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ADHD is wide spread misinfo spread by the new world order.

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posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 03:18 PM
as "addvantage666" I am ADD, and hosted a support group for adults with ADD/ADHD. We we the third such group in the country, and I have participated in several ADD conferences. I wrote a newsletter for three years.

On and off the medication, doesn't matter. I am in my right mind when off, and get the job done on my left when on meds.

I do not use ritalin.

Originally posted by Blitz
Check out this link

OK so right sided people are considered to be dreamers and philosophers, hints they are going think out side the box, and look for the most irrational answer. Which usually leads to most conspiracy theories. Also the right sided person would struggle more in the western school system. Hints they are the likely candidates for adhd meds.

Ok so left sided people are considered to be the most logical, and prefer to except the most realistic and rational story. The NWO would be irrational to a left sided person. Because there is no realistic or physical evidence, of the nwo's existence. Left sided people are also good with numbers and like to read, hints they will not struggle in school. So they are likely not to be diagnosed with adhd or require meds.

To get to my point maybe adhd meds are a form of mind control for right sided people. Because they threaten the uncovering the nwo to the public.

While left sided people dont threaten the nwo.

When I took adhd meds I noticed more of a left side dominance, Im off the meds and dreaming of theory's

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Legalizer

Originally posted by Spoodily
I was diagnosed with ADD and started taking Ritalin in the 3rd grade.

This does not prove the disease exists, this only proves your brain has been damaged by an amphetamine.

I think there might actually be something wrong with you. If you don't have this, you don't know what it is like. I don't agree with 'ADHD' , I think that terminology is used to do a blanket diagnosis. I am not hyperactive and performed much better when on medication even though I admittedly dislike the side effects.

Thanks for playing.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Spoodily
I was diagnosed with ADD and started taking Ritalin in the 3rd grade. It is very upsetting to read people say that this condition is 'made up'. I hated Ritalin and it's side effect (nervous ticks mainly) but the stuff worked. I excelled in school when I was on it but couldn't stand the side effect any longer.

I don't doubt that the condition actually exists, personally. I just think that schools purposely misdiagnose a lot of people.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Maverickhunter

Do you feel the same way? Were you too misdiagnosed with ADHD? Doctors like to tell parents that ADHD is a disorder so that they won't feel bad about their kids not paying attention to things. It has nothing to do with a disorder. It doesn't make you not normal to have been diagnosed with ADHD, it just means there is something about you that your parents/your psyciatrist doesn't like.

It's meant to keep people who are "different" apart from the society. Its' exactly what the New World Order wants.

[edit on 5-8-2007 by Maverickhunter]

When my son was about 5 years old he went to my Dr. with me. My son was acting kind of hyper because wed been sitting and waiting around for a little while waiting to be seen. My Dr. noticed this and immediately diagnosed (labeled) my son ADHD and prescribed him a huuuge bottle of ritalin.
I showed it to my now X-wife and she got it filled and made plans to start him on a daily dosage of it but I had plans of my own and I prefered mine over hers. My plan was simple, unscrew lid and pour contents in toilet because I would never medicate my children. My son is now a normal acting 13 year old teen ager .
His best friend on the other hand, a kid hes known since he was about 7, has been on a ritalin type drug and zoloft for at least 7 years, has turned into one of those EMO kids, cutters etc..

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Kr0n0s

When my son was about 5 years old he went to my Dr. with me. My son was acting kind of hyper because wed been sitting and waiting around for a little while waiting to be seen. My Dr. noticed this and immediately diagnosed (labeled) my son ADHD and prescribed him a huuuge bottle of ritalin.
I showed it to my now X-wife and she got it filled and made plans to start him on a daily dosage of it but I had plans of my own and I prefered mine over hers. My plan was simple, unscrew lid and pour contents in toilet because I would never medicate my children. My son is now a normal acting 13 year old teen ager .
His best friend on the other hand, a kid hes known since he was about 7, has been on a ritalin type drug and zoloft for at least 7 years, has turned into one of those EMO kids, cutters etc..
Well done for trusting your own instincts rather than listening to the doctor. They're far too quick to jump to their prescription pads these days.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 08:47 PM
I have an ADD daughter and a very active grandson we call Tigger (who is now 13).

There is a huge difference between an authentic ADD and just a very active kid.

It is a real physical disorder - - but EXTREMELY abused.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by Maverickhunter

I usually disagree with most of what you say Maverick, but I am really glad you posted this. I entirely agree (except for the NWO part). ADHD is a FRAUD. Since when is a lack of willpower a medical disorder that can be and should be treated with medicine.

