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Two important leaders will disappear of the international political scenario on 2007:/

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posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 08:59 PM
Two important events will push us to a worst and more generalized international war, the first one was already explained in my thread of the new terrorist attack on the USA, the other one will occur in the middle east and both in the same epoch.
Both deaths will complicate the position of the American army in Irak and Afghanistan, everything will be worst and more painful that ever before in that conflict.
This will change dramatically the political scenario of the country and the destination of the nation and the world. Unfortunately this will be a very strong strike against the ones that want the retire of the American troops in Irak, to the contrary the number of soldiers will be increased. Thousands of protests in the United states against the war cannot stop the shipping of new forces to the conflict.
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 12:22 AM
Just wanted to point out that the word Iraq is mispelled. If you're going to pass yourself off as a psychic, use spell check.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 02:02 PM
In response to the questions that were sent to my email about this thread and if I can identify who are these two leaders that will be dead in 2007, Although the exact information is not yet on the reach of my perception, I can say what my candidates would be:
For the Leader that will die on the east:
- President of Iraq,
- President of Afghanistan
- President of Egypt,
- Palestinian Nat.Aut. President.
For the leader will be assassinated in the Western hemisphere:
-President of USA G.W.Bush,
-Another important member of his administration,
-One of the Presidential Pre-candidates of USA
-General Secretary of UNO.
Any way this person would be at that moment in a trip to the south of the USA or in the Caribbean or LatinAmerica during the remaining months of 2007.
Even it is possible that Former Prime Minister Tony Blair can be the target of a plot of assesination in his new job as Middle East envoy for the United Nations, European Union, United States and Russia.
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

posted on Nov, 28 2007 @ 11:17 AM
The Peace of God with all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
the most recent facts in the evolution of the astral chart of the continent joined with the way in which also prominent figures of the politics are thinking and planning the future force me to add to the list that I gave some months ago about an important political leader that could be assassinated in the south of the United States, Latin America and specifically in the Caribbean the name of the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez-Frias.
The political situation in that Caribbean country is now in one of the most complex moments of the last 10 years, to much social pressure stored a long a very conflictive period. I am receiving, and as far as I know I am not the only psychic detecting this, so strong vibrations concerning an incoming internal war or general rebellion that could arrive to a so critical point after the election of this Sunday for a possible constitutional amendment.
However, I think it is important to clarify that the fact that Venezuela could be connected with the content of this other thread doesn't discharge at all the option that besides the personal risk that the life of Chavez is affronting during the following weeks also affect any other important leader in the continent. The economical war that Chavez is planning to perform to weak the American Economy could also increase the violence in this country & since his plan is to create social problems in North America, we can expect to have during the Presidential campaign a lot of security problems.
It is clear that anyway Chavez regime is marked by a fatal curse, he is now in a so low level of self control and suffering of terrible inner conflicts that affect so much his personality, that is clearly expressed in the many different personal confrontations occurred in the last month with former allies or people that was not against him in the past like the Spanish President, the Jew community, the Columbian President, the king of Spain, etc.
Chavez is reaching the point of not return in his own health, especially in the psychological aspect, to much cumulative stress in a person that has enormous difficulty to relax, it doesn’t matter how enthusiastic he looks sometimes, and that has developed a long habit of not pardon, not forget of any offense received, he is the classical recipient that is full to store more and more negative energy that he is carrying for almost his whole life. This occur thanks to his psychological pattern of return hate by hate all the time, and the absence of religious beliefs that allow him to rebuild his inner peace, since he is in many aspects his own god, situation that tends to be worst thanks to the idolatry that millions of his followers gave to him.
Unfortunately for him he is so materialistic, he doesn’t have any spiritual beliefs and he has translated all his convictions or faith to the so very difficult world of politics. Even his personal life is a disaster, his marriage is totally finished and there is no other personal relationship in his life. This is probably the most negative aspect of his current experience, and the one that the push him to create all lot of troubles for him and for the rest of the humanity, since he is not a happy person he is convinced that he live in an unhappy world.
Your friend
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 11/28/2007 by The angel of light]

