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"We are Gathering"

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posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:05 PM
In response to anomaly33s request for me to elaborate... yeah bruthuh, I will....

These beings that I described are hard to see, but I think most people would see them if their minds were just a little more open. There was a video on here where someone thought they captured an alien materializing in a polar bear pen at the zoo, and most people thought it was fake... but that's exactly what these creatures look like. They look like short little stereotypical aliens, and most of the time, they are just barely visible as either a shadow or a glistening misty smoke, or a humanoid-shaped translucent "disturbance" in space.

And yeah, they are literally gathering in the streets, in people's homes, everywhere. I dont know why, but I'm confused because I've had some very vague encounters with similar beings who I remember as being super loving and pleasant, and I know some of them have advanced technology and ships and devices and stuff, but I don't know if they are all the same species, or if some are good while others are bad... but I get a feeling most of the time that the ones that are there watching you sleep at night.... I don't like them. Dunno if it's just because the thought of ANYONE standing directly over me watching me sleep just generally creeps me out, or if it's bad vibes they're sending....

I dunno, man. I have like zero answers... just a bunch of really crazy questions I never thought I'd be asking seriously.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by euclid

What I am attempting to elucidate here is that there is the danger of analytic overlay. The data one recieves from the "Mind (the one mind that exists)" can be corrupted by our own individual thoughts. The data can become mangled from filtering through our belief systems, preconcieved ideas; this leads to mis-interpreted information, misanalysis of messages/data recieved and ultimately incorrect postulates, i.e. truths.

I agree

whether it's your mind or the universal mind is irrelavent, to cure a universal mind you much first reach the individual

[edit on 23-10-2007 by captainplanet]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by captainplanet

Thats right don't answer that INNER VOICE, its going to lead to your demise.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by menguard

when did i say that?

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

Originally posted by euclid

It is our conscious minds' attempting to interpret data that it has recieved from our unconscious mind.

If the mind was "unconscious" it would not be able to relay and receive any information. Our minds are eternally "conscious" at different levels of awareness.

Please remember... there is only one mind that permeates the universe and the multiverse. We only have consciousness and sentience. Our brains are transducers that recieve and process data from the environment around us. Nothing more.

There is not a "uni-verse", it is not a whole, it is an eternity of space and time, unbounded and immeasurable, therefore there is an eternity of minds that permeate the existence and together they are an eternal mind, but never are they one. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; there is no expansion, there is no ending and there is no beginning. One can not exist by itself, it requires two and three and four to know itself, and if ever one stopped or was bounded by nothing (universal expansion), then one could not escape its eternity as nothing is what one is bounded by, thus unlimited and morphed into eternity. The environment around us also transduces and processes data, how do you think it knows to change when change occurs? We are the environment, we are the data. If nothing more then surely everything less.

[edit on 23-10-2007 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

You have absolutely no idea what you are saying. You have no idea how information is assimilated into our brain or how it is processed once it has been "downloaded". And you have no idea how large-scale information systems work. All systems function the same way. The multiverse is embedded with data. It is the Word/Logos spoken of in many ancient texts. The Word made flesh is all that is around us - the data embedded into the multiverse "rendered" in multiple dimensions.

The fact is; humans are biological machines. Our neural structure is nothing more than a highly sophisticated network for data aquisition, data analysis, data retrival and data transfer.

You read too much Crowley or G.'.D.'. or O.'.T.'.O.'. material. Wake up.


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:14 PM
The problem with reality is its blind to all incoming suggestions.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by menguard

Around when did this happen? I had something similar... But I thought I was just going nuts...

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:17 PM
"Our world is open to ideas, but closed by belief"

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:18 PM
Just don't blindly follow your mind, that's where serial killers come from. Listen and interpret, without false notions.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:21 PM
also, there are a few other types that I see using this same method of ... I dunno even what to call it, why they are just barely visible in this realm. They are invisible and they are completely visually AND physically translucent, and maybe if you're really lucky, you could touch one if it happened to be offguard, or if it chooses to materialize and touch you. You've prolly had an experience where you thought someone had touched your shoulder or your back when you are semi awake, or just about to wake up.... that's most likely them.

Also, there was another poster on here who took a photo of a being in his closet with his cellphone.... that was them. They for some unknown reason to me like going into and out of closets. There's your answer to the closet monster myth.
It explains a lot, like poltergeist activity and a lotta supposed "hauntings" are actually these creatures.

These creatures seem to have really weird jerky movements, and my theory is that their brain processing is much more advanced than ours, so they percieve us as moving really slow, while to us they seem really fast and jerky.

Also, they have the ability to project themselves as other things... and they read your mind and know your thoughts because my brother and sister both saw the "ghost " of a girl in the basement here, and that never made sense to me because this house isnt that old and nobody died here. I've only seen these creatures, and I think they know I'm more intuitive, so I think for those intuitive types of people, they are hard to trick.
Why do you think they called themselves the Watchers to some contactees? Because they watch us, very very closely.

This sounds crazy, and I don't have proof, but I know this is real because several of my friends have seen these things, and some actually followed this really hot hispanic girl I was with about a year ago home one night, and she got mad at me because I made her aware of them... so now she has problems sleeping, understandably so. I just look at is as way beyond my control and I've gotten used to it, so I tune these little buggers out most of the time. It's hard when you're trying to sleep because you can just feel them staring at you, and I definitely would sleep better if they weren't there.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by menguard
reply to post by euclid

What is insane?
A difference in opinion with the social consensus, or following the consensus home, where the hole began. It is a choice, as with everything.

What is insane is to present to the world that you recieved a message, which was more than likely analytic overlay. Suggest that you are the reciever of this message to "gather" and then not know where to go and ask people if they recieved the message too.

