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Women need to shut up and sit down

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posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Lethil
I dont wish woman would shut up....i wish they would talk to me more
Anyhoo,i dunno..i think societies at one of those akward pivotal moments where everything is crazy because of the big changes this past century in roles etc etc i think people will slowly find their way in the next few decades and a new structure will be the norm...

lol lol lol...I just love new age religion. Reminds me precisely of Missing Blue Skys

The Female in nature is not submissive. The female in nature is much more powerful than the male. It is the female who can bring forth life. It is the female who is the egg. The egg is the creative force in nature. The womb is the cycle that drives the force of nature. Men are reactive to these cycles, women are the creators. The female is the creator. The female, the earth, the solar system, the tides are all in communion, the male is merely reactive to theses things. The female is creation, nourishment, nurture and love. The male is force, competition, war and insecurity.

Talk is cheap...ever heard the olde folks say that??? Or were they crazy back then?? Try doing and thinking more...not talking. When you have to do dont have alot of time for talk.
If for some reason gasoline suddenly goes to $6 or $8 per gallon..who is going to be doing the talking?? Who is going to be expected and even taken for granted to do the doing?? The RISK??


posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 11:37 AM
That would be ME, OT. I'll be taking the "risks" when gas goes completely through the roof. Already am. Not a new ager but I know what you mean.

Plenty of guys out there with that mentality, too. I call it the "give me; get me; take me" attitude. You know, "give me your paycheck and whatever valuables you have so I can use them for my own benefit. get me another beer, a new boat, shiney rims for my truck. take me with you on your climb up the corporate ladder-i want to be successful too."

If men were honorable, women could be submissive and not require the choices we've had to demand from lawmakers. When men began to be dishonorable in droves, a second-class citizenry was created in which women HAD to be able to get out and work (requiring equitous salary for their labors), HAD to be able to fend for themselves and their children (often left with them when the breadwinner ran off).

When all the choices, perks and benefits are in the hands of half the population, leaving the other half of the population at their mercy to survive then a power struggle is set up in which the males can say to the females, "you can put up with my dishonorable behavior and like it or starve."

Personally, I would much rather be a stay-at-home mom and make a peaceful/comfortable life for my man, which is what I was doing until he ran off and married some other woman in another state. Since I no longer have that choice I HAVE to be able to operate in a male-dominated society.

If there's a 7-1 disparity favoring female purchases in the department stores, it's because men insist that we look like barbie dolls in order to compete for their attention. If the majority of men were not shallow creatures interested only in getting their willy wet, then women would be able to get by without shaving their legs like men do, would be able to go bare-faced (without make-up) like men do, would be able to wear simple and comfortable clothing rather than clothing that accentuates the assets men want to see.

If men are the God-appointed masters and leaders (and I believe they are), then let them first master their own selves and lead by examples in character. Else, how are they different than women or more worthy of their elevated status?

Not picking on you, OT, just figure you can handle the tough questions.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by whitewave

How nice to see your post again. It has been awhile.

In your case..yes it would be you...I safety net here to fall into.
Same here. RISKS.

Plenty of guys out there with that mentality, too. I call it the "give me; get me; take me" attitude. You know, "give me your paycheck and whatever valuables you have so I can use them for my own benefit. get me another beer, a new boat, shiney rims for my truck. take me with you on your climb up the corporate ladder-i want to be successful too."

I dont necessarily buy into this dictum as once I did Whitewave. I say this because more and more as time transpires you see women with the same philosophy in life. It is quite common now days and the stories of women ignoring the children , getting into trouble with the law, etc etc are becoming quite common in the news. It seems equality is finally taking place. Equality will take place at the lowest common denominator in conduct. And if you look closely...difficult for many men to do today..see beyond phat can see the contempt on the faces of many women..while they conduct themselves in entitlement. I dont buy this from either male or female.
What I do notice that more and more males are beginig to conduct themselves in what I call a very femminine pattern..they are becoming high maintenance. They have gadgets and gimicks to keep them occupied like some women have jewelry. You cannot count on them on the job. What I suspect about many of these males is that they did not have much of a strong male influence in their lives. What I suspect was the main influence in thier lives ...was television/ a steady diet.

THe quickest manner of which I know to shut many women to be absolutely correct...on what you are wiggle room ..or leave them by themselves ...handling flashdance.
Most women I know can out talk most men about 5 or 10 to one. THey can most certainly out emote most men. This tends to leave many men dazed and silence...this is indeed thier fault...the mens fault.