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 09:43 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
Since tomorrow is a so important date for the Political career of Lt. Col. Hugo Chavez Frias, Dictator of Venezuela, and especially in everything concerning his personal security, it is permitted to me to warns the public opinion about the immediate reaction of the Bolivarian regime after this possible assassination occur.
I can say openly that if he dies as a consequence of his stubborn to go a head in this Referendum and his use of new extraordinary powers granted by the constitutional amendment that he force to have approved through it, don't believe to much in the version given by the Venezuelan government and definitively don't trust anything that the Cuban leader Fidel Castro can tell about it.
Innocents would be showed as responsibles of this murder, but the real guilties can escape without problems from the Justice. God is not allowing me to give more details about this issue at present because I cannot interfere in any form with the incoming events but as soon as this happen I will again refer to this plot. Any way, as I told before in other thread, Chavez himself will be most responsible of his own abrupt disappearance of the international politics.
The real issue here is not his possible execution or kidnapping of Chavez but the high risk that a civil war can develop in the country without control, since he has leave a political testament with specific instructions of how to arrange a civil and military resistance against a coup d'etat or rebellion of the opposition, in that sense only truly patriotic officers and elements of the army forces could save Venezuela of the chaos and create the conditions of a soon return to normality & democracy.
I suggest to anybody that lives in Caracas to mind the possibility to would have a very similar situation that the one occurred in Columbia in 1948 after the assassination of Gaitan, in other words the downtown of the Capital and principal avenues or streets that connect to it would be a field of a fierce battle between armed groups in favor & against the Dictatorship as soon as Chavez would disappear. It is important to be prepared for a possible lack of food, water and medicines necessary to take care of many wounded, for various weeks until the peace return to the country.
Let me repeat this warning in Spanish for the Venezuelan readers:
Para la gente de buena voluntad que vive en el centro de Caracas o principales calles o avenidas que conectan con la misma es recomendable estar preparados para la posibilidad de que se presente una situación de extrema violencia, con saqueos, pillaje y disturbios tan pronto se comunicara la desaparición, secuestro, ejecución o derrocamiento del Dictador Chávez, que Yo presiento como muy factible a partir de esta semana que comienza mañana si el fraude oficial se consolidara, entonces puede esperarse que se diera una fiera batalla calle por calle entre francotiradores incluso de semanas entre bandos opuestos por el poder. Tener medicinas básicas, víveres y agua de reserva es recomendable ya que si lo peor ocurre serán muchos los heridos que hayan en las calles y la cruz roja y otros organismo de salud no darían a basto para atender esta emergencia. Esta situación sin embargo seria temporal y es previsible que duraría no más de 1 o dos semanas a lo sumo, Dios mediante, la normalidad regresaría a la ciudad y retorne la Paz al país. Yo y muchas personas religiosas estamos pidiendo al Todopoderoso para que este momento tan difícil fuera lo mas corto posible, en caso de ocurrir, para que la gente fanatizada por las células bolivarianas tenga la cordura de entender que no habría vuelta atrás en ningún aspecto, no importa que reacciones ocurrieran desde el gobierno, y no se presentaren sacrificios innecesarios de vidas y desde luego que el desenlace final fuese favorable a la causa de la libertad y al restablecimiento de la democracia autentica y el Estado de derecho.
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 12/1/2007 by The angel of light]

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 08:43 PM
The peace of god to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
This is in reference to this specific thread in which I have been predicting during the last 8 months two important and tragic events that would occur almost simultaneously, one in the western hemisphere in some place located in the south of the United states or in the Latin American sub-continent, & other that would happen specifically in the middle east or some other place of the Asian continent in general.
I also claim since the first time that that together these two facts will be decisive to make even more critical the situation around the international peace that is by now. These 2 important incidents can drive the world to an unimaginable tense moment, with terrible consequences in all the aspects: political, economical & social.
Yesterday it was released through the media the news that President George W. Bush is planning a trip to the Middle East including Israel, Palestine, Pakistan & India.
I would suggest reconsidering that trip & also everything related with the current personal security of the President, since I feel a so strong causal line that is pointing directly against him or important members of his administration.
I wouldn't like to say this but I see a clear danger around his person and this trip is not advisable at all, & the same for any plan that includes his permanence, even by few hours in territories or countries in which he can be an easy target.
This planned political agenda is really inconvenient in this moment, believe in me when I say that the best that George Bush can do is to maintain his person the most that he can far from any public event that expose him in open spaces or unsecure places for a while.
The current conflict between the Turkish army and the Kurdish militia in the northern border of Iraq & that country is a bad sign of how instable & explosive is the situation in the Middle East.
I think Mr. President Bush must realize on time that he is not the person that can lead successfully any peace process in the region. Anyway his plan of peace between Palestinians and Israelis can be executed with out putting his person in risk with such a trip.
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 12/26/2007 by The angel of light]

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by The angel of light
- President of Iraq,
- President of Afghanistan
- Palestinian Nat.Aut. President.
For the leader will be assassinated in the Western hemisphere:
-President of USA G.W.Bush,
-Another important member of his administration,
-One of the Presidential Pre-candidates of USA

These are "easy" predictions because they are likely to occur due to the circumstances or have been threatened in the past.

