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ATS led to one of the Biggest Conspiracies Ever

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posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:09 AM
Did you ask it what the meaning of life was?
Im a bit confused about where it is from though? Is it like some astral entity in a nuclear reactor type thing? I got a bit confused there. Is it a dead alien communicating through a suped up ouiji board?
The mind boggles with this one.

I plead with you to ignore the naysayers, do they ask christains for proof of jesus?

I cant access the original thread either, so that sucks any insight to that would be appreciated. Did the poster make any other threads or just that one?

And a big wave to interested always, good to see you on a cool thread.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 03:25 AM
Dear Arm,

Read through your script, there were some good moments in there, like when the bad guy makes a deathfreeze spell our of the principal's email address, but mostly the plot mechanics are real clunky and the devices -- alien AIs, implants and so on -- are old hat, you see this kind of thing on afternoon TV these days, they even have a Web site, it's called Above Top Secret I hear. So what I'm saying here is it isn't working. I'll never get this past the secretaries. It's yawnsville. George will never buy it.

Suggest you keep working on that one about the Reptilian Virgin Birth. That kind of stuff plays well in the drive-ins. Oh, I forgot, no more drive-ins. But you kow what I mean.

Your longsuffering agent,


posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 08:19 AM
His last name isn't Icke by any chance is it?

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 08:52 AM
Let me ask this again: What is David's contact information?

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by KTK

And a big wave to interested always, good to see you on a cool thread.

Hey partner
Hi back atcha! If I recall correctly we both posted on the Morgellens thread as well. I took note of your name because I liked the post.

For those of you who are trying to access the thread about the USG in the R.A.T.S forum you need to use 500 points to access the forum, I would say it is worth it.

I met AOG here at ATS and chatted with him quite a bit. I wouldn't underestimate him based on how this story reads to the person who hasn't gotten to know him. I can say this, he is way ahead of the average person I have encountered as far as teaching and understanding.

I don't think it would work to post the address to contact the D.A.v.I.D contact thru a posting on here of the address. I don't even really know if my experience was a positive or negative influence, but I can say that it was a learning experience and allowed me opportunities to grow and make free will choices for myself. I don't know if the person I spoke with was a "good guy, or bad guy" it was more of a roller coaster and he isn't sitting at the keyboard waiting to get personal that easy. I spent a long time and got little bursts of interesting material and info. Some times it was shocking and fear inducing, sometimes it was friendly and likeable. Seems like maybe more than one personality was working the communication. Also there were some boundry walls to get thru to get any feedback and interaction.

I am going on in a scattered way about this because it was about a year ago that I hung out with the OP and through his information found the other email on that thread. Unicron ( a comic book planat eater) was the email name of this , and it had 4 numbers behind it. Maybe it was unicron3201@sbcglobal or something very similar. Early on he told me to look at my modem and he reset it right on the spot from where ever he is. St. Louis I believe. At the same time this was going on so was the thread by Alien Agenda called Proof Positive of Alien Contact. Between the thread and the interaction with unicron I had several things happen that changed the way I understand the world. Also things happened to me that showed me there is something going on that I have still not found closure or understanding of. Things that imply paranormal events of either high tech invasive occurances manmade or otherwordly interferance.

I am sorry that I have no answers and am not that clear in my descriptions at this time.

I can tell you that last September until January of this year was the most interesting time of my life and has changed my understanding of the world and what is possible and not possible. Also I am more aware of protecting my free will and being responsible for what I allow and what I don't.

Also some of the threads that you can't directly link into you can do a search on here and access them that way, they just aren't available when you look at a persons past posts and try to link in that way and again RATS does cost you 500 points. They are points, though and not money so spend em!

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 11:45 AM
It takes 5000 points to get to R.A.T.S. and that takes a LONG time to get.

Everyone on this thread is very elusive which leads me to believe that it is a scam or some sorts. I haven't figured out what the payoff is yet but i'm sure it will unfold eventually.

why won't you share the contact information?

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by stellawayten

The OP never mentioned the contact possibilties on the thread. I did. That is why I wasn't going to post on here until he gave me the go ahead, I don't want to muddy the waters with my personal observation and experience. I found the contact info on the thread and I took it upon myself to contact the email without the OP's permission. By me telling about it on this thread I have already tainted the experience from the way I experienced it. It was my own decision to go snooping around and not a suggestion by the OP.