Oh..and also I do not buy into that dogma that a woman emotions are the same thing as being correct....I will never buy into that one...especially if I am by default expected to take RISKS with my person to calm down their emotions. And especially here if i detect that their emotional train wreckage is due to frivolous reasons.

You are correct in implying that many men today do not know about being absolutely correct in what is being RISKED...debated...or expected. I suspect this is alot of why so many Drink.etc etc..and accept many cheap placebos for real manhood/leadership.

I was probably fortunate as a teen in working at a NCO club in Japan where I got to see men and women so often under the influence . I suspect that this has a affect on me unto this day on the topic of drink. I disapprove of this kind of conduct among males and females both.

If men were honorable, women could be submissive and not require the choices we've had to demand from lawmakers.

I can put this the same with many of the women I have known..not honorable..but very convenience someone else assuming the an entitlement. WHen you can work the system both ways if you so choose...what is there to be submissive about ...when you can be entitled....without RISK. Actually Whitewave..they can work the system three ways...get a job...get married and flashdanced....get lawmakers to pass social laws and defaults for again. How many "Social Options" of this ilk are available to the ordinarly male out here??...on the system I mean???

Now if a woman wants to take the RISK themselves for themselves...Bon Appetit!! That makes here just like a male. Equal. Equal RISK.

If there's a 7-1 disparity favoring female purchases in the department stores, it's because men insist that we look like barbie dolls in order to compete for their attention.

IM sorry Whitewave...once again I cannot buy into that one for reasons stated so many times in previous posts.

Is there not a dictum or dogma out here among thinking people that goes something like.... "Just Say No!!"

This would require acumen and commitment from most too for all that matter.

Also I want to paraphrase Duzey in one of her posts a couple of years ago... "Who said they were dressing up for the men??"

My limited experience in the field tells me that women understand power and the status of power ...more acutely than most men..and in a very different venue...with similar goals..but different methods..techniques. Nonetheless...I have found so many women to be very competitive..just as much if not more so than males...just different methods and techniques for thier beliefs and goals.
Back on topic...if a woman thinks that running her mouth about nothing with me is to be admired...not going to happen. I dont approve of the same thing with men either..and I know alot of them.
You know me Whitewave...want to get rid of me...just talk about the gods of sports....Im gone!!

You also know the way I feel about Barbie Dolls..not much use for most of them. As you stated in a previous post...a snack is good once in awhile. For me a porcelain statue is very pretty...but I take them down once in awhile to dust them off , admire them, and then put them back on the shelf and go back to real life.
I require much more out of a woman than to be a Barbie Doll. They are a dime a dozen and highly overated....Oh...and I deserve it ..the other guys dont!!!! LOL LOL!!

Back on topic here..Submissive...shutting up..

My reading of this Whitewave is that there are certain things in this world which are in nature...male and some which are female. Most of the time I try not to mix the two.
As a man ...and in a position of leadership...with a woman...there are some decisions I am required to take..based on an overview. This most certainly does not mean I would not ask my woman for advice or her views/understanding...but in the end these decisions are mine along with the responsibilitys. For power and authority is not the glory to which most people want to assume it is...Power can be very deceiving to those without understanding and wisdom. Power is a two edged sword and quite capable of cutting sharply and clearly both directions if not handled properly and with due respect for its very nature.
I can vouch for this truism from personal experience as can you I am certain.
A man is not without limits over a woman..simply because of the nature of power and the responsibility which accompanys. For he too in his role needs be a help meet and is therefore not free to do as he chooses.
The structure of the Bible is not socialistic in the human sense but based on an authority structure..and it is not the male/female roles.
It is God.

The responsibility/Risk is what brings us up short..and with caution in many things. This is how it should be. Not foolishness.
Men who understand this take more time thinking..less time talking.
They also dont have much to do with men who do the opposite of what I describe in the previous sentance.

Talking when you can take so much for granted is to me foolishness.
To me men and women today who understand such are becoming a rarity.

If a woman has something worthwhile to say to me ..I dont mind listening. I am just as satisfied to be around a woman in comfort and silence as Yak yak yak!! LOL LOL..physical distance from each other is not an issue with me...with a woman...unless it is yak yak yak...then I'd rather be phycially distant. LOL LOL. I Might not even be saying this correctly...but I think you understand the gist of it.

I gotta get ready to shove off...time got away from me on this post.
Gotta scoot down the road now!!