Hell, I'll kill Bush myself (and I'll throw in one or more of his staffers for free) and Abdul will kill one of the Eastern guys, the Palestinian guy, he's the least risky of the lot since he won't have to go into a technical war zone.

There, that's how you self-fulfill prophecy. Then Christ will return.


posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 02:37 PM
I don't think it's Palestinian guy, but I do think your prophecy is true. One half of it has been fulfilled. Benzair Bhutto, Prime Minister of Pakistan was assassinated today. I wonder who is next...

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 06:16 PM

As usual, YOU ARE CORRECT AGAIN. The assasination today proves to me that you are in tune with forces others cannot grasp.
Now, lets see what happens in the west?
I'll have the tv on.

Thank you for bringing us the truth and not a mere guessing game, also your time-line is impecable.


To those complaining, of the spelling, give the world a break, please. Some very intelligent people with multiple language knowledge sometimes make mistakes.

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 08:47 PM
The peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
Indeed the ones of you that see clearly that this is the partial accomplishment of this prediction, that was posted the first time here in BTS on July but even before it was posted also in , have the reason.
I am not going to argue with anyone that is not agreed with this since anyway for the ones that don't believe in the spirit or in God is really almost impossible to be convinced,it doesn't matter what happen, that something is supernatural.
Even to see the hand of supernatural powers in all these facts it is required to have one important gift: the faith in the things that exist but are invisible or unreacheable for the physical senses.
For the remaining part of this thread I have two important remarks:
- I suggest to all the Presidential precandidates to bite their tongues before to go ahead quickly and try to use this assasination with campaign purposes with political comments. Let me tell, with all my respect of course, that I can see, As I told yesterday, the death angel walking anxiously, with its scythe at hand, around this continent. She is only waiting for the moment to choose its victim, believe in me when I say that it is not prudent for the American political figures to draw its attention with those commentaries now.
- For the good will and concious people of America I request to pray to God that the next crime of this prediction will not be in this country or against the President. I know that many people don't like him or are in total disagreement with his policies, with reason of without it, but the point here is that if he or any of the Presidential precandidates would be the objective of this plot, this is going to affect the lives of all the citizens of this country & be sure that is not going to be for good. If this happens the antiterrorist war of the Bush administration can be extended not only to the next administration but to many more years that no body can imagine at present, with all the bad consequences that this means.
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

[edit on 12/27/2007 by The angel of light]

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 03:54 PM
The peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
These only to repond to the many emails that are arriving to my inbox in the last hours about what could be the important political figures that can be the target of the plot pointed in this thread to be the second victim after Mrs Benazir Bhutto.
I only can add to my previous replies that the more visible red dots are, according with my perception, as follows:
- If the political figure that is going to die in the near future would be a Latin American, the ones that are closer to the archetype that I am talking about are President Hugo Chavez Frias of Venezuela or President Felipe Calderon of Mexico, since both are surrounded by really powerful enemies that are looking for their heads.
- If the political figure would be an American I feel a so high risk for President George W. Bush, or one of his closer colaborators, and the Presidential pre-candidates, and in between them specially to Mrs Clinton in the democratic side and John McKain or Rudi Giulani in the Republican side.
I am also deciding to don't give more replies until the complete content of this prediction will be surpassed by the facts. Of course you the readers can write what ever you consider relevant, with the necessary respect of course.
My suggestion for my readers that are so anxious or excited with the accomplishment of the first part of this thread, is to pray to God for its protection to America since we are going to need it a lot to go ahead in this difficult transit to the 2008 Electoral Year.
The Angel of Lightness

[edit on 12/28/2007 by The angel of light]

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 09:43 AM
I dont think anyone is looking forward to anyone's demise. To do so would be inhumane and stupid.
An event like that could only make matters worse, not better.
Of course, i am on the lookout for something to happen since i think you do have a gift of prophesy.
I have a feeling 2008 is going to bring much chaos and sadness. If your claim is before the end of the year, tomorrow would be the last day?
God help us.

