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Another day for you and me in paradise.

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posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 01:18 AM
I'm replying with this new thread in response to Chislers:

"Can praying be egotistical and selfish?"

You and me in paradise

I really don't give a rats arse, when it comes to 'praying'.

Sorry, I worded that wrongly.


Chisler, I always looked to you for advice!

From the get go, YOU were among the moderators that I looked to for advice.

YOU always had a kind word to give unto others.
YOU always fought for the 'underdog'.
YOU were the quiet one that made other hearts listen!
YOU made a difference!!!

I don't know what's going on in your life right now to make you change your mind with things....
CHISLER?...don't stop being the person that I have grown to respect!

Chisler? Where are you?

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 01:29 AM
I am Officially bumping this.


posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 01:34 AM
I'm not rich by any standards.

How many of YOU have the privelage(s) of being able to 'exert your point' in this free world.

I'm willing to bet, that every single person who reads this post, is able to give a comment in this thread!

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 01:38 AM
I'm also willing to bet that you will overlook this thread and not take compassion for your fellow mankind.

I think that the majority of ATS'ers are more content, and are willing to stick to 'trivial sites', rather than give an honest opinion of whats going on within their own country.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 01:41 AM
You know what?

I'll go it one step further and flat right out and say that people don't give a fruck.

Prove me wrong.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 09:37 AM
Ducky, I believe your thread was aimed at Chissler, but I had to respond.A great song by Phil Collins and one of few that I know most of the words to.The video sends a very strong message and reminded me of an incident that happened to me a couple of years ago.
I was having one of those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days,and was bordering on complete meltdown.I got on a bus downtown headed for home.A man on the bus noticed how upset I looked.He asked me to smile.I said I didn't feel I had much to smile about on that particular day.He said to me, " I don't have much, but I always have a smile, so here, take mine." Of course that sounded so silly that I smiled.With that he got up to get off the bus, and it was then that I noticed all the worn out bags he was carrying,and the holes in his shoes.He looked up at the window as the bus drove away,and waved at me. Iam tearing up completely,and I have never forgotten him.And I never will.What a profound gift he gave to me,that no amount of money could ever buy.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 06:58 PM
Thanks Access...I really mean it.

I was disheartened for while. I needed to re-charge my batteries.

Thank you hon for listening.

If there were only more kind-hearted souls out there like you.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 07:11 PM
We get so caught up with our 'own worlds' that we forget about the ones that can't afford to even type here....they can't afford a stinkin roof over their own heads.

The beggers on the streets hold their hands out, not just for money.

"Let the government officials take care of it"

"Let smaller organizations take care of it"

"Let the drug and alcaholic agencies take care of it"

"Let others take care of it"

"We the people...In order..."

Think about it.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 07:36 PM
Hey Duck,

My sincerest apologies for not catching this thread earlier. I've been out of town for most of this week, and several previously, so my ATS time has been down to a minimum. It was only thanks to a friendly member that I've even managed to come across this. Again, I sincerely apologize for not noticing this thread earlier.

I was just heading off for the evening, as I've been traveling all day and I am in desperate need of some shut eye. Anyhoo, long story short, I'll be viewing this thread first thing in the morning, and offering you a response that you certainly deserve.

I do ask for some patience for another few hours and then we can properly discuss anything you wish.

Thank you,

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 07:45 PM
Chisler hon,

Go to sleep. Take that much needed shut-eye. Seriously!!!

I know that you work very hard on these threads, and "tomorrow is another day my friend.

Your friend,


posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 08:30 PM
This is meant for Chisler when he wakes up in the morning and has had a 1/2 decent sleep...

Another day in Paradise


Dear Chisler:

I've been watching 'your' progress for a long time.

I'm just a lowly member who admires your work. I wanted to let you know 'from the get go', that I admire your humanitarian ways!

Believe you... me, I'm not kissing arse.

It's about time you were given Due Credit!...and I wish that other members could see this!

When it comes to your last thread about: Pay it forward and your other thread: Homelessness

These topics didn't fall on deaf ears.

I want YOU to know personally, That I care., and that I personally take a personal interest in what's going on around me, and do what I can to help my fellow human being.

You sent a message out. The message was heard.

I wish to God (I don't mind using 'God' as a terminolgy, as this "supposed fariy in the sky", had been with me from day 1.)

I don't mind praying in private, to our Father in heaven, because this 'faith' has sustained me thus far; whereas I would type to you all indiferently.

Keep your faith...Chisler.

Many have built their houses (beliefs) on sand - to be washed away within a moments notice.

Let not your failings be a total discouragement.

Let your faith rise above the mornings be planeted in solid soil, and protrude amongst misgivings....take in the morning light, and be thankful amongst other weeds, and what life will unfold to you.

