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security clearance question

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posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:09 PM
so ive done some drugs would that F*ck me over for security clearance in about 10 years? just wondering cause it would suck if i couldnt because of that

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:14 PM
Me thinks that if you keep circumventing the censors here you will lose your clearance here, nevermind 10 years from now.

Drug use will tap you out of clearances, and if you lie about your usage and they find out about it through background checks you may get to see the inside of a military jail for a period of time, if military is what you are refering to. They will at minimun boot you out on a dishonorable discharge, which will follow you around like a little black cloud for life.

Check here as well....

[edit on 30-7-2007 by Lost_Mind]

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:19 PM
The law is kind of nebulous in this area, but you can't be "on drugs" when you're applying for one...I would probably be abstinent for six months prior to application, and its worth knowing that the processing of a clearance application take approximately one year-you should probably be clean during that time.

"Because of a recent change in the law, there are some factors which will positively result in the denial of a clearance. As a result of the Smith Amendment, the FY01 Defense Authorization Act amended Chapter 49 of Title 10, United States Code, and precluded the initial granting or renewal of a security clearance by (DoD) under the following four specific circumstances:

1. (1) An individual has been convicted in any court of the U.S. of a crime and sentenced to imprisonment for a term exceeding one year.
2. (2) An individual is (currently) an unlawful user of, or is addicted to, a controlled substance (as defined in section 102 or the Controlled Substances Act (21U.S.C. 802))
3. (3) An individual is mentally incompetent, as determined by a mental health professional approved by the DoD
4. (4) An individual has been discharged or dismissed from the armed forces under dishonorable conditions."

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:24 PM
i mean like a scientific carrer if thats not military but i am underage if that would make any difference and i plan on stopping well before i turn 18

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by Wtfisthat
i mean like a scientific carrer if thats not military but i am underage if that would make any difference and i plan on stopping well before i turn 18

Well, a clearance is a clearance is a clearance. If you were applying as a civilian the worst thing that could happen is that you would be denied the clearance and your chances for getting one in the future would be lowered. Just be clean within the time parameters I've already mentioned and you should be ok.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:26 PM
Well, firstly let's not circumvent the censors again.

A lot of people have done drugs before clearances and they get through it fine. The only stickler is whether you have a police record regarding drugs. For many companies or organisations that is a sticky point and they'll have to really examine you.

But everything is up for negotiation so long as you do well in school and you prove yourself to be worthy of trust.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:27 PM
k thanks that just what i was looking for

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Nerdling
Well, firstly let's not circumvent the censors again.

A lot of people have done drugs before clearances and they get through it fine. The only stickler is whether you have a police record regarding drugs. For many companies or organisations that is a sticky point and they'll have to really examine you.

But everything is up for negotiation so long as you do well in school and you prove yourself to be worthy of trust.

Oh, no, it's not that simple. You gotta be clean if you really want it. The government can order you to go to a drug test.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:31 PM
Not many companies out there would willingly hire and maintain a high security clearance for someone who has recently or is a drug user. Drug use speaks volumes about a persons character and ability to maintain whatever necessary secrecy is needed to do your job. Its a trust thing....

I know I wouldnt hire a user, past or present, to be trusted with any level of internal security for me. I would hire an ex user but not just in high risk areas of employment.

Best bet is to stomp it out now and get it out of your system, kill that bug up your arse before it becomes a bigger problem for you than you need or want.

[edit on 30-7-2007 by Lost_Mind]

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:32 PM
Well this is true but if you are talking a long time down the line it's not going to show up after one experiment.

Half the people in the federal Government have experimented with drugs before. So long as you're not on it at the time of application and you do not take them after you have been granted a clearance it should be okay.

Don't make a habit of it though!

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:35 PM
Sounds like someone was looking for a reason to keep using until the last minute and he found it here. Wonderful....

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:35 PM
El doubly postumitus...

[edit on 30-7-2007 by Lost_Mind]

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Lost_Mind
Sounds like someone was looking for a reason to keep using until the last minute and he found it here. Wonderful....
i was just wondering if i had any chance more so i could decide if i needed to persue another carrer path or not and i dont like most of the things ive done just not fun and i am close to quiting for good

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:43 PM
wtf, what you're writing somewhat seems to indicate that you might be addicted and it might be tougher to kick your habit(s) than you might think.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:44 PM
This guy sounds perfect for a government job. I'm all for it!

I had to admit to some rec. drug use when I got clearance back in '92 or so. No problem getting a clearance. I think they expect you to at least tell the truth - the point is, they want to see your character whether it involves drugs or not. Some prescriptions are stronger than some street drugs and if you ever had to go on Percocet or some other pain killer that's pretty "hard stuff".

This guy needs to get an education before worrying about a clearance. Or, at least buy a spell checker.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:46 PM
Let me put it to you this way, you increase your odds at winning the lottery 100% by playing. The same goes for drug use and employment worth anything. If you stop, and I mean stop completely, it will improve your chances of getting a good job (yes, even with security clearances) by about the same odds. By stopping you are absolutely eliminating a monstrous hurdle for an employer to get over in order to trust you. Just stop already.

And I'm not taking some moral high ground here. From experience it will be much easier for you if you put a cork in it as early as you can...I know.

[edit on 30-7-2007 by Lost_Mind]

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
wtf, what you're writing somewhat seems to indicate that you might be addicted and it might be tougher to kick your habit(s) than you might think.
lol we shall see in a few months

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 10:43 PM
A security clearance will be granted on several factors. If you own up to drug use and are honest, it will not be held against you. When your background check is ran and it will be, and you didn't mention the drug use, but you have any drug convictions, forget about the clearance of any level. People you list, and there will be many blanks to fill in names, will also give character traits and be contacted either in writing or in person. So keep this in mind. You just need to be truthful. The supplemental form I filled out was 11 pages long but used both sides.

As a side note. I have met guys with felony drug convictions with top secret clearances but then guys that have lesser crimes not allowed to have the clearance. Go figure, someone with a stealing conviction is more apt to take something that doesn't belong to them than a drug user, "in the eye's of the US Government".

Now for the reality check. You will not get to the point of filling out clearance paperwork with the government before you have had a drug test administered. Good luck with your future careers....

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Wtfisthat
so ive done some drugs would that F*ck me over for security clearance in about 10 years? just wondering cause it would suck if i couldnt because of that

No, but posting messages to a conspiracy board will definitely come back to haunt you. Say so long to Top Secret, buddy.

posted on Jul, 30 2007 @ 11:36 PM
Suicide, that too was my first thought! The funny thing is, even though being in the drug culture and being a regular poster on ATS might be bad for security clearance from the DoD and related agencies or contractors, it can do wonderful things for your ability to get clearance within the intelligence community.

You could become a great asset with ties to the drug underworld, black markets, and money laundering. Not to mention the ability to become a paid disinformation agent with a prior record of posting on the side of "the good fight."


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