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is the IPHONE ailen tecnology

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posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 04:48 PM
No, No, No!

Here is the first "portable" computer" (the word "laptop" would be 'invented' the following year).
You can't see the dual processors, but you CAN see the dual harddrive platters in parallel, at the bottom. This is circa 1908 India.

Total capcaity: nearly 4 KB (1.9446 kilobytes per platter).
Total weight: 425 tons.

But this has nothing to do with iPhones which use Flash memory ( Nand Flash, named for the "Nand" tribe responsible for it's discovery) :

This is the first known nand flash memory chip discovered near Lebanon, circa 1952.
(Note humans in photo, shown for scale).

Total capcaity: nearly 8 megabytes (7.984 MB)
Total weight: 1,150 tons.

Much work has been done since the first nand flash memory chip was discovered with a goal of increasing capacity, and miniaturization.
As can be seen from the photo above, the first Mp3 players must have been enormous, and unwieldy. Same for the first iPhones.

So. You can easily see that the iPhone's origins are quite natural, earthly, and humble.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 04:53 PM
you laugh now but wait till' later

[edit on 16-10-2007 by xbrendanx]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 05:38 PM
Its called progressing technology.

Nothing new.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 06:46 PM
Hey there. Easy now.
Just playin.
But will you look at the size of that 1st memory "chip"?

My God, it's enormous!
People must have had HUGE pockets in those days...

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by xbrendanx

What will happen later? Will the i-phones rise up against their human users and enslave them for their alien masters.

By the way the greys that came over earlier for the BBQ showed me the mind control device on the i-phones; then they blew my bio-organic machine dog away, literally. Man what a night.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by eagle32
Its called progressing technology.

Nothing new.

I'll say! I mean, can you imagine how big those first digital cameras were?
They must have been humongous. And forget about balancing one on a tripod....

Here's a pic of one of the first solar powered watches:

Talk about heavy....

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by merka

I'm sure the guts and stuff are probably made elsewhere like everthing else, but the my point is that the company is American, that's all

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 02:39 AM
WTF is "ailen tecnology"???? Stupid bunch of dopes. Grow up.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 06:11 AM
I have but one word for this thread: *facepalm*.

reply to post by Alexander the o.k.

Verily, I lol'd.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 11:01 PM
LMAO 11 years ago I had a 20gig hard drive.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 09:50 PM
That photos brings back some 1999 memories of
our first 2 and 9 gigabyte Seagate SCSI drives used
for Video Production on our DPS Perception Digital Video
Recorder system. I think we paid $22,000 for the whole
shebang. For that money I can now get a triple 24 inch monitor
setup attached to an ATI 4-port Fire-GL OpenGL Professional
Card AND a DPS VelocityHD in Quad processor motherboard
and system equipped with 8 One-Terabyte 7200 RPM
hard disks and 16 Gigabytes of RAM memory

How time flies....

I think that big disk photo is a large-scale MOCKUP of how
they manufactured drives in the pre-2000's and was used for
display purposes only at trade shows such as CEBIT
or even Comdex!

Although I do remember in 1988 (Holy Smokes does that
make me old!), I remember the biggest disk farm I had ever
seen in Calgary (i think is was at Shell Oil in Calgary)
where they had whole floors of disk drive and tape drive
racks where the total data stored was in the Petabyte range
using these MONSTER Ampex tape racks - these things
weighed literally TONS and were installed on reinforced floors.

It was used to model 3D Synthetic Seismic data where the
data was massaged and logged in Calgary and sent via
a dedicated VIDEO-encoded multi-channel satellite stream
to London, England to be computed as giant HPGL plotter files
on Royal Dutch/Shell Group Cray, IBM and other brand
Vector processors or Super-Mainframes which then
sent the data back over satellite to be printed out
on 36 inch wide 6-pen colour plotters which were tiled together
and posted on giant 40 foot by 10 foot high wall boards
which formed a printed colour 3D oil & gas reservoir
visualization. We didn't have multi-monitor video walls
in commercial production in 1988 !!!

Nowadays we grid multiple monitors together to form
100,000 pixel wide by 10,000 pixel high video walls
for REAL-TIME 3D visualization.

See these links:

Nasa Hyperwall-II:


posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:28 PM
I should also point out in 2008, I was privy to a rather secret
rollout of an experimental and rather exotically modified version
of a single Sun UltraSPARC Workstation chip that was either
Silicon on Sapphire Substrate or Germanium on Diamond
Substrate (i just can't quite remember which!) that was
running at 8 Gigahertz (YES! EIGHT GHZ) at only 120 Watts
which is amazing for that type of chip. UltraSParcs are
EXTREMELY Power 120 watts is GREAT!!!!

No wonder they had to use Sapphire or Diamond to get rid
of all the heat that was generated. It was a liquid cooled
system and could do Floating Point operations and DSP
processing on HDTV video frames that were making
128 processor conventional systems look sick.

I have never heard anything again about the originally
Toronto-area company although I did hear about some
cross-patent deals with an American manufacturer of
DSP co-processors and I think that was Clearspeed
(NOT SURE on that though!)

See their cool high performance computing products at:


So high performance Multi-Teraflop supercomputing
could be YOURS if you want it!!!!!!! For a price of
course 8 Grand for the cheapest PCI-bus plugin
Clearspeed board the last time I asked two years ago.

You could also go with THIS SYSTEM:

if you REALLY wants some powerful computing.
They start at $15,000 and go on up from there!


for a more modest budget, try upgrading your home system to a:

Tyan Thunder n6550EX (S4989) Motherboard
4 way Opteron Quad Core for a total of 16 processing cores
using the latest 8000 series AMD Opteron Chips and
128 Gigabytes of RAM

Now that would be an Awesome Windows XP/Vista
Halo or Crysis Frag Fest platform!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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