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Who am I really? A Search for Self

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posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by VipassanaI only wish I knew someone like you guys in person.
Like someone mentioned before, I often feel alone in these ideas and philosophies which have opened my eyes to a way of life that is nothing less than magical.

Me too. I have a friend who's into the spiritual, meditation... but when I try to talk more deeper about awareness, oneness, she can not begin to understand me.

Originally posted by shrunkensimon
Trouble is for me, i know who i am, and where i want to go.. but i don't know how to get there, because society isn't at the level im at.

Again I'm just quoting, I feel the same, what to do? Atleast I know that I'm not alone with these thoughts anymore.

It's not unclear for me anymore, everything falls together, what I searched for, I do not search anymore.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 03:04 PM
It seems to change as I get older. In my teens I did not care, was too busy with girls and sports. In my 20s I thought any minute now I will be rich and luck...By my 30s I was very happy with good medical insurance, a nice home, and a boat....So by 40 who knows. I have learned that life is about decisions. Make a bad decision and you will have a bad life.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Trasheart
Me too. I have a friend who's into the spiritual, meditation... but when I try to talk more deeper about awareness, oneness, she can not begin to understand me.

Again I'm just quoting, I feel the same, what to do? Atleast I know that I'm not alone with these thoughts anymore.

Even my most close friend, who shares alot of my opinions and beliefs, seems repelled at times from the idea of giving it all up and changing. I know deep down everyone wants truth, peace and prosperity, but half the time people just let their ego stand in the way, instead of saying "you know what, your right! lets change the world!"

What to do is the big question. You make life. All i know is that if the world has no changed in the next 10 years, then i will be severly depressed by that point. To be blunt, im bored with modern life.

But don't lose faith in humanity though. A psytrance festival i went to recently (7/7) had so many like minded people in one place, and it really restored my faith in humanity. Just know that there ARE other people like you and me out there.. its just we are seperated from each other, due to the way our society works.

My motto for the moment is "just hang in there, only 5 more years.."

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
You are given a name at birth by your parents
[edit on 16-7-2007 by biggie smalls]

I don't like my name. It isn't really a weird sounding name or anything, I just don't like it. It doesn't feel like it's really my name, even when I say it aloud it feels like I'm referring to someone else. Anyone else ever feel like that?

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious

Originally posted by nowayreally
What was that again,...'Where there is a will, theres a...'.

.....Relative ;-)


Thank you so much for that laugh... I needed it, because the irony of it all is that I just got home from a funeral, and dealing with all 'the relatives'

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 09:30 PM
Why was I born on this planet? Was it to cause suffering to others (and my Self) or is it to consciously help humanity (and the planet) evolve?

Who do I answer to? My Self alone or a Higher Power?

Do I follow my set of morals or is my conscience 'dead' so to speak?

Do I live in the present moment or am I counting down the minutes till I die?

Do I believe in an afterlife and if so, is there any tangible knowledge to learn from it?
Can I experience other dimensions in this moment? And if so, would it help me to understand reality or just confuse me even more?

Who am I? Not what am I, who? Am I a Spirit in a human shell, or am I a materialistic robotic being operating on a purely mechanical level?

What is Spirit?

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 09:52 PM
Spirit is complete acceptance IMO. All the times in our life when we acted from the ego and not the spirit, we created halls of illusion. Depending on the person, those halls can be easy to navigate out of and back to spirit, or a labrynth in which there is no escape. So I see spirit as immediate universal comprehension... or simply ACCEPTANCE of what already is.

Why is it so hard for us to accept? Because we haven't yet navigated ourselves out of the halls of illusion we have created throughout our lives. Once we reached our nuetral point, we may begin to see & feel our FULL spirit, and what it had in store for us.

My .02


posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 10:01 PM
In my opinion, Spirit helps us heal ourselves. We leave the comfort of knowing Spirit on an intimiate level to experience creation. We further create our prison by accepting that we are not perfect and that death is inevitable...Pain is all we have come to know. Love escapes us.

Once we regain the ability to love everything, even the negative occurences, as learning experiences and nothing more...We may be able to see through the glass clearly.

'Spirit connects, ignorance rejects. Love binds, hate blinds.'

posted on Jul, 21 2007 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
Once we regain the ability to love everything, even the negative occurences, as learning experiences and nothing more...We may be able to see through the glass clearly.

If that's the case then the glass I'm looking through will be permanently streaked and fogged up forever. But I'm ok with that I think

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 01:01 AM
I'm just going to throw this out there, even though someone has already mentioned his name, but Deepok Chopra's books have had a very positive impact on my awareness and thinking. Practicing some of his teachings will help you achieve more individual freedom and self-actualizing practices in your life. They have also helped me in developing a real appreciation for my place here and how to effect change in my life and others.

It all seems to be an extension of the Laws of Attraction. Through diligence and practice I have been able to live the life I want and attract those people and experiences I most need into my life. Sometimes the physical manifestations are not always what I expect at first, but they always seem to be what I need.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 01:24 AM

I have to thank you for starting this thread. Not only to share yourself with others here, but you have allowed others the comfort to share themselves as well.

You've broken the icy barrier of personality and are encouraging others to share their TRUTH. The core of truth in themselves, not only the masks we wear.

Acceptance is much easier when we are able to clearly witness the truth of another. Beyond good or bad, beyond right or wrong -- acceptance embraces all.

This is so refreshing to see. Thank you, Biggie!


posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 01:26 AM
What is spirit?

Who am I really?

Where was i before i was born here, and where am I going when i die?

If my physical personality is based upon my family genes, then how is my spirit personality?

Does my spirit hold any connection to my mom and dad on this plane, or have I been through a process of having plenty of moms and dads?

