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lady tapes events from her apartment

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posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 05:48 PM
This video was posted in december 2006. but i couldnt find it around after searching through all the videos heres.

theres not alot of info on it but she has a view of the tower from top to bottom.

im watching the video as i post. strange when the seconds plane hits the video is slice. an you only see the explosion

At around minutes 14 you see the smoke coming up from the ground..then its sped up an you see the building already collapsed

[edit on 6-9-2007 by DalairTheGreat]

[edit on 6-9-2007 by DalairTheGreat]

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 10:00 AM
@13:54 into the video you can see the smoke from the parking garage.

[edit on 7-9-2007 by jprophet420]

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by jprophet420

The video that is posted here (What we Saw) this view is several seconds later...maybe the timer is off ...whatever. Just an observation, I am downloading it again on Google to see if the timing is the same.

Yes there is smoke around the area of the parking garage. I don't understand what the problem is with that? There were many reports of fireballs in the basements, and there was also falling debris that could have ignited. To suggest there was a bomb just prior to the collapse, i think would not be accurate....we could hear the fire trucks from up in her apartment...why wouldnt we hear a massive bomb going off? (yes the video DOES jump just before the collapse starts...but the smoke in the basement is consistant prior to the initial start of the collaspe.

IMO...this proves nothing.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 03:19 PM
the pan starts at the time i mentioned and the picture is a few seconds after.

the fireballs in the basement were not from elevator shaft which has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt by bsbray11 and others (thank you). if it was falling debris on fire there would be a smoke trail leading down to it, and the video shows no such phenomenon.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 03:53 PM
It took me forever to get back to this... I believe this video is a fake.

At minute 11:40 to 11:50 you get that cut spot where the plane hits but you don't get to see the plane well even though the scene is cut the audio is continous. The police/fire sirens in the backround should be just as cliped as the film frames...but it plays on no cut.....

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 05:08 PM
Just to add I think this was also taken from the same video, you can clearly see demo charges going off up and down the building. Is it one of the twin towers or is that a different building next to it?

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by titorite
It took me forever to get back to this... I believe this video is a fake.

At minute 11:40 to 11:50 you get that cut spot where the plane hits but you don't get to see the plane well even though the scene is cut the audio is continous. The police/fire sirens in the backround should be just as cliped as the film frames...but it plays on no cut.....

the audio is not continuous, listen better.

the oscillation of one of the sirens syncs up but the audio matched the video the whole time.

yes, that is from the same video. i would love to see the whole video unedited if anyone has a link.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 06:31 PM
So was it a military plane or not? The 2 women in the audio seem to think so.

Kinda nifty how the footage that would show this airplane either was edited out or she turned the camera off at precisly the wrong time!

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by titorite
It took me forever to get back to this... I believe this video is a fake.

At minute 11:40 to 11:50 you get that cut spot where the plane hits but you don't get to see the plane well even though the scene is cut the audio is continous. The police/fire sirens in the backround should be just as cliped as the film frames...but it plays on no cut.....

I'm not making a judge one way or the other but why the video cut right before the second plane hit, and why all of a sudden the video editing as the building collapse? I really don’t see anything one way or the other except it was a nice continuous stream except for the critical moments.
BTW if there was some fire in the parking lot would not the 1000s of firemen there know about it?

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 07:24 PM
1,000s of firemen DO know about it. Have you noticed over the last six years how few personal interviews of the firemen you have seen? Its because they will not be bullied or intimidated. You CAN see many of them interviewed but only at places like live leak or you tube or google video. And when you do see them speak they have no problem saying BOMBS! But the mainstream media can't air that. It conflicts with thier story.

So its been six years. How many 911 firemen have you seen on good morning america?

One more thing. The descending sound of the siren IS continous. The video is less than authentic.

[edit on 7-9-2007 by titorite]

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 08:32 PM

1,000s of firemen DO know about it. Have you noticed over the last six years how few personal interviews of the firemen you have seen? Its because they will not be bullied or intimidated.

sadly, many of them died that day. thats the reason there arent hundreds of eyewitness videos containing firemen.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 10:23 PM
ive seen this video debunked as fake possibly disinfo, she mentions a military plane i think, the soundtrack is odd and the noise outside or something, i forget it was a while may have been an ats post.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 10:27 PM
yes, it is debunked because you said it is, and your name is mastermind.

exactly how is the video 'fake'? cgi?

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 10:03 PM
I was actually watching this video as I made my nightly stroll to ATS. Funny you guys are talking about the same video I am watching, that being said, what I find so odd about it, and what makes me think it is edited is the fact that this woman lives in New York, fairly close to the WTC complex and the freaking building is on fire! BUT she doesn't turn off the damn nursery rhymes in the background and turn on the TV! WTF????? If that were happening where I live, accident or not, the tv or radio would be on trying to gain info and what the hell it is that I am filming.........why do I have to listen to "this old man cam rolling home" while watching the worst attack on American soil........other than Pearl Harbour. I just don't get it. She must have been blonde. LOL. Sorry, I don't see any other reason to NOT put on the news or something when this whole thing is going down. And yes the audio is continuous while the video is spliced. That's what I got from it anyhow.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 10:19 PM
At around 5min 40sec into the vid there is another aircraft in the shot moving to the left of screen. Does anybody know anything about this aircraft?

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by JimmyBlonde

I noticed that flying object as well, and wondered if it was the 2nd plane. I'd like to know more about that.
It was weird the way the woman's video did not show the 2nd plane crash into building, and she also said it was a military plane. She also was pretty calm throughout this ordeal.
The film looks real to me, but just don't understand the critical cuts.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:34 AM

posted by infinityoreilly
So was it a military plane or not? The 2 women in the audio seem to think so.

Kinda nifty how the footage that would show this airplane either was edited out or she turned the camera off at precisly the wrong time!

I think that lady Bri mentioned a while back, when asked about an unedited version, that the FBI 'borrowed' it for a while. That might explain why they waited 5 years to release the video to the public.

Bob and Bri What We Saw :World Trade Center

[edit on 1/2/09 by SPreston]

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