figures aside, I am a supporter of the FACT that 9/11 could not have happened the way we are told it did. As a matter of fact, I'm willing to state that it is also a FACT that many factors inside the government were involved.

I didn't see 9/11 as an inside job because of the supposed facts and figures, or the celebrities saying it was, or alex jones screaming at me, or the no plane theory (oh god, not that). I actually was critical, very very critical of almost everything that people talk about on this forum... but I had this epiphany that made me remember what I saw that day on TV (me not being there, it was the closest I got), and most importantly, it made me remember building 7... because I sat there and watched that building fall on TV, and I remember both me AND that dude from CBS saying at the exact same time" that looks like a controlled demolition"!!! I was 15 at the time, and even then I could tell the difference between a controlled demolition, and a structural failure collapse.

To me, there it is. There's the evidence you need. You can't precisely rig a building to fall within a day, unless maybe you've attained a demo crew with superhuman powers... but no because bringing down a building safely requires an engineer to go through a very thick roll of plans, and take into account absolutely every aspect of the building's framework.
All other evidence for an inside job could get lost forever, but if this was the only piece of evidence you had, it's the smoking gun, the red hand.

There would've had to have been foreknowledge because the amount of planning to bring down building 7 would've taken weeks, probably months because it's quite a large building. I mean, it takes my dad months to design a ventillation system for a building that huge... and I'd think demolishing a building so it falls perfectly into its footprint might just match hvac engineering in complexity, maybe even overshadow it. I mean, maybe if it was due to be demolished on that day, it could've been a big huge coincidence in timing... but no, they're saying that several small fires damaged the building so bad that they decided to just pull it, like every building comes equipped with a demolish button or something. At first, they were even saying that it fell due to severe fire damage, and even now, they're still trumpeting that lame excuse.

I know for sure that it was an inside job because it's very easy to use deductive reasoning of even the most averagely intelligent person to see FOR THEMSELVES that all of the buildings that fell that day fell in very odd ways. I had thought on and off about that for a few years, just how odd that was, but I pretty much ignored my own observations and feelings until one day a friend of mine started shoving 9/11 truth in my face every day for a whole month. I finally decided to give it all a really good listen one day because he brought up building 7 and he thought i hadnt even heard of that building, and in actuality I HAD, and I spent a few years wondering why that collapse was so weird and why nobody talked about it ever again after that day. That's what got me, was building 7... and what cemented it for me was re-watching all the video of the twin towers collapsing, and just noticing how FAST they fell, and how, after they fell, there wasnt more of the building sticking up... and the tower with the antenna on it (the south tower??? not entirely sure) actually, the top had broke off completely, and should have fallen first, if indeed it was structural failure, and really most of that tower should've still been intact The giant columns in the middle of the building should've still been partially intact, sticking up hundreds of feet into the air. There should've been bigger pieces of those buildings, there shouldve been more damage to other buildings, there should've been debris strewn across blocks and blocks, AND they should've evacuated both towers immediately upon the first impact... but no! thousands of people in the second tower were told "Oh no, everythings gunna be fine, just go back to work" after the government had CONFIRMED all these hijacked planes flying around, one of which has just slammed into one of the towers of the WTC, and the other of which was headed that way. Even if nobody was aware that planes had been hijacked, even if it was just a drunk pilot slamming into the first tower and that was it, they still shouldve evacuated all of those buildings surrounding it. If everyone is so sure today that those buildings fell because of the impacts and the heat, I have a feeling that someone back then was also concerned about that right away. I know I would've evacuated the entire city block that the trade centers were on AT LEAST out of just gut instinct at seeing that plane hit. and thank god more people had common sense enough to leave the second tower before it got hit, or else the death toll wouldve been in the tens of thousands.
and then, to top off common sense and logical reasoning, the government constantly changes its story. there were 19 hijackers, and one is actually still alive! man oh man, superman he must be to have survived slamming into a building and then the building collapsing. And how many different spellings of al quieda and osama bin laden did we have? and how much did the government and certain people in high council/social status benefit from this attack (one of the biggest smoking guns of all, after building 7)???? Oh, they benefitted in every way they could've asked for!!!! They got more powerful, and we got a lot of our rights taken away in the process, and if we keep going along with their stories, we'll have no rights! Heck, I would be even more frightened of reality if they DIDNT have anything to do with it, because they mustve been praying so hard for this type of scenario to happen, and then their prayers would've been answered... it would show me that God favors the crooks and murderers. Either that, or this is actually Hell, and the more evil you are, the more you benefit.

