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I Want The Truth!!!

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posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 11:52 AM
I don’t know what to think anymore. I have two sides to myself… my logic and my gut feelings. Which one do I listen to?

I watch the world leaders talk to each other on tv and with all the cameras flashing and news reels rolling, you know it has to be staged. But does this mean that our government is really evil? Are they really looking out for our best interest? I don’t know. I research online and I watch independent channels but I still don’t know. I don’t know who is lying and who is telling the truth. I listened to Iran’s president and he sounded very intelligent but is he lying? That is what the mainstream media is saying. How am I suppose to know what the truth is? I don’t know what to believe. I see Iraq’s on tv that say they don’t want us to leave and then I see some more that say they do want us to leave. Which ones do we listen to?

I come to ATS looking for answers but what do I get? I really get the same stuff that I get from watching tv. You people really don’t know. Yall are just looking for answers just like me. Everyone has their own opinions and own gut feelings. I read about the NWO and yall don’t have real evidence. Everyone lies. Everyone exaggerates. Everyone speculates. I read about Planet X and how its going to take us out and then I read that that’s debunked. Which one do I believe? I read about aliens, grays, reptilians and it reads like a fairy tale. Do I believe that fairy tale? I have not seen any of this for myself and how do I know that the people that are claiming to have seen this stuff are telling the truth? Logic says that its impossible. I have seen a UFO myself but it was exactly that. An Unidentified Flying Object. And how can I trust my own eyes? I see a moon that is as large as the earth and then it starts shrinking and they say that this is an illusion. My mother, grandmother and uncle all claim to have seen ghosts. Did they? If I can’t trust my own eyes, how can I trust theirs?

I’m so tired of not knowing the truth. I WANT THE TRUTH!!! (I better not get one reply that says, YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH.) And then we have religion. Its really the same things as all of the rest. My logic tells me that there is no such thing out there as a higher power and we are just a bag of cells that die and go back into the ground. But really, how can there not be something powerful out there. How can there be so many stars and planets and no other life. Who is creating those stars and planets and other life forms? I want to know the truth.

I’m so disgusted with the way the world works today. We are expected to go to work everyday and work the majority of the day making a little money for ourselves and a lot of money for someone else. We work and work just waiting for the weekend. And what do we do on the weekend? Dread going back to work on Monday. Why do the majority of people put up with this? Why don’t we all just stop?

A couple of weeks ago I got a strong feeling that something bad was going to happen. Something bad that would affect the whole world. Before that I was going along with my life just living the way everyone else does and then I got this feeling. I have had it before but I felt like I was told that it wasn’t time yet. I felt like I was told its time now so I sit and wait and wait and wait and wait and NOTHING happens. I’m excited about the big bad thing that is going to happen. It means that the world is going to change. I can’t wait for change. I hate the way things work now but I feel like there is nothing I can do about it. What is my purpose for being here? What am I suppose to do? I have always felt different than others. I felt like I have some greater purpose that is big. I have felt like I’m suppose to change the world in some way. But that’s crazy. I’m no better than anyone else. UGH! I’m just fed up with the whole darn thing. I just want the truth. Someone please tell me the truth.

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 25/9/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 11:57 AM
Welcome to life.

It's about the journey not the destination.


posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 11:59 AM
You cant handle the truth. True story.

Besides, yes, we throw ideas around in these forums because our frigging leaders are not telling us what is going on when it comes to the important things. They want you to work, take care of your family and watch American Idol, so they can run the country the way they want.

The ONLY way to know the truth about something is to experience it yourself. Anything else is just a question of who's interpretation of events you want to believe.

I do understand your frustration, and yes, I also got a feeling of something on the way. Im just not sure if its bad or good for humanity.

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 12:35 PM
I think of it this way, there is a car, it is covered by one of those car covers. The government says it is a old junker, nothing to see move along. But we can see the tires, we know those are really nice tires, and the shape is a sports car.

So what do we do, we hem and haw and guess at what color the upholstery might be and if it is leather, we don't have a clue and really know nothing, but we try to figure it out because we know the government is lying to us.

So we come here toss around ideas and try to figure a little more out each day, just keep pushing more and more into memory until you can take a guess. If it is good others jump in.

Its great fun and a mental challenge, something not always available in the real world.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Redge777
I think of it this way, there is a car, it is covered by one of those car covers. The government says it is a old junker, nothing to see move along. But we can see the tires, we know those are really nice tires, and the shape is a sports car.

