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Apollo 20 Secret Miltary Moon Mission

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posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 10:44 PM
Has his been posted on ATS before. There was supposedly two secret military moon mission to the backside of the moon after the NASA program ended. They went off from Vandenberg AFB near Lompoc, Calif. Apollo 19 and 20. Apollo 19 ended in failure but 20 went and came back with 2 Americans and a Russian. One of the Americans was a woman and she was really the first American in space. They went to investigate the crashed alien spacecraft that was photographed by the other missions. This was in August of 1976 ,after the Soyuz-Apollo missions. I just wander in to this guys web site and found them and it led me to the Youtube videos. If this is posted on this site somewhere somebody let me know. But anyway here is his url and the link to the videos.

Video url :/2c46cm

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 10:58 PM
Yeah its here somehwere, if I wasnt so lazy I would find it for you.

Go to ATS home click the search button at the top, type apollo 20 and it will pop up im sure. Im pretty sure its a hoax though.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 12:35 AM
Do a search on 'retiredafb' - that should bring most of the threads up. That's the person's username on YouTube.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 04:53 AM
The youtube video is such and obvious hoax.
It says

So when was a Command and Service module ever allowed to go that

[edit on 26/7/07 by Chorlton]

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 08:57 AM
Originally posted by Chorlton

So when was a Cammand and Service module ever allowed to go that low??

I agree with Chorlton. The Command and Service Module was never allowed to go that low or it would have crashed. The Command and Service Module orbited between 60 and 70 miles because of the Moon's gravity which is at least 64% that of earth's.

Had the moon's gravity been one sixth that of earth's as NASA would have you believe then the orbit of the Command and Service Module would have been much lower saving fuel and time.

NASA had to perform some 'sleight of hand' with the orbital times of the CSM. The period of time that it took the CSM to orbit the moon was actually about one hour whereas the public was told and all public records reflect 2 hours.

Imagine the complexity of juggling the communications blackout time to match the fictional 2 hours orbit with the actual 1 hour orbit. It must have been a nightmare. And I would imagine that those who knew about the lie would be able to recall all of the 'mistakes' that were made in the stories given to the public and ask "Didn't you ever wonder why....?" And then go on to give us some figures about the commnications blackout what were obviously faked.

NO! We never wondered why. We all believed what NASA was telling us. At least I did.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 12:15 AM
Of course, it's not possible to secretly launch a Saturn V rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base.

First, they would have had to construct the launch facilities (vehicle assembly building, launch pad and tower, etc.). Next the rocket would have to be stacked and positioned on the pad. It would sit there for as long as necessary to prepare for launch (days? weeks?), including delays. All the while, this activity would be visible to hundreds (thousands?) of civilians. The Amtrak train runs right through the base, past all of the launch facilities.

If, by some miracle, the rocket could be kept covered in some way and nobody raised any questions about the new giant structures visible from the train, then you still have the launch itself to contend with. After liftoff, the rocket would be clearly visible in the nearby communities of Lompoc and Santa Maria, throughout Santa Barbara County, and indeed all over southern California. Some Vandenberg launches have been observed as far away as Phoenix, Arizona. In the wake of previous lunar missions from Florida, the rocket would be quite recognizable as a Saturn to anyone who had paid the slightest attention to the Apollo news coverage. Such a launch from California would have been a news story of epic proportions.

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 09:29 PM
I was reviewing my account on YouTube and re-read a message I had sent to retiredafb. I went to his account and all but one video remains of Apollo 20.

He has moved all his video's plus added more at his new video hosting site

I have not watched any yet, I wanted to share the find first.

I will post my comments later.


posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 09:01 AM
This is a thread where you can find lots of information about this case.'

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 11:06 PM
Well, here we go again. With all due respect to Internos, your barrage of past ATS links to pertinent discussions does not penultimately or ultimatetly explain these anomalies. A bunch of internal ATS threads have been posted about this subject, but it is all ATS based except for This doesn't help the debate about these unusual anomalies found on the Moon. In my opinion this is has more weight than glass domes, secret bases, etc, etc. Let me introduce the following even if it has been presented before:

In the past there have been some dedicated individuals that tried to elucidate the nature of these anomalies, and I only present for the newcomers the following:


Also this analysis:


But suspiciously, no one has questioned the calligraphy presented here that was supposedly found in one of the ships. Could it be another Voynich Manuscript?:


Some individual from Israel made a very good presentation upon the following:


And there is more here:


But if someone says it all looks like clay, then look at the following LCROSS image. To me it looks a lot like like the surface of AS20-FWD-7250.




