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Important and so negative Internal Political crisis in USA: 2007-2009/

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posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 02:03 AM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,

Well it is strongly important for me to talk openly about something that is appearing constantly in my vissions about the advance of this crysis in the United states.

If the Presidential Election of 2008 be tied between Johh McCain and a democratic Nominee this nation is going to experiment a situation that would be several times more complex than the one occured in 2000.

Without objective evidences of the votation, I mean votes in paper, a system that is completly electronic that the one is currently existing does not have form to show if the results are reliable or not, there is no way to confirm laterly, in case of impugnation, what was the actual result of the election.

I think is my responsibility to point to this very weak point of the electoral system since I suspect we are going directly to a very tied election again.

Keep in mind that Now the Republican party has a Candidate that will have so many weeks ahead for his campaign while the democratics are still fighting among themselves and probably they are going to arrive so divided and weaken for the mutual attacks for their convention.

It is even possible that the Democratic convention finally must be forced to choose another third person as the Candidate if Obama and Hillary remain still tied in that time. That possibility is more probable now than ever before since with each new primary there are less votes that can be divided between both precandidates to complete the more than 2000 required to be the nominee.

Finally let me try to imagine what is going to happen with two candidates for weeks and weeks, after the election, claiming each one to be the trully winner of the election ? what is going to happend without votes to count? is America prepared to surpass such a crytical moment? on what base the supreme court can decide which one is the trully winner if there were no votes at allow, only computing systems that could be working well but also could be running bad?

Your friend,
The Angel of Lightness

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 12:17 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

Today again the stock markets or all arround the world registered a new spectacular fall produced by the fear about the weakness of the American dollar and the problems of the Credit system that is artifitially moving the American economy during the last years.

This performance is an evidence that my prediction of July 2007 that we are firmly walking toward a General Economical and Social Crysis this year and the next in America was completly correct.

I want to point that any of this indicators were available in any way on the epoch in which I was the first to talk about this event, in fact I receive radical crytics due to this prediction, saying that nothing was advising to such an incoming recesion.
Well here is the report of the international agencies that you can verify by yourselves

This crysis is boosted primarly due to three important factors:
- the incapacity of the Federal administration to understand that the Globalization is already wasted, that there is no way to solve this crysis by continue looking for other markets since the entire world is already open from long time ago.

- The current economical model is not functioning since a very important part of the income generated by business of the Multinationals and their employments is located in the far east countries and not here, where it is strongly needed by the American people.

- the entrance of the People's Republic of China to the International Trade Organization and the terrible impact that of its so cheap products is producing in all the markets, literally the entire income of the world economy is flowing in only one direction toward the far east.

- The political game orchested by Hugo Chavez and the Iran and some Arab governments to use the Petroleum prizes as a letal weapon to break and possibly crash the American Economy, in other words the translation of the war to the Economical scenario.

thanks for your atention,
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 12:19 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

Let me interrupt your spring break recess to comment the terrible fall registered in Wall street as a consequence of the increasing recession that is occuring in the American Market.

Unfortunatelly we have seen by today that the so incontroled increasing of the Credit system in America during the last years, trying to absorbe the actual reduction of the buy capacity of millions of people, is like a giant time bomb which our economy is living on.

In particular the high volatility registered on the stock market around the Chase GP Morgan Bank actions, that is a simbol of how solid is the American Bank system, shows us clearly that we have been living for to much time of a great lie, of the illusion that our economy was increasing when in fact that growing was artificially created by the Credit.
Please check this information at:

it is clear that the current administration is unable to manage correctly this crysis since they are completely living in other planet, they are still thinking that it is possible to save the Globalization model and at the same time to remedy the internal recession that is comming to America.

How can we fix this incoming recession if millions of jobs that are needed in this country are currently open by the American multinationals in other countries overseas like the far east, since overthere the workers doesn't have social security at all and so low salaries, specially because many of them are Chinese that even don't have democracy at all and rule of law in their own nation?

Probably the current model is efficient to continue concentrating the income in the few hands of the middle level and high level executives or sales representatives of many corportations but it is clear that the worker class in this country doesn't have other option than to abuse of their credit or sit down to wait the day in which they cannot continue superviving in such difficult situation, and this when the goverment is interested only in defend the interests of the great capital.

It is now more than in any other time in recent epochs that America is requesting urgently that a new leadership appear to put this country to work together in favor of the interest of the majority.

