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Where do aborted fetuses REALLY go?

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posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 11:04 PM
how absolutely disgusting,
what a disgrace to our human race..
we've become animals,
just to hear that story makes my skin crawl
i won't be able to sleep tonite!!
a human sucked into a box...
now if my dog had babies and i killed them and put
them in a garbage bag, i'm labeled a savage killer and sent to jail.
what's wrong with people??????
i could go on forever, i'm sure many of you can, just ponder the initial post.. think about it deeply..
and i'm sure the other end of the argument could justify their opinions as well for some time....
but this isn't about opinion or human rights.
it's about life--and one man's justfication to destroy one with
the protection of law..
now comes our destruction

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 12:47 AM
Ok, my system isn't flawless, but its good. And what you showed where not natural enemies like bear and fish. I will pay 5 dollars to see a bear hold a fish and not eat it or kill it and be untrained (adult bear, not kiddies). A bear is not a dog or a cat, which are domesticated. You have to TRAIN them to act like that (or have them born together and grow a friendship)

Ok, so yea the military education is not the best, but this is working off that in the future the current gov would be without corruption. But any who, then adoption if not military school. But also, placenta and umbilical chords are different, but both hold stem cells, so I see no difference is terms of usefulness. Any who, yea, abortion is bad, but adoption should be used. that system i said about is good for medical problems for women.

Oh, and yes, that's all there are out there. Liberals and conservatives. (accidentally wrote Christian as most are) If there is any other group, please tell me. Moderates could be counted, but most side to one side or the other a little.

So why would that system be bad if it were to get rid of military school and replace it with adoption?

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 12:52 AM

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 12:58 AM
NOTE: God bless america if Ron Paul gets in, he'll ban abortion. I trust what he says over everyone else here when he says :

In 40 years of medical practice, I never once considered performing an abortion, nor did I ever find abortion necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman.

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 02:06 AM
Well... It seems that people are simply delighted to jump to conclusions before they've even considered the facts. Therefore, I'll assist in offering a reminder for clarification to those of you who aren't able to understand what this thread was meant to address...

Originally posted by Veritas Lux Mea
Does anyone know where the fetuses are really taken after they are put into the large containers? Are they shipped to labs for Stem Cell research, are they sold, or are they simply buried in a mass fetus grave?

I have to admit, I hate thinking about what I witnessed that day -- but I'd rather know the truth than continue hearing so many lies.

How are they honestly disposed of?

The section above should speak for itself. I had a serious curiosity and concern as to the disposal process after an abortion. This thread was not started to express anti-abortion beliefs. If I were against abortion and wanted to yell about it to everyone here at ATS, I would have created a thread that began with an obvious angered stance. However, this was not the case as you can clearly see.

BH understands the point of creating this thread, for those of you who would disagree with me and still claim that I have a hidden agenda;

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
And that isn't what this thread is about, anyway. It's about the disposal of fetal tissue.

I suggest everyone take a look at the very first post I made for the purpose and my reason for starting this thread. Also, take into account that when I gave more details as to what I witnessed, I only gave details because I was ASKED to do so by two individuals. I did not simply come out and share all of the gory information because I wanted to spread political propaganda. Please refer back to page 2 to confirm this.

Now, as for me "siding with Bush" -- that was an unnecessary remark. I have not once stated my preference for any political party as long as I have been on ATS. The reason? Because politics is not my 'cup of tea'. In fact, for my own personal reasons, I do not even vote at elections. Again, if I cared to discuss politics or my *assumed* favor for Bush, I would have done just that from the get-go (and not in the medical discussion forum).

Above all, I believe in freedom of choice. Freedom to think and choose whatever you so wish on any matter that should arise in life -- regardless if you support abortion or work every waking moment of your existence to see that its banned. I couldn't care any less which side you are sitting on as long as you employ your right to CHOOSE whatever is right for you, and not be swayed or corrupted by the mass opinion. And I will not allow myself to get angry because a hand-full of people do not agree with me.

If you believe I have an agenda, so be it. But if you were to take the time and read through each of the threads I have started, you will see that I say what I mean and I deeply despise lies. The user name I have chosen here means "Truth is my Light" -- while this may sound "jesusy" to some, I encourage you to look a bit deeper and you may possibly find the honest reason for that as well.