So what do we do, we hem and haw and guess at what color the upholstery might be and if it is leather, we don't have a clue and really know nothing, but we try to figure it out because we know the government is lying to us.

So we come here toss around ideas and try to figure a little more out each day, just keep pushing more and more into memory until you can take a guess. If it is good others jump in.

Its great fun and a mental challenge, something not always available in the real world.

I wanna look under the cover! I wanna look under the cover! (jumps up and down)

Excellent analogy, thanks.

I agree with the OP and share the total frustration and desperation. It´s not enough to commit suicide (yet) so there is still some work left for the government trolls.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 12:42 PM
I appreciate your post in that it is a very good reflection of what most of humanity actually feels like: Uncertain. You go one step deeper than most people who are running around and posting around proclaiming to know "the truth". You are admitting that you just dont know. And neither do I. And neither do they. They are just pretending to know. Why? So that they can feel better, feel more secure. Thats why they will hold on to the most ridiculous belief-system...just to feel safe, to have some orientation, some fixed standpoint from where to view things.

So, you say you want the truth, but you have already expressed one great truth yourself "I dont know". THATS a very good beginning on the path to real truth. You have also expressed dissatisfaction with the state of things. Your dissatisfaction is another truth....a truth that drives you to do more looking and exploring.

Dont forget though, that uncertainty doesnt need to be a painful thing. It can be fun and adventurous.

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Skyfloating]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 12:52 PM
I agree with the OP. Why is it that there is no truth to any story. Whatever the story all we here is spin. I understand that there must sometimes be two sides to a story, however, also shouldn't there also be the same amount of truth or could we come to an agreement or final determination on an issue. I think that many of us are disgusted with the world at large and that leads us to this place, however, I have also become disgusted with this site (not that this site is the problem) because more times than not I read on a subject and no outcome is ever realized. Why must the truth always be obscured? Why is our world full of liars who tell a story the way they see fit to meet there own agenda? Yes you are right we need a major change.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 01:04 PM
What is the truth?

We each interpret evidence differently, placing different emphasis on different aspects, ignoring those pieces which don't fit in with what we want to be true ...

Only an omnipotent god can know that his interpretation is correct and that nothing has been misunderstood.

Edit: as a general rule, where 2 opposing interpretations exist, the 'truth' probably lies somewhere in between.

And humans by nature usually decide on the 'truth' long before they are aware of all the facts.

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Essan]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 01:10 PM
nice post there essan.

beware dear thread opener, soon you will have all the truth-sayers arriving in this room, offering their particular version of reality as "the facts" and "the truth". But not enough, they will also try to convert you to agree with their particular version of things. All the versions wouldnt be the problem...but why do they all feel urged to get others to agree? Whats so bad about diversity of opinion? nothing. nothing at all.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 01:36 PM
Hmm... a shame I didn't get there earlier:

The truth is infinite: you can never find it in it's wholeness:
You always find one puzzlepiece at a time. The pieces are worn out(incomplete) and botched up with lies. Finding the picture, means analysing and possibly correcting piece for piece and fitting them into the picture. You'll never find an edge of the picture and everytime you put one answer in the picture you'll get (at least) 3 new questions!

Samuel 2006

If you are on the Quest for the truth, you have got a painstaking and long journey ahead of you. I think, I am close to understanding the answers of some of your questions, but close is not there and there are still a couple of 'puzzlepieces' that need double checking!
@ The theory, that everybody has their own truth: there maybe 2 sides of a coin (please don't forget the edge AND obviously the material the coin's made of) BUT there is only ONE coin. And that's exactly the way it is with the truth: one Truth, many perspectives!

@ You want control of your life:
Life is a game.
Planet Earth the server.
Your body is your avatar.
There are different ways to 'level', some are right, none are wrong.
The difficulties are getting enough money for your basic needs and having the patience to skill your professions.
But as an old gamer said:
RL (Reallife) is the game you play when the PC is off:
The graphic is cool but the story is crap!
The player can alter the story:

You are the Player!
Have fun and good luck!

Samuel 2007

I am moving onto a boat next week. I have ditched my bank-career left my home-country and am making a living driving trucks. When I've paid off the boat, I'll probably leave the country again!
It's my life, my game. If I need cash I'll sell my workforce for a going rate, until I've got enough to do what I have to do!
I'll not get a 30 year mortgage, I'll not borrow money for a car, holiday, furniture or other things. I've got one loan: that's for the boat. It's the first and hopefully the last!
If I don't have a mortgage to pay, I'm not as tied up!

