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Best Evidence For Controlled Demolition Disinformation

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posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by AnDroidX107

Important the towers were still standing and this cloud was from the ground. It was aired nationally then pulled and never seen again. Who has any explanation for this evidence of a ground level bomb?

This has been proven sponsored disinformation.

The video shows you the smoke plume coming up wtc6 because wtc 2 just fell. What looks like both buildings standing is just wtc 1 angle on.

The shills are getting weaker and weaker. lol buh bye la

[edit: title - all caps]
Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 1-9-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 07:20 PM
Then what do you have to say to this:?

I see both towers standing and a small plume of smoke at the base.

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 03:01 PM
Jet debris on fire that hit the ground caught other buildings in the area on fire.

Am I basing this on unknowladgable speculation, or arm chair quarterbacking from mid america based on videos from the internet.

No I am basing this on eyewitness account from my brother in law that worked in a finacial institute across the street and saw the fires himself as he was exciting his builing and leaving the WTC area.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 08:43 PM
It is obvious that this was planned and you know what the sad thing is ?

People actually believe what they are being told.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by racerzeke

Hate to break it to ya, but if it was a controlled explosion, there wouldn't be any smoke before the blast. Demolition charges don't smolder before going bang. They just pop and things fall down.

On the other hand, a big fricken plane had just smashed into the side of those towers, raining burning debris, fuel, the contents of many offices, and god knows what else into the streets below. Why would you be even remotely surprised that there would be a smoke cloud down there?

Honestly, I think the whole 9/11 truth movement would be much better off looking at the reasons for the blowback, rather than reaching for fanciful ways to explain events that didn't happen.

Planes flew into the tower.
The towers failed
They fell.

The real shame of 9/11 is that it should have been a wakeup call to the American people regarding their history and the result in medaling with the affairs of others around the world.

What should have been a opportunity born of tragedy has been reduced to only a tragedy.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by Lukekilla4
It is obvious that this was planned and you know what the sad thing is ?
People actually believe what they are being told.

Obvious? To Whom?

Its quite obvious to me that 2 planes hit the WTC towers, nothing else.

Its obvious that people cant accept the truth and that somewill see conspiracy theories in everything, but it isnt obvious that this was planned at all.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 05:51 AM
No, it was definitely planned
Those planes didn't hit by accident

But IMO it was planned by anti-American terrorists. Whether others were party to, or suspected, developments and allowed the attacks to take place for their own reasons is another matter.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by BitRaiser
reply to post by racerzeke

Planes flew into the tower.
The towers failed
They fell.

That is the simple story you left out a few details

The hijacker Atta's passport floated down to be found by the FBI
The Hijacker Atta's Lugage with Koran got put on a different plane to be found with evidence by FBI
The Hijacker Atta left evidence with Koran in a taxi to be found by the FBI
The Hijacker Atta left a Koran in bar the weekend before in Florida

just a few examples.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by Redge777

I was simply stating the actual facts of the event.
I didn't say there weren't some fishy things that went on.

Personally, I have a theory that the WTC was constructed using sub-standard steel as a cost saving measure and that is the main reason that the heat from the burning fuel was enough to weaken the structure enough to cause collapse.

This also explains why the steel was removed from the site so quickly.

The rapid fall and puffs out the side were caused by MASSIVE pressure causing super condensed air to shatter floors several layers below the actual falling floors as wells as forcing it out though the windows.

The explosions that were allegedly reported could easily have been the result of the massive downward for shattering the main support columns. Try this little experiment: get an egg and squeeze it end-to-end between your hands. Some people will claim that you cannot crush it that way because it's a very solid structure (just like the support columns). That is untrue, however. squeeze HARDER! When you squeeze hard enough, the egg will break... and will go off spectacularly. I suggest you do this outside, because the result will be very much like and explosion. You'll even hear a bit of a bang.

The pictures we've seen of sheared off beams were all taken after clean up had started. It's perfectly believable that those beams had been cut by workers clearing debris.

I'm not surprised at all by liquid steel being found under the site. That much tonnage coming down represents massive energy. Basic physics states that all energy is eventually dissipated as heat.

Even finding traces of Thermite is unsurprising when you consider that thermite is aluminum oxide mixed with iron oxide and that planes are made of aluminum, there were steel beams, and both were exposed to a lot of heat causing them to oxidize!

As to the actual planning... well, things get fishy.
I would be unsurprised if certain American Corporate interests paid certain parties to preform certain tasks.

Still, the greatest tragically is that no one learned anything from the blowback. The lesson that America should have come away from the event was: You cannot allow your government to inflict hardships around the world without getting some hardship thrust back upon you.

