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Aliens contributing to technology

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posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 03:59 PM
And most of your Computer is made out of Iron oxide and magnets. Nothing is made from out of this world.

also a good point imagine 10,000 yrs in the future what tech we will have if we live past 2012

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:01 PM
You can take Sticky tape and Coat it in Rust or Iron oxide and it will record it on a standard tape player. and play back

The Hard drive is a more advanced concept is the same tho.

Even Flash Drives use the Same concept.

Iron oxide and a magnet.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:13 PM
I think that we all agree that there is NO way that aliens will be using our primative hardware technology.

But couldnt it be possible that the "secret bases" do have alien tech which they have reverse engineered but the exact components that they use are the things that we are not capable of manufacturing or may not even be available on this planet. So they have substituted what they could and have used our own science to extend and build on it.

This may also be why we are constantly reinventing things like computer memory / flight technology etc.... with each iteration we are able to optimise and find short cuts from the oringinal technology which could
have been thousands of years more advanced than our own.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:14 PM
So the argument is, the government releases it a little at a time. Anything we did get from that craft should be leaps and bounds ahead of a 200gb harddrive. The government shouldnt be able to spoonfeed us technology 30 years old, if they have technology 10000 years better. There wouldn't be a hard drive or microchip on that UFO to give us to copy. If I give you a HD-DVD player your not going to reverse engineer 8track out of it and give it to the public. Anything we got should have been light years ahead. For them to release it a little at a time, that means alien technology is compatible with our technology. We didn't have to shift everything to integrate it. 100000 years advance and our technology integrates with theirs? Windows plug and play isn't that good.

[edit on 19-9-2007 by b309302]

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by b309302

I agree that people are smarter than you think, but it helps to be given a kick start. i dont think that its been leaked at intervals i think that it was initially released in small amounts accounting for the sudden technological leap that we experienced in the 60's and 70's.

If, for the sake of the argument the gov did release the tech in 'bursts', it wouldnt be with the same technology, so the release of say the 8086 processor wouldnt be immediatly linked to the core 2. It would be more like release the cpu which people then use to build pcb's, this leads to what we have today, in the mean time other techs are released that dont relate to it i.e. geometric shapes affecting stealth etc ....

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:25 PM
The amount of technology on an alien spacecraft would be fairly limited. The hull or airframe, drive system, navigation system and life support. Maybe a few odds and ends but that is basically it.
Check out any civilian aircraft and see how much of it you could use in daily life. Not much.
The only thing that is could be used for is military application in aircraft design and propulsion. The chance of alien tech filtering down to every day life is pretty slim.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Direwolf

the navigation system ! if that was computer controlled, it wouldnt take much for it to be "reversed". As was previously posted "people can be smarter thatn you think" it would only take a single person to say ..."hey, i bet we could use that to do some pretty nasty math" from that point on it would snowball

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:38 PM
The point is alien technology shouldnt even be compatible with our own. If it is thats scary. Our own won't even be compatible with our own in 50 years. These craft shouldnt even have microchips on them to reverse engineer, we wont be using them in 50 years, why should they? We should get much much more advanced technology. To integrate this alien technology there should be a major shift in our own, didn't happen. Government reversed engineered it, plus reversed engineered 10000 years of technology to upgrade us slowly so we wouldn't know where its coming from? No way. Like I said, you cant use a HDDVD player and reverse engineer 8 track out of it.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by PLaprad

It does explain some things. Take for instance computers. In the 50's and 60's we're using vacuum tubes, then all of a sudden someone develops the microchip and completely revolutionizes the computer. Some say that was something given to us.

What appears to be "all of a sudden" to you is not a way to measure technological improvement. What were they supposed to do, toil in the lab for years and call you every week with an update?