Many things I enjoy discussing inspires hostility in others, and provokes angry people to attack me. Will that change? Probably not. Will I stop discussing controversial topics because certain people throw a fit and make inaccurate assumptions about me? No, I will not.

From now on, I ask anyone who does not wish to read what I have to say to not even open a thread of mine if you see that I have created a new topic. Save yourself some time and energy, because as long as I am able to; I will discuss whatever topic I like, wherever I should be -- be it here on ATS or elsewhere in the world.


posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by Veritas Lux Mea
Also, take into account that when I gave more details as to what I witnessed, I only gave details because I was ASKED to do so by two individuals. I did not simply come out and share all of the gory information because I wanted to spread political propaganda.

May I refer you to your earlier post.

Originally posted by Veritas Lux Mea

Originally posted by GeneralT.
Maybe there are no exact guidelines on how such a thing has to be done and that would be useful for "keeping the baby fresh" for sale.


That's really disgusting to think about, but you are probably right. Even the best of them (the most expensive) are filthy places to step into.

I went with a friend of mine and couldn't believe the absolute filth present there. Women were laid all over the place, in every room I walked past, even in the hallways and lounge area - as soon as you got through the security guards and entrance point, and got to the heart of the action. It was not sterile at all. They were all in pain, some screaming loudly and most of them crying, some of them in a complete state of shock.. unbelievable atmosphere. I thought I had stepped into a concentration camp clinic -- that's just the feeling you get there. The staff was extremely unprofessional as well.

Nevertheless, I witnessed something that many haven't seen first hand and as unpleasant as it was, I actually got to see the truth of how such a place operates once inside the doors.


If this isn't political propaganda I don't know what is. Planned parenthood centers and other clinics are most often very sterile, and are not strewn with wailing women in pain. That's absolute BS. And, the best of them certainly are not.

I really don't think you've ever been in one if this is what you think they are like. As a matter of fact, the most dangerous part of the entire process is walking through the walls of protesters outside throwing slurs and calling adolescent girls looking for birth control options whores and heathens.

If you want to talk about disgusting.

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
I really don't think you've ever been in one if this is what you think they are like. As a matter of fact, the most dangerous part of the entire process is walking through the walls of protesters outside throwing slurs and calling adolescent girls looking for birth control options whores and heathens.

If you want to talk about disgusting.


You have a right to your own opinion, of course. Whether or not I have personally been inside of an abortion clinic was never the point of this thread. Even you said yourself "usually" they are sterile. However, this isn't always the case -- as you know well enough yourself.

It is not my obligation to 'prove' that I have been anywhere. I frankly don't care if you believe this or not, because it had nothing to do with the point. I asked for the truth of how fetal tissues are disposed of after an abortion.

Instead of discussing this issue, you obviously only feel a need to pick out a single detail (me visiting a clinic with a dear friend of mine) and attempt to direct this thread into something it was never meant to be.

I have found my answers on the disposal concern. A few people here were polite enough to share knowledge without seeking a futile fight.


posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Veritas Lux Mea
Above all, I believe in freedom of choice.

If this is true, and this thread wasn't meant to start a grisly abortion debate, then it is I who owe an apology to you. However, as I read over ALL of your posts in this thread, it appears to me that you are being a bit of an agent provocateur, kind of "innocently" standing on the sidelines, throwing out ideas and comments to those who would take the bait and cause controversy and drama.

Comments like these:

Originally posted by Veritas Lux Mea
That's really disgusting to think about, but you are probably right. Even the best of them (the most expensive) are filthy places to step into.
I actually got to see the truth of how such a place operates once inside the doors.

You've been in one place, but you're talking as if they're all like that. And to tell you the truth, I'm not even sure I believe you about the place you were in. Surely there would be a huge investigation (that produced results) if such conditions were common.

And other posters, too, seemed to "mistake" your first post as an anti-abortion stance:

Originally posted by cesar1981
just ponder the initial post.. think about it deeply..
and i'm sure the other end of the argument could justify their opinions as well for some time....

