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Nordics and the Lost Colony of Roanoke

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posted on Dec, 2 2002 @ 04:33 PM
Has anyone thought that maybe the Nordics, being so similar to humans, could be the descendants of the lost colony of Roanoke? I haven't researched this theory at all yet and somebody could have already thought of it I suppose. In case you don't know, Roanoke was a colony in America (Virginia, I think) when exploration of the continent was just beginning. It one of the first (maybe the first) of the American colonies. The way they got their supplies they couldn't create themselves was by a group of sailors sailing out to them every year from England (I think it was England). One year the sailors arrived in Roanoke and there was no one to be found. All of the structures were untouched, i believe there might have even been meals on some of the tables. All of the people's possessions inside their houses were also untouched. The sailors scoured the area, and the only thing out of the ordinary (besides the lack of people) was the "crotoan"(or some word like that) carved into a tree. As far as i know, the word has no known meaning in any known language. It was theorized that Indians might have taken the people, but it wasn't like the Indians to leave everything untouched. Could the Nordics be the descendants of the lost colony, coming back to study our culture as they say? What is "crotoan"? Are the Nordics true in their intentions? Has someone already theorized my theory? Post responses.

posted on Dec, 2 2002 @ 10:01 PM
Yes Roanoke was in Virgina, And yes they did get their supplies by ship and so the story goes...... There have been many theories about the abnormal disapearance, however none have been proved. The most popular non conspiracy theory revolves around stones that have been found with ancient writing on them that was eventuall deciphered to old English ( They always did write funky). These stones were to have told the story of the villagers flight. However the stones do not specify why the villiagers were fleeing or where to. This theory is under scrutiny because of the probability that it is a hoax.

On a side note, I belive Eric The Red led the first settlement to the new world. Roanoake was the first British colony.

[Edited on 3-12-2002 by NinjaoftheNight]

posted on Dec, 2 2002 @ 10:37 PM
Because of its popular appeal/notoriety, no study of Vikings or Scandinavians in North America is compete without some mention of the Kensington Rune-Stone which has been the center of controversy since its discovery in 1898. Further information is available on the Kensington Rune Stone Page

Wahlgren's translation, published in 1958 reads as follows:

"8 Swedes and 22 Norwegians on an exploration journey from Vinland westward. We had our camp by 2 rocky islets one day's journey north of this stone. We were out fishing one day. When we came home we found 10 men red with blood and dead. AVM save us from evil. We have 10 men by the sea to look after out ships, 14 days journey from this island. Year 1362."
The stone was in the possession of Hjalmar Holand for some time and his publications defend its authenticity. Blegen (1968) argued persuasively that the Runes were a hoax while Hall (1982) took the opposite position.

My personal opinion is that Blegen was correct and that the Kensington Rune-Stone was a hoax. His arguement that the analysis of runologists has consistently rejected the authenticity of the runes is the most telling. Hall presents a strong arguement for authenticity, but he is not a specialist in runes and therefor does not have the same credentials in my mind. Blegen also shows that people with the capability to prepare the stone were present in the area in the 1890's.

posted on Dec, 3 2002 @ 06:44 PM
i've never heard of the kensington rune stone, but i do not believe it is real. why would it take until 1898 to find it? very suspicious.

posted on Dec, 3 2002 @ 07:57 PM
Well it could have been possibly hidden or hard to find, such as the Rosetta Stone for example.

posted on Dec, 3 2002 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by firebird0273
i've never heard of the kensington rune stone, but i do not believe it is real. why would it take until 1898 to find it? very suspicious.

What do u mean ? because it wasn't found earlier it isn't authentic. That is an incredibly lame argument. Maybe we should treat all archeological finds in the past 100 years as fake because they were found too recently. YEAH RIGHT

[Edited on 4-12-2002 by mad scientist]

posted on Dec, 3 2002 @ 09:23 PM
I agree with Jedi Master, like the Rosetta stone. It wasnt found until a short meglomaniac decided to to try to conquer the world. And Archaeologists are still making important find today. The date it was found is irrelevent. The date it was made is what counts.

posted on Dec, 3 2002 @ 09:49 PM
i didn't mean that because it was discovered a long time after it is supposed to have been made that it is false. it just seems that if it describes why they fled, it may have been made quickly and maybe the settlers would not have had time to hide it or hide it well enough to take that long to discover it. it could be real. i don't know, i'm not a historical-rockologist. just from the information i've heard, which is not too much, it seems to me that the most likely conclusion is that the stone is false. but if you can prove it to be true, i have no way to disprove you.

posted on Dec, 4 2002 @ 01:25 AM
I can't figure out what you are all talking like MERGED two stories into one.

