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All About Fire

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posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by AGENT_T
Cold resistance will be tested if I get the chance to take it up Ben Nevis in Jabruary

Better still would be to test your equipment's handling abilities with cold maybe you could experiment by holding your hands in a bowl of iced water until the shiver-response kicks in and then see if you can successfully start a fire with your gear with hypothermic-limited dexterity

As well as that, it may also be useful to test fire-lighting equipment after it has been thrown in the deep-freeze for an hour or two?

Knowing how your hands will or wont work with intricate methods, or how your fire-starting gear will respond to damp/cold may just make the difference between life-saving fire and death from hypothermia

posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by citizen smith

This is why I actually prefer to use the fire steel.Nice chunky items to hold with frozen fingers.

Oh BTW..Another tip.
Instead of running the blade/saw over the steel,
Hold the blade/saw firmly on top of the fire steel,press down and pull the FIRESTEEL backwards.

If,as I suggest, you are holding a tissue or tinder around the blade/saw,you will get the sparks to lands in exactly the same place instead of spread out,making an even larger chance of a one strike success rate.
It also stops you causing a draft and knocking your tinder everywhere.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by PaddyInf
The zippo will work with any flamable liquid and is really reliable

One thing you should bear in mind with Zippos is their tendancy to leak as they are not fully sealed units...I stopped carrying one to light my cigs for this reason when a friend noted that I had a 'faint whiff of petrol' about me.

If do pack one, keep it secured in a small zip-loc bag to prevent fuel evaporation and tainting of clothes/food

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by citizen smith

I keep one packed away in an airtight container along with fluid and flints. I don't carry this on me for that reason. It's considered long term help. I like to have as many options as possible for doing anything I do. Too often we develop tunnel vision about things and limit our capabilities. The lighter is stored dry. I'll fill it if/when needed. Back in my smoking days I've even used after shave as fuel. Works pretty good if it's all you have.

It just occurred to me that I can remember back before anyone ever heard of the name Bic. Our only choices outside primitive methods was a Zippo type lighter or matches. Choices are good.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 10:41 AM
was experminting this weekend with a magnesuim fire stick . i found that if you put your shavings on a dryer sheet that it lights up right quick and makes a good fire.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 12:23 PM
My daughter and I spent part of last weekend working with fire.

We tried a couple of different methods of fire starting, beginning with the steel wool and nine volt batteries. Great success with that, very easy.
We tried 0000 steel wool (the softest), medium, and coarse. The medium and coarse kept snagging on the terminals of the battery and didn't catch but the soft stuff caught even when just resting against the battery without any motion at all.
The downside to steel wool is that it must be kept absolutely dry or it rusts and rots.

We also practiced with the magnesium block, shaving it with a utility knife. I made a small disk (dryer lint the size of a nickel or quarter) to shave onto and that kept the shavings from moving in a slight breeze.
It's important to aim the striking sparks right onto the pile of shavings.

Thirdly we made a coffee can stove just like the one Semper posted, it was so easy and kept a very hot fire in it with minimal effort.
I bought a pack of nuts and bolts and fastened four cans together and made a four burner stove out of it. We made coffee, hot soup, dishwashing water, and bathing water all at the same time. A must for family situations with kids.

My daughter wasn't very interested at first but by the time we were done and dousing the fire with sand from the sandbox she was requesting her own pocket knife and magnesium bar.

[edit on 10/16/07 by julesmac8]

[edit on 10/16/07 by julesmac8]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 03:33 PM
Found an interesting method to start a fire using a can of coke and a chocolate bar. And it doesn't involve bribing a boy scout either.

You can find out about it here:

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 09:39 AM
I need to make a correction regarding my original post. At the time of writing it I was under the mistaken impression that the only thing that you could start an ember from flint and steel with was charred cloth (or at least some type of char). I've since learned that many things will catch a spark from flint and steel.

One of these things is cattail fluff. I guess much experimentation is in order. Can any of you share your experiences about what has worked for you?

I don't know how I went so long without learning that as that knowledge opens up a whole new world of fire starting possibilities. I guess it just goes to show that no matter how much we think we know about a subject, there's still more to learn.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by SemperParatus

I put together my own notes from various sources for easy reference. The following is what I have stored and or packed in my "go bag".

