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Why are so many people against catholics???

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posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 04:06 PM
I am a Catholic and have heard of so many people who think Catholics do bad. I do not do bad and I'm just like any other Christian. I pray at least twice a day, go to church every Sunday, and am very religious. If you have any questions about Catholics, please ask them to me here or in a u2u if you think you shouldn't post it. Please try discussing what you think of Catholics.

[edit on 10/20/07 by last_resort]

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by last_resort
I am a Catholic and have heard of so many people who think Catholics do bad.

Well as far as that goes everybody alive does bad. So we are all equal in that.

None are good, in the true sense of what "good" is. Good is sinless and none are, only GOD. Including the pope or one claiming the title of priest.

A decent study of the new testament reveals we have ONE mediator between man and GOD. Not a fellow man on earth, but Jesus Christ who is at the right hand of the father, who has been given all authority.

Confessing one's sins to a man for forgiveness or allowing a man between you and Jesus Christ in any way shape or form would have you submitting yourself to an anti-christ, in it's real sense.

Originally posted by last_resort
I pray at least twice a day, go to church every Sunday, and am very religious.

Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of GOD, nor will he enter.

A man's religious works have absolutely bearing on his salvation. Not none.

Jesus is alive and wants a living relationship with you. Imagine if your child (if you have any) came to you at least twice a day and gave you the same repetition of asking for whatever the case may be.

The Almighty GOD who created us even has our hairs on our heads numbered. He doesn't need vain repetitions or religious rites.

He designed us to walk in his ways and know him, closer than your closest on earth.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 04:38 PM
When I said people think we do bad, I mean like raping people and like really bad stuff that can get you in jail for a long long time. Everyone is equal. I am very close to God.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by last_resort
When I said people think we do bad, I mean like raping people and like really bad stuff that can get you in jail for a long long time. Everyone is equal. I am very close to God.

Ahh, I totally misunderstood you then.

The way I read into it, it appeared you were asking why some are against catholicism. Oh well, that^^ was my answer in a sense.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 05:20 PM
It's not really Catholics people have a problem with.

It's the child molesting catholic Church people that have given them all a bad name.

The acts of the few disgrace tha many.

And all that jazz


posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 05:28 PM
I find Catholics on average more tolerant of other beliefs than Protestants.

My Grandmother is Catholic in fact she used to be a nun, she has Jewish, Hindu, and Muslim friends. (well there was a Muslim family in her neighborhood at one point.)

Mind you I am talking in general, I do not mean all Protestants are intolerant, this is just my average observation.

But really, in the context of Abrahamic religions, and Christianity in general, it is horribly skewed.

The Catholic church took out stuff and altered things in the Bible and much of it is lost forever.

And that stuff is so obvious that I know they know it and are hiding it; not Catholics themselves, but the Vatican. I think they are greedy for power.

And, on a more personal level...every time I hear the word "Catholic", "Catholicism", "Vatican", etc...I can't help but get visions of murder and forceful conversion of my people in times long past...

*sigh* But I don't let that cause me to hate Catholics, just the Vatican itself.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 06:07 PM
I like catholics, most protestants have changed. They see protecting Israel as a key element in Christianity. When in fact it has nothing to do with it.

I don't know what happened I think AIPAC must have bribed some people. But thank God theres still us traditional Christians.

One issue I have with catholics is the whole "mother of God" thing. And the saints, I understand that you pray to the saints to ask them to deliver wishes to God. But isn't God the only way?

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 08:39 PM
A thread like this one already existsYour beef with Cathollicism.
In reference to what WiseSheep is saying about forgivness you are right it is God that does the forgiving through the sacrifice of Christ, A Catholic does not dispute this nor do they dishonor it by going to confession. The sacrament of confession exists for to put at ease the mind of the offender. One of the reasons we do it is it is good for the soul. The priest isn't the one forgiving you he is telling you simply you are forgiven. As a Christian you are told to confess your sins to one another, personally i would much rather tell a priest what i did than my next door neighbor seeing as the priest has to keep it confidential.

Kacen i found something you may like to read Wicca For the Rest of Us - The Christian Church. I think you will find it makes sense.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 09:00 PM
" I am close to God "

You will soon find out that none of us are close to him. I am catholic as well, but a sedevacantist, and will tell you I used to think like that, but he has humbled me out alot and realize now i feel more distant than God than everybody in the universe.

Go to a traditional latin mass, the true mass, and you will find this out soon son.

The reason people dislike catholics (somethimes), is because it requires perfection and sacraments, and fasts, and obedience to popes, and rules and regulations.

Like when a child finds rules unbearable put on him by a father, what does he do?

rebels and doesnt want to listen most of the time. Even if the rules were for his own good.

God gives us commands for our own good.

The catholic church is the only church in existence from christ until the 1500s except the eastern rite which doesnt believe in a pope.

" Mother of God issue "

Mother of God means mother of Christ which is God.

God is a family man like I said and uses the saints and his Mother in major roles in our salvation like praying for us.

The key point is that they are filled with God, not themselves but God in them, so its like the saints are gods but with true humility, God in them Christ in them.

Without humility you cant please God.

Like st Therese when talking about loving God in heaven said.