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 01:33 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
I am going to break my silence only to clarify that I didn't say that the accomplisment of the remaining part of this thread necessarily would occur today or tomorrow. It may happen this weekend but It must not happen since anyway if the second crime against another important person would emerge on the begining of 2008 anyway it is clear that due to the magnitude of this event this couldn't be planned in only few hours, days or weeks.
I said that the international plot that is behind this two assasinations has been planned and arranged during all the 2007. So the decisions that are behind these two terrible facts, all the people involved on it, its training and displacement to the places in which this would occur , all their logistic actions are already done & ready.
So, in conclusion, it is only question of time that the last part of this plan be executed. When this event will be a fact many of my readers that are still now skeptics with respect to me will realize that my successful predictions on natural events, like the earthquakes of 2007, were nothing in comparision with this one.
One last remark: when I said there were people sending mails to me that reveal anxiety with respect to the accomplishment of this thread perhaps I must say better worry or fear but anyway be calm that for the Good will people God is always available it doesn't matter how complex could be the situation.
Your friend,
The Angel of ligthness

[edit on 12/30/2007 by The angel of light]

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 06:20 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear readers,
Again I decided to break my silence with respect to the accomplishment of the second part of this thread since the last news, that were transmitted by various channels of TV in USA today,
Look at:
shows that there is a clear menace of AlQaeda against the life of President Bush. According with this report there is an order from these terrorrist organization to kill George W. Bush in his trip to Holy Land.
This is my last warning to cancel this trip , it is the most risky and dangerous that anybody can imagine , it is really crazy to do this trip to the Middleast without thinking in the lack of security that represents.
This tour of Mr Bush is really incovenient from any point of view, and anything shows that my prediction that he could be the other figure, the Western one, that would be assasesinated previously would be correct if he insist to travel.
Of course if this happen the third part of this thread, the surprising military attack in the Middle East is going to be the consequence if the magnitude of this terrible event.
God Bless America in this dificult time & have mercy of the good will people of the world since there are blowing winds of am incoming terrible international war over us.
If you want to know more about what could happen if this trip of President Bush would be fatal read my threads of :
surprising Military attack:
The Third World War:
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by The angel of light
Two important events will push us to a worst and more generalized international war, the first one was already explained in my thread of the new terrorist attack on the USA, the other one will occur in the middle east and both in the same epoch.
Both deaths will complicate the position of the American army in Irak and Afghanistan, everything will be worst and more painful that ever before in that conflict.
This will change dramatically the political scenario of the country and the destination of the nation and the world. Unfortunately this will be a very strong strike against the ones that want the retire of the American troops in Irak, to the contrary the number of soldiers will be increased. Thousands of protests in the United states against the war cannot stop the shipping of new forces to the conflict.
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness

I had to quote the enitire OP to make my comments on the prophecy.

Ok, It is 2008, no new terror attack in the US, and no equivalent terror attack in the middle east to correspond with your prediction.

Now I have seen that the thread has taken a movement to include former Pakistani PM Bhutto's assasination as proof of the prophecy which I have to consider less than credible, along with the inclusion of Chavez in Venezuela etc.... now including the Al Qaeda video threat on Bush's trip and the final warning to stop the trip is a crock less than credible IMO.

Read the OP, the prediction was wrong. This twisting to fit the news of the day does not change that fact.

ed: strike "a crock" , while this is my opinion I do not wish to offend others who might believe this information.

[edit on 1/6/2008 by JacKatMtn]

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 04:52 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,
Hi, in this occasion I only want to add:
When I was predicting Earthquakes my critics said that, besides my uncommon accuracy in the 90% of my forecasts, this was relatively easy since I was following the "law" of probabilities. Of course I never found to what law they were talking about since the probability to have an earthquake in specific sites of the fire ring and in some particular sequence, as I stated is really low, so low that no body in his good mind is going to predict them based only in mathematical estimation.

- When I started to predict political events, as the lost of recent referendum in Venezuela by Chavez I received so many messages in my inbox menacing me in the most unbelievable ways by the followers of that so corrupt leader telling that I was receiving a bunch of money to publish those predictions only to damage politically the "messiah" of the Latin American politics. Finally he lost the election and everybody understood that my critics again, even those who posted a prediction totally opposed to mine in saying that Chavez was going to win with an extraordinary percentage of the votes, were only trying to manipulate the public with such "predictions".

- There has been even critics that were a little more smart and noticing that I have had an outstanding record of accuracy in my predictions were sending me messages or replies asking me if I give to them the winner number of the Lotto they are going to publically give me the "honor" of their "disinterested" support.

- I was for long time probably the only person in BTS predicting that the USA is going to enter to a Critical period during 2008 and 2009, and thanks to that prediction many people told about me that probably I was in a very bad personal period of my life and that was the reason to justify such negative prophecy. Now all the economical indicators, even the new fall of the market today, shows clearly I has been indeed correct and we are affronting an incoming recession.