Thanks for your post,

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:54 PM
Women need to do what I did, take their reproductive system out of all patriarchal Churches. If they attend anywhere, they need to make sure the minister is a woman!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by mystiq

Originally posted by mystiq
Women need to do what I did, take their reproductive system out of all patriarchal Churches. If they attend anywhere, they need to make sure the minister is a woman!

LOL LOL LOL...Mystiq...

LOL LOL LOL...many of the women I know ..that is about all they have...their reproductive system.

As I stated...about Missing Blue Skys post ...reproductive system and the ritual/religion/belief system surrounding the same. Textbook..just textbook.
Here at this link..and from page 15 this thread

I cant help it but when I see posts like this I bust out laughing before I can even think about some kind of considered response.

All I have to do is as Whitewave stated...go look at the 7 to 1 disparity in goods in any department store. Women understand the relationship of their reproductive system and its value when properly displayed in the marketplace...far more acutely and comprehensively than do most of the males out here. Women understand colours, cut...and other subtiltys far more than does the average male. THey understand what it both means and implys.
And as I also stated to Whitewave...women understand competition far more acutely than do a different manner and goal but far more acutely.

Having a woman minister will not stop women from glorifying their reproductive natures....It will not change the spots of most women.
Get them out of church and it will be buisness as usual. For many ..even in church will be buisness as usual.

What nonsense ..unless of course you think the average male will be to stupid to catch which case you would probably be correct. about those Cowboys!!!
Dont misunderstand me here...I also dont approve of this type of thinking and conduct among males. Glorifying the reproductive system. Just because it is not as obvious among women as it is among males does not at all mean it is not going on. It is often just more subtle than among males or men.

While I am thinking about you know the term for the religions which glorify the reproductive system and the rituals/rites surrounding the same??? What is the name or term attached to these types of religions??

Oh..while I am thinking about it....again....there is a passage in the Book of Genesis...where two women are involved in a disagreement. The passage does not specifically say what was the disagreement ...but there appears to be some kind of Girl Stuff disagreement silently transpiring between these two women ...Sarah...and Hagar.
Hagar is the handmaden...or bondservent to Sarah...but has a son, Ishmael, by her/Sarah's husband Abraham....because for a long time Sarah could not conceive...and had her handmaden go into Abraham such that a child could be sired by him.
Was this a reproductive disagreement?? Did Hagar ..reproductively disrespect Sarah?? Was there a woman minister involved here?? Should there have been??

I'd like to know what you think about that recorded by this part of the Book of Genesis??


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
reply to post by mystiq

Originally posted by mystiq

Oh..while I am thinking about it....again....there is a passage in the Book of Genesis...where two women are involved in a disagreement. The passage does not specifically say what was the disagreement ...but there appears to be some kind of Girl Stuff disagreement silently transpiring between these two women ...Sarah...and Hagar.
Hagar is the handmaden...or bondservent to Sarah...but has a son, Ishmael, by her/Sarah's husband Abraham....because for a long time Sarah could not conceive...and had her handmaden go into Abraham such that a child could be sired by him.
Was this a reproductive disagreement?? Did Hagar ..reproductively disrespect Sarah?? Was there a woman minister involved here?? Should there have been??

I'd like to know what you think about that recorded by this part of the Book of Genesis??


the master.....sarah.....commanded the servant...(hagar) concieve and bare a child for her, since she thought she couldn't. hagar, being the good little slave (she also really didn't have anyother good option, remember, she was a servant..)....well, did what she was commanded....and you think it was hagar that disrepected sarah's reproductive rights? I think it's more like sarah commanded hagar to sin.....
just like abraham commanded sarah to sin when they went into egypt and the kings men came...he told sarah to tell them that she was her brother not her husband...lest they kill him....
well, she did this, the pharoah took her for himself, and abraham and sarah were lucky that they just got ran off and not killed after the pharoah found out. a half truth is just another way to lie....abraham commanded sarah to lie.....
master, servant....the servant loses the right to decide for themselves what is right in their god's eyes, what isn't, and is forced to do that which is contrary to their beliefs...
and of course, these women are held up as great examples for us today.....for their righteousness......
so, I guess, at least according to religion....if my husband commands me to rob a bank, I would be righteous to just go out and rob the bank, right??

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 04:21 AM
Flame me if you want....
But, this is one of the funniest thread titles of all time!

Alot of women need to shutup.....
Men too...

But still.... alot of women....