Where did the footage of the flyover of Delporte and Lutke crater come from at such low heights?


I have the feeling that certain individuals are hell bent in proving this a hoax. I would like to invite more discussion on this topic. If anyone has more relevant information please present it here.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 10:35 PM
Well since the previous post disappeared, let me re-post what I had presented before. As a matter of discovery, Interno's last post has disappeared, unless there is something wrong with my browser.
Or he was too shy to appear in this thread again!

Everyone talks about the cigar shaped thing sometimes called "The Whale", but no one talks about the Triangular Ship(s) mentioned by this supposed William Rutledge. So let me present the following :

So this is the latest video that Moonwalker1966delta has posted. It is of a perspective shot of the triangular ship. Which seems like it is based from almost below-left of the destroyed nose-cone of the "Mothership" looking towards the Triangular Ship:

In addition, the now defunct group from Space Heroes, whether they were for truth or profit, elucidated the presence of one of the Triangular Ships that was mentioned in the Scantamburlo interview:


I do understand that this topic has been floating around since 2007, and almost reached immortality levels such as the "Drone" topic, but there is something there. Why would Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 take SO many pictures of this area? I have ALL of them and they are quite numerous. It is as almost if someone had some info. but not all of it and wanted to present it as an allegory as to what happened.
As another ATSer by the moniker or Anonymous ATS mentioned a long time ago, is that the movie "ALIEN" (1979) was produced to see how the populace would react to such a discovery. (And yes, I do know the whole numerous record Anonymous ATS postings he put forth).
And how convenient that Bruce Pennington only months (12/30/76) after this supposed mission started to draw pictures/scenes of this:


In addition, in order to substantiate the video titled "APOLLO 20 E.B.E. Mona Lisa TV unscheduled transmission" I must also use the Russian site (

1976 Aug 16 Luna 24 rocket engine is used to adjust its orbit around the Moon
1976 Aug 17 After firing its onboard rocket engine, Luna 24 orbit around the Moon is now 12 x 120 kilometres at 120 degrees inclination
1976 Aug 18 06:30 Luna 24 fires its rocket engine and begins its descent towards a landing on the Moon surface
1976 Aug 18 06:36 Luna 24 lands on the Moon at 12.75 degrees north, 62.20 degrees east in the Mare Crisium, a few hundred metres from Luna 23
1976 Aug 18 Luna 24 uses a long, hollow drill to collect a 1.6 metre core sample of the lunar surface - it weighs 170 grammes - it is coiled as it is deposited inside the return craft
1976 Aug 19 05:25 Luna 24 return stage fires its rocket motor and begins its journey back to Earth
1976 Aug 22 17:55 Luna 24 re-entry capsule touches down 200 kilometres south-east of Surgut
1976 Aug 24 The Soviet Union reports that it is still maintaining communication with Luna 24 on the Moon - this is the last formal announcement in the Soviet Luna programme
1977 Nov 11 Cosmos 159, a lunar communications and tracking test vehicle, re-enters the Earth atmosphere through the combined effects of air drag and gravity,.

What does this mean? Supposedly the "official" Russian story is that they sent a Luna Mission without a rover. But I think this is not true. The Russian Space Agency sent a rover to support the mission, days before the actual "Apollo 20" landing. Leonov was involved. If one looks at the previous video, it says Department of Defense (DoD). Orange Mission. The "Apollo 20" was used as a generic term for this mission. Yes the public program ended with Apollo 17, but we also had the Apollo 18 (ASTP mission). After that, who knows what the DoD/Navay Space Command would name their subsequent missions.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 01:04 AM
Sometimes I have to cojole people in order to promote a good argument and further elucidate evidence for the sake of the subject in question.

I have analyzed the LPI/NASA images and there seems to be two shadows cast by two individual objects. But lets just focus on "The Whale", the cigar shaped one for now. It's triangular partner will come later because obfuscation has been used to conceal the other derelict ship and I will elucidate more on this later on.