As I read over your first post again to regroup and get back on topic, I have to ask myself... What does it matter where this fetal material goes? Yes, it's a curiosity to some, but the material itself is nothing more than any other organ or matter removed from people every day... I mean, I don't wonder where my gall bladder went when they removed it. I had an ectopic pregnancy and I never thought to wonder or ask about where it ended up.

My point is, it's something removed from the body. It's properly discarded or otherwise dealt with - unless, of course, people break the law, which I'm sure has happened before. Who cares if it's in a box or barrel or one of those U-shaped pans? As long as it's legal and follows the medical and scientific procedure.

Where do aborted fetuses REALLY go? Here in the US, they're either incinerated or the woman can choose other options, such as burial or cremation.

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Veritas Lux Mea
Instead of discussing this issue, you obviously only feel a need to pick out a single detail (me visiting a clinic with a dear friend of mine) and attempt to direct this thread into something it was never meant to be.

I have found my answers on the disposal concern. A few people here were polite enough to share knowledge without seeking a futile fight.


If you've found your answer, an don't want this thread to continue on with it's natural progression, then please ask a mod to close the thread.

However, as long as misinfo is being posted, then I'll feel the need to debate that misinfo. Making a major statement like "even the best clinics are disgusting, unstirile places" is worthy of a correction.

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Where do aborted fetuses REALLY go? Here in the US, they're either incinerated or the woman can choose other options, such as burial or cremation.

Decades ago, I worked as a volunteer for Planned Parenthood. This was the information I was taught and nothing that I saw or experienced ran contrary to that.

Your mileage may vary for clinics in Mexico and so forth.

I will agree with the other women here that what you experienced at the clinic is so unusual as to make us think you were at an illegal clinic and not one run by an MD. None of the ones I visited or helped women get to matched that, and we would have been all over their fannies like white on rice if it had.

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 02:26 PM
SO does anyone have something to say about what I would do to end the arguing on both sides> (note, military school would bot be in what I said earlier.)

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 03:05 PM
Where do aborted fetuses REALLY go?
They lie in wait. Waiting for the mother to die and then they haunt her for all eternity, repeatedly asking, "Mommy, why did you kill me?"

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 03:38 PM
Or, another theory that's just as valid is....

They don't have souls, so they don't wait anywhere for anything


They wait for their mothers in purgatory where they say "Mom, I understand why you made your choice, and I love you no matter what".

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
Or, another theory that's just as valid is....

They don't have souls, so they don't wait anywhere for anything


They wait for their mothers in purgatory where they say "Mom, I understand why you made your choice, and I love you no matter what".

If they don't have souls why do they move before their born?

I still say what I said earlier is good for everyone.

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 04:36 PM
Animals supposedly don't have souls, yet they move fine.

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 05:04 PM
Of course animals have souls. All living things have souls. Why would God make everything equal and not give them souls? He just gave human, the most advanced species, ownership of them all. Boy was that a mistake.

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 06:22 PM
Please stay on TOPIC.

FredT, moderator

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 06:34 PM
Fred, I've got to say, I believe the presence of a soul in a fetus is on topic. We've already answered where aborted fetuses go when they are aborted physically, so I think the only place this thread has to go is to ask where aborted fetuses go after they are aborted spiritually, otherwise, this thread has outlived it's purposes.

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 11:01 PM
Well, when it's been shown that they whine in pain after abortion (when they've developed mouth and speach abilities, that means their alive to me. And when the brain shows activity once its developed, that just goes right ahead and proves it more for me.

posted on Jul, 18 2007 @ 11:18 PM
fredt..stay on topic???
stay on what topic?
what we do with dead babies?
"story" ----- i just slid my wife's "fetus" out of her, it was a sterile operation, i have a friend who's a doctor, he was there with us, no harm to the woman, but this was done at my house in the basement, the doc said he could use the fetus, so i wind it up in a bag with some ice, maybe it'll save another life somewhere else, it means nothing to me......

come on guys, sterile , non sterile, dangerous or "legal", don't beat around the bush, it's not political, it's agains human nature...
stay on topic?????!!!!!

what topic?
let's find out what baby is burned, incinerated, used for research, "disgarded", etc....
the end is no justification to the means

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