-Now that I am telling from more than eight months that an international so big conflict around the middle east is going to explode as a consequence of the assassination of two so important leaders, one of the middle east, and other of a country of the western hemisphere again there is somebody that claim that there is no enough evidence that this prediction is "acceptable".

The only thing that can comment by now is that I don't know how high are the standards of credibility, acceptability or skeptibility that some people here in BTS has about predictions, but it is clear that is somebody is not believer in Para-normality, extra-sensorial Perception, prophecies or the spiritual world nothing is going to be acceptable as a "clear proof".

If a person that is coming here to read my threads or the ones of any other viewer that publish here is an skeptic the least that this person can have, if he or she really want to find the truth, is to have open mind and try to leave prejudges ( it doesn't matter if those comes from an atheist father or mother or education or lack of education ) otherwise those ideas will not allow to see objectively how this works.

As always let me claim that the time and the incoming facts are going to be my principal supporters.

The Angel of lightness

[edit on 1/8/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 06:15 PM

I follow your predictions closely and i am paying attention. Please do not let those who do not beleive you deter you from saying what you feel to be true.

Your Friend,


posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 09:10 PM

I follow your predictions closely and i am paying attention. Please do not let those who do not beleive you deter you from saying what you feel to be true.

The peace of God to all the belong to the light,

Thanks for your support, I am so positive as always that the majority of the BTS community is people with good common sense and that is looking for more knowledge through all the possible channels, including the paranormalility and the subconcious communication.

To don't have contradictors is something that is not realistic and the critic also have its own important role to create important challanges for the people that like me that are working so hard to open a new route of understanding of the reality and pushing the humanity toward a new important stage in the spiritual evolution.

Your friend,
The angel of lightness

[edit on 1/29/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 12:05 AM
From: Angel Light ([email protected])
Sent: Thu 4/03/08 1:04 AM
To: Jerry Watson ([email protected])

Hi Jerry,
Well I still think that the 2 more probable persons to be the leader that will be killed in a so violent way in the Americas will be either Hugo Chavez-Frias or George W. Bush. However the option that you pointed is quite possible, since any way he is going to stay in american soil , and that is the aspect that is so determinant in this prediction. If that happen it would be even worst that the impact of one of the two other leaders that I mentioned.

My only doubt about this is that there is something in the future of Benedictus XVI that connect this important figure with a great effort to obtain or defend the world peace so I don't see cleary that this destination could match perfectly with an attempt to assesinate him in his visit to USA.

It is important to have in mind that there is a second visit of George W. Bush to the middle east for May and that could be the final chance for many terrorist groups to take ravenge of his multiple political decissions in that region during his rule.

If Bush is the leader that I expect to die in the near future that will be another way to accomplish this thread, since any way he is all the time traveling in an American airplane and you know that according with the international laws any crime that occur aboard of an aircraft must be investigating or punished under the law of the nation to which it belongs to, even if a person would born traveling through air he or she will have the right to claim the nationality of the respective aircompany.

My Personal impression with respect to the Pope is that he could be also the target of an attempt of kidnapping or some of his closer colaborators, one of the important Cardinals of the Vatican. Anyway this must occur in a special mission to try to reach the Peace or to avoid an imminent risk to have a generalized world conflict. I feel that this would match better with the visions that I have received and the ones that other viewers in the past had about this turbulent times.

It is true that both George W.Bush and Benedictus XVI are in the black list of Alqaeda, but it is also true that Hugo Chavez will affront another popular revelion in Venezuela of millions of civilians so his life should be in risk , specially if he insist to pass the constitutional reform to assure his perpetual reelection and the arisal of a Communist regime in his country.
I am going to publish your question and this answer in my thread in Below top secret. you can access it through the link:

Thanks to read my threads and to write your message.

your friend,
The Angel of lightness


Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:19:31 +0000
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Two Important Leaders Will Disappear

Dear Angel of Lightness,

Do you have any thoughts on the second leader possibly being that of the Pope? There have been recent threats on the Pope's life issued by Al Qaeda. Special concern revolves around the Pope's visit to the US from April 15 - 20. Especially the last day - Sunday April 20th with a Mass being observed at Yankee Stadium. Refer to article.....

Of special interest lies the third and final Fatima Prophecy letter. Taken from channeled messages there is a direct mention of the Pope being assassinated. Here is a brief outline of those messages. Click on the following link........ cd=1&gl=in

With Warm Regards, Jerry

[edit on 4/3/2008 by The angel of light]

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 07:05 PM

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