I recieved a message like that once.... I went to the orginazation and met a lot people who had the same message.

No big deal. If you don't know where to go and don't know what the message was for of what the message was attempting to tell you then you probably didn't really get a message.

But that is just my opinion. If, in your delusional mind, you wish to believe you are the special arbiter of some cryptic message from beyond, be my guest.


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom
I heard and saw this message over a year ago.

What it basically means, (I can't explain it...) is that we are all going to converge in Jerusalem before/right at 2012.

Once billions of us are all there for all kinds of different reasons/paths-- I was told that "all secrets will be revealed".
But a dawning of some kind will happen, on the temple mount on or around Dec. 21st 2012.
How we all managed to get there-- I do not know.

You are already there.

There is only One Eden,
only One Jerusalem.

He stood here. He stands here. So do you. I am you. You, me... InI; the path, the foot, the footstep, and the destination; One.

Dunk your head under the river, rise up, pick an apple from a tree and realize where InI are.

Suggested reading, "Handbook for the New Paradigm"

I have been told. The Harvest is upon us.

We're leaving Babylon, y'all!
We're going to our Father's land.
Movement of Jah's people.

-Bob Marley

I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by captainplanet

Serial Killers came about by choices made in life. Then with everthing it recieved a label, to categorize or hold the serial killers belief into place.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:26 PM
I think we're starting to bicker too much, children! Please, keep this civil.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:28 PM
You read too much Crowley or G.'.D.'. or O.'.T.'.O.'. material. Wake up.


The more reading of anything, the better

The more we understand everything, even falsified. It's good researching into things you feel so strongly opposed to because it helps refine your beliefs. They might sway, or they might strengthen. To read is to learn, and learning is productivity. And I like productivity

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by euclid

Ahh yes the logical mind trying to rationalize everything. lol.

What was I thinking. I should have kept the serial killer in mind going.


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by euclid

You have absolutely no idea what you are saying.

That's very true, it's not an idea, it's an axiom. It doesn't come from me and me al(l)-one, rather it's an eternal default.

You have no idea how information is assimilated into our brain or how it is processed once it has been "downloaded". And you have no idea how large-scale information systems work. All systems function the same way. The multiverse is embedded with data. It is the Word/Logos spoken of in many ancient texts. The Word made flesh is all that is around us - the data embedded into the multiverse "rendered" in multiple dimensions.

Apparently neither do you to be making assumptions about what has and has not been assimilated and downloaded into my brain. There are 3 timeless dimensions; height, width, and depth. I'll accept the word "multi-verse" here as a substitute for the eternity of space and time. What if I told you all systems function differently, would you still agree that they function the same way? You sound deeply rooted in your ancient religious beliefs. The word made flesh and the flesh made word, sure; there is no only and that's the only only. You get it?

The fact is; humans are biological machines.

As is everything. Eternity is logically bio, and it's a perfectly working machine: a boundless omnifinite perpetual motion machine. The problem is that you are focused on one thing and ensuingly are separating it from everything else. Try bringing it together.

Our neural structure is nothing more than a highly sophisticated network for data acquisition, data analysis, data retrieval and data transfer.

I wouldn't stop there.

You read too much Crowley or G.'.D.'. or O.'.T.'.O.'. material. Wake up.

Never heard of them. I'm all ways awake, too when I'm sleeping. And when I'm awake I dream.

[edit on 23-10-2007 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by indierockalien
also, there are a few other types that I see using this same method of ... I dunno even what to call it, why they are just barely visible in this realm. They are invisible and they are completely visually AND physically translucent, and maybe if you're really lucky, you could touch one if it happened to be offguard, or if it chooses to materialize and touch you. You've prolly had an experience where you thought someone had touched your shoulder or your back when you are semi awake, or just about to wake up.... that's most likely them.

I used to see the "things" in the house I grew up in (it was haunted) and in some of the other places I've lived. Fortunately I have found a patch of ground that is somewhat "neutral" and I haven't seen or experienced any strange paranormal phenomena for quite a few years now.

What I hated most about these "see-through" things was that they would get between my line of site and some thing on the wall, like a painting. And then they would manipulate their energy and it would make the painting look like it was changing. Very freaky to see a painting with a river and trees and then see the painted image spring to life.


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Potentate_Michael

It was dark outside, while I was inside when I recieved it, and It did give me a headache, with the energy projected out in this (Group Projection.)



[edit on 23-10-2007 by menguard]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:41 PM
And yes I know we're all one and light is the universal language and yada yada yada... but we don't have to pretend to be mystics all the sudden just because we find out one little bit of truth or have a spiritual journey. You can still be yourself. I really think the problem with conversations like this is too many people into spirituality and otherworldly/demensionally events take on this "holier than thou" prophet type tone... and that really turns people off. You're here for a reason, to inform people. In order to inform people, you gotta be able to relate to them, to speak their language... like seriously, keep a more grounded tone reguarding this subject. It's real. There are communications and stuff coming from a mysterious place to us, and we're all beginning to open up and listen to this message... but once all the wonder is gone about these mysterious things, once they become common everyday occurences in our world, we'll just be talking about it like most people talk about how their day went... and I think the subject is best approached in that casual way.
Casually approaching what is being revealed to us will definitely make it a smoother transition, and if we can all keep our wits about us during this transformation, we can better be prepared to understand the next great mysteries that will be to follow. Be open, be calm, be logical and approach everything in a realistic way. Nobody is a prophet. Some of us just see a little farther over the horizon because certain events in our lives have prevented us from losing these tremendous powers that we all possess when we are born.... maybe this event was a past life in another dimension, another galaxy, wherever, and maybe some of us are here from other places with a deliberate mission, but even those superhuman guru-types need to be able to relate to the common man, or else these truths will go nowhere.

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