The following evidence seems to show a striking similarity when you overlap the "Rutledge" footage with what is available at the LPI website:


These landmarks seem too close and precise to be made by a hoaxer (insert Speth/Scantamburlo here):


If you mix the pixelation from the two sources you get this:


But what a coincidence that someone would choose the date of August 16th, 1976 to be the launch date of this supposed "Apollo 20" mission, when a few days earlier Luna 24 (E-8-5M-412) with its undeclared Lunokhod rover launch on August 9th, 1976 (Ref. So guess what you see outside of the Phoenix lander?...the Lunokhod rover with a NASA moon rover in the middle ground:


But I will agree with you that "The City" video is a hoax, and any one could have planted this as disinformation. In observing such clues, there seems to be a similar structure at top left of the following video screenshots:




Sure looks a lot like Hoagland's (?) Moon Cathedral doesn't it?


This is a long way from being a hoax. We just have to separate the wheat from the schaff...


posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by calcoastseeker
Has his been posted on ATS before. There was supposedly two secret military moon mission to the backside of the moon after the NASA program ended. They went off from Vandenberg AFB near Lompoc, Calif. Apollo 19 and 20. Apollo 19 ended in failure but 20 went and came back with 2 Americans and a Russian. One of the Americans was a woman and she was really the first American in space. They went to investigate the crashed alien spacecraft that was photographed by the other missions. This was in August of 1976 ,after the Soyuz-Apollo missions. I just wander in to this guys web site and found them and it led me to the Youtube videos. If this is posted on this site somewhere somebody let me know. But anyway here is his url and the link to the videos.

Video url :/2c46cm

I have several problems with this me overly skeptical, but still...

1) What happened to Apollo 18? Apollo 17 was very public, and these two supposed secret missions were Apollo 19 and 20. There's either a problem with the story, or an even bigger conspiracy than originally thought.

2) How did the USAF launch a Saturn V from Vandenberg AFB? The transportation network around Vandenberg isn't hefty enough to bring in the stages of a Saturn V. Even if you could somehow smuggle them in, there's no vehicle assembly structure big enough to assemble them. Even if you could assemble them, there's no launch pad remotely big enough to handle the weight, or the thermal and sonic shock of a Saturn V launch.

3) How did the USAF manage to keep the launch of not one, but two hypothetical Saturn V rockets from Vandenberg secret? Even in the daytime, under good conditions, launches of much smaller rockets are visible in the northern parts of Phoenix AZ. Something as energetic as a Saturn would've been very visible in daylight. At night, it would've been apocalyptic.

4) There was a woman aboard Apollo 20, and she was really the first American in space (per the OP). Really? I guess all of those Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo flights, and the Skylab missions collectively don't count?

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by Kratos40

Hi there.

Apollo 20 is bunk.

[edit on 25/3/10 by Chadwickus]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 06:53 AM
Apollo 20: old story that refuses to die because the artifact that is presented actually does exist and was photographed by Apollo 15. It is a matter of record.

Over the years, there have been many claims that the story was discredited or debunked, as it were. But the debunkery and discrediting has been as questionable as the A20 video itself.

Last i checked, circa 2007, Alexei Leonov has continued to refuse to discus the subject in public, no one has been able to locate Leona Snyder and Rutledge has been all but impossible to peg.

For those who are not up on the story, aside from those refs here at ATS, there are these I often ref for info:


posted on May, 30 2011 @ 04:20 AM
here is high res video proving there is no space ship

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:24 PM
Just posting a reply so I can subscribe to the thread.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 01:22 PM
I am not convinced this is a hoax at all.
It may have false info mixed in by disinfo.
But we can see the LM interior, and the EBE, as well as outside the LM window.
The Mission patch is also on the LM interior.

I am convinced there is truth to all this. But it does seem partially contaminated by disinfo.
The "powers that be" would not want this info out, so they do what they can to make it look like a hoax.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by tom502
I am not convinced this is a hoax at all.
It may have false info mixed in by disinfo.
But we can see the LM interior, and the EBE, as well as outside the LM window.
The Mission patch is also on the LM interior.

I am convinced there is truth to all this. But it does seem partially contaminated by disinfo.
The "powers that be" would not want this info out, so they do what they can to make it look like a hoax.

The mission patch doesn't hold up very well as proof. I can get a unit patch showing that I'm a member of GI Joe, or the 8th Cadian Imperial Guard. I can get full-up 6' banners to show that I'm a member of the Dark Angels chapter of the Space Marines (what ever gave you the idea that I play Warhammer 40K?

