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Project Camelot interviews Bob Dean [video]

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posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 06:10 PM
I am quite experienced at reading body language, and dealing with sociopaths and pathological liars and people like that, and to me Dean and Schafer come across as sincere. They sincerely believe everything they're saying.

Now, that doesn't mean that they haven't been fed disinformation, or been victims of mind control experiments or things like that, as is always possible with UFO/ET witnesses.....

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by davidbiedny
She says that she can't mention a single client or project she's worked on, that she is bound by NDAs to keep secret about her professional background, which I say is absolute nonsense.

I`m not sure why she didn`t mention any of her clients in the interview. However, on her website you can see plenty of testimonials.

Beyond Zebra website

I choose to believe what she is saying is true for her. Her childhood experiences match those of mine.


posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 09:01 PM
Bridas, you can choose to believe in anything, whether or not it's credible. Belief requires absolutely zero intellectual effort. I believe in Bob Dobbs and the Church of the Subgenius™, but that belief is based on entertainment value, not anything actually important or relevant. When it comes to UFOs, I choose to be thoughtful, analytical and critical. Anything less is simply not acceptable, or useful. Belief gets us not one inch closer to understanding.

The testimonials on that page are pretty far from representing major clients, they're mostly individuals or small businesses. In the video, she talks about high-end clients and NDAs, I see only one entity that might be considered a major client, everyone else is small fries. She talks about her extensive credentials. I don't see them detailed or listed anywhere on her site, but here are the products you can buy from her. Quality wares, indeed.

I suppose that one could also choose to believe that she talks to turtles, cats and dogs. If you buy into that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'll sell ya, really cheap.

I often talk to chocolate. I tell it I love it, and then, I chew it with glee, scarf it down, and dive in for the next bite. Does that make me gifted, or simply hungry?

[edit on 30-9-2007 by davidbiedny]

[edit on 30-9-2007 by davidbiedny]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by davidbiedny
When it comes to UFOs, I choose to be thoughtful, analytical and critical. Anything less is simply not acceptable, or useful. Belief gets us not one inch closer to understanding.

My beliefs are based on my personal experiences. These may differ from other people`s. As I said, Marcia Schafer`s childhood experiences mentioned in her book are very similar to my own. I like to take information from numerous sources and compare it with my own experiences and this is one of those times. Nothing more, nothing less.

You yourself talk about having many paranormal experiences:

As someone who has undergone a significant range of paranormal activity in my life, I find that I am even more critical than I might have been otherwise, and have the emotional experience to be able to differentiate between someone recounting a fantasy versus an actual experience.

The Paracast


[edit on 30-9-2007 by bridas]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by davidbiedny

I think Dean and this woman have found the niche within the "doe eyed" community, and not to be untrenched anytime soon. The good part for them is that Dean seems to be percieved by them as some sort of insider that is validating beliefs. It looks to me like more emptiness.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 05:52 AM

Sadly, I know that you're right. The complete and total lack of critical thinking going on here is astounding, really frightening. Dean's wife claims to have total recall of all of her past lives, and she claims that she can look at anyone and see all of their past lives. I mean, who in the hell believes this nonsense? She can talk to pigeons, zebras and ferrets. Yup, and I talk to guitars, Macintosh computers and my pillow.

Bridas, I have indeed had a fairly wide variety of paranormal experiences. I do NOT claim that they have imbued me with some special conduit to the Universe, I cannot recall all of my past lives, I was not George Washington's rifle, and I'm not selling a variety of New Age products and services. I am trying to apply some actual logical thinking and reason to the understanding of the paranormal, and to see people like these, who, IMO, are clearly making stuff up and taking advantage of those who would buy into such silliness, bothers me to no end. Anyone who can tell me that they have watched the video of these two winners sitting on the couch and pontificating, and find it compelling and believable, well, P.T. Barnum continues to be right from beyond the grave.

[edit on 1-10-2007 by davidbiedny]

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 06:36 AM
I find both posts from you two gentlemen here to be rather patronising. Nobody here is being led around the garden path. There is more to reality than meets the eye. There are people on this very website, on this very thread, who can identify with their experiences. Now if they are peddling disinfo and selling a lie (and I agree with MrdDstrbr - they still could well be doing that), then it is up to the critical thinking skills of that individual to eventually work it out for themselves, in their own sweet time - to come to their own conclusions, not be berated for having a different take on things from 'the norm'. To describe the open-minded folk on this thread as "doe-eyed and buying into silliness and new age nonsense" is frankly insulting. Shame on both of you.