And, I completely don't agree with the poster 2 posts ago, who says that women can outspeak men 10 or 5 to one.
Unless you mean that women can speak useless drivel 10 times more than a man, that a might agree with. But, the utter assumption that a woman can debate 10 times better than a man just isn't true at all.

While I have debated against some very intelligent women, this is not the norm. Actually, ignorance seems to be the norm for men and women these days.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by dawnstar

LOL LOL LOL...Dawnstar...

I was actually hoping Mistiq would respond but you obviously beat her to it.

However ..since you have responded with such good 20/20 hindsight..I will comment on your post.

IN this passage or passages...Sarah is actually quite the astute occult politician. For she knew that the time was rapidly approaching when both she and Abraham would no longer be able to bear children.

She knew the law of the that time ,the Code of Hammarubi, made provisions for this in that if a woman was childless and desired a child by her bondservant or in this case her bondmaid..and she selected the bondmaid for this duty the child was hers...Sarahs. Also this child would not have inheiritance since she/Sarah chose the bondwoman. This is how it is written in the laws and customs of those nations in those days.
Now if Abraham had made the decision to take the handmaiden to child...the child would have inheiritance as his son...or child. Sarah chose here to cover all the possible bases. Very astute politician she was.

Later on after both women had concieved..Ishmael....the son of the Bondmaid...Hagar... was older than Sarah's son...Issac...and there was indeed some reproductive GIRL STUFF going on between the two..
Sarah's position became one of "The son of the bondwoman shall not inheiret ...even with my son....Issac. This is reproductive girl stuff religion. It is barnyard pecking order stuff..status...just like as happens today. Nothing changed here.

However...going back...Sarah thought she could help God in getting Abraham to obtain a getting the Bondmaid to go into him.
But the line of God...the plan... was to have Sarah and Abraham conceive when they were both past bearing....or the age of such...when men themselves could do nothing. This showed that it was God's work..not the work of men. God's Sovereignty..not man's free will.

This is the crux of these passages...not master slave relationships. Not "Victimization" Not Jerry Springer as is so popular today.
THE crux is God's will and sovereignty...His Lordship....not the will of men per se.

Notice also that Abraham did not want to put Ishmael and the Bondwoman he loved that boy..Ishmael. But God told Abraham to harken unto your wife. Put them out.
Apparently Sarah was not a "powerless downtrodden victim" in that tent as so many are wont to depcit women of those times.

Oh..since you are wont to reply to my question to you know the name of the religion based on the practice, customs, rituals, surrounding the reproductive system??? My other question!!?? Can you provide this to us for our continued educations??

Reproductive system religion..what is the term for such??

Once again I must make haste.

Post Script...

Three Deuce,

While I have debated against some very intelligent women, this is not the norm. Actually, ignorance seems to be the norm for men and women these days.

I pretty much agree with the crux of your quote above..alot of emoters or Drama queens out here ...emotional train wrecks..male and female both.
Good point!!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:26 AM
Well said, OT. I starred you for your insight. The following has been presented before but I have yet to hear your take on it.

At The Battle Front, Copyright, a Walk Worthy ministry; permission granted to repost in full.


Our dear friend and brother Jon Zens has tirelessly worked for Truth over the last several decades in order to allow our Savior to set all the captives free, especially women. We at Walk Worthy are honored to join his side in this mighty endeavor. He is a humble, zealous worker for Jesus. His wisdom and insight is far reaching and I suggest you pay particular attention to his discoveries here. Soon we'll all have to answer to Jesus for every event and spoken word in our Christian lives (2 Cor. 5:10).


A Summary By Jon Zens, July 2007

"In "The Elusive Law", Cheryl Schatz presents evidence to demonstrate that verses 34-35 are not Paul's words, but the remarks of some in Corinth based on the Talmud's restrictions on women (DVD #4, Women in Ministry: Silenced or Set Free?, MM Outreach, Nelson, B.C., Canada, 2006).

"I've been wrestling with the issues raised regarding women in 1 Cor.11-14 for twenty-six years. My first article, "Aspects of Female Priesthood," appeared in 1981. For the first time I feel like significant light has broken through the lingering problems and questions. Without doubt every conceivable explanation of what is entailed in 1 Cor.14:34-35 can be challenged from some angle. It is admittedly a difficult passage. However, the position convincingly set forth by Cheryl does the best job I've ever seen of doing justice to what the verses actually say and the immediate context, beginning in 1 Cor.11.