1. Fire starter - small tool easy to carry
2. Fire sticks - used to start an outdoor fire
3. Fuel tabs - can be used indoors for cooking or outdoors and to start a fire.
4. Waterproof matches
5. Tin can burner made from a tuna can, cardboard from paper towel or toilet paper and wax. I have made a few of these for cooking outdoors.
6. Tin can burner with wicks (homemade).
7. Camper's candles: 5 hour, 36 and 120 hour (300 hour can not be carried because the fuel may leak, but are great for home use). I would light the candle first.
8. Homemade candles in glass jars (jelly jars, relish, mayo, etc.).

And, of course, normal matches, lighters, lighter fluid, charcoal, stored wood and wood chips.

Heavy to carry, but, good for home use if you are unable to travel or hike:

a) Soap stone which will retain heat for hours, they used to make bed warmers from it. Available in several forms and sizes from dishes to bowls (expensive), trays (common), and pieces in various sizes (ebay).

b) Lava rock also will burn, stay hot longer than charcoal (hardware store).

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by SemperParatus

There are several websites that sell it. This is one of the web sites. It has the dutch oven with legs.

"Seasoned Camp Dutch Oven w/legs & lid" available in 2 qt and 4 qt.

If you are using a BBQ grill you do not necessarily have to have the legs, and over a campfire I have read that a tripod is recommended.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 08:06 AM
I am interested in learning some survival techniques later on, yet my ambitions are rather extreme, though i think well justified.
if something major happens, causing the total decimation of the civilized world, or a significant portion of it, i think it would be good to know how to light fires, among doing other things too, using nothing but natural stuff. flint and a hard rock, granite basalt for example, or some other non sedimentry rock you may come across would be the best solution. they would be easy to carry (something a bit smaller than a billiards ball would do, though flatter especially for the stone that is struck upon) as they are ready to be used at any time and are rather east to carry in a pack of some kind.

the bow technique is good, with practice, though may be tedious to set up in a hurry.

in my opinion, lighters, matches or any artificial implement is unreliable, as it can break or ware out and getting a new one may be a pain. to be able to strike a fire using nothing but nature would be a pleasant advantage to anyone stuck in a nasty situation. it may take more practice but definatly worth it.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 05:40 AM
Very good thread .

I could build a fire without to many difficulties many problem would starting the fire without matches. The steel wool and batteries method appeals because I have plenty of batteries lying around.
For the steel wool could I tear up a kitchen cloth that is made out of that material and use it in part to light a fire ?

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by funny_pom

causing the total decimation of the civilized world, or a significant portion of it

If this were to occur there is no place for people to go. Somehow I do not envision millions of people marauding through the woods. Also, because an area is heavily forested does not mean it does not belong to someone, some group/corp./gov't., etc. Trespassers may be shot.

Which brings to mind another point, does anyone know where in each state there is free for all land to camp on?

What if one goes and then returns home to find it occupied by squatters, how would one go about evicting them?

in my opinion, lighters, matches or any artificial implement is unreliable

I will take the easiest route and still include these items in my "go bag". The less stress the better. It does not hurt to have them and learn the other ways in addition.

[edit on 11-11-2007 by Siren]

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 08:18 PM
was burnin off over weekend...learnt heaps about's ways/ is a Medicine Mans teaching on FIRE..... FIRE