[edit on 1-10-2007 by RiotComing]

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 07:24 AM
Jeff & I are pretty darned far from being "the norm", we're both experiencers of paranormal activity who are interested in coming to some form of actual understanding regarding what we've witnessed. We're being absolutely honest in our assessments of much of the nonsense that passes as wisdom in this realm, and stating our opinions in an open manner. If this is insulting to you, well, that's too bad. This is an open forum, for open discussion, and given the fact that people like Dean and his wife make it even harder for us to have discussions about these topics with the mainstream world, we're going to express ourselves in a straight and direct fashion. ANYONE who can relate to talking to the animals and seeing a person's past lives by just glancing at them, is clearly not using the brain inside of their head to evaluate and analyze that which is presented to them as fact. You want us to be quiet so that everyone can come to their own conclusions? Don't make me laugh, you've obviously never listened to my Podcast show. Feel free to express your opinions, and Jeff & I will do the same. Comprende?

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 09:03 AM
Oh I have listened to your "Paracast", when you guys interviewed Dr Steven Greer last year... only to (cowardly) take him apart off-air. I was disgusted. I remember you asked him a question regarding 'how do you identify the disinformation from the reliable info" and his answer was to the effect that they are likely to be making money from people's FEAR - that the aliens are the 'bad guys'. This answer went unchallenged (like all of the interview).

Now, let's go to Bob Dean. None of his info particularly is anything to be fearful of. Completely the opposite actually. The report he spoke of concluded that the ET threat was not hostile. His story is about bringing hope and love and coming to terms with what he knows in a positive light. That, even on the brink of human annihilation, we can and will transcend it regardless - with ET intervention. He believes in the survival and future of the human species. There is nothing in his message to be frightened of (unless you're a religious sort of person and find it hard to swallow that we were a genetically engineered hybrid race - I guess that would be frightening / unacceptable / out of line for some).

Now if you truly believe the ET are hostile, you should've challenged Dr Greer on air while you had the chance. It would have been an interesting debate, regarding if military were carrying out the abductions themselves to 'demonize' the aliens, or whether the grays were doing it as per the (supposed) '54 treaty. Or perhaps it's a bit of both.

After labelling CSETI as a 'cult' (not to Dr Greer's face obviously) on your Paracast show, I hope you are not contemplating tarring supporters of Bob Dean and Marcia with the same brush. Personally, I'm merely interested in hearing from all sides and personalities to fill in the puzzle. This is something I think Project Camelot does quite well.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 09:32 AM
Oh, now I understand - you're part of the "space brothers are here to save us from ourselves" groupies, and Greer is a good guy out to save humanity. Got ya, loud and clear. Its easy to believe that we will be saved, MUCH easier than actually taking responsibility for our own actions and trying to fix our mistakes ourselves. Humans are like children, looking for someone to save their bacon, wanting a paternal figure to make it all better. Greer is a link to the saviours, he'll teach us all to be ambassadors. Yessiree.

Well, Jeff & I got to watch Greer at the recent X-Conference. He spoke like a cult leader, and was greeted as one. For all the video and still images he claims to have, amazingly, not a single frame of video or image was shown to the collected audience. Not a single shred of hard evidence, just wild, unsubstantiated claims and an appeal to buy his CDs, books and attend his vectoring sessions. He went out of his way to tell us all how expensive it was to send his daughters to college, and how he needs money something urgent. Yeah, he's completely believable. Just like the Dean's wife, the gerbil whisperer.

As far as The Paracast, Gene & I give our guests the opportunity to speak their minds and lay out their stuff, and if we challenged them at every turn, it would make for a lousy interview. Greer had the chance to come on our show a second time, and got intensely defensive when asked about his financial motives. I offered to help him put his many hours of materials online, as well as go on one of their outings and get some clear, clean footage of the structured crafts he claims appear all the time. He declined the offers. Big surprise.

[edit on 1-10-2007 by davidbiedny]

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 10:03 AM
Actually, they did challenge Greer on the air in a follow up episode. As far as I recall, he became highly defensive and near yelling when the aspect of money and his 800.00 "vectoring" "galactic diplomat" were brought up.

I just saw Greer a couple of weeks ago, and I have no doubt the man is...well lets put it this way: in his lecture he mentions that CSETI has debris from a crashed disc (but he cant talk about it), pictures of an alien baby (but he cant divulge anything about it nor show the pictures), is working with a European country about disclosure (but cant say what nation), and had a near death experience never mentioned in prior years (which he got by biking 400...yes, 400 miles and getting an infection which was so bad that "my urine was the color of root beer", yet didnt go to the hospital). Oh, wait, his injury was "healed" no hospital record of his claim.

So, he cant talk about any of this but sure had no issue bringing it up for sensational purposes and selling/promoting his DVDs and outings. Tell ya what I think, he's full of it. He has not shown so much as a photograph of any of the claims he's made over the years, and continually promotes and talks about all his clandestine activities...and not a shred of anything to prove a damned thing. And what he's claimed...he should have it.

Full of it.

Dean is not quite as bad in my opinion. Seems like a nice enough guy. But is there any reason to believe him? No. Again, like I've said countless times here, there's no corroborative evidence to back him up. There's also issues with the story itself.

Could he have had experiences? Sure. The field he's been lecturing to for years is pretty interested in that sort of thing. So, he just reveals this now? Ok, whatever. Maybe he had issues with talking about it.