I just don't think you can deny the anomalous collapses of all three buildings without actually being in denial.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:03 PM
For anyone who still believe the official story, Im going to spam my link to my favorite documentary:

9/11 Coincidences

I dont advice anyone to listen to just this documentary, or just the official story, but at least check into 9/11 and make up your own mind without being TOLD what you should think.

[edit on 23-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:11 PM
I think more people question it, they just don't say it. Why? Because of the exact reason of people pointing and laughing at them. Most people aren't brave enough to just bluntly come out and say their thoughts if they think people are going to think it's nuts.
So you have to give credit to the people that do, some of them do it in an extream way and that's not probably the right way to go about it but do they really have any other choice at this point?

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:13 PM
exactly, man. The media acts like everyone in the 9/11 truth movement is an easily led sheep. Well, hmm if that were the case, wouldnt all these easily led sheep be going along with what everyone has been teaching them for all these years?
Another big smokestack to alert you what's really going on with America is this simple excercise: Watch Fox News for a whole day. This is the way most Americans get their information about the world, and all they do all day is insult people who arent aligned with their corporate poisoned viewpoints and divert people's attention away from real news by bickering about celebrities and human interest fluff all day. Just how easy is it really to get one over on us Americans? Especially when we watch Fox News and think we're keeping ourselves informed. If you tell the abverage American that they are uninformed about the world, they'll prolly respond with "Hey buddy, I'm informed! I watch the news!"
And well...
hey, ya get what you pay for, and all money pays for is corruption... so this is where faith in our country's currency has gotten us.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:28 PM
That's America for you, my grandma actually told me something, and I said no grandma that's not true and her reply was " Well I read it in the paper so it has to be true!" No f-ing joke!

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:31 PM
and yes, I agree with the guy saying that at this point, you have to get in people's faces about it because this is something they NEED to know. You'd scream at your child if he/she refused to learn how to read or do math or learn about history. You'd scream at your teenage daughter if she was about to drive the car right into a brick wall, right?! Not out of anger, but out of concern for your and her safety. You'd do that for anyone, whether you like them or not... just because the average human doesn't enjoy pain, suffering, and death.
But I think Alex Jones and some of his followers are getting a bit too angry and a bit too confrontational, and they're doing it in a very disruptive disrespectful semi-violent way... and we don't want another war with soldiers and death and loyalty to one side over the other side. We want loyalty to truth, freedom, and peace. No flags or nation states are more important than truth, freedom, and peace. this movement should NOT be about patriotism. It should be about revealing the truth, and revealing the ERRORS of some of our ways, patriotism being one of those things. The only things you should hold sacred are fundamental truths, and America is not part of these truts. America has caused this world the worst suffering it has ever seen, both in war and destruction of the environment... and at this point in our world's history, the last thing we need is patriotism. The last thing we need is this separated mindset of flag waving and holier than thou attitudes.
I just think the 9/11 truth movement should be less about being a patriot for some piece of paper, and more about truth and peace. It shouldn't stop at just 9/11 truth, because there are bigger secrets affecting us right now than just corrupt governments... and this, once shown to be absolute fact to the masses, will cause a cascade effect and will cause more people to question their authorities, their intellectual authorities, their spiritual/religious authorities, theirlaw authorities.... and I think people will become more open. Once they know they've been lied to for so long by such a trusted entrity, it will cause minds to expand.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by indierockalien

If you know the truth about 9/11 and constantly get censored, attacked or ridiculed, im sure it gets a bit annoying after a few years. The message needs to get out to people - badly - and I dont think it will if they dont push hard.

You have to take into account the amount of media saying there was nothing strange about 9/11...its easy for people to ignore the 9/11 truth movement when all the major news outlets are completely ignoring 9/11.