"For a long time I've wondered what "law" was in view in v.34. There is strong reason to believe that it is not the Old Testament, but the Talmud that is being cited. According to Wikipedia, "The Talmud is a record of rabbinic discussions pertaining to Jewish law, ethics, customs and history." In Jesus' day the first part of the Talmud, the Mishnah, was in oral form, but in 200AD and 500AD it and the Gemara were put into writing. In brief, two key issues point to why the Jewish oral law (Talmud) was behind what was stated in vv.34-35.

1. Only the Talmud silences women.

2. Only the Talmud designates the speech of women as "shameful."

The Talmud Silenced Women

"Cheryl observes that "The silencing of women was a Jewish ordinance. Women were not permitted to speak in the assembly or even to ask questions. The rabbis taught that a woman should know nothing but the use of her distaff."

""Josephus, a Jewish historian, asserted that "the woman, says the law, is in all things inferior to a man. Let her accordingly be submissive."

""The Talmud clearly affirms the silence of females:

""A woman's voice is prohibited because it is sexually provocative" (Talmud, Berachot 24a).

""Women are sexually seductive, mentally inferior, socially embarrassing, and spiritually separated from the law of Moses; therefore, let them be silent" (summary of Talmudic sayings).

The Talmud Called the Voice of a Woman "Shameful"

""It is a shame for a woman to let her voice be heard among men" (Talmud, Tractate Kiddushin)

""The voice of a woman is filthy nakedness" (Talmud, Berachot Kiddushin)

"The English translation of the Greek word, aiskron, as "shameful" or "improper" hardly convey the strength of what the word encompasses. The affirmation in v.35, Cheryl notes, is that a woman's speaking is "lewd, vile, filthy, indecent, foul, dirty and morally degraded."

"Male and female prophesying was inaugurated on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:17-18). Paul approved the prophesying of women in 1 Cor.11:5. In 1 Cor.14 he saw the whole body involved in prophesying – "everybody is prophesying" (v.24), "each one of you has a teaching" (v.26), "you may all prophesy one by one" (v.31). How could the same apostle Paul a few pen strokes later turn around and unequivocally designate women's speech in the body as "filthy, lewd and vile"? It makes no sense at all. I have always felt like verses 34-35 didn't sound like Paul. Something was awry.

"The matter is cleared up by realizing that Paul did not write the negative words about women in vv.34-35. Instead, those basing their view of women on the oral law did. Paul never required women to be silent and never called female speaking "lewd and filthy." The Talmud was guilty of advocating both.

"This is further confirmed in v.36 when Paul exclaims "What! Did the Word of God originate with you?" The "What!" Indicates that Paul is not in harmony with what was stated by others from the Talmud in vv.34-35. Thayer's Lexicon notes that the "What" is a disjunctive conjunction "before a sentence contrary to the one just preceding, to indicate that if one be denied or refuted the other must stand."

"Sir William Ramsey commented, "We should be ready to suspect that Paul is making a quotation from the letter addressed to him by the Corinthians whenever he alludes to their knowledge, or when any statement stands in marked contrast either with the immediate context or with Paul's known views."

"Paul contrasts his commands which promote edification by the varied contributions of all with the restrictive prohibitions upon women demanded by the anti-gospel Talmud. Paul saw the voices of the sisters as a vital part of the building up of the Body of Christ. The Talmud, on the other hand, viewed female voices as "shameful" and as "filthy nakedness."

"We know that various concerns and questions came to Paul from the Corinthians in a letter. He refers to this communication several times in 1 Corinthians. If quotation marks are placed at the beginning and end of verses 34-35, thus seeing them as the words of some Corinthians to Paul, then the apparent contradiction between Paul's encouragement of female participation and then his seeming silencing of them is resolved satisfactorily.

"Those who use 1 Cor.14:34-35 as a basis for requiring the sisters to be silent in the meetings would do well to consider the strong possibility that the words they cite as proof-texts are non-Pauline, and reflect the non-gospel viewpoint of the Talmud. Are they prepared to maintain, as the anti-feminine Talmud did, that a woman's voice is "dirty" and "like filthy nakedness"? I submit that it is unthinkable that Paul would assign such awful sentiments to the sisters' words.

In America women are not nearly as oppressed as most of them believe themselves to be, however; in other countries attitudes promoting the "shut up and sit down" mentality have led to a culture of heinous crimes against women. Even fairly recently in Austria there was a story of a 70+ year old man who had built a dungeon beneath his house to keep captive for 28 years his own daughter and had fathered several children by her. How in the world did his wife living in the same house NOT know about it? She was a good submissive wife who did what she was told and never questioned anything that her husband did.