Regardless of who organized/executed/paid for 9/11, it's that lesson that has been lost in the dust clouds and deserves more attention than little puffs of smoke and wild ideas.

[edit on 17-9-2007 by BitRaiser]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 05:01 AM
I saw 2 planes hit the trade centers....I saw,...what can only be discribed as "explosive forces" create these volcanic looking plumes (?)...
...I saw the top 30+ floors "tip" and then fall,,AND amazingly turn into dust...before it hit the street...which should of been landing a block or 2 away in one big heap of large pieces....but nooo.....just dust....that is what I saw..what I heard after....lies..& more lies...911 comish report ?...a disgrace....we be fed

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by mrmajestyk6309

Please re-read what I posted above.

Every aspect of what makes you think explosions were involved is perfectly in line with the physics of a HUGE amount of building falling on itself.

Yes, even the fact that the debris were small and "plumed" upwards.

Even in a controlled demolition, it's not the explosives that cause a building to "turn to dust". It's the weight of the building and the properties of concrete that do the work. It grinds itself to dust.

There is plenty of room for conspiracy without having to imagine that there were phantom explosives that couldn't have been installed without someone noticing.

Even if there was NO inside involvement, there's STILL accountability issues that NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT and are vastly more important!

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 05:36 AM
Sure, but here’s an experiment people can do in their own back yard.

Buy some kerosene, aka JET FUEL, pick up a rebar from any local construction site, and then try to melt it with the above mentioned kerosene.

When you get tired and accept the fact that metal simply CAN’T be melted with kerosene, then feel free to look into why not a SINGLE high rise building in the history of the world ever neatly collapsed upon it self do to fire.

If still confused, play a game of JENGA, and attempt to remove the pieces in such a way, that the tower didn’t fall sideways, but straight down.

On the other hand, just go to New York, and see the very evidential metal supports that failed do to stress and fire damage, oh wait, you can’t do that. Because all of the WTC debris was destroyed and melted down for some reason…

Strange isn’t it, when a plane crashes, FAA/NTSB literally reconstruct the entire wreckage in order to establish the point of failure, but when entire buildings collapse killing 3 thousand people, all evidence is conveniently destroyed.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:02 AM
Take that kerosene and rebar and stick it in a confined space (a blast furnace would do), then see if you can get it hot enough to bend. You don't have to melt it. Just bend it.

Add in my above suggestion that it's possible that sub-standard steel was used in the construction to help offset costs (because the WTC was hella expensive to build) and it's very easy to see that the failure point could have easily been reach without having to melt anything.

Buildings aren't Jenga. They are mostly empty space surrounded by solid structure. Look around your room... how much wall is there compared to how much space you have to move around in. All that space compresses nicely. In such a catastrophic failure as the WTC collapses, compressing that space results in a LOT of air being compressed very quickly.

True, no other building has ever collapsed the way the WTC did, but no other building was constructed like the WTC. The suspended floor structure was prone to multiple failure once one floor let go. It was constructed more like a house of cards than a Jenga tower. Ever knock over a house of cards? They don't tilt... they fall.

And still, why are you (and the entire rest of the world) refusing to admit that the much greater question is WHY did the blowback occur? If it was a false flag, why was it necessary? Both questions lead to the same guilty parties.

It was American Corporate Interests interfering with nations around the world (and within the US itself) that caused this horror REGARDLESS if it was a falseflag or not!

That is SO damned important to understand yet trying to get people to talk about it is like pulling teeth!
What's with that??

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:12 AM

Take that kerosene and rebar and stick it in a confined space (a blast furnace would do), then see if you can get it hot enough to bend. You don't have to melt it. Just bend it.

Is there a picture of a SINGLE fire “bent” beam from ANY of the WTO buildings?

Like “this is evidential item #1264, which after testing proved to be one of the fire damaged beams that reached fatal stress point”?

No, why not?

How about building number 7?

How did that one fall?

It was American Corporate Interests interfering with nations around the world (and within the US itself) that caused this horror REGARDLESS if it was a falseflag or not!

That is SO damned important to understand yet trying to get people to talk about it is like pulling teeth!
What's with that??

Who benefited from the destruction of ALL documents, hard drives, and other type of information in those buildings?

What kind of information was it?

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by iskander

I saw a crapload of bent beams all over the place in the ruins. I don't see your point there. I won't argue with you for a moment that the removal of the debris was suspect.

As I stated, I do suspect that sub-standard steel was used in the construction of the WTC. Thus, if it had been properly inspected, it would have impacted the insurance claim. that would have caused a certain someone to lose out on a rather large amount of money. Do the math. Why was it removed? Because it would have cost a member of the corporate elite to lose money.