" It will be like God loving God "

Gods grace loving God. I know this to be true. I never used to love God or think about him until he gave me the graces to.


posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Jovi1
Kacen i found something you may like to read Wicca For the Rest of Us - The Christian Church. I think you will find it makes sense.

I'm not a wiccan...

I'm just a generic pagan.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 09:09 PM
Sorry if the assumption offended you, wasn't sure but felt it raised alot of vaild points you would be intrested in.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Jovi1
Sorry if the assumption offended you, wasn't sure but felt it raised alot of vaild points you would be intrested in.

I wouldn't say offend more I just find people always assuming pagan = wiccan.

Wicca, to me, seems a bit...uh, thrown together.

A bunch of originally separate pagan religions thrown together into one...with "magick" added. I really do not believe in magick, I'll believe it when I see it.

I simply believe in a mother goddess by no generic name.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 09:25 PM
I can see where you are coming from their it was the title that you put up that led me to believe otherwise, and to be honest I couldn't agree with you more on the whole thrown together thing.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by last_resort
I am a Catholic and have heard of so many people who think Catholics do bad. I do not do bad and I'm just like any other Christian. I pray at least twice a day, go to church every Sunday, and am very religious. If you have any questions about Catholics, please ask them to me here or in a u2u if you think you shouldn't post it. Please try discussing what you think of Catholics.

I never been to a Catholic church- But I don't think Catholics are meant to be bad perhaps its what they were taught. I to admit I thought Sunday was the Sabbath along with millions of church goers. What we were taught we assume it was correct so we followed it. I'm pondering over how I can ask for forgiveness for going to church thinking it was the sabbath for over 11 years. And during a ackward time in my life I didn't go to church 7 years. I didn't turn from God- just the situation I was in.

I'll start with 2 questions- Why is the RCC so rich? I feel very uncomfortable with a church with access to so much money.
And 2 This is something you may not even know about- SMOM Sovergn Military order of Malta. I have trying to research them but it seems on the surface that they do good things- but the word military is odd to have for a group such as this. If you wish to U2U me you can.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 10:30 PM
The church is so rich because it is organized for one, for two is the largest of the Christian faiths worldwide encompassing one sixth of the population, this is not to say it is without flaws on how the money is typically handled. As to the SMOM Sovergn Military order of Malta, I don't know anything about this particular order, but when considering the oddness of the name look at the Salvation Army, it wouldn't be the first time something related to charity adopted a militaristic name.

My veiw on the whole Sabbath thing is simply does it really matter what day I choose to rest and worship on so long as I choose a day to set aside.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 02:33 AM
The Catholic Church because of its historical track record which hasn't gotten any better. In the present day the Pope still opposes the use condoms in Africa and then there is the sexual abuse scandals . And that is before the usual crap such as discriminations against gays and claims of being the one true faith which incidentally every religion claims.

Having said that I am wary of any belief system that relies on faith and not facts.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 02:42 AM
The problem isn't with Catholics themselves. The problem is the Vatican and its rules and laws. Many of the catholic principals, rules, and such, are in direct contradiction to scripture, and are heresy and blasphemy. I don't have time to sort out any bible verses, but you can read for yourself, any time, in the KJV. These are some of the misleading teachings of the Catholic church.

1. Christ told us to call no other man father.(in a spiritual sense)

2. Pope is "Vicar of Christ" which means he takes the place of Christ.

3. Patron saints. Praying to "saints" for favors or in relation to a certain subject. Replace "patron saint of" with "god" of...

4.The Hail Mary. There was a woman in the gospels that started saying some of the words in the prayer, But Christ rebuked her.

5. The concept of annointing saints. A saint is simply someone who dies for Christ.

6. Indulgences. Where is it said in scripture that you can just pay some money to the church and your sins are removed?

7. Sabbath is Saturday, not Sunday.

8. Baptism of children. Gives a false sense of salvation to everyone. Proper baptism must be received in adulthood, or coming of age. Baptism is the accepting ofChrist and the Holy Ghost, not confirmation.

9. The 7 Sacraments.

10. Replacement theology which replaces the word Israel with the word church in scripture.

11. Artifacts and writings that the Vatican are hiding in their archives.
(It's a conspiracy, I know

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 02:49 AM
Sorry accidently hit send.

If you read scripture, and compare it to catholic teachings, you can't deny the heresy and blasphemies poured out by the catholic higher ups. I went to catholic school K-8, and first 3/4 9th grade. Altar boy 3rd-9th grade. Lost faith, found faith again several years later in scripture, not "organized" teachings

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 03:17 AM
I got no problem with Catholics, however I do have a problem with the pope being portrayed as a person above of humanity. The pope is just like the rest of us, he has sinned before, he bleeds like a normal human being. I have a problem with the Vatican, they have a history archive that we the people can not even enter. Who knows what they are with holding from us. I also have a problem with the Vatican owning their own personal bank, since when was religion about collecting money? Or how the Vatican is laundering money for the mafia. I can keep going.
I have no problem with Catholics, but I do have a problem with the Vatican. Do yourself a favor and follow the bible, and not the Vatican.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 05:09 AM
Christianity is child abuse,
i was in fear as a child because all my friends that weren't catholic wouldn't be able to spend eternity with me.
I'm surprised there aren't more psychologists that solely deal with hell.

[edit on 12/17/2004 by cheeser]

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