Your Friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 3/17/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

Post of December 1st about the prediction of Sept 2007 apeared on Prophecies.US website:
As I told before, almost three months ago the first time, there is another so strong political figure that emerge surprising in the electoral scenario in the Democratic side, or even as s third neutral option, before the 2008 election and in my opinion he has more option that Clinton to be the winner. To speak clearly everything points that Former Vice President Al Gore is that person. If he is the one that I watched in my visions he is going to start his race to the white house after the earthquake of California that I am waiting since spring 2007 & probably will occur no later than the next spring.

The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

Let me recall this comment that was posted the last time on December 1st 2007 about the possible surprising arrival of Former Vice-president Al Gore and the Saviour of the Democratic Party in the Election of 2008.

Today I found this curious article published in yahoo news that points exactly in the same direction about the Nobel Peace Prize and how convenient can be his name as the solution that the Democrats have of who must be their candidate on November:

Is Al Gore the Answer? by Joe Klein:;_ylt=Ao0Ak6EMUTOXXHfTh3tPXV4b.3QA

How could I know on September 2007 and I confirmed on December, when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were the only two names that were on the table for such Nomination that the destination of the Political campaign would be the one that we have at Present?

That is a good question for the ones that still remain skeptical about the existence of the gift of prediction of incoming events, for the ones that does not believe in the world of the Supernatural phenomenon, for the ones that once told here that I was not viewing the future but only doing a deep analysis of the political performance.

Indeed this is only a small evidence of the many things that I will disclose to my readers in the following months and years about the misterious world of the Clairvoyance.

Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by The angel of light
It is important to insist in this point, and I warned about this before, if Mr Giuliani, that for me looks will be one of the two candidates,

I am certain you have an explanation around this precise statement regarding Giuliani, even though Giuliani has long since withdrawn and most clearly will not be, as you have stated above, one of the two candidates.

posted on Mar, 30 2008 @ 04:12 PM
Dear Reader,

It is interesting your observation but notice that your quote was taken from a comment given on Dec 1st of 2007 and not now or recently. It was even before none of the important primaries happend, and pointed to the fact that Giulani was one of the candidates that on the moment looked to be with more options competing for the respective nominations.

Other part that you ommited to mention by extracting that quote is that I clearly stated that he was not going to be President elected on 2008 , indeed that most that he could expect is to have a leading positon or important role in his party in the next term, and that this campaign only was going to give to him the momentum to continue alive as poltical figure with options in some other epoch in the future.

Let me reproduce again the part of this quote that you ommited since it is relevant to complete its meaning:

Posted originally on this same thread Dec 1st 2007:
Probably he doesn't know this but the next term will be particularly difficult for anyone in the Presidence. Giuliani can be President of the United States or have some other so important political role as a leader of his Party sometime in the future if he plays correctly his cards in 2008.

You know politics is comparable with Football, sometimes is more inteligent to put a nice player in the reserve, to wait sitting down the best moment to allow him to enter to the yard, than to push him to enter so early in a decisive game. Power is exactly the same & usually the party that is ruling is the one that suffer the major waste in all aspects, since it is the one that have the major responsibility.

Notice that in that ocasion I used the phrase "Play correctly his cards" that suggests the only action that Giulani could do on this campaign, to offer or deny endorsement to the favored candidate. That was precisely the action that he followed when he endorsed McCain.

Normaly no politician is going to play his cards after being the Nominee of his party, in that case he must be forced to win or to disappear of the political life (with 99% of probability that must be forever), otherwise the only alternative is to be labeled as the cronic loser candidate ,that is, the only one wanting to confront mission impossibles, like Al Stevenson in the 1950's.

In America only Richard Nixon could return succesfully, after he lost an election as a Candidate of his party, but that happend two terms after his defeat. If Al Gore returns to win it would be the same situation, For Giuliani, considering his Age & the strength of his image that possibility does not exist.

Notice please that there is other common point between Al Gore & Nixon, that is the only exception to the rule, and that marks a huge difference with respect to Giuliani:

Both were Vicepresidents for eight years and under so popular Presidents as Eisenhower and Clinton were. That of course gave to them a unique opportunity to earn fame & create a strong personal image difficult to be forgotten for the American Public, probably that is the root cause of the last coincidence between them: both lost very tied Presidential Elections.

Thanks for your participation in the thread and to ask this that allow me to clarify more the point.

Your friend,

The Angel of Lightness.

[edit on 3/30/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 11:51 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,
We are finishing a week that was characterized by the bearichness in the stock and commodities market, with a so big move of the investors to other type of financial products that represent lower risks in this uncertaintity that is now present in the American Economy.