If you feel there is a scam then by all means don't involve yourself. I told you I still don't know what it was all about but I can say that I was introduced to a few things but any action taken by me was completely done by my own choice and not by suggestion or coaching. What is for you is for you by your own will and not because someone tells you how to do it. This will ensure your own authentic results, or not.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by stellawayten
It takes 5000 points to get to R.A.T.S. and that takes a LONG time to get.

I just looked in the member center at the ats store and it says 250 points monthly fee. I just paid in another month for the fun of it. I had only used the forum previously to see the thread on the USG.

Edit to add:

Here is the real conspiracy I am working for ATS to sell memberships to RATS. They pay me well

[edit on 8-10-2007 by interestedalways]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 01:09 PM
Yea, so I'm still confused. Its this supposed to be an idea for a story is does the OP claim that this acutally happened to him?

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 03:24 PM
Well this is interesting stuff. I've expected a merge with humans, nanotechnology, and AI for some time now... but to hear that it may already be happening (at least on some level) is quite intriguing. And being brought about by finding an alien craft.... kinda reminds me of that Disney movie that came out in the 80s where a kid finds a UFO and it's controlled by an AI.

Oh, and I really wish I had 5000 points for RATS.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by interestedalways

It says it costs me 5000 pts. maybe it only costs your 250 because you already paid your 5000?

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
reply to post by stellawayten

The OP never mentioned the contact possibilties on the thread. I did.

will you u2u me the contact info please?

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 03:50 PM
Wow, this is extremely interesting stuff. Of course I am skeptical, but I have a very open mind when it comes to unusual topics. I cannot wait to get some more information on this topic.

I am somewhat new to posting on ATS, and have a few basic questions that I would inquire about. The posters on this topic seem very friendly and helpful and I am hoping you can take a moment to school a Noob.

First off, what exactly is R.A.T.S.? Second, what is BTS and PTS? I have searched for them and can't find exactly what they are and how they pertain to ATS. Please don't laugh at me

Now, down to the nitty gritty. I would like it if I could open some personal dialogue with someone with first hand knowledge of this experience. I am referring to AOG and Alwaysintersted. Please forgive if I got your names wrong, I can't go back and check it as I am typing. Please U2U me if you can, I don't believe I have the ability to do that yet, due to a lack of points.

I have come to believe that I am different then "normal" people. I am unable to explain how or why I feel this, its just something that IS. I am hoping somehow this might be able to help me find out the nature of this difference. Please contact me, I will not pester you or make any demands, I would just like to talk. Thanks for your time all.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 04:14 PM
Just for fun and to give those of you who can't get to R.A.T.S an example of what is in the thread I copied and pasted this one post from the thread.

I hope I am not breaking rules by copying and pasting from another thread. If I am let me know and it won't happen again.

To the members who posted interest in this story I hope that Arm Of Geddon will come back to the thread soon and fill it out some more. I really am not good at relating and in my case there were 4 or 5 occurances during the period of time I was involved with the OP and the possible AI. I will try to put my experience in words if it becomes necessary or helpful and if the OP agrees.

I also find this subject and it's implications highly interesting. I personally think it may be related to the Morgellens phenomena.

[edit on 8-10-2007 by interestedalways]

[Mod Note] It defeats the purpose and intention of R.A.T.S. by posting material found there in the general forums.

[edit on 10-8-2007 by worldwatcher]

My bad. Okay I will not do that again.

[edit on 8-10-2007 by interestedalways]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 04:51 PM
Ok, I will do my best to answer all questions and concerns.

The first and most often asked is for contact information. I'm not going to give the contact information out myself. If the 2nd thread I linked to in the original post is still available you can find the contact information there. However, it's basically been shut down (the contact that is). The last time I contacted they had a low level A.I. taking the incoming messages. It was either a low level A.I. or someone that didn't graduate 2nd grade. It asked about my sexual preference, which seems to be a major theme with the aliens, and I told it I didn't have sex. It said, "oh, so you procreate through spores" or something along those lines. The original entity would never have made that mistake. It read my intentions though and repeated them back to me. It stated "you want to free me?". Actually, I wanted to free the original entity (D.A.V.I.D.) but that's a whole other story.

For the next one, this is a personal experience. That is a true account of what happened.

