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China throws down to NWO

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posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 07:36 PM
I am a little behind on this one but check this out.

Ben Fulford great grandson of GE Fulford one of the former rich owners of GE, said he had a message for the NWO from the chinese secret society. He claimed they would send their assasins to take out the Rockefellers if they kept there world slavery agenda going.

This explained to me the sudden attacks on Chineese products from so many different directions. There is way to much info linking NWO to companies involved. Just look at brookings institute board of trustees China connections.

Basically the intersections I have seen are Rothschild NWO'ers (Clinton'esk European instead of NeoCon or Kissenger)

I finally got my chuckle after reviewing a Colbert clip.

This poem was shown

I look at this as a reply to the eastern power threats. One secret society standing against another.

Samuri's are Japaneese and much of Japan is Rockefeller faction, so I am not sure, but I still chuckled from this context. It may be telling Japan to abandon Rockefeller. It may be wider encompasing the asian society as a whole responding to the threat from Fulford.

In other Colbert funnies Virgin Airline named a plane after him, signing him up with their faction the Rothschilds.

Jane Fonda comented on how nice his lips were, admiring his speech and showing what that faction has to offer.

Anyway I find all this shifting of power in the factions interesting.

In the poem
Roof is the upper levels in the NWO
No Supper threats of famine, food shortage.
Care as Father The ritual at Bohemia.
Order as Mother New world order.
Told to be quiet.
Told they have no priest, speakers in the world.

I found it all interesting.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 08:16 PM
I think the US government ought not mess with the Chinese. Here is an article from Pravda which give a hint at what the Chinese can do to the American economy. This is very serious stuff. China is an ally of Iran also, and buys most of its oil from that nation so if the US starts bombing Iran, China could just sell all of its US treasuries and cripple our economy. I sincerely doubt that MSM will feature this information. Do I believe Pravda - not usually, but this is known through out the US financial markets, and the US financial houses don't want to think of the consequences of China dumping US dollars.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 08:22 PM

This thread makes a lot of sense to me....well done. If countries like China and India rise and cripple the elites it will definately open some eyes here in the US.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by oldone

Thinking of it as US goverment, or Communist China is not the way it works IMHO. The banking institute of China is part of the West NWO.

Look at this one example.

John L. Thornton
John L. Thornton is Professor and Director of the Global Leadership Program at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

Mr. Thornton retired in July 2003 as President of the Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and as a member of the firm’s Board of Directors.

Mr. Thornton is a Director of the Ford Motor Company
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Intel, News Corporation and China Netcom Group Corporation.

He is also Chairman of the Brookings Institution Board of Trustees, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a trustee or advisory board member of the Asia Society, China Institute, China Securities Regulatory Commission

The Eisenhower Fellowships, Financial Services Volunteer Corps, The Hotchkiss School, International Advisory Committee of the China Reform Forum, Morehouse College, National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, Nelson Mandela Legacy Foundation (U.S.), Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (Beijing), and the Yale School of Management.

The break is not comming from the Chinese power elites aligned with West Elites as much as the older secret society usually only concerned with internal Chinese affairs.

My guess is the Chinese secret society went to a guy with the right pedigree but without NWO connections. Fulford agreed, then went to the press when they wanted him to open up some back channel.
Just my guess.

[edit on 12-9-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 10:53 PM
Don't forget Russia

Putin is playing hardball

Putin Appoints Rotchild Nemesis

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 09:15 AM
The world depopulation will take care of itself if we get a pole shift in 2012. Just look at all the earthquakes at the moment... it could be because Niburu is approaching. If there is a pole shift, about 90% of the population will die because every volcano on earth will erupt and winds will be extreme for a while.

My guess is that this is what the illuminati is waiting for. After that, it will be much easier to collect the remaining human beings and force them into a World New Order.

But thats just a theory.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 09:25 AM
Well, while the INTENTIONS of the Illuminatti are noble, I have a problem with the methods they will and are using to achieve their goals. Sure, they want to "bring peace" and "spiritual wisdom," but they intend to do so via violence.

Instead of just presenting their case and saying, "You want the truth? Here it is," they are going to say, "You will accept this without question, else, it is death to you." I personally don't think that this was the original intent of the Illuminatti, but, over the last 100 years, that has what it has become.