What about laziness? Gluttony? Adultery? Murder? In a lot of cases, the people who commit these acts feel that they are wrong but lack the will power to stop themselves. Should they be labeled and drugged?

I have never been diagnosed with ADHD and never had a problem paying attention in class because I...payed attention in class. To treat behavior with drugs is wrong.

Good post Maverick.

posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by HighDefinitionFilms

I can indeed agree with what you are saying here.

I'm ADD. I'm 16 and I was diagnosed several years ago. It wasn't the teachers who told my parents but my mother wondered. I could never ever, even to save my life, focus on my work. Homework? Forget it, to many distracting things.

When your ADD you are perfect at tuning out. It's not something you can say "Ok I NEED to focus." and set your mind. It's virtually impossible to try and do this.

I take Adderall. Only during school weeks. I'm off it for the summer, weekends, and holidays. Without it, I can't really focus on my test at school, homework isn't even touched.

It has taken a toll on my weight but, I battle it with a proper diet. I don't each much fast food, caffine is limited to weekends, and I eat little sweets. I eat as much as I can of the meals my mom cooks, and my snacks consist of carrots or crackers. Now, this doesn't keep me from loseing weight but, it doesn't throw me down the tunnel either.

My mom told me she'd like for me to see if I can become dependent and not take the Adderall. I have been wanting to try this to.

But mind control? I disagree, Adderall opens my mind much more then if I was not taking it. Thoughts not my own? Nah, I remember everything I think about when I take the medicine.

It's not something to be abused. Also I need to add that I stay on one dosage. 15mg. I know people who when they stop feeling the effects they up the dosage. Not me, my effect stays the same, probably because I don't take it on weekends. Uping the dosage becaue you don't feel it is almost like buying a little more coc aine because the high is getting stale.

I would not have been able to perform like I am now without the medication. It keeps me focues, and ready to work. Something I couldn't do without it.

Oh and I'm not just talking about schoolwork. I'm talking about any form of work in general. Sometimes even stuff I like, I lose interest in.

I'm not hyper though...

posted on Dec, 23 2007 @ 06:16 PM
Beware of adderall withdrawal

Although Adderall withdrawal is generally not life-threatening, it can be very uncomfortable. It can be so uncomfortable that people will start taking Adderall again in order to relieve the symptoms.

You'll probably end up on another drug for depression when stopping Adderall.

Welcome to the wonderful world of chemistry.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 11:28 PM
From a comment on the first page, still don't know what I'm doing here the reply feature didn't work.

supposed to indicate the fella's expert ability, but I think it also indicates that He is a puppet for the drug companies.... I also intend to suppport the idea that Psychiatry has a political agenda that stems from the Genocide of the Holocaust and links to the Americans and Rockefeller that somehow escaped war crime charges.

I have directed and taught the Institute on Psychopharmacology at the American Psychiatric Association annual meeting for 5 years in a row (1993 – 1998) and at The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for 6 years. I give about 100 talks and tele-sessions annually to physicians about medications related to ADD, Mood and Thought disorder. I am on the speaker’s bureau of five pharmaceutical companies and am a consultant to four top companies. I am one of the best known physician educators and speakers in the country.

Medical Director and CEO of the
Center for Attention

No disrespect to the post but my initial reaction is; this Dr must be making a fortune for his contribution in promoting Mental Illness given he is directly affiliated to Drug Companies. At least He's honest about it, a great many influential doctors researchers medical journals, mental health organizations promote the drug theory and are basically owned by Pharma companies and help to make the alternatives non existant. Like Orthomolecular Medicine that is difficult to find qualified practitioners or practitioners are driven out of the system, loosing credibility for practicing alternatives as the government who is also been severely infiltrated by drug companies don't allow it, bassically unlawfull and don;t get sponsorship for research... These methods are getting brilliant results even with Autism schizophrenia etc but nobody even knows about it - yet, I hope..... CODEX which is logically pushed by this drug company monopoly is outlawing natural treatments....

I believe ADHD and the like in my opinion are signs of there being something wrong with the education system, that these kids are actually incredibly bored because they're gifted or may want to focus on something that can utilize talents, or may not have found a focus... Alternatives like Music Therapy may be good, art therapy.... It is pollutants in diet of bad food EXCITOTOXINS...