A lot of people think that if its not on the TV, it didnt happen.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:40 PM
Some people are just WAY to set in their ways to ever concider the fact. How about before trying to shove this down peoples throats we convince them that it's ok to think for yourself and to have an open mind. One step at a time, I have friends that complete Republicans just because their parents are, they don't even know why they are it just sounds good in their minds. We have to teach people, children, adults that it's ok to think things that seem a little strange, it's ok not to be normal, it's ok to be different. Then maybe just maybe once people have their own idenity they'll form some real thoughts and opinions.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 05:39 PM
glomsky, very well put. I think more people have to respect and trust themselves first, but in order to do that, I think the entire education system needs to be overhauled. The correct way to teach a child is to find something he's good at and build upon that. Let them teach themselves, in a guided way, so that they develop their OWN set of ideas and realize that it's okay to have your own thoughts and feelings. I mean, this way people could enjoy what they do for a living, quality of workmanship would be better, people would be happier, less stress, less crime, less poverty because everyone has a skill that they are satisfied with, less health problems because of less stress and sadness. I think if we made the education system friendly towards open mindedness and individuality, we'd have so many problems practically solved right there. Education shapes who you are, man, and we all are different...same should it be with the education system.
This is why we have a problem here with the dissemination of truth, because sure we have a lotta dumb people out there, but we also have a lotta very educated people out there, very indoctrinated people, a bunch of people living to please authority because thats what they were educated to do, a bunch of people not questioning authority because thats what they were educated NOT to do.
So man you could be a top physicist in your field, and you could say that you ran tests to see if the towers would collapse under the official conditions and the test proved the official story, and I wouldn't believe you... NOT because I'm following some movement blindly, but because I have my own eyes, my own ears, and my own mind that processes what I saw in the footage on that day. For the people who said they were there and what happened is what happened, ya know why are they more of an authority than me? To be honest, I had a better view of the planes hitting the towers than some dude who was standing a thousand feet below, and another thing is that I wasnt in a state of shock or panick or fear for my life. I was able to judge what was happening with a more rational mind, in my opinion. I mean, people lost their whole families on that day. Do you think they really wanna hear that their own loving government has just murdered their whole family? or is it easier and more comforting and more satisfying to believe that some evil muslim from the middle east did it?
There's a lotta things in the way of the truth movement. Indoctrination, sellf esteem issues, fear of being ridiculed, patriotism, religious biggotry, religion in general haha, post traumatic stress.... I think that the main reason it's so hard for everyone to understand what REALLY happened that day is because of post traumatic stress, and the entire nation being very open to suggestion because they were scared, and someone official-looking comes along and says "This is what happening. This is our enemy. This is who all of you should hate and fear.", of course people are gunna jump on the very first official answer they can find tohelp understand why this terrible thing just happened. It gave a lotta people ....I wanna say closure, but it's not the right word, because I'm sure most people who lost loved ones on that day will never get closure... but it gives them closure as to why this happened, and once you're closed, it's very hard to open back up... because you'll be opening old wounds, and people just wanna forget it, ya know?

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by indierockalien

wow i totally agree with u i also think that there is so much more stuff that is false u should check out some other sites about theory's it is intresting

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by indierockalien

You're very bright and intelligent for only being 21. One of the problems of youth is that you haven't been on the planet long enough to really understand how this reality(or "matrix") really works. The people that control this system/matrix have amassed soooo much power that unless a radical strategy is implemented, free thought and individuality and truth will be dead. Mediocrity and stupidity will be common place, watched over and policed by the power elite.

I learned, to my disbelief, when I was in my last semester in college getting my business degree, the real agenda of the power elites. They created a "machine" that runs continually for the purpose of serving THEM. They are completely self-centered and arrogant. They only associate with people that agree with their views and who can help them attain more power and control over the minions they reside over.

The unfortunate thing, however, is that this sickness is running rampant in america. It really is getting to the absolute point of "dog eat dog" world. The middle class is getting completely wiped out and it seems that marketing and networking(bs'ing/rubbing elbows) with other power seekers, is your best option to stay afloat financially(or getting a higher education).

I'm not sure what you do for work or money, but I would advise you to get as much education as possible so you can easily maneuver around the system/matrix at will. It's really difficult when you have to deal with liars and idiots to make a living, so being educated(having degrees and licenses) makes it easier to function in this hell.

9/11 was clearly an inside job and any free thinker could only come to that conclusion. Now on what level was 9/11 an inside job does not matter. Just for the simple fact that no one was fired after that day proves that it was an inside job. I just wish that some of the 911 truthers would focus on the most basic stuff like the Jersey Chicks(or Girls).

[edit on 24-10-2007 by Conundrum04]

[edit on 24-10-2007 by Conundrum04]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 09:37 PM
kudos indie....i 100% agree with you man....i hate the term "Sheeples", but every damn time i get on this site...i just see more and more light on the fact that this country really is being herded down that road....

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