I believe #7 fell because it was "pulled". Yup, controlled demolition. It was fairly obvious. In fact, I do believe they stated as much when I was watching the whole thing live. "We're going to pull it". What justification did they have to pull it? Well... do they really need any? It was damaged and basically a write off... insurance was going to kick in anyway.

Oh the files and servers you say?
Ah... yes.
Dept records, is my bet. Corporate dept records. Lot's of 'em. Sure got rid of that all nicely. Drop a building on 'em, no one is going to notice.

I'm not saying that there was no complacency involved in 9/11.
I'm saying I very much doubt that towers 1 and 2 were brought down by explosives. I believe they were brought down by planes and a fluke of engineering (that fluke may or may not have been a calculated event).

I'm also saying that it's much more important to stop wasting time on the more wild theories and to focus on what's really important.

Any way you slice it, Private Interests caused the destruction of the WTC. Those same private interests are still profiting from the event by using it as an excuse to wage illegal wars and to loot nations.

It's of vital importance that we stop scratching our heads about details that we will simply never know for sure and start focusing on doing something about those private interests and the system that supports them.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 07:06 AM

I believe #7 fell because it was "pulled". Yup, controlled demolition. It was fairly obvious. In fact, I do believe they stated as much when I was watching the whole thing live. "We're going to pull it". What justification did they have to pull it? Well... do they really need any? It was damaged and basically a write off... insurance was going to kick in anyway.

What is the prep time for a controlled demo?

When that is figured out, $7 was prepped, but the towers just fell?

I'm not saying that there was no complacency involved in 9/11.
I'm saying I very much doubt that towers 1 and 2 were brought down by explosives. I believe they were brought down by planes and a fluke of engineering (that fluke may or may not have been a calculated event).

I'm also saying that it's much more important to stop wasting time on the more wild theories and to focus on what's really important.

That I do agree with, but not the FAMALIES of the perished. Hey NEED to KNOW HOW, and WHY their loved ones died.

That was the point of the “report”, and the “Jersey girls” had to push it through even though White House was stallig their efforts from the beginning.

In the end it was simply appalling. Over 70% of their questions were simply ignored.

One of those questions was how exactly those steel beams supposedly bent and then crumbled.

Any way you slice it, Private Interests caused the destruction of the WTC. Those same private interests are still profiting from the event by using it as an excuse to wage illegal wars and to loot nations.

It's of vital importance that we stop scratching our heads about details that we will simply never know for sure and start focusing on doing something about those private interests and the system that supports them.

Agreed, but remember, in order for private interests to pull something like this of, they not only need to own government officials, but they also need a condition so horrific, that even good man will not dare burst this bubble, because it would only make things worse.

That’s how things worked for ages. Extortion of silence from good men by creating a no win situation is how ANY system can be sabotaged.

The same happened with USSR, look into that. Chernobyl was no accident. The reactor was repeatedly stalled (in spite of repeated objections and attempted arrest) by a man distraught and disillusioned with a death of his daughter.

People know the truth about 9/11, it’s just so horrific, that it will only tear this country apart further and faster.

A lot of people on the Titanic refused to accept even when she started to list and when water began to run up in their rooms, while others knew from very beginning, but knowing that there are not enough life boats, they did not see the point in telling others.

In the post 9/11 America, there are simply not enough life boats, that’s why I’m moving away, as sad as it is.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by Redge777

The hijacker Atta's passport floated down to be found by the FBI
The Hijacker Atta's Lugage with Koran got put on a different plane to be found with evidence by FBI
The Hijacker Atta left evidence with Koran in a taxi to be found by the FBI
The Hijacker Atta left a Koran in bar the weekend before in Florida

Evidence it was either not staged, or it was staged by a bunch of incompetent morons.

Although given the way the US adminsitration seem to have planned the entire Iraq campaign and its aftermath on the back of a postage stamp after a night out in Vegas, the latter is perhaps well within the bounds of possibility ......

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 10:20 AM
Were the buildings wired?????

I was at the base of the buildings that day. I spent many hours, many days in those buildings, but thankfully I worked 2 blocks away. It was s beautiful day that day, and that was the reason for me not being at my desk that morning and still around the base of the towers. I heard the first impact, and I saw the SECOND PLANE hit the towers. No one and I mean no one can make me think any different on that fact. It was a plane. I saw the people jumping. It was when I saw this I decided I know longer wanted to be around the base of the building any more. Here is a thread I had started but had little feedback on. I do believe the buildings "could" have been wired. But my thread is more about the ethical right and wrong as to the wired buildings. If they were wired, was it an acceptable thing to do?

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