Proponents of Sharia law feel it's perfectly fine to murder female family members who dress in a way you feel is inappropriate, date (anybody not picked out for you to date), etc. They're called by the misnomer "honor killings".

[edit on 13-8-2008 by whitewave]

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:47 AM

I hope you understand that I am not Talmudic...??

I do however understand certain Occult principles whether applied by men or women. And the Talmud is of the Occult. The very thing the Hebrews were told not to get involved into by God. The very thing the nations surrounding them were doing to defile the land. THe Hebrews did these very things and in doing so defiled themselves....just as did the nations who inhabited the land before them.
The very thing for which the Hebrews got involved into over and over and over...and for which reason contributed to their losing the land by 70 A.D.

I do not travel to the Eastl, Up Seven Steps..but I know what it means ..from ancient times unto today.

I do not worship on the hills in the daytime and in the valleys at night..but also know what this means. It is the same with worshiping in the "groves and high places."

You should also know by this that Talmud is a counterfit doctrine..and I know the name of the counterfitter name.

So when I hear of an Airhead like Madonna involved in the Kaballah...which is often applied with Talmudic practices..It is all I can do to keep from busting a gut in laughter.
IN like manner I have little use for Sharia Law..nor other traditions of men.

I also do not approve of women preachers...though I also in like manner do not approve of much of what passes for male preachers today. Ive been to way to many assemblys where the service is a buisness meeting ..not good olde fashoned preaching. And these are male preachers...I have no use for this. IT may as well be talmudic to me.


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 12:26 PM
OT, I understand you are not Talmudic and you understand that I'm not really a feminist.

Please understand this, though: If the rules of the "game" are not set up for half the players to win, place, or show then the only way to "win" is to cheat or not to play. Most women, I believe (*warning-opinion coming*) have opted to "cheat", meaning to not play by the rules.

If the rules are to "shut up, sit down, do as your told", etc. then the only option left for women is to change the rules.

You emphasize "risk", I emphasize "options". You stress that women should be willing to take the risks that men take. I stress that women don't have the option to take the risks that men take.

How is it possible for any woman to run a jack hammer all day (or even for 10 minutes)? It's not really an option. Is it an option for women to work refueling nuclear submarines? Depends on the hiring practices I guess. If the laws are set up so that women are only ALLOWED to work in certain (low paid) fields of endeavor, they are at a disadvantage right out of the starting gate. Yet their risks will remain the same. Still have a family to support, still have bills to pay, still have to get their cars fixed or yank that transmission themselves.

When I was in high school I had the option of 2 electives. I elected to take woodworking and auto repair. Both were denied on the same grounds: you're female. So the electives were only an option for the males. (I hear things have changed). I was willing to take the risks but the options for doing so were closed to me.

When I tried to rent a house after my husband left I was flat out told that I would not be rented to as a single mother because "you'll just run off with some man and I'll lose a good tenant". The landlord was someone who knew me for all of three minutes and yet he decided I didn't have the option of taking the risk to support myself or my family.

When I tried to buy a house the termite inspector would not speak to me about the results of his inspection. He kept asking if I had a husband or a grown son or a male friend he could explain it to. He insisted that I could not possibly understand what he would tell me as I was not a structural engineer (neither was he, btw). I put on a pair of dickies, crawled up under the house and yanked on one of the floor joists which came away in my hand. I took the piece of rotted wood to closing, put it on the table and told them I no longer was interested in buying the house.

I could relate 100 similar stories and events but I think you get the idea. I believe that men should be leaders but, sadly, most are not. If women have defaulted to an entitlement mentality, then shame on them. Equal shame for the equally defective males who have done the same.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by whitewave


Once again I am watching the clock here. I do understand that you are not a feminist. IT is one of the things I admire about you. Also I know that in your way and hard earned you have a hard bark. No probem here with me. I figure by previousl posts that you have earned most of it the hard way.

I know and am certain that you are not cut of the same cloth as what passes for most of womanhood today. You are also not cut of the same cloth as most of what passes for malehood....little use for this either.
No problem here with me. From previous posts I happen to agree with many of your motives and understandings.

Please understand this, though: If the rules of the "game" are not set up for half the players to win, place, or show then the only way to "win" is to cheat or not to play. Most women, I believe (*warning-opinion coming*) have opted to "cheat", meaning to not play by the rules

While I understand this ..I dont agree simply because this amounts to one talmudic doctrine verses another talmudic doctrine. Both males and females here have deceived themselves about what are the "rules of the game." me it is not a game at all.