Will I get a chance to meet my dead relatives when i cross to the other side, or will I miss the chance if they have allready "recycled" into other physical bodies. (recarnation)

Why when someone dies, they stick around on earth as ghosts, like they are stuck in some place?

Where do spirits come from? Where, when and how was i REALLY created?

Sooo many questions...

[edit on 22-7-2007 by pekle]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
Why was I born on this planet? Was it to cause suffering to others

Sorry, I just found that quite amusing.

Here is my contribution. Conflict with the ego is a violation of love.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
So I see spirit as immediate universal comprehension... or simply ACCEPTANCE of what already is.

Why is it so hard for us to accept? Because we haven't yet navigated ourselves out of the halls of illusion we have created throughout our lives.

True words spoken. I love it.

[edit on 22/7/07 by SteveR]

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by SteveR
Conflict with the ego is a violation of love.

Glad you found it humorous
. I wasn't trying to be though. Maybe you perceived it as a joke yet it was meant to be serious
. Next time use your discernment eh

Conflict with the ego...See I don't know. With ...I would say once one breaks free of the ego, that is when true love can really be experienced. We use our ego so we can exist as individual entities when we are incapable of seeing the divinity in others.

When universal conscioussness breaks through, we no longer need our ego. We can shed it...Or most of it anyway. I guess we will always hold some resemblance of an ego in this body.

To clarify, conflict with the ego brings knowledge forth (in my opinion of course, from my previous perceptions
). When one dissolves the ego, one ultimately breaks free from the chackles of the mind.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 12:32 PM
Biggie, you bastard! Stealing my thread ideas!

I joke I joke. It was very well put together.

From the moment we are born we are assigned a great deal of programing. This is who I am, this is what we are, this is what can and cannot be.

All of this programing is false, of course. People seem to have this pathetic little need to label everything, and put it in it's own little box. They are forced to fit our own preconcieved notions of what it is we are dealing with. For example, Yoga. For years and years I put it in the box of "a bunch of chicks stretching." Later I learned of the teaching behind it, and the exercises themselves are infact physically challenging. It is essentially a form of gymnastics that aligns the energy meridians a certain way in order to gain a new level of perception, with a concious effort to live accordding to it's teachings.

We are given an identitiy by society. Our parents tell us who we are, what we are supposed to believe. They're all lies, though not malicious, or even concious. This programing keeps us dumb to our true nature.

This goes back to my threads Controlling The Masses

and Your Opposition: The Person In The Mirror

We are being controlled. The powers that be force this self-image upon us, and fill our minds with programing. These lies form a barrier between ourselves and our true nature. In this sense, we become easy to control. This forms resistance to our goals, it acts as a disconnect between ourselves and our truest nature. In order to make any progress, we need to shed this programing, let go of our restraints and relearn who we truely are. It is this self-image that anchors us to this bleak fate.

The collective unconcious has been programed to believe lies. Every person has a little part of us inside of them, and they project this belief onto this piece. Beyond that, this "greater" version of ourselves that we see is programed from birth by our families, and our society.

We must break free of these false notions, in order to begin to comprehend the truth.

The notion of self gets very complicated. It is a matter of defination. Self could refer to our true nature. Or it could refer to this concept of who we are. If we view self as the preprogramed, we need to break free of the system.

We are divine. We are a vital part of God. As a single drop of wtaer from the ocean, or a single rock that has broken from the mountain, we are made up of the same stuff. But we've been disconnected, and we need to discover who we are imprisoned against our will, we have been hyponotized and plopped into a barely concious world of mediocrity. Awareness will bring graeter freedom.

Society has developed a way to weaken and capture, and utterly subdue God/his children. It is only through reconnection with our source, nature, and the freedom of unlimited abundance that we can reclaim our stolen divinity. Our power is feeding the machine, instead of serving us. We need to break the machine, and wake up to our true nature.

We have truely fallen from grace, and now we reside in Hell.

It is our self-image that seperates us from our power. These false notions that we cling to. Only by letting go of these notions and living in the present can we truely be free.

posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 04:07 PM
HI Biggie, just wanted to congratulate you on a great thread. It is apparent that you struck gold when asking the best possible question. I respect how you are handling this thread and will check back occasionally to read some more. Hope all is going good for you this summer.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 08:01 AM
The eye cannot see itself because it is itself.

The I cannot see itself because it is itself, so it can be itself.

Ask "Who am I" and get lost in a maze of unanswered questions.

Ask "What is?" and the answers are all around.

Ask "Who do I want to be?" and the game begins.

- 2007 Skyfloating

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 07:23 PM
Normally these vague types of threads tend to annoy me, but this one is different somehow. I meant to post on the first page but I never got around to it.

This thread seems to have pretty much covered everything. I'll just add that you are not alone. We are all stuck here on this rock, and none of us truely has a full grasp of the how and why, although lots like to give the illusion that they do.

I don't have much else to add, just a lot to think about.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 10:52 PM
I just wanted to bump this thread as I have been going through tremendous personal upheaval recently.

I hope others will find the message in this thread helpful and motivating.

Remember, we all have the potential to be great. Do not let the roadblocks stop you in your tracks permanently. There are always detours, no matter how hard they may be to find and follow.

Keep on your own path, and do not worry about what others think of you or how they may perceive your actions.

YOU are your own person, responsible for your own actions, and must behave as such. No one else can change you.

No one can hurt you unless you let them.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable, however, at the same time you must be strong.

Keep up the good fight.

There are two wolves inside you, wrestling for control.

Which side will you succumb to?

'The light shines through even the darkest night.'

'Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.'

[edit on 11/30/2007 by biggie smalls]

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