My biggest problems with the whole "Apollo 20" story are ones I've mentioned elsewhere, and I'm still waiting to see them addressed.

1) What happened to Apollo 18? I watched Apollo 17, and supporters of this story claim to have evidence of Apollo 19 and 20. That leaves a not exactly small missing entire Apollo mission.

2) Where did the launch vehicles come from? Saturn V rockets aren't small, in any sense of the word. Fabricating the stages was a huge industrial effort, carried out by multiple contractors in multiple states. Unfortunately for the Apollo 20 story, all of the Saturn Vs are accounted for. Where did the two extras come from? It's not like we could have accidentally slipped in a few extras in the middle of a long production run.

3) How were the stages transported and assembled without anyone knowing? Specialized barges and nearly unique aircraft were used for the "known" Saturn Vs. Those assets weren't available for these 'clandestine' launches.

4) How were 3 Saturn Vs (Apollo 18,19, and 20) launched with nobody noticing? Preparing a Saturn for launch was a 40+ hour process that required unique (and huge) buildings and equipment, several dozen technicians on the pad, and a firing team of around 100. Communications with a lunar mission required thousands of people in a network that panned the globe (not all of it US territory, and all of it vulnerable to intercept by non-US installations)...Saturn V launches were visible for scores of miles in daytime, and would have been more so at night. Somehow, *none* of this activity got noticed by anybody who wasn't part of the cover up?

It just doesn't strike me as possible, never mind reasonable.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 01:48 PM
I believe "they" are, and have, sent up secret missions into space many times.
Maybe they do it from secret locations.
Just imagine all the satellites going up.
I am not an expert, but they could be launching a secret manned mission to Mars right now, and I would never know.

But sure, anyone can make a patch, but I think no one has shown the interior of the LM to be fake, and the patch and USA/USSR flag is shown in the LM interior, as well as the film inside that shows the USA and USSR rover out the LM window, as well as a large artificial structure(part of the city?) on the top left hill.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by tom502
I believe "they" are, and have, sent up secret missions into space many times.
Maybe they do it from secret locations.
Just imagine all the satellites going up.
I am not an expert, but they could be launching a secret manned mission to Mars right now, and I would never know.

There's a difference between launching a secret *payload* into orbit...which happens fairly frequently, and a secret launch (one that's totally unknown by the public). Even a relatively small (compared to a Saturn V) and common launch (something like a Delta, perhaps) will be a very noticed event. The launch itself will be visible (and audible) for literally miles, and the exhaust plume as the rocket climbs will be even more visible...not only from miles away on the ground, but to airline pilots and passengers and civil aviators over most of a state or two.

Air traffic controllers will know about it too...either because the FAA will notify them in advance (the usual method) or because of the sudden flurry of "What was THAT?!" traffic from the aforementioned pilots (in the event of some secret launch).

It's also far from trivial to hide a launch site. Too many very large buildings and fairly distinctive support structures are needed to ship / assemble / preflight / fuel / launch a large rocket.

But sure, anyone can make a patch, but I think no one has shown the interior of the LM to be fake, and the patch and USA/USSR flag is shown in the LM interior, as well as the film inside that shows the USA and USSR rover out the LM window, as well as a large artificial structure(part of the city?) on the top left hill.

As for showing the interior of the LM to be fake, I could counter-argue (if I were so inclined) that no one has shown it to be legitimate, either...but that wouldn't really be a productive approach. I'll also confess that I'm having trouble finding decent video or still shots...a lot of the links I hit with a search are broken, or the videos have been removed. Based on what I have been able to see, the LM seems remarkably spacious (there seems to be room for two astronauts and an alien corpse (based on our experience with putting three astronauts in the LM for a return to Earth on the Apollo 13 mission, I'd say that might be doable, if uncomfortable for various reasons), and room to do a certain amount of poking and prodding at the most significant historical find in human history (which seems like a really bad idea, from a scientific point of view). The LM also seems remarkably well lit, compared to images from other Apollo flights

As a sort of a late addendum...I've asked before where we got the spare Saturn Vs to launch these secret moon missions. I could add the LM to the list of "where did we get it?" items. It's not like we made hundreds of LMs, It might be easy to slip an extra item into a production run of several hundred...but in a production run of 20-30, one extra item (particularly a big-ticket item like a Saturn stage or a LM) is going to stand out a bit.

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