This is the confirmation of my prediction of 2007 about the incomming internal crisis in America that is going to affect all the orders, even the political begond the end of this administration and toward the next one.

There are many factors that are causing these moments of panic that we have affronting since the begining of this 2008:

- The so high prizes of the petroleum are weaken important productive sectors in the country as the automotive industry that now register closing of important plants and reduction of others for General Motors.

- The reduction of the aquisition capacity in the American public also as a consequence of the major impact on the budgets of the now higher gas prizes, that reached the level of $140 dolars for the barrel and with tendency to continue increasing.

- The higher prizes of Gasoline is the prize that we are paying for the reconstruction of Iraq, after the destruction occured in the war started by the Bush administration, and also of the support of the troops in that country and in Afghanistan, so this is the cost of the so called preventive wars.

- There of course other factors that are contributed to this inflationary tendency as the problems that Hugo Chavez is creating in the southamerica region, the conflicts with Columbia and the ones of his satelite, the Equatorian goverment, with that same country. Both southamerican bolivarian countries as members of Opec also with any conflict boost the speculation arround petroleum.

-The Hipothecary crisis is another consequence of the reduction of the economical capacity of the American families that are waisting 10 times more money in Gas than 6 years ago.

One good news in the middle of all this bad facts is that there is an invention that is now appearing in America, curiosly devised by a Hispanic engineers, probably immigrants, and is the ionizer of the gasoline.

This ionizer is a small chip that is attached to the suply conduit before it reaches the combustion camera of the engine. This small device is able to augment the efficiency of the engines until three times, reducing in equal proportion the comsumption of Gasoline.

thanks for your atention,

your friend,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 6/27/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:00 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

The decision that was announced today by Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger, even being in momentary stand by, to fire thousands of public employees and reduce drastically the salary to the minimum accepted by law of hundreds of thousands is an accomplishment of my prediction, given at the middle of 2007, that by this epoch the country would be entering in a huge political crisis.

The opposition of the California congress to the way in which the governor is cutting the expenses of the State and planning to confront the consequences of the economical crisis in one of the states with higher deficit, is the beginning of a many battles in a lot of states between the Democratics and republicans to blame mutually about the so bad current social and economical situation of the country.

This is just only the first stage of the political war that the nation will suffer in the rest of this term and that will reach its climax during the Presidential election of November, that promise to be one of the most difficult of the last times.

California will be a key state not only during the election but a long all the political crisis and in many aspects an example about what can happen in the entire country if the economical recession becomes worst due to wrong political decisions. As I predicted in 2007 this crisis could cut the neck of many politicians on America and in particular looks to be so dangerous for Governor Schwarzenegger that must affront so difficult moments in the following months.

Thanks for your attention,

Your friend,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 7/31/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 12:25 PM
The peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

In my personal case I have had some previews of a very tied election, so tied that I saw in my vissions a very similar situation of the one happend in 2000. That is, a country divided and confused along weeks and weeks without knowing who is the new President.

I can say that in this ocassion the problem would be several times more complex since the computing system will not allow to verify any possible irregularity, since there will not be physical votes to be counted.

On this new computing system that is completly digital, without any support in paper, something is sure : only God will be able to know if there is something wrong in the results.

I am afraid that a doubt in the results couldn't be solved in any objetive way, there will not be form to be sure if there was a mistake or something worst: a manipulation of the data by altering the normal functioning of the machines.

Although I predicted since the summer of 2007 that Barak Obama was going to pickup a Vp from a so veteran figure of the Party, as it is the former Presidential precandidate Joe Biden, let me say that I think sincerely that Barak Obama did his worst political mistake by not picking up Hylary Clinton or any other woman for the VP.

I feel many women will be carried to the McCain campaign just only as a consequence of that political decission. Before the Democratic convention, as a consequence of the lack of popularity of Bush, it looked that the opportunity for Obama was clear but now he is back of the Republican candidate.

My principal worry comes from the fact that the civil population will not be able to resist to much the collective anxiety of an unsolved election, and probably social explosions can occur in many points of the country.

I am so skeptical that a decission of the Supreme court can be accepted again peacifully for the loser band, specially if that verdict favor the Republican candidate.

One thing is sure, if you are planning to move from one extreme of the country to the other, let's say one coast to the other, I suggest you to do that previously to the Presidential Election or anyway to have all your things completly arranged with enough time.

Laterly it would be so difficult or even impossible to do such a trip in the so difficult circumstances that are comming. The same suggestion for the ones that are planning to change job or start a new business in other region.

thanks for your attention,

Your friend,

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 9/4/2008 by The angel of light]

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