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Muslims Protest Over Pet Food Factory That Could 'Rain Down' Pork

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posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 12:47 PM
Don't worry I am not offended. My beliefs and your beliefs are your own matter, as long as yours don't majorly affect mine, I am fine.
I was just pointing out like similar to most peoples understanding of Islam that they have preconceived ideas about it that aren't actually true. No, you were never "forced" in the modern era, into not eating meat on Fridays, it was a personal way of showing your faith, which has been changed to a more lenient form of observation as time has gone on. You didn't go to hell for it. In fact if St. Patricks day falls on a Friday in Lent, Local Bishops and Cardinal can OK it to eat Corned Beef! It's not "having to eat fish" even, you just abstained/ fasted from meat and limited your meals. Many religions do that on certain days / feasts, yet Catholics seem "weird" for that, I don't get it.

Fasting Catholics Not a great source but good overview if you want to learn more.

Back more on topic now.

Muslim's in the West have a hard time it seems explaining their beliefs in a way that others can understand well. Most are like us, wanting a better life for them and their families. It doesn't help that there are some Major players behind the scenes in Modern Western Islam that are intent on spreading Wahabism, which is very intolerant of other Muslims and other religions. They are the ones who are funding the "Super Mosques" and "Islambergs" you hear about. Even moderate Muslims in the West are warning about them, but they have a hard time being heard above the din.

posted on Aug, 4 2007 @ 03:48 PM

It doesn't help that there are some Major players behind the scenes in Modern Western Islam that are intent on spreading Wahabism, which is very intolerant of other Muslims and other religions. They are the ones who are funding the "Super Mosques" and "Islambergs" you hear about.

Ok, I will have to check out this Wahabism, I was born and raised Christian, a strict Christian home as a matter of fact,

I have attended many different churches looking for one that seems to be teaching what Christ taught,

Here is an example of why religious laws bug me. I attended a holiness church for a while, they teach you cannot cut your hair or wear jewlery, women cannot wear pants and must wear long sleeved shirts, I didn't last long there,

Sad, they were some of the most wonderful people I have every met.

Ok, it's Ok, if that's the path THEY choose but, look at all the religions all teachings what they consider divine truths and laws, all differing with one another, all saying their god is the one true god.

It makes me sad for humanity, this diminishes the greatness of the creator, we have created him in our image. Don't get me wrong I believe there are laws one should follow, but love conqures all, if we have love the laws would not be necessary, we would not steal, or kill, love would prevent us from harming one another, this ultimate truth love one another.

This is my commandment, That ye love one another

We are the problem.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 01:01 PM
This is because Muslims refuse to evolve

Refuse to adapt to their surrounding, they are always trying to adapt their surrounding to meet their needs no matter where they move.

Besides the whole pork thing was made in the past because of all the people who got sick from pork in ancient times. This is now, let go of the past. Quite living by some idiotic code written down by ancient ancestors who still thought the earth was flat.

[edit on 13-8-2007 by Royal76]

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Royal76
Quite living by some idiotic code written down by ancient ancestors who still thought the earth was flat.
[edit on 13-8-2007 by Royal76]

Would you like to name me a religion which does not do this? Christians, Hindu & Buddhists all certainly live by ancient codes of behaviour and morals.

You may wish to criticise all religious groups in this respect, (an argument which would carry more weight), but to single out Muslims in this manner is absurd.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 01:25 AM
[Well it appears that the Great Brittish Islands are just full of Liberal Pussies,
that allow the Muslim invaders to push them around.
What fools you are!!
You will find it a sorry fact that your own woman will be wearing vails soon.
Ha ha

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Ok, I will have to check out this Wahabism

Yes, Wahabism is the flavour of Islam practiced by the Saudis...where women are not allowed to drive, and officials walk around hitting women with sticks if they show bare ankles and other such affrontery.

So we are rescuing the women in Afghanistan...and Iraq...from the evils of fundamentalist Islam, but the Saudi's are our pals, making all of their abuse just okie-dokie in Western books. Just goes to show you that hypocracy is restricted to no creed or colour...but it has a real affinity towards petrodollars.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by DYepes

why not just stop living?
as far as pork goes, I love it, as with all meat,
that is what we where inteded to eat
as far as the rest of the stuff on your list, let me alone to do as I wish,
if you dont want to do them, then dont, but dont stop me from doing them if I wish

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