The colony of Roanoke is the FIRST colony on these shores by the english. I think it predates the spaniard's colony in spain, but it failed. No one knows where they went. Except the odd thing is that Indian tribes in that area, have traits such as blue eyes and fairer skin among some of them. And they for as long as they know have been like that for a while.

As for the Vikings and the Rune stone? What do the vikings have to do with Roanoke? Another theory of where they went is ALSO bred into the indian population, because everyone by now should know they first colonized N.A. since the last ice age with a few colonies in Nova Scotia and a bit south. But they don't know where they went either. Same with in Green Land.

So what are you all talking about?

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posted on Dec, 4 2002 @ 02:55 PM
Some one put the viking stone into the thread we were talking about the nordics and the lost colony.

posted on Dec, 5 2002 @ 01:32 PM
so the rune stone goes along with the vikings. i was under the impression that it was an artifact of Roanoke

posted on Dec, 6 2002 @ 01:47 AM
I believe it would be impossible for the nordics to be from Roanoke. Simply because Roanoke wasn't long enough ago for them to have developed sufficient technology.

Now, if you're talking about maybe they were taken away by something, and learned technology wherever they were taken, and have now returned, than that is possible.

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 08:07 AM
The Roanoke Colony also called the Virginia Dare Colony, Virginia Dare was the first British/American child born in the New World she was also the granddaughter of Miles Standish and he was on the sailing vessell that returned with supplies. When they arrived they found the colony as if they people had joined in the common building for a meeting. They tables were set for dinner and laundry was hanging, only the people were missing. It is one of the great mysteries of all time. I'm new to this site and I have no idea who the Nordics are unless you are talking about the vikings. I've always heard that Eric the Red was a Nord.

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by princenamormommy
The Roanoke Colony also called the Virginia Dare Colony, Virginia Dare was the first British/American child born in the New World she was also the granddaughter of Miles Standish and he was on the sailing vessell that returned with supplies. When they arrived they found the colony as if they people had joined in the common building for a meeting. They tables were set for dinner and laundry was hanging, only the people were missing. It is one of the great mysteries of all time. I'm new to this site and I have no idea who the Nordics are unless you are talking about the vikings. I've always heard that Eric the Red was a Nord.

Eric the Red is not a "Nord", Just a Viking Chieften who led the vinlandsaga as it is called by the ancient vikings. Actually the whole Eric the Red had nothing to do with the Roanoake colony. It was just the first colony to ever reach the "new world".

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 06:22 PM
The Lost Colony of Roanoke also known as the Virginia Dare Colony named after the first child born by the settlers. Virginia Dare was the granddaughter of Miles Standish who was also on the ship that returned with supplies to find everyone gone. I dont believe the native indians took them, Miles Standish would have found them, he was a formidable military man. I have heard they died of plague and the indians buried them. These Nordics you speak of, who are they? At first I thought you were talking about the Vikings, then it seemed as if you were speaking of aliens.

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 06:27 PM
I seem to have posted my message twice, I apologize. I'm new to the web and it took me awhile to understand how to move around in this site.

posted on Dec, 10 2002 @ 07:05 PM
The Nordics are humanoids that have advanced technologies. Also the cause of their dissaperance has not been and probably never will be discovered.

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 07:07 PM
When I read around about the lost colony of roanoke, I saw that the houses were torn down, there was one fence standing, on one wall was carved "CRO" and then on a post in front was "CROATOAN" carved. Also John White instructed the settlers to carve a cross and leave some indication of where they were going before they left. No cross was found. Some thoughts I had are as follows...

- "CRO" is the first 3 letters of cross, but then wouldn't carving a cross just be faster then writing the word out?
- maybe someone was writing croatoan inside on the wall but thought no one would see it so they started carving it outside.
- they could have been attacked by Native Amercians
- someone could have come by and picked them up, while others could have torn down their settlement?

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 08:59 PM
Crotoan was carved in a fence; it refers to the island by that name and the natives that lived there. The houses were gone, there were no meals (you're thinking of the Marie Celeste ship), John White came back after two years absence and that's what he found. They probably moved on, or possibly assimilated with the Crotoans (although unlikely, because they'd stand out a bit). It's touted as a mystery, but as these things go, it's not much of one. They couldn't feed themselves so they left.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 09:02 PM
What theory would you offer to explain

why, where ever the colony went, they accelerated beyond the rest of humanity technologically in such a short span of time?

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