I can spend years working on something, then "all of a sudden" it shows up on the market. To the general public it just showed up, however, as with many products, they don't see the research and evelopment that goes into anything behind the scenes. So that argument is just plain foolish and displays ignorance in how things work.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by b309302

maybe not but you can extract principles and ideas.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:51 PM
Even if we had alien technology, there is no way to reverse engineer it. You can maybe say look here is how it works... you think we could copy it? It would be made with manufacturing techniques that we arent even close to understanding. I could drop a new computer back in the 40's and there is no way they could copy it. Figure out how it works maybe, but no way to actually replicate the parts. Thats only a 70 year gap, with our own technology, now imagine a 10000+ year gap with alien technology. We wouldnt even know where the on button was, much less reverse engineer it.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:58 PM
Even if we took ideas and principles because we cant figure out the technology... nothing happened. We didn't shift our whole way of thinking and go, ohhh lets try this. Everything we have evolved from what we had before. No one said heres a whole new way to do it, or a whole new idea lets change everything. Didn't happen. We have a natural progression of ideas and experiments leading to technology. Any influx of technology or even radical ideas is nowhere to be found. While we might have a UFO captured, its not doing much more then sitting in a hanger somewhere looking pretty.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by b309302

reverse engineering is all about watching behaviours, giving certain inputs and getting certain outputs. this is generally what hackers use when attacking websites. A simple url alteration trying to cause an SQL injection its the simplest or even a unicode tree traversal of IIS etc ...... you provide a simple input and try to get an output in an expected range.

the same can be said of "alien" technology. watching the behaviour of a device and extrapolating an outcome and mapping that to what we already know, this will allow you to build a profile of the device and map that onto technology you have knowledge of. Working out the instruction set of "alien" cpus will allow you to replicate its inner workings.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by scepticsRus
I agree that people are smarter than you think, but it helps to be given a kick start. i dont think that its been leaked at intervals i think that it was initially released in small amounts accounting for the sudden technological leap that we experienced in the 60's and 70's.

What technological leap forward? The integrated chip had already been invented. What happened during this period is that it went form a technological curiosity experimented on by hobbyists to mainstream, particularly in the realm of the personal computer. Once the personal computer could be visualized as a serious business tool (initially because of Visicalc), THAT is what made productivity take off. It was a chicken and egg issue at first, and software probably had more to do with the growth and pervasiveness of the PC than anything else. As the need for chips increased the cost of memory plummeted so that now I can buy a PC for $200 I couldn't touch for $10000 in 1979, when I bought my first Apple II and 16K (kilo, not mega, not giga) cost $200. Once again--no aliens required to explain what happened.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by schuyler

but your talking about publicly released hardware, i remember when i had a commadore vic 20 it was very nasty, but exactly what hardware was available that was being held back and released in small doses to the public through upgrades etc ......

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by scepticsRus
but exactly what hardware was available that was being held back and released in small doses to the public through upgrades etc ......

It's called "technological progress". If I went back in time and showed Ancient Greeks a calculator, they would have thought I was one of the Gods.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:11 PM
Here's a thought, maybe nothing was reverse engineered at all. Maybe they gave us ideas about what they did in the "Old school"

Imagine walking through the jungle and you find a "Primitive" for lack of a better word. He's trying to catch a deer for dinner, but it keeps slipping out of his hands. You pull him aside and show him how to make a bow and arrow and give him a crash course in using it. He gets the deer, and takes the bow back to his tribe where the build on the idea until you come back a few years later and they all have longbows with fletched arrows and have bi-weekly competitions. Also the guy you showed it too is named Robin for some reason.

Maybe they gave us something out of their museums and let us go from there.

Also, I don't particularly believe that everything was given to us, I just believe it's possible and I'd like to explore all avenues of this idea.

PS, I suddenly love the spell checker.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:12 PM
I think men and women are far smarter than we give credit. I also am convinced that we are a people who suffer amnesia. That would explain the advance civilizations found in antiquity. Are "aliens" responsible for our tech? I doubt it but then again I don't know for sure. What I do know is that if it happens to be true. Then our government or the PTB will never disclose this information to the public. Leaving people like you and I just to speculate and suffer ridicule for our ideas and beliefs.

I can only hope above all hope that someday a little green guy will land at CNN or FOX news and present himself for all the world to see. Removing all doubt and speculation. Could you imagine the PR work our government and others involved would have to do to spin a plausible tale to keep the masses from linching them?

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:12 PM
I think the main point of the thread was to ask where exactly this influx of alien technology altered our own. Many people claim we reversed engineered technology from UFO's and I am just asking what it is we have today, that is supposedly reverse engineered? I just dont see any modern technology that just appeared out of left field. I was just wondering if anyone could pinpoint exactly where alien technology was integraated into our own and have some sort of explination as to why you believe that.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by b309302 If we really did steal technology then apparently we might be more advanced then them. We have core 2 duo now... lol

Now thats funny!

BTW, I agree with you.

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