Based on what he's said in prior years though, and what I've said above I cannot allow myself to believe it. I see no reason to. I think it's much what Greer does, which is to make statements to shake up their fans and garner more attention when it's waning.

Both these guys claim to have the answers no one else does. Both claim to know things as fact (and spout them regularly) that they cannot back up with a damned thing.

It's more then idiotic to believe them based on whats's irresponsible.

When a photo or video comes out of a UO, by god everyone wants 100% proof it's real and not CG or a model or any other myriad of explainations.

Yet with these UFO personalities people are all too willing to swallow them whole. I dont get it, and I'm excruciatingly more and more frustrated by it.

I know whats happened to me. I know what my family/friends and I have seen and experienced (including David). I dont have the answers. I dont have any revelations to impart, nor answers, and I dont expect anyone to believe me either.

I can only relate what happened to the best accuracy I can. Thats all. (Sorry no embellished shocking details here) What I do know is I think it's really important that we try and find out whats going on. Like many others you *dont* hear about, it severely impacted my life.

As far as I'm concerned, my own opinion is that the importance of this subject is highly marginalized by people like Greer and Dean. It's insulting.

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by davidbiedny
Bridas, I have indeed had a fairly wide variety of paranormal experiences. I do NOT claim that they have imbued me with some special conduit to the Universe, I cannot recall all of my past lives.


I think I understand where you are coming from. Not only is seeing believing, but verifying through means of rigorous and critical scientific methodology. Science is finding out more and more about how our universe works and it is extremely exciting, but with each new body of work there come more and more questions. A case in point being -

Parallel universes exist - study
Parallel universes really do exist, according to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists described by one expert as "one of the most important developments in the history of science".

Link to news

This is mind-blowing, but how can this be proven? And if parallel universes exist how do they impact upon ours? Where does it all end or begin, or is there even a linear time involved?

This scientist has found the answer in mathematics. In essence he has used his mind to come up with the answer. That is fantastic to me!! Given another thousand years of such research, would someone be able to develop their mind (Never mind what technology they might have at hand.) enough to be able to use such knowledge to traverse these parallel universes and influence their own timeline? Could such a person birth themself in our present timeline and retain the ability to traverse the parallel universes? What else could be done? I know I`m imagining such outcomes, but I`m just trying to think of the possibilities.

In the end, where does science meet mysticism and is there really a difference?


posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 03:42 AM
Here`s a short interview done with the Sunday Times newspaper.


A Life in the Day: Marcia Schafer
The "alien anthropologist" Marcia Schafer, 49, is an MBA business consultant and alien contactee who runs Beyond Zebra, a company offering "unusual consulting for an emerging world". She lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with her husband, Robert Dean

Sunday Times Online

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 12:08 AM
These interviews are incredible. I've watched it a couple times.

I feel like the woman interviewing is too eager and isn't handling Bob's incredibly information with the right amount of humility.

Everyone should hear this interview at least once.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 06:39 AM
Hi guys im new after reading this forum for a few months now.

First of all id like to say i watched this video a few months ago and Mr Dean does come across as though hes telling the truth. He presents himself extremly well and is a very good speaker.

However some of the claims hes making are just so outrageous i find it hard to believe. I think there maybe some truth in what hes saying though.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by RiotComing
Oh I have listened to your "Paracast", when you guys interviewed Dr Steven Greer last year... only to (cowardly) take him apart off-air.

I'm not surprised at all. Some people get a genuine rush off being the snyde cynic who is more 'reasonable' than others. Even when they rely on the others to provide them with content to be cynical towards.

It's a sad state of affairs. I don't doubt that Bob Dean has had his share of cynics attempt to bully him or pick him apart behind his back, but as he said in the interview, he often preaches to the choir. There are more people who believe and understand than the cynics will ever admit.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by davidbiedny
Humans are like children, looking for someone to save their bacon, wanting a paternal figure to make it all better. Greer is a link to the saviours, he'll teach us all to be ambassadors. Yessiree.

This statement reeks of a kind of patronizing dishonesty that I am GLAD I do not harbor within myself

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 04:27 PM
Anyone remember the alien interview video? The alleged video of an ET being kept at Area 51.

Well this video shows some similarities between Robert Dean and the whistle blower "Victor"

Robert Dean "Victor"?

What do you think?

[edit on 30/11/2007 by jon_1983]

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by jon_1983
Anyone remember the lien interview video? The alleged video of an ET being kept at Area 51.

Well this video shows some similarities between Robert Dean and the whistle blower "Victor"

Robert Dean "Victor"?

What do you think?

Id say its him... I trust Robert Dean more than most of these disclosure witnesses

[edit on 30-11-2007 by area51videoz]

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by area51videoz

Id say its him... I trust Robert Dean more than most of these disclosure witnesses

[edit on 30-11-2007 by area51videoz]

Is that good or bad though? Because "Victor" is supposed to be an Area 51 Employee/scientist. Dean never claims to be Victor. Has Dean ever claimed to have worked at Area 51?

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