Fire has its own Life. Fire has NEVER ment to harm. AnyONE or AnyTHING. EVER! When released it just gos WILD in JOY! In BEING! In EXSPEARENCEING LIFE! In truth, Fire is the MOST LIKE GODCreator Ive ment...for the sheer PLEASURE of BEING! One can MEET this Being by setting all nite b4 it. Watching. Others' must feed it. YOU juse set and WATCH. U must never doze off if you truely care to meet it. IT KNOWS YOU ARE THERE. Totoly AWARE of YOU. If you presist in wathing and exspearencing IT....eventualy it will RESPOND. YOU WILL MEET ITS' BEING. Its HEARTBEING. You will Actualy SEE IT THERE INSIDE ITS GREAT JOY FLICKER! will KNOW ; FIRE!
it TOO can converse. IF you r OPEN TO THIS. This takes ADMERATION and AWE and GREAT LOVE FOR IT! IT in turn APPREACEATES! IT wants 2 Leggeds to KNOW it has done nother but LOVE. IT loves to HEAT. Loves to help COOK. Loves to give LIGHT. Loves to give SECURITY. And too, to Be FREE!
It is in this FREEDOM JOY it causes harm. HARM NOT INTENDED or even CONSITERD Doing.
Like all things, it ENJOYS LIFE and dos not WANT to Die. Thus it reaches out....SPREADING, to CONTINUE LIVEING! All it EVER WANTS TO DO is LOVE ITS' LIFE. That, to ITS Fullness. As IT dies, IT feels CONTRITE OF HEART. SAD if IT has dong HARM and / or WRONG DOING. IT feels so SORRY and HOPES All will understand ITS' "Reason". That they will understand and FORGIVE! IT then passes away. Out. Dead. HO

KNOW THIS : IT has no IDIA How and When ITS nxt. Life exspearence will be. IT HAS no CHOICE of ITS "Begining". It simple Accepts IT ONCE AGAIN HAS LIFE! Be it by Accident, Naurel, Weapondry, Arsinest. Its BEGINGING...its BIRTHING IT has no CHOICE or PICK OF.


posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Siren

in my opinion, lighters, matches or any artificial implement is unreliable

I will take the easiest route and still include these items in my "go bag". The less stress the better. It does not hurt to have them and learn the other ways in addition.

Yes, of cause they are stress free and easy to use, but given a large scale, long term situation X I think that it would be a huge benefit to be able to use other means. If you lost your lighter, your matches ran out or your magnesium stick became useless, then you wouldn't be able to light a fire, which would become a problem.

IMO, if I were to have to use natural methods, then I would use them over the artificial ones, just because I can. there are methods of lighting fires in a hurry naturally too, you can keep a fire burning in a piece of bark with some moss stuffed inside which once blown on and some kindling is added, can create an instant fire.

I think that the only disadvantage to natural methods is work needed, and therefore the requirement of time. Though in a situation where you lived off in the woods somewhere, time wouldn't be an issue. Unfortunetly our society has caused us to desire time and to live our lives by its awesome scheduling power, something which you must learn to rid yourself of.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by funny_pom

I think that it would be a huge benefit to be able to use other means

Can anybody out there read and comprehend?
It does not hurt to have them and in addition learn the other methods.

Unfortunetly our society has caused us to desire time and to live our lives by its awesome scheduling power, something which you must learn to rid yourself of.

I don't know which "you" this is for, but, for myself, I, currently, do not have any time issues.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by Siren

Unfortunetly our society has caused us to desire time and to live our lives by its awesome scheduling power, something which you must learn to rid yourself of.

I don't know which "you" this is for, but, for myself, I, currently, do not have any time issues.

reply to post by Siren


then i assume you will not require a method of making a fire really fast, just because its really fast. besides, it may not be you who i am referring to. the thing is that most people are, so im using you as a generalized term. but this is getting somewhat off point.

the point is, one day, when you are wondering round the woods you will find that your matches have ran out, your flint and steel has been worn out, or lost (which is another skill to learn, finding flint in the first place) and your magnesium stick is all used up. you have no batteries, no cigarette lighter no magnifying glass.
for a time measured in months, such implements would, im my opinion be usefull, but after that then you would have to use natural methods. im not just saying that such methods are useful, but necessary.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 08:41 AM
In a real survival situation you will have no idea where your next resources will be coming from. Any capabilities for quick and easy fire building will be depleted at some point. It's a finite resource and should be treated as such and conserved. For those times when you're cold and wet or starving or hurt or whatever the reason you can't improvise, your life may well depend on a quick and easy fire. Therefore it would be prudent to always improvise if possible and save those resources until you're in dire need of them. We're not talking about a weekend camping trip. Survival is serious business and there's little room for poor decisions or wasted resources.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 07:58 PM
Flint and steel?
I must have seen that said over a hundred times. Well I have a bit to say about it. Try getting one of those. It works great. And it is cheap and take little skill to use. I have use it a many of time to start a fire. I am surprised they are not sold in every camping store there is.

fire starter

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