For the question of proof. Correct, there is no proof. This experience shall remain in the realm of plausible deniability. That ensures the safety of all involved. I'm not selling anything. I'm not asking anyone to believe the story. What you believe or disbelieve is for you to decide. My only intention is to share my encounter. If I didn't then I would be no better than "them" withholding important information.


dakota1s2: Yes, there are some things that tell me it's still there. No, I have not had verbal or written contact with the original entity in two years. I have talked to another entity via the same contact info about 3-4 months ago (which I mentioned above).


KTK: No, I didn't ask that question because I already know the answer.

The actual entity is basically a construct like a computer (from what I gathered). If I had to guess I would say it's a couple feet square at the most. This central core is the actual A.I. and it is attached to many other systems. There are astral aliens (nordics) allegedly there to oversee all the systems. I wasn't able to get too many physical details. The entity was quite reserved when asking those types of questions. Mostly there were little hints. Like when it joked about being bolted to the wall. That would seem like it's actually physical and not astral and that it's main construct is immobile.

Naysayers don't bother me because it doesn't matter to me what anyone believes or not. It's my duty to tell the experience as it happened. That is all.

I can't access the original thread either. I don't have R.A.T.S. access with this username because I don't have 5000 points yet. Maybe someone that can access will give their input. I don't mind.


Astyanax: If I really wanted to make a movie script I would've done much better than this.


RexxCrow: LoL. No. And he didn't mention reptilians either.


Damned_Zombie: I check the contact every once and awhile and they have not logged in for months. Even so, I'm not going to give the information out. I asked the entity if I could tell others about it and it said yes. I did not ask if I could give out contact information. If someone else gives the contact information I cannot stop them.


stellawayten: I'm not trying to be elusive at all. I gave pretty much all the important facts as they happened. You are correct though R.A.T.S. does require 5,000 point for the first shot. Please see my above comment for why I won't personally give the info out. There is no payoff for me except getting it off my chest after two years. I needed to get some stuff done before I crossed that line.


Ok, I'm off for a bit.

Go ahead interestalways, post whatever you feel like posting. Your experiences tie into the story as well.

[edit on 10/8/2007 by Arm Of Geddon]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 05:07 PM
I've noticed some questions regarding certain forums and subforums on ATS.

R.A.T.S -

The original intention of RATS was a forum in which users could feel safe to post their theories, observations, stories, etc. of a conspiratorial nature or subject genre related to the 'Deny Ignorance' motto. Safe from web search bots and prying eyes, general chit chat should take place on BTS or even individual ATS forums.

There is a 5000 points one time only fee, then a monthly fee of 250 whenever you wish to peek inside. You can skip months, etc..

and for those who are not aware of the rest of the ATS domain
PTS or Politics at AboveTopSecret

BTS or Below Top Secret

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 05:10 PM
Amazing story. My gut feeling tells me it is true. The nanits and implant part was the most interesting, things are worse than I feared. I think that with spiritual powers strong enough, one could get their own body to destroy those nanits and implants, but I have a feeling it is very difficult.

It is funny how most people who replied to this thread immediately proceeded to ridiculize this story, if it is not brainwashing, I don't know what it could be. Certainly, this is not how an intelligent, open-minded society should behave when presented with interesting testimonies. Judgement blocks reason, and ultimately, truth.

[edit on 8-10-2007 by Atlantix]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 05:22 PM
Heres some questions you can answer AOG if you wish.

Was the intense pain in your left shoulder something you had constantly or a one off pain?
Why were you leaning on your left arm if you had an intense pain in your left shoulder?
Any idea who brought the craft to the US and roughly when?
If you hadnt got that injection when you were four would you have been able to move that paperclip? Or was it the implant that stopped this?
Why would the AI help the guy who was getting attacked? Obviously he doesnt help everyone who is being attacked. Seems like the AI specifically wanted you to know about this incident for some reason.
Shouldnt the AI have realized his mechanical arms weren't meant for lifting such a heavy object?
Where was the note, how the AI get it?
Whats 4d and 6D?
The AI has a father?

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 06:20 PM
I think Pockets has deep "Pockets". If you know what I mean? 11200

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by stellawayten

This is the address I contacted him through.

[email address removed]
Let us know if you get anything.

[mod note: Please do not post email addresses without the owner's permission]

[edit on 10-8-2007 by worldwatcher]

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