Is it an option for women to work refueling nuclear submarines? Depends on the hiring practices I guess.

I should tell you that the woman who worked with us the other night..crawled down in the hole where we were working and did the readings and documentation on the contaminated samples we took. She was right there with us. While she is new to the task..she is learning...not full of herself ..and most important ...willing to RISK just as are we. I can respect her in this. She is a Radiation monitor...and this job requires a math do complex table addition to other knowleges and skills in handling radioactive/contamiinated materials. Her's is a management position ..salaried..not hourly....with overtime. THere are two women like this on our shift.
THere are others but these are the two with which I have the most contact.
However..most women do not go into our side of the phycically addition to certain other dangers. To be frank about it..the number of men willing to do this kind of work is dwindling too.

I could relate 100 similar stories and events but I think you get the idea. I believe that men should be leaders but, sadly, most are not. If women have defaulted to an entitlement mentality, then shame on them. Equal shame for the equally defective males who have done the same.

I agree most men are not leaders...but supporters. Little thinking going on outside the sports/cheerleaders/oil shortage mentality.....and you know my views on this.
I dont agree with women or men defaulting to the entitlement mentality. This to me is no different than Talmud.
One earns their way though life or does without ..not defaults/flashdances..their way through on the RISKS of others.

What you and others are describing is a system which will eat itself seed corn left for investment next year. It is barren...souless.

In closing, I take the liberty to requote what I posted eariler up on this page.

A man is not without limits over a woman..simply because of the nature of power and the responsibility which accompanys. For he too in his role needs be a help meet and is therefore not free to do as he chooses.
The structure of the Bible is not socialistic in the human sense but based on an authority structure..and it is not the male/female roles.
It is God.

As per usual Whitewave...I must once again make haste...and shove off.
Thanks again for your post.


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 01:44 PM
reply to url=]post by orangetom1999[/url]

the Talmud is of the Occult. The very thing the Hebrews were told not to get involved into by God. The very thing the nations surrounding them were doing to defile the land. THe Hebrews did these very things and in doing so defiled themselves....just as did the nations who inhabited the land before them. The very thing for which the Hebrews got involved into over and over and over...and for which reason contributed to their losing the land by 70 A.D.

So Israel is a Talmudic Occult nation claiming to be the Jewish Kingdom of David?

That's interesting. I didnt realize this.


posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 01:50 PM

You really represent the most primitive mindset imaginable. Women and children represent humanity, in population, and in spirit. Unlike the dog-eat-dog, winner/losers that male energy promotes, female energy is the most uniting, cooperative and uplifting there is on this planet. I think you should do what the title of this post says.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by mystiq

You really represent the most primitive mindset imaginable. Women and children represent humanity, in population, and in spirit. Unlike the dog-eat-dog, winner/losers that male energy promotes, female energy is the most uniting, cooperative and uplifting there is on this planet. I think you should do what the title of this post says.

na.....don't think so...sorry...just don't feel like it today...maybe tomorrow...

look, in order to understand where we are today, you have to look at where we came from.....
and well, this topic is kind of religious in nature, is it not...
ya know, a book written by a bunch of "primitive" people years ago, describing their ideas of what "God" is and other spiritual ideas.... you read the bible. I have....naomi got stuck with a daughter in law with no son to marry off, what did she do with this girl that really had no place in their society, since her husband was dead and there was no brothers to marry her off to? oh ya, she went into a city where one of her distant relatives lived...and instructed her to sneak into his tent or whatever in the middle of the night while he was sleeping and get undressed and lay at his feet till morning and offer herself to him!! ya, can't wait till my kids has a few daughters to teach that one to!!!

according to the bible, well....there was no oath or promise that a women could make to another human, or to God, that if her husband didn't agree with, well, it was flat out voided! well, if this is the case, then today, if a women becomes a christian, and her husband doesn't like the idea, well.....when she gives her heart to it null and voided, since technically, she has given something that wasn't really hers to give??

this IS the primitive mindset that some would like to bring back. this is why we have so much harping about how women should just go back to being loving wives and mommies and to get the heck out of the workplace. why they are trying so danged hard to get the little birth control pill that women are taking considered equal to abortion and banning both!
this primitive mindset is what put women in that position to begin with. this is what people who keep preaching about how women should submit are really supporting. women were the first slaves...they were bought, sold, traded for cattle. if you want the cheap labor that slavery gives you, well, you're gonna have to put women back into that spot from whence she came...since that is where the little children are conditioned to accept the idea of being a slave as being "god" ordained!

