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Christians Vs UFO Beleivers

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posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:25 PM
I'm a born-again Christian and I have maintained for a looong time that "Aliens" are fallen angels, the watchers.

This will be one of the great deceptions in the last days, there will be a staged invasion of Earth and the antichrist will miraculously "save" us from this alien invasion.

Virtually everyone will assume it's because he is God, not realizing it's because he is their leader Satan in the flesh.

Aliens. ETs do in fact exist, they are NOT our friends. They are fallen angels.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by alienstar

I am a Christian and a UFO believer..Nothing in the bible says we are God's only creation. Yes, they could be fallen angels or hybrids of them. Regardless they provide some role or God would make them go away. As mentioned on a post on BTS maybe they will play some role in end times.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 01:21 PM
Heres my problem with what the blue guy said. Where in the bible in revelations does it talk about a invason and satan saving us from it. Revelatons does'nt talk about it. If its not in the bible as far a future I dont really believe it. But I do believe in the possibility of the fallen angels thoey but that does'nt make it history or what happen. Its a possibility that all.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 03:09 PM
I think that the war-mongering, totalitarian tyrant known as Jehovah was a fabulously talented scientist from another world who genetically designed man , with a view to creating a slave species that would worship him and obey all his rules. We are actually not so far off from being able to play "God" in this way ourselves with our own advances in genetic engineering. That species could live longer and of course enjoy a wonderful brotherhood-of-man type of existence as they were programmed to be a certain way. In our own future, it would not be far fetched to think there will be ways to control our thoughts, emotions and actions, etc...not a bad plan for a unified world, albeit one inhabited by zombies who have no abilty to truly think for themselves.

Jehovah's trusty right hand man, Lucifer (bringer of light) - who should not be confused with Satan- did not condone Jehovah's grand plan and rebelled against it. Thanks to him, perhaps through de-coding our programming , we were granted free will. We became "as gods" ourselves, no longer suboordinate to this control freak Jehovah. Lucifer and his supporters were banished from their home world and spent much time on Earth as a result of this amongst us, interbreeding with us, teaching us and so on. Through Lucifer, true freedom of mind and spirit was afforded us, but perhaps we just were not well enough equipped to deal with this as we proceeded to do a great job of screwing things up and still we are floundering around.

Jehovah disappeared, returning now and again to Earth, sometimes with his "angels", who on numerous occasions sat to eat or talk with humans... so not so mystical after all. When people weren't following his rules, he gave orders to kill, often on a mass scale. An then, well he kind of disappeared.

This Jehovah being is the god of the OT, god of man, god of the universe apparantly. Sounds alot like Saddham Hussein to me though rather than some evolved spiritual being. Just another fascist dictator , but from some other world in some other galaxy.

That's just a brief overview of my own, personal thoughts on things. I'm not saying I'm correct, but there is a convenient fitting together of some jigsaw pieces with this theory .

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