I don't deny that it is an Agenda of NWO or atleast strong influence of big Pharma profit seeking, that misdiagnoses the majority of conditions. for example Bereavement and depression which is a normal thing and drugs aren't necessarlily the best thing... Could go on and on about Psychosis for instance ignoring sleep disorders and spiritual problems nutrient deficiencies, metabolic problems that Orthomolecular medicine adress's... Psychiatrists often are either really lazy to uncover WHY somebody presents themselves as unwell or in a spot of bother, social isolation, contributing factors that can be addressed just needing personalized individualized service... drugs are profitable, the drug companies have manipulated psychiatry for their own benefit in controlling government policy and therapeutic guidelines and beliefs of society through the media and education, mental health organizations,

One interesting point linking current trend as a indication of NWO plans I found out recently is the link between Rockefeller and eugenics during the holocaust which was inspired by psychiatry , they devised the genetic theories that are around today (actually may have started with americans) Hitler and his Psychiatrists proposed to sterilize hundreds of thousands of feeble minded and mentally ill or whoever they pulled off the street. They tortured and did medical experiments and promoted euthenisation and exterminated 250, 000 mentally ill... The company I G Farbin (Rockefeller) manufactured the gas in concentration camps... They split after the war with a slap on the wrist, RockeFeller continued with his plans along with the Psychiatrist involved, and migrated to America.... Psychiatry has a history of being used in Political oppression as a form of population control in Russia , fascist techniques of inducing fear and blackmail are still used today (considered child abuse to refuse to get your child adequately medicated with toxic chemicals??)....

I guess it could go on, I'm still looking to proving Psychiatry is a tool for Population control that is excusable for anyone to believe that... A lot of the new diseases in DSM are by-products of a polluted society that drug companies have no interest on addressing actual causes of the epidemic because it serves them so well.. They can afford to pay out money to people who sue for the adverse reactions that are so common, yet Psychiatrist stand by them and will try to pin it on a new mental illness (like ritalin causing Bi-polar and psychosis), they do well at covering it up all the deaths and physical ailments as a result of the drugs.. Psychiatrist hardly know what they're doing, they run off drug company marketing schemes for their so called 'scientific' understanding.. Its all theory just like the brain pressure exorcizm style treatments of drilling holes into peoples heads to relieve the pressure, 'chemical imbalance' used as a marketing ploy (there is no evidence of imbalance except when the drugs cause an imbalance)...

The 'science' hasn't actually come that far, suprizingly they are still considering alternative paradigms to explain mental illness but only if there is a Market to sell drugs with the theory.....

edit on 30-1-2012 by Raguel because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-1-2012 by Raguel because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-1-2012 by Raguel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:48 AM
Originally posted by avingard
reply to post by Maverickhunter

What about laziness? Gluttony? Adultery? Murder? In a lot of cases, the people who commit these acts feel that they are wrong but lack the will power to stop themselves. Should they be labeled and drugged?

Since you mentioned some deadly sins, Pharmacy is derived from Greek which translates to Sorcery and Witchcraft in the bible, can't remember the exact words but it meant druggist drug developer etc = Pharma = sorcery = Bad news according to the bible... People should have the right to refuse having witchcraft used against them.....

so yeah I think ALL components of drug companies and Psychiatrist drug pushers can taste their own medicine and then can understand when people complain about side-effects that can be hard to describe under the influence, but they don't really care or do anything about it, maybe only prescribe another drug on top of it with its own list of side effects and new mental illness's will emerge from the abnormalities of the brain these drugs induce. Don't be fooled into thinking the so called illness creates abnormalities, there is no solid proof since those tested with imaging have in majority of cases been drugged and it doesnt take long for the drugs to effect the structure of the brain, that's why peoples length and intensity of treatment with anti-psychotics correlated to brain shrinkage.... but of-course they'd never want to taste it because they know what it does how dangerous and debilitating the pills are, but the drug pushers do all they can to hide the facts about the dangers tricking people with lies.... I experienced it, forced treatment, they deserve to burn for all they done to society and causing people premature death and lifelong suffering inner torment for nothing but shady practices that alternatives exist for.

so I reckon they should be drugged too or burn in a lake of fire (however the bible puts it) for practicing witchcraft and sorcery on people, Its from the seed the fallen angels planted on earth, not a christian, it says about it in Enoch.... but I don't think it should be used as punishment like it so often is with inhumane medical practices, like "take your pills or we'll lock you in seclusion, humiliate you without food force it with injections of the most dangerous life threatening varieties" like the more you resist the more they push it and for longer periods because to them resistance indicated as part of illness or delusion to think there is an alternative and somehow correlates to the need for more drugs in their half witted eyes. Such an illogical method of torture inspiring fear and terror to cure madness.... Its absurd.. fascist Nazi scum they are indeed.. pardon me. ..