"Be deep-rooted in the soil to provide to others"

As what you have provided for me

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by TheDuckster
I'm replying with this new thread in response to Chislers:

"Can praying be egotistical and selfish?"

You and me in paradise

I really don't give a rats arse, when it comes to 'praying'.

Sorry, I worded that wrongly.


Forgive me here, but I fail to see the connection between those comments and my thread. My intent on that thread was to pose the question, question not a statement, to whether or not it was egotistical for individuals to pray for materialistic items, while so many others did without. I'm not a religious person, and rarely turn to my faith to find strength. In times of need I do use it as a crutch, and I find solace through these efforts. I see this as a coping mechanism, and a way of dealing with the issue personally. So this inner strength that I turn to in a time of need, I don't really like to see it being exploited for material gain.

The video was excellent and very fitting. Hopefully others see it and try to understand. Thank you for that.

Originally posted by TheDuckster
Chisler, I always looked to you for advice!

From the get go, YOU were among the moderators that I looked to for advice.

YOU always had a kind word to give unto others.
YOU always fought for the 'underdog'.
YOU were the quiet one that made other hearts listen!
YOU made a difference!!!

You humble me. I certainly am not doing anything other than being myself. I truly believe that I am a better person since uncovering this community, as it has given me a means of expressing my thoughts and feelings. Before ATS, I had all of these thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc., but never had a way of expressing them. Through ATS, I've been able to express them on a daily basis, and have a better understanding of who I am as a person. If that has helped you in any way, that is great to hear.

Originally posted by TheDuckster
I don't know what's going on in your life right now to make you change your mind with things....
CHISLER?...don't stop being the person that I have grown to respect!

Again friend, I am not sure how I have changed. I don't think I've ever been much of a religious buff on these boards, so one thread that posed a question... has that really changed who I am? I certainly hope that you have not lost any respect for me over me asking that question.

Originally posted by TheDuckster
I've been watching 'your' progress for a long time.

I'm just a lowly member who admires your work. I wanted to let you know 'from the get go', that I admire your humanitarian ways!

Lowly member? I resent that mate. The members are whats important here, as without all of you, we would be quite lonely. Even as a staff member, I am a member first. Everyone who came here, all came as a member. With the exception of one that is. So two of the three amigos first entered these doors as a member. To say "lowly member", I believe you are selling yourself short. I think in the near future, we will all be able to say, "Hey, I'm a member of Above Top Secret", and we can wear that as a badge of honor. This is something to be proud of.

Originally posted by TheDuckster
It's about time you were given Due Credit!...and I wish that other members could see this!

When it comes to your last thread about: Pay it forward and your other thread: Homelessness

These topics didn't fall on deaf ears.

I want YOU to know personally, That I care., and that I personally take a personal interest in what's going on around me, and do what I can to help my fellow human being.

You sent a message out. The message was heard.

While your praise is certainly appreciated, knowing that these subjects are noticed and the individuals that deserve our attention are getting it, that is what truly makes me smile. A lot of people ignore these subjects due to the simple fact that it is the closest thing to an insurmountable feat that ever existed. That alone should not be enough to ignore it. We may not be able to end poverty, or end homelessness, but we can end it for one person. We can end it for two people. And maybe if we're lucky, we could end it for three people. For today, and today alone, is that not enough? Do we need to change the world today? Or is it enough to say that we may of helped one person today?

I think if more people would take this approach, we could do something.

Poverty and homelessness hinges on the procrastination of so many of us. Not tomorrow, today!

Originally posted by TheDuckster
I wish to God (I don't mind using 'God' as a terminolgy, as this "supposed fariy in the sky", had been with me from day 1.)

I don't mind praying in private, to our Father in heaven, because this 'faith' has sustained me thus far; whereas I would type to you all indiferently.

Keep your faith...Chisler.

And this form of prayer is not egotistical or selfish in any way. The form of prayer that I directed my attention to is that of material gain. While some pray for a warm meal or a warm bed, others pray for a better version of the material items that they already have. An exploitation of faith, in my opinion.

Originally posted by TheDuckster
Many have built their houses (beliefs) on sand - to be washed away within a moments notice.

Let not your failings be a total discouragement.

Let your faith rise above the mornings be planeted in solid soil, and protrude amongst misgivings....take in the morning light, and be thankful amongst other weeds, and what life will unfold to you.

"Be deep-rooted in the soil to provide to others"

As what you have provided for me

Well said.

I can't help but feel that I may have insulted you and your faith in asking that question. I sincerely hope that I have not. Understand that it was a question, and not a statement.

Your words are appreciated.

Stay strong.

[edit on 1-9-2007 by chissler]

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