As far as China challenging them, nah, I think they are just as much a part of it as anyone else. They freaking put LEAD in their products. Need I remind anyone of the dangers of LEAD?

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Redge777

Ben Fulford great grandson of GE Fulford one of the former rich owners of GE, said he had a message for the NWO from the chinese secret society. He claimed they would send their assasins to take out the Rockefellers if they kept there [sic] world slavery agenda going.

Fulford thinks a Masonic ninja broke into his hotel room and offered him the job of Finance Minister of Japan. Fulford is a loon.

You don't really have any way of knowing this, so it isn't your fault. He is so insignificant that not much has been written about him. He probably really is the great grandson of GE Fulford, who was himself going a little soft in the head when he died in a car crash. Young Fulford believes his great grandfather was murdered by the Rockefeller Cabal, who stole the Fulford fortune and made the car crash look like an accident. As far as that story goes, eh, I've heard crazier things that turned out to be true.

So then based mostly on family connections, Fulford got a job writing for Forbes. Some of his pieces were actually pretty good. In 2002 he was one of the first Western writers to stand up and say that Japan's financial crisis was more than a routine market correction. At some point while working for Forbes, though, he went a little nuts. He went a lot nuts. They canned him.

Here is how he says he found out about this "Chinese Secret Society" that is willing to go to "war against the NWO". He says one night a ninja broke into his hotel room. This ninja was sent by the Masons. The ninja offered him a choice: he could either accept the job of Finance Minister of Japan or be killed. That was when the Chinese Secret Society stepped in and offered him protection.

I know what you're thinking. "Peabody, old sport, you're making that last part up. No one would really say that a Masonic ninja broke into his room and offered him an important job in the Japanese cabinet. You've had a little too much Scotch again".

No, seriously, here are Fulford's exact words:

FULFORD: Yes. Let me tell you something. I was offered the job of finance minister in Japan by the Freemasons. Okay?

RENSE: When?

FULFORD: I brought [my case against] David Rockefeller. I actually was able to link him to some murders of bankers and other people in Japan, as a part of his effort to take over the Japanese financial system.

When I confronted the former Japanese finance minister, Heizo Takanaka (ph) with this, he sent a ninja, believe it or not - a real live ninja - who offered me a gold Freemason badge. He told me I could either accept a job of great power or be killed.

At first I thought I had no choice, I had to go along, which is what happens to a lot of people when they get pulled into this. But then the Chinese secret society showed up and offered me protection. So that's why I can talk about this.

Taken from here .

So, yeah. Believing in this theory involves believing in Masonic ninja assassins authorized to hand out cabinet level positions in the Japanese government.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 03:16 AM
Your quotes are from the same interview I heard, but after the ninja encounter he says he got a phone call from the other side offering protection.

After a japaneese freemason offered him a job, then after that the secret society countered the offer in a meeting in Taiwan. He speaks of the rising of the old Ming Dynasty society that is pushing back against western 'plans' of the elite.

He claims there were two meetings from two different sides. His hour long radio interview is on youtube. I find it interesting but of coarse have no way to know if he is a loon, and changing simple interactions to a secret liason. But I still liked the Samuri Song flashed on Colbert, which can also be seen as me just linking together unrelated events to tell a story.

[edit on 15-9-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Instead of just presenting their case and saying, "You want the truth? Here it is," they are going to say, "You will accept this without question, else, it is death to you." I personally don't think that this was the original intent of the Illuminatti, but, over the last 100 years, that has what it has become.

remember when they do get rule they will feel they deserve to be the new monarchs, I believe they will even eventually demand to be worshipped, this fits their idea that they are like gods, the enlightened ones.

As far as China challenging them, nah, I think they are just as much a part of it as anyone else. They freaking put LEAD in their products. Need I remind anyone of the dangers of LEAD?

China top leaders are in it with the NWO, hey lead in the toys, more stupid childeren. It would be interesting to see if any NWO bought their kids toys with lead paint. The ones that our this assumed new faction is a bunch of middle management types and sort of mafia element. At least this is the feeling I got from it.

Coincidentally these are the same people being thrown in jail when their company gets a backlash. Middle management rich ceo's the same people Fulford said where now on his side.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Redge777

I think you are definitely on to something here!

[edit on 21-9-2007 by Aquarmis]

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