" Unlike the dog-eat-dog, winner/losers that male energy promotes, female energy is the most uniting, cooperative and uplifting there is on this planet. "

both energies are needed, both should be of equal is not, should not, be set up to rule the other. you almost sound like, gee, let the women rule and everything will be so much better......things would be just as screwed up as they are now, or ever were.
obedience, submissiveness, ect....that is all part of that "primitive" system of lords, masters, kings, and servants, slaves. if you want to live like that, well, be my guest....don't really think that God actually likes the idea, but well, all the more power to ya I guess...
but, well, Christ came preaching about love, compassions, and overrules obedience and can go through your married life and follow your husbands commands to the letter, laugh your ass off when you know he's wrong but still just go along with him, and things blow up in his face...just as you knew it would....
or you can act in a more loving manner, refuse the orders that you know are gonna just cause him and you alot of misery and the long run and speak your mind in a firm way.....who knows, maybe you'll get through to him and him some misery, along with yourself.

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:34 PM
I have not said that only the female energy is needed. I have said, that the majority of citizens in this world are women and children and that the female energy has been suppressed to such an extent that we live in a primitive dog-eat-dog winner/and loosers illegal monopoly representing itself as a free capitalist state. Of course we need both energies, in Church and State. Whomever thinks we're going back is really mistaken. We are only going to move ahead. NWO is not going down. Again, I suggest that all intelligent females that attend patriarchal churches to take your wombs and children out of there. Let them die off as they should!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

Ya know, OT, that it really just knocks the wind out of my sails for you to just agree with me like that. It leaves me fumbling for some witty comeback. Hmmmm.......I got nuthin'. I believe you may have stumbled onto a unique way to get women to shut up and sit down. LOL.

You've broken our standard format. I say something and then you respond with, "I disagree"....

Where's OT and what have you done with him? LOL LOL

And does no one have a comment on the verses provided? I think it would pretty much end the argument if anyone were to actually read it.
(Not you, OT. You've obviously already read it and well said, btw.)

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 11:28 PM
I read that stuff in the bible, saw the hippocrites in church and opted out. More people are killed in the name of religion and it is still happening right now.

As far as I am concerned much of the stuff in the bible was used to control slave/serf populations.
1. Suicide is evil
2. The more children the better
3. The meek shall inherit the earth
4. Your reward is in heaven
I think you get the idea. Especially when you consider in English nobility, the first son inherited, the second son went in the military and the third son was a priest.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by sarcastic
reply to url=]post by orangetom1999[/url]

the Talmud is of the Occult. The very thing the Hebrews were told not to get involved into by God. The very thing the nations surrounding them were doing to defile the land. THe Hebrews did these very things and in doing so defiled themselves....just as did the nations who inhabited the land before them. The very thing for which the Hebrews got involved into over and over and over...and for which reason contributed to their losing the land by 70 A.D.

So Israel is a Talmudic Occult nation claiming to be the Jewish Kingdom of David?

That's interesting. I didnt realize this.


Wow Sarc,

Very very astute of you ..well done..well done.

Israel of today is not the only occult talmudic nation around. IN fact most nations are following an occult talmudic template/paradigm.
It is just that most nations also have thier public educations financed or paid for by politicians...another religious sect and an occult talmudic one too. They will not teach you to spot this template. They dont dare.

What I have come to understand about Israel today that there are a great many athiests in that nation. They are very devout to the nation Israel but they are not Olde Testament. This is not widely advertised in our news media or educational systems.


posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by whitewave

Why thank you Ma'am. Most kind and generous of you. Very Lady like too.

Orangetom bows to Whitewave.

Post script..

I am trying to read John Milton...Paradise Lost. I gave up on Fredrick Nitzsche. I tried several times but I found him just precisely as you described him to me....Nitzsche is soulless. I could not finish his book.
To dead and inert for me.

While I am not into poetry and such I am learning to admire the ebb and flow of the words...if that is even a proper description of it.

Adam and Eve in the fall..

"I feel the link of nature draw me
Flesh of flesh..bone of my bone thou art,
and from thy state Mine shall never be parted
Bliss or Woe."

I admire the way Milton makes flow of such words....other places too. One thing obvious about Milton..he is not soulless.
Are there even any poets and writers of this caliber today??

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