Ok, I don't have children yet to tie me up (probably due to the fact, that I'm single... But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it!)

To cut the long story short:
@ Truth: I can understand your impatience, but if you are impatient, you'll only find the botched up pieces!
@ Caught up in 'the System': then move out of it!

Good luck & have fun,


EDIT: PS, sry for quoting myself, but it's easier than rewriting everything and those sentences just sum it up so understandably!

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Aldolas]
EDIT No. 2:spelling

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Aldolas]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 01:42 PM
Well let me tell you bro ... When it comes time for that big thing to happen. It will happen and it will make perfect sense to everyone. But wait about 3 years after that and see what this perfect solution leads us too .... Us humans are so smart .... Look at all the things we have done to change our POPULATION ... And look at all the effects that has had on the economy. Oh yeah we didn't even know about all that stuff ... Wonder what else we don't know about ? And here we are studying QUANTUM PHYSICS .... Yet, barely understand the concept. Although there are enough Hypothesis to fill this room up with.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 01:52 PM
I too have been feeling this way for the last few years as well Stellawayten. It is a core feeling of massive changes to come. Most will say paranoid delusion. Yet I am of like mind on this matter.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:00 PM

Truth starts with you. Wake up everyday and follow your own heart on your own journey. Don't be dazzled, amazed or confused by all of the many deceivers hawking "truth" in the world to serve their own purposes. Trust only your own intsincts - it is God's gift of self-preservation. Doubt is good, question everything until the evidence or your heart points you in the direction of truth. Once you have laid a foundation of truth for yourself, never stop questioning and learning. All truth that is not scientific in basis is relevant to person, time and place. Your truth will not necessary be the same as another's truth. Challenge your own beliefs regularly just to know they are still strong and good, but don't force them on others. Your path is your own.

ATS is meant to help you challenge and question but ultimately your answers lie with in you.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:58 PM
Start by finding out what the truth is not. What you see in America is certainly not the truth, it is based on lie on top of lie on top of lie. I've learned that the truth is out there. Finding it is the problem. Everyone discredits conspiracy theorists because this was done out of necessity. You can't have a bunch of conspiracy theorists running around and expect to run a government that is based on falsehoods. I recommend reading first and foremost The bible. Then I would read Morals and Dogma, None Dare call it a conspiracy, It's a conspiracy, What every American should know about who is really running the world. This is a good start. This would create a sense of the direction you wish to go. None of us on here really know the truth.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by stellawayten
I come to ATS looking for answers but what do I get? I really get the same stuff that I get from watching tv. You people really don’t know.

You simply just have to make up your own mind and don't count on others to think for you. You apparently are doing your homework by researching and finding as much info as possible but in the end, you just have to make up your own mind. Most people here have their opinions and the opinions vary depending on whether you lean right, left or center.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 04:43 PM
Good post!
My advice is be true to your self.
Look into your own heart as to what is and is not true.
You are welcome to follow my postings and replies to see what I hold true.
In the end life and how you live it, the mistakes and the rewards are all up to your free choice.
You may find a foundation from Jefferson's "red book" or Bible, or more from Lao Tzu.
But I will tell you what I know to be true, there is life after death and to complete the task you have come here for is very important in the end. The best you can do is to forgive and live with all your heart and to love Our Lord (The Jew) with all your spirit. Make the very best of the journey through this world of fog and miss-directions.

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Comforter]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 05:14 PM
If you want the truth don't believe in the media, did they tell the truth about 9/11?

Think about it

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by keops
If you want the truth don't believe in the media, did they tell the truth about 9/11?

Yes they did.

What's your point?

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by 4thDoctorWhoFan
Yes they did.

What's your point?

my point, I don't have time to explain to you if you want the truth check out

if you believe in the media, you're brainwashed

why don't you argue in the 9/11 forum?

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by stellawayten

Your dilemma is an important truth. We believe there is someone out there that knows the answers and we look for him, but then we realize, we must find our own truth. We must chose which information we will trust, which information we think is logical, and then use critical thinking to create the truth that will guide our future thinking and give us our own reality.

You have learned to be skeptical and think. This is more then many one source people do.

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