Don't know what its like for ADHD sufferers but I guess Psychiatrist fill them and there family with lies like "its a chemical imbalance" "Its just like diabetes or a broken leg" BS marketing ploy, its completely subjective, and intangible, there are no scientific tests to prove anything they claim.... disinformation and I agree possibly the work of population control NWO, or the NWO originated with help from the world of Psychiatry hand in hand.. Follow the money and see who owns the drug companies chairmen lobbyist and i bet you find NWO representatives, just like Hitler and Rockefeller executed plans for it and had close ties to Psychiatry and more so genetic theories of mental illness, it serves a purpose to sterilize and shorten the lifespan in some instances, submit to authority and be dominated, quite an effective tool...

Pardon my rant.. Just getting it out there
edit on 30-1-2012 by Raguel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:54 AM
I don't believe in the need for these drugs.

Kids have a hard time paying attention to anything these days because there is 100x more things to pay attention to and its a fact that school is boring

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 08:23 AM
i have add the other version off adhd i take risperdal its the same kind off # like relatine i always know there was something rong with that pills that pils controle my mind and that is wat my parents and the rest off that asses want

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Dead Midgets
effexor, risperdal, and lithium
.... what foolishness, why should I allow myself to be at the end of these disorders just because of ONE mistake (being sad)?

[edit on 6-8-2007 by Dead Midgets]

[OOPs, I was just reading through again... So I repeated myself from what I said just before a bit.. Thought this thread had a surge of activity or something...........]

Totally hear you, I was on Respiridol for a while and lithium, didn't tolerate Respiridol at all, totally relate to the zombie feeling, it led to elevated prolactin hormone and sex function problems changed my drugs to Zeldox which lets me form more complex thoughts have more energy etc do the dismay of the treating 'professionals' I don't think any dopamine theory targeting drugs that destroy the pineal gland (social control of spiritually sensitives, maybe we seen as a threat to society, and yeah fluoride does this too calcification of pineal and its main ingredient in anti-depressants) Don't think new med did any good with the prolactin issue.. Now my doctors think I might have biological condition causing it, never had a problem without it.. I hear elevated prolactin can cause tumors of the pituitry gland too... not meaning to worry anyone ...ehh my story is different...... plus this isn't about people labeled as schitz, for whatever ludicrous reasons doctors label and stigmatize.....

I think you have a case for mal-practice DEadMidgets, if the quacks take it seriously ,since some drugs are known to cause psychosis inc. anti-psychotics... It is an embarrassing profession, blatant stupidity to sell drugs charading around looking down their noses treating people like animals or test subjects for new 'breakthrough' medicine that's barely been tested for long term dangers..., could go on and on like I already done at the expense of 'too long to read' #.
they are noble authority that do nothing for spiritual health. coming to the understanding that they know what they do yet hide the therapeutic function of the drugs with clever disguises and theories to sell drugs as safe
dont have much understanding of ADHD but from what I've noticed about Excitotoxins in food and probably indicating there is something wrong with education system and like the post linking to Indigo children or they are bright sparks who have a right to question authority.. Maybe it is normal, kids grow out of it anyway they could test alternative therapy yet that is driven out of the system, maybe its a threat to drug industry..... some kind of reeducation that doesn;t involve brainwashing people into believing they have an illness... do the quacks even suggest kids with ADHD grow out of it?? or mabe they prefer fascist fear tactics

Abraam mosher is good, Nutrient therapy Orthomoleculat medicine claims to heal people quite well, but don't have funding or patents to do clinical trials and since science made alternatives unethical without the mainstream treatments.,. can't do much more then proving it to be conjunctive at this stage
edit on 2-2-2012 by Raguel because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-2-2012 by Raguel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 12:42 PM
#ahem# we ALL have ADHD. think about it. You are constantly being flooded with images, colors, information, perception, cell phones, tablets, tvs, interactive media..etc it is impossible to stay focused in a quite room now a days because your mind looks to find alternatives to what you have in front of you.
EVERY pharmaceutical is created to treat something or other that has been told to you by any type of media. Its a catch